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Foundation Design Document – OSC

Logistics Material Movement

Dec 2021 (v1.0)

Oilfield Supply Center Ltd. (OSC)

Oracle Consulting Serveries (OCS)
Document Control
Change Record

Date Name Action Version Change Reference

19 Dec 2021 Oracle Consulting Created 1.0 Refined Design and new baseline for
scope based on the discussion and
alignment with OSC


Name Position Confirmation/Signature

Ibrahim Abdulla Al Ali Head Logistics Oilfields Supply Center
Abdul Nasser Ahli IT Manager Oilfields Supply Center
Mohammad Abdulrazzaq Qassim Finance Manager Oilfields Supply Center
Amjad Jabali Project Manager Oilfields Supply Center
Tariq Mahmood Project Team Member Oilfields Supply Center
Ibtsam Khawar Butt Project Team Member Oilfields Supply Center
Naseem Abbas Project Team Member Oilfields Supply Center
Nizar Hamza Al Saabi Project Team Member Oilfields Supply Center
Haris Chempan Mohamed Project Team Member Oilfields Supply Center
Tanveer Alam Project Team Member Oilfields Supply Center
Ashok Babu Meda Project Director Oracle Consulting
Mohamed Mazroua Project Manager Oracle Consulting
Rajeev R Pillai Technical Manager Oracle Consulting
Sriram Ganeshan Cx Lead Oracle Consulting
Osama Aziz Projects Lead Oracle Consulting
Mahmoud Srour SCM Lead Oracle Consulting
Mohamed Ossama Maintenance Lead Oracle Consulting
Table of Content

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Document Control..............................................................................................................................................2
Change Record...........................................................................................................................................2
Glossary of Terms......................................................................................................................................5
Guiding Principles......................................................................................................................................6
Ease of use & Scalability............................................................................................................................6
High Level Solution Design...............................................................................................................................7
MM Contract Logistics Process Flows and Descriptions............................................................................7
Process Flow...........................................................................................................................................7
MM Project Logistics Process Flows and Descriptions..............................................................................9
Process Flow...........................................................................................................................................9
Long term Rentals - Process Flows and Descriptions...............................................................................10
Skip Hiring & Skip Clearance Process:....................................................................................................11
Petty Cash Management:..........................................................................................................................13
Service Logistics – Features and Integrations:..........................................................................................13
Service Logistics - Manage Work Orders and Charges Page....................................................................16
Service Logistics - Estimate Charges.......................................................................................................16
Create and Edit Charges for Work Orders................................................................................................16
Contract Billing & Customer Invoicing Process.......................................................................................17
Manage Field Parts Inventory...................................................................................................................17
Manage Field Service Parts......................................................................................................................17
Manage Trunk Stock................................................................................................................................17
Transfer and Return Field Service Parts...................................................................................................18
Integration Points...................................................................................................................................18
Service Logistics Cloud (OSLC) Integration........................................................................................18

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Oracle Consulting Services | OSC Oracle Fusion Implementation | Jan 2022 | Page 4 | 21
The purpose of this design document is to illustrate how the business requirements from OSC Logistics Material
Movement Department, as captured in the Business Requirements Discussions and Analysis (Oracle_OSC_Logistics -
Foundation Design Document V.3.2) are being fulfilled through the Project Logistics and Service Logistics
processes ,using Oracle modules such as Oracle Fusion Sales & Service, Digital Customer Service, Oracle Field Service,
Oracle Supply Chain Management, Oracle Maintenance Cloud, Oracle Projects and Oracle Financials Cloud. This design
document primarily describes the recommended to-be process, solution models and descriptions and how Oracle modules
will be configured to meet the Material Movement business requirements and the flow of the processes between the
different modules.
This design document covers the following business areas :

1) Contract Logistics
 Manpower Rentals
 Equipment Rentals
 Storage Space Rentals

2) Project Logistics
 Barge/Vessel Loading & Unloading
 Supply Vessel Handling - Import / Export
 Abnormal Jobs
 Rig Movements

3) Other Services
 Skip Hiring and Customer Rentals

4) Financials
 Petty Cash Management
 Inter division settlements between Logistics & Internal Customers

