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AES School for Girls Final Term Examination’23 Class IV Subject: English

Room #: _____

Roll #: _______

AES School for Girls

Final Term Examination May 2023
Class Four Sec: ____

Candidate’s Name: ____________________________________

Subject: English Maximum Marks: 100

Date: Tuesday,9th May’23 Time: 2 Hour 30 Mins.

Kindly read all the instructions carefully before answering.

⮚ Write your Name & Section in the space provided above.

⮚ Answer as per instructions.

⮚ Write your answers in the spaces provided in the question paper.

⮚ Do not highlight the answer/question by using colour pencils.

…………………………..Do not write below this line…...………………………

For Examiner’s use only:

Marks Distribution
Term Marks /30
Exam Marks /70
Total Marks /100
Percentage %

Invigilator’s Name:______________________

Checker’s Signature: ____________ Re-Checker’s Signature: _________________

This question paper consists 1 of 9 printed pages

AES School for Girls Final Term Examination’23 Class IV Subject: English

Paper- I [Marks: /20]

Q1: Fill in the blanks with appropriate relative pronoun
(which, whose, who, whom). (1)

i. This is the lady_________ is the owner of the shop.

ii. The dog ________________ owner lives next door is sick.
iii. The shoes ___________ I bought yesterday are very comfortable.
iv. To ________________does this bike belong?
Q2: Use the correct preposition of direction to complete the sentences.
Use each preposition once. (1)
from to left at towards opposite across down

i. Jake sat _________ to Claire at a restaurant.

ii. Does he want to come______________the park with us?
iii. Has the train started traveling ___________________scotland to
iv. Our pet dog ran_______________ us as soon as we arrived home after
2 weeks.
Q3: Your brother is not feeling well. Write 2 advices
you would like to give him so that he gets good health. (2)

i. _______________________________________________________
ii. _______________________________________________________

Q4: Write 2 phrases about weather nowadays. (2)

Q5: Fill in the table with correct countable or uncountable nouns. (2)
chocolates insects nature sand
information mango seed stones gas

Countable Uncountable

This question paper consists 2 of 9 printed pages

AES School for Girls Final Term Examination’23 Class IV Subject: English

Q6: Use should, should not, must or must not to complete the
sentences. Use each modal verb once. (1)
i. I told her that he ___________wear a helmet.
ii. Children_____________ go in a stranger’s car. It’s very dangerous.
iii. She is having a really high fever. You _____________ take her to the doctor.
iv. You ___________eat too much sugar.

Q7: Complete the following sentences using correct connective.

Use each connective once. (2)
because so and but

i. Rachel plays the piano ____________sings.

ii. She is 83 years old __________still goes swimming every day.
iii. It was raining outside,______________my clothes got wet.
iv. I didn’t go to school yesterday_______ I was having a fever.
Q8: Use the most suitable adjective to complete the sentences. (1)

old angry nervous poor sad tired rich

i. I got ___________ after working so much.

ii. People who play the lottery might get ___________.
iii. She got deeply ___________when her husband passed away.
iv. The manager got ___________with the employee who didn't finish work on
Q9: Use the correct quantifiers to complete the sentences. (1)

i. Can you bring soda to the picnic? I don't have _____ (some / any).
ii. I think I've got _____ (some / any) water in my bottle.
iii. There are _____ (a lot of / much) oranges to make orange juice.
iv. We have _____ (little / few) milk left in the fridge.
Q10: Do as directed. (4)
i. The children grow up quickly. (change into present continuous)

ii. Alice is washing her clothes. (change into past continuous)

This question paper consists 3 of 9 printed pages

AES School for Girls Final Term Examination’23 Class IV Subject: English

iii. He wrote three books. (change into present perfect)

iv. They like to study together. (change into past perfect)

Q11: Make sentences using ‘like’. (2)

i. __________________________________________________
ii. __________________________________________________

Paper - II [Marks: /50]

Composition (20)

Q1: Write a poem on any vegetable.(4 Lines) (4)

Q2: Write an article on your favorite place to visit. (5)

Q3: Write a blog post about Eid. (6)

Q4: Make notes about Eid Preparation. (5)

This question paper consists 4 of 9 printed pages

AES School for Girls Final Term Examination’23 Class IV Subject: English

Comprehension (20)
Q1: Read the passage and answer the questions.
The First Day
Here we go again, I thought, the first day of fourth grade. I always got a
little nervous on the first day of school. I knew a lot of the other kids who
would be in my class, and I had heard that the teacher was nice. There
would still be a lot of new things, though. We would have new rules and

new routines. We would have new information to learn in all of the

subject areas. There would also be some new things that I wouldn’t
expect, like maybe they moved the classes to different hallways. It was
exciting, too, but that didn’t mean I wasn’t anxious. We lined up outside,
and for the first week the teachers held up signs with their names to help
us find the right spot to line up. I knew where the fourth graders lined up,
and quickly spotted the name “Mrs. Richardson” on one of the signs. She
would be my new teacher for the year. As I got in line, I said hello to the
friends I hadn’t seen all summer. Mrs. Richardson walked down the line,
introducing herself to her new students. She stuck out her hand and said,