Glossary of Terms
No. Term Description
01 OTM Oracle Transportation Management
02 GTM Global Trade Management
03 KPI Key Performance Indicators
04 OSC Oilfields Supply Center
05 C&F Clearing & Forwarding
06 MM Material Movement
07 LOG Logistics
08 POD Proof of Delivery
09 XML XML File Format
10 HSE Health, Safety, and Environment
11 Oracle-Financial Oracle Financials Cloud
12 SOP Standard Operating Procedures
13 MoE Ministry of Economy
14 AP Accounts Payable
15 AR Accounts Receivables
16 OIC Oracle Integration Cloud

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No. Term Description
17 Workbench Interactive dashboard
18 Events Tracking info for the Shipments
19 CPQ Configure, Price, Quote Cloud Module
20 CUSB Common User Supply Base
21 SR Service Request
22 B2B WO Work Order Linked to the SR

Guiding Principles
The following guiding principles have been applied for the solution design:

Ease of use & Scalability

Solutions are designed considering the user experience and ‘minimal-steps’ policy to fulfill a particular transaction where
possible. Being said this, the use the standard application functionalities with the guiding principle of “Configuration –
Not Customization” for future scalability and roll-out to other regions is paramount.
The primary reasons for this principle are:

 to provide scalability for business to adopt new application features released in future.
 to provide scalability for future business requirements including rollouts to other regions.
 to provide ease of use of the system for the end users.
 to mitigate the risk of high resistance to change from end users.
 to achieve a higher degree of knowledge retention and shorter learning curve.
Reusable Components and Templates
The solution is designed considering the use of reusable components to facilitate future rapid rollouts to new Regions,
business units, operational sites, and business models.
The template approach ensures that common solution elements such as workflows, user screens, menus, and layouts can
be easily re-used with minimal change from a template and modified to meet similar business requirements.

Key Assumptions
The design document is based on the Business Process and Requirements. Refined to-be L2 processes and details are to
be constructed post detailed familarization sessions conducted on new modules introduced within the process, such as
Field Service.
In case the business requirements cannot be met with standard functionalities or workarounds in the system, then
Business Change Management is recommended to adopt the standard features of the system even if its sub-optimal.
Otherwise, customizations / extensions will be required, and, in such scenario, those requirements will be discussed case
to case and will arrive to a conclusion with OSC Logistics & OSC IT on the right approach.
Where there is a change to requirements based on the preference of OSC Logistics that does not arise from a design issue
or flaw, thereby necessitating any redesign of the system, this would constitute a Change Request to be established for
the new requirement from OSC Logistics.
Change request identification will happen at different stages until UAT. When a change is identified, it will go through a
Change Request Management process which will be mutually decided by OSC Logistics, OSC IT and Oracle. The
duration of implementation will depend on the scope of change request. Any change request which will be identified
during the Test Phases shall be assessed based on its business criticality and may be deferred to post go-live if the
implementation takes considerable time, effort, and cost.

The scope of this document covers the following areas and key design decisions:

 Overview

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o System landscape
o High-level process flow
o High-level process description

High Level Solution Design

MM Contract Logistics Process Flows and Descriptions

Process Flow
The diagram below describes the end-to-end process flow for Contract Logistics, where services are delivered based on a
contract with predefined prices.

Process Description
The process described above follows the prebuilt Oracle Service Logistics process. Below are the steps of the Process:
1. Customers would initate the SR from the Customer Portal
2. The Requests Create an SR on the Fusion Service module.
3. The SR is assigned to the respective Departments.
4. The Department Assignees can now create a Generic B2B Workorder or a Field Service Workorder depending
on whether field service operations are required or not.
5. The Parts required for the Work order and the Asset to be used for the Work Order can be assiend on the B2B
Work order screen.
6. If Field Service operations are required, the system automatically creates a Field Service Activity.
7. The Activites will also have the parts and resources (Assets) assigned in the previous step on the B2B Work
8. The Field Service Activities are then scheduled by the supervisor based on availability of technicians.

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9. The Technicians use the mobile app for Field Service to initiate the activity, record parts used and capture the
signature of the customer on the mobile app on completion of the job.
10. On Completion the technician would also fill in the debrief which contains information on the hours consumed,
expenses if any and parts used.
11. The Debrief is posted to the Service Logistics Supervisor screen automatically through the default integration
between Field Service and the Service Logistics Module.
12. The Supervisor can use the Service Logistics screen to review the charges for the service delivered and post
charges. The standard charges for the services would be available from the Price book defined under Order
13. On Posting of the charges, for categories of services that require cost capture the system would automatically
create a maintenance workorder to consume the inventory and record costs.
14. The Maintenance work order can be linked to the Project linked to the customer to accumulate costs against a
single project.
15. The charges are posted automatically to the Contract associated to the CUSB customer to create billing event.
16. The Billing events are reviewed and posted to create AR invoice.

MM Project Logistics Process Flows and Descriptions

Process Flow
The diagram below describes the end-to-end process flow for Project Logistics, where services are delivered based on a
quotation and project execution.

Process Description
The process described above follows the prebuilt Oracle Service Logistics process. Below are the steps of the Process:
1. Customers would initate the SR from the Customer Portal
2. The Requests Create an SR on the Fusion Service module.
3. The SR is assigned to the respective Departments.
4. The respective Department Assignees can review and the request and manually create a quote on CPQ from the
Quotes and Orders section for the Customer Account screen.
5. The quote can be generated by adding service lines in the quote and amending the price and quantity as
necessary. The Prices for the Services would be derived from the Pricing Cloud using the standard integration.

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6. The quote would also have an approval process to review the pricing and the proposal and post approval, the
proposal can be shared with the customer on the SR manually.
7. Once the customer has reviewed and approved the proposal by replying to the SR on the customer portal the
price and the quote are deemed accepted.
8. The Department Assignee would now go to the quote and convert the quote to create a project and a contract.
9. The integration would automatically create a draft contract and project with tasks and budget.
10. The Department Assignees can now create a Generic B2B Workorder or a Field Service Workorder depending
on whether field service operations are required or not from within the Project screen.
11. The B2B workorder created from the project would be linked to the original SR and also contain the project
related information such as project number, contract number.
12. The Parts required for the Work order and the Asset to be used for the Work Order can be assiend on the B2B
Work order screen.
13. If Field Service operations are required, the system automatically creates a Field Service Activity.
14. The Activites will also have the parts and resources (Assets) assigned in the previous step on the B2B Work
15. The Field Service Activities are then scheduled by the supervisor based on availability of technicians.
16. The Technicians use the mobile app for Field Service to initiate the activity, record parts used and capture the
signature of the customer on the mobile app on completion of the job.
17. On Completion the technician would also fill in the debrief which contains information on the hours consumed,
expenses if any and parts used.
18. The Debrief is posted to the Service Logistics Supervisor screen automatically through the default integration
between Field Service and the Service Logistics Module.
19. The Supervisor can use the Service Logistics screen to review the charges for the service delivered and post
20. On Posting of the charges, for categories of services that require cost capture the system would automatically
create a maintenance workorder to consume the inventory and record costs.
21. The Maintenance work order can be linked to the Project linked to the customer to accumulate costs against a
single project.
22. The actuals are reviewed and validated within the project against the initial budget and posted for invoice

Long term Rentals - Process Flows and Descriptions

The diagram below describes the end-to-end process flow for Long term rentals, where equipment, manpower or storage
spaces are leased out long term.

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Process Description
The process described above follows the Property Leasing Extension. Below are the steps of the Process:
1. Customers would initate the SR from the Customer Portal
2. The Requests Create an SR on the Fusion Service module.
3. The SR is assigned to the respective Departments.
4. The respective Department Assignees can review and the request and manually create a quote on CPQ from the
Quotes and Orders section for the Customer Account screen.
5. The quote can be generated by adding service lines in the quote and amending the price and quantity as
necessary. The prices for the property or equipment to be leased are defined within the Property leasing
extension and derived within CPQ from the Property leasing extension.
6. The quote would also have an approval process to review the pricing and the proposal and post approval, the
proposal can be shared with the customer on the SR manually.
7. Once the customer has reviewed and approved the proposal by replying to the SR on the customer portal the
price and the quote are deemed accepted.
8. The Department Assignee would now go to the quote and convert the quote to create a project and a contract.
9. The integration would automatically create a draft contract.
10. The Draft contract is reviewed and activated in the property leasing extension
11. The property leasing extension generates periodic billing and customer invoicing. The Detailed process is
elaborated within the CUSB Foundation Design Document.

Skip Hiring & Skip Clearance Process:

The diagram below describes the end-to-end process flow for skip hiring and clearance.

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The process described above follows the Property Leasing Extension. Below are the steps of the Process:
1. Customers would initate the SR from the Customer Portal.
2. The Requests Create an SR on the Fusion Service module.
3. The SR is assigned to the respective Departments.
4. Respective department will raise a purchase requisition from IMDAAD as a supplier.
5. PR is then processed to purchase order by the OSC shared procurement team.
6. Respective department receive the Skips.
7. Financial Deparmtent create lease agreement and define assets.
8. Generate AP invoice for IMDAAD and pay them.

Process Description

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To be updated by Refaat

Process Description
Skip clearance operation covers services related to routing clearance of Skip by coordinating with Imdaad that the
customers’ request through CUSB portal SR process by selecting from the Service Catalog (Skip Clearance). OSC
Logistics MM department will review this request from customer and MM user will create the Order Release in OTM
manually through user interface.
Skip hiring request from customer will have information on the size of the skip required, and duration. This information
will be available in the Order Release. MM department will coordinate with Imdaad for clearance of the skip.
A Job record will be created for the Order Release, which will always be linked the Order Release and related
transactional objects like shipments, invoice, bill etc.
The buy shipments will be created for Skip clearance request with Imdaad as the Service Provider. The cost and related
information will be available in the Buy Shipment.
Coordination with Imdaad can be done through the Buy Shipment for Skip Clearance. When a Buy Shipment is created
for skip clearing, notifications can be sent to Imdaad about the work. Alternatively, Imdaad will be provided with access
to Logistics system to access the work requests from OSC and both OSC and Imdaad can keep track of activities through
the Buy Shipments. Its not feasible to integrate the OTM application with Imdaad system due to readiness on Imdaad
side and this integration is descoped.
Shipment Events can be added to the Order Release, which will indicate the status of activity for visibility and process
management. While adding events to the Order Release, users can enter the location, time and additional information of
the events. Cost calculations can be done on Buy Shipment based on this information as well. Payments to Imdaad will
be handled through the Buy Shipment – OTM Invoice which is interfaced to Fusion Account Payables once approved.
If the MM department require any coordination with other OSC HSE departments for service execution for hazardous
materials handling, notifications can be sent to them from the Order Release. The events related to their activities can
also be captured at the Order Level.

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Based on the agreed rate and billing frequency, MM User can create a Sell Shipment from Order Release to initiate the
customer billing. The Sell Shipment will contain the key information from Order Release and selected event statuses
from the operations for reference, Charges to be billed to the customer, and service provider as OSC. Any costs (either
as-is or with a margin) that need to be charged to customer, will be added to the sell shipment by the user manually.
When the Sell shipment is updated with all charges to be billed, it can be reviewed and finalized by the MM User. Once
the sell shipment is finalized by the OSC User, Customer Bill can be generated to bill the customer. Customer user can
review and confirm the charges and references by approving the Customer Bill through the system and this will avoid
any disputes during billing. Every Bill created in the system will contain key information from Sell Shipment and Charge
details and it will go through 2 level review and approval process within OSC.
Once the Bill is approved from the MM department, the Bill data will be transmitted to Finance System (Accounts
Receivables) electronically and creates Account Receivable Invoice. Based on the Bill data, Finance department will
facilitate the receivables process and once the customer is paid against the Bill, a Receipt shall be created in Fusion
Financials and will be applied against the AR invoices. Once the AR invoice is fully applied, the receipt information will
be interfaced to OTM System electronically. Finance department will be given access to Logistics system to refer the Bill
and supporting details once the Bill data is transmitted to them.
To facilitate the Payments for the routine clearance services availed from Imdaad, MM Users can create Payment Invoice
from the corresponding Buy Shipments. The costs calculated on the Buy Shipments can be based on the agreed rates with
them . When a Payment Invoice is created from a Buy Shipment, all the charges to be paid to the service provider will be
applied to the Payment Invoice. Any adjustments required can be done on the Buy Shipment and Payment Invoice by the
MM user manually.
Once the Payment Invoice is created with all payable charges, it can be reviewed by the MM user and approved by the
Logistics Manager User. When the Manager user Approve the Payment Invoice, a Voucher will be created to transmit the
Invoice data to Finance System (Accounts Payables) electronically which create Accounts Payable Invoice. Based on the
AP Invoice, Finance department will facilitate the payment process and once the payments are applied fully against AP
invoices in Financial system, it will send the Payment Confirmation to Logistics System electronically through a batch
job scheduled daily once. Finance department will be given access to Logistics system to refer the Payment Invoice and
supporting details once the Voucher data is transmitted to them.
With all the cost and revenue information from Buy Shipment and Sell Shipment, OSC users can review the profitability
of every Skip Clearance Order. Cost Allocation configuration will ensure that the cost and revenue information from Buy
and Sell side are proportionately allocated to the Order Release. Alternatively, this will be provided through a BIP report.

Petty Cash Management:

The diagram below describes the end-to-end process for petty cash management:

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Process Description
To be updated by Refaat

Internal Customer Accounting Process:

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Process Description
To be updated by Refaat

Service Logistics – Features and Integrations:

Oracle Service Logistics Cloud connects with Oracle CX and Oracle Field Service Cloud solutions to enable end to end
service logistics management business processes that connect service request and field service dispatch flows to the
supply chain.
Customers login through the Digital Customer Service Portal. The Customer Portal is only available for the Common
User Supply Base customers and their designated employees.
The initial onboading process for CUSB customers and registration process is covered under the Foundation Design for
CX Sales & Customer Onboading document.
Once the onboarding and registration process is completed, From the customer portal CUSB customers would be able to
perform the following functions:
1. Raise New Service Requests, by choosing the categories – Mateiral Movement, Facilities, Security, EHS,
Personnel Services & Workshop.
2. Within the Service Request Categories, they would be able to select from a predefined list of services provided
by the respective departments.
3. Once they have chosen a category and a service, they can fill up description of their request and submit the
request. On Creation they would also be able to add attachments to the requests.
4. The requests are submitted to the Sales and Service Cloud engine, that then automatically assigns the request to
a queue – Facilities, Material Movement department, Personnel, Security and EHS & Workshop.
5. Respective department representatives would be notified of creation of a new request through email. They
would also be able to review incoming requests through a dashboard on Sales and Service Cloud.
6. The respective department representatives can create a Generic B2B Work Order or a Field Service Work Order,
and link it to the Service Request.
7. The respective departments can work on the requests, request for further information from within the SR screen.
8. Any updates to the service requests from the customer or the respective departments updated on real time basis
between the customer portal and the back end Service application.
B2B Work Orders are created in Oracle Engagement Cloud and Oracle Field Service Cloud. Technicians use Oracle
Field Service Cloud to schedule their visit and execute the repair work.
Oracle Service Logistics Cloud integrates with Oracle Field Service Cloud for enhanced field service and mobile field
service capabilities. This integration synchronizes field service technicians, their stocking locations, and corresponding
inventory balances with Oracle Field Service Cloud.
It allows field service technicians to search for parts in the Supply Chain Management Cloud and create transfer orders
requesting for these parts. When a work order requires parts to resolve the problem, technician can easily record the
required parts, determine the availability dates for those parts from a variety of sources, and then order those parts for the
work order. Parts can then be shipped to a technician to perform the work. Technicians can also initiate a Return Material
Authorization and communicate return instructions to the customer.
On completing a B2B work order, field service technicians use the field service cloud user interface on their mobile
devices to report on the labour hours, parts used or recovered, and any expenses incurred on the activities assigned to
them. These debrief transactions will be against B2B work orders. The integration also pushes the debrief lines created
by field service technicians to Service Logistics user interface where field service administrators can review, edit, and
post charges to create a Billing event and invoice.
Service Logistics enables the following:
 Source and order parts required to complete a service request / work order as well as replenish field service
stocking locations.
 Receive parts shipped to field service technicians and other stocking locations.

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 Analyze stocking levels of various parts in the usable and defective sub inventories assigned to field service
 Transfer parts to various stocking locations.
 Return defective and unused or excess parts to the central or regional warehouse.
 Define return routing rules that will be used to route customer and field service parts returns automatically to the
appropriate warehouse or repair location.
 Estimate charges for work orders before a service is performed and provide the cost estimate to customers.
 Create and edit debrief lines adjust prices and post charges.
 Review charges adjust prices and post charges for Oracle Engagement Cloud and third-party work orders.

This section explains the interaction and dependencies of Oracle Service Logistics Cloud with Sales and Service Cloud,
Field Service, Projects, Contract and other Supply Chain Management Cloud applications.
Oracle Service Logistics Cloud references the following supply chain management cloud applications:
 Global Order Promising Cloud to find parts, determine shipping method/carrier and calculate arrival date
 Pricing Cloud for service parts price list and pricing strategy
 Order Management Cloud to drive parts shipping and billing and to determine the order orchestration process
 Product Management Cloud to set up item master and inventory sources
 Inventory for creating transfer orders, receiving returns and tracking parts. Service supply chain inventory
organizations and subinventories must also be set up prior to using Service Logistics.
 Project and Contract to create billing events
 Project to post costs related to the maintenance Work Order.
As a Service Logistics user, you can order and return service parts using the Part Details tab on the Engagement Cloud
Service Request and Work Order pages. You must have the required roles and privileges to create part orders in the
Engagement Cloud user interface. You must enable these features at the service offering.
Oracle Service Logistics Cloud references the Field Service Cloud for enhanced field service and mobile field service
 Synchronizes field service technicians, their stocking locations, and corresponding inventory balances to Oracle
Field Service Cloud.
 Allows field service technicians to search for parts in the Supply Chain Management Cloud and create transfer
orders requesting for these parts.
 Pushes the debrief lines created by field service technicians to the Service Logistics user interface where field
service administrators can review, edit, and post charges.

Overview of Service Charges and Billing

On completing a work order, field service technicians use the field service cloud user interface on their mobile devices to
report on the labour hours, parts used or recovered, and any expenses incurred on the activities assigned to them. These
debrief transactions can be against Engagement Cloud work orders or third party work orders. When the technicians'
change the status of the activity to completed, these debrief transactions are uploaded from Oracle Field Service Cloud to
Oracle Service Logistics leveraging native integration.
The field service administrators review the debrief transactions; add or update the debrief information and post the
charges. The price of the parts used, and labour hours spent is derived from a price list set up in Oracle Pricing Cloud.
When there is a discrepancy between the price that the customer was promised, and the price set up in Oracle Pricing
Cloud, one can manually adjust the price in the Edit Charges page to match the promised price. This ensures that the
customer is charged accurately for the service when the debrief transactions are posted.

Service Logistics Landing Page

Service Logistic administrators use the Service Logistics landing page to view key metrics on service charges and
inbound transfer orders. These statistics provide the administrator with data to drive on-time delivery of parts to field
service technicians and manage service charges.
Key Task Description

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1 View simple statistics on field service debrief, such as the number of debrief headers that are
in status New and the number of debrief headers with status Error. This infolet is filtered
based on work area. Click on the number to go to the Manage Work Orders and Charges
page and see a list of the work orders with debrief headers in that status.
2 See the total value of service charges for debrief lines that are new or in the status Error. This
infolet is filtered based on work area. Click on any of the bars to go to the Manage Work
Orders and Charges page and see the list of the work orders with debrief headers in that
3 View a list of work orders sorted in descending order of the total charge amount. The infolet
displays the top 15 work orders and is filtered by work area. Click on any one of the work
order numbers to go to the Edit Charges page for that work order.
4 View statistics on inbound transfer orders based on status, for example, the number of orders
that are shipped and the number that aren't shipped. Also, the number of orders that are
shipped but delayed and those that aren't shipped and delayed. This infolet is filtered based
on the inventory