“Hi, I’m Mrs. Richardson. What’s your name?” “Allison,” I answered, and
shook her hand. “It’s nice to meet you, Allison. How was your summer?”
“It was good. I got to go to the pool a lot,” I said. “That’s great, Allison.
Thanks for speaking in complete sentences! That shows me that your
writing is probably very nice,” complimented Mrs. Richardson before she
moved on to the next student. It felt great to be complimented by my new
teacher! As we entered the classroom, Mrs. Richardson showed us
where to put our supplies. Then we gathered on the carpet. “Our class
needs to work together very closely in order to complete the many
exciting projects we’re going to do this year. You’ll be working with each
other frequently, so I want to make sure we’re all on the same page. I
want to know what is important to you, what you value, in your
classroom, teacher, classmates, and yourself. Please take a minute and
think to yourself about your values.” We all sat quietly. Then Mrs.
Richardson gave us a partner, asked us to introduce ourselves to each
other, and asked us to share our thoughts with each other. The ideas my
partner and I came up with were respect, honesty, teamwork, and
fairness. After sharing with our partner, Mrs. Richardson asked two pairs

to work together to decide on three values and write them down. Our
group chose respect, cooperation, and fairness. When the groups were
done, each group had a chance to present their ideas, and we voted on
which three we would use as our classroom values. I liked how we
worked together to choose the values that would guide our classroom!

This question paper consists 5 of 9 printed pages

AES School for Girls Final Term Examination’23 Class IV Subject: English

Q. Choose the correct answers. (1)

i. What is the name of the teacher?
a) Richardson b) Alison
ii. What does frequently mean?
a) sometimes b) often
iii. Alison is in ______ grade.
a) Sixth b) fourth
iv. Which value did the pairs not decide?
a) respect b) dishonesty

Answer each question:

i. Why do you think Alison is a little nervous on her first day? /2

ii. Who was Mrs. Richardson? /1

iii. How did Alison spot Mrs. Richardson? /1

iv. What did Mrs. Richardson compliment Alison? /2

v. What ideas did Alison and her partner come up with? /1

vi. What do you think “value” means?


vii. Write any two values that are not given in the passage? /1.5

viii. How was Mrs. Richardson as a teacher? /1.5

This question paper consists 6 of 9 printed pages

AES School for Girls Final Term Examination’23 Class IV Subject: English

ix. Mark as True or False. (1)

a) The students gathered around a table. ________________
b) Alison already knew a lot of kids in class. ______________
c) Alison hated how everyone worked together. _________________
d) Mrs. Richardson asked two pairs to choose the three values _______
x. Make sentences. (3)
a) nervous______________________________________________
b) partner_______________________________________________
c) respect______________________________________________
xi. Write three Adjectives from the passage (3)
a) _____________
b) _____________
c) ______________
Literature [10]
Q1: Choose the correct answers. (1.5)
i. Who was Akela?
a) pack leader. b) mother wolf
ii. Shere khan was the _____ of the story?
a) villain b) hero
iii. Who wrote this book?
a) Rudyard Kipling b) Enid Blyton
iv. Who dies in The Jungle Book?
a) Shere Khan b) Mowgli
v. What was the name of the snake?
a) Baloo b) Kaa
vi. Mowgli found the red flower in?
a) Boy pot’s b) boy’s bag

Q2: Answer yes or no to the questions below. (1)

i. Does Mowgli choose to run away with the monkeys? _______.
This question paper consists 7 of 9 printed pages
AES School for Girls Final Term Examination’23 Class IV Subject: English

ii. Does Mowgli find the red flower? ________.

iii. Does Bagheera speak for Mowgli at the council rock? _____.
iv. Did the wolves give Mowgli to Shere khan? _______.

Q3: Who said this to whom? (1)

i. “You are too strict.”
________________________ to ________________________

ii. “Give me the man-cub! He does not belong in your pack.”

____________________________ to ______________________
Q4: Read the description of each character and name them. (1)
i. I am a woman who took Mowgli to her house and gave milk and bread.
ii. I came to baloo and bagheera with Mowgli’s message.
Q5: Find the following words before Shere Khan does. (1)

P Q R S T U V W Bagheera
M N C H I L Y M Buldeo







Q6: Write a character sketch of Shere Khan. (3)

This question paper consists 8 of 9 printed pages

AES School for Girls Final Term Examination’23 Class IV Subject: English

Q7: Who was your favorite character in The Jungle Book. Why? (1.5)

This question paper consists 9 of 9 printed pages

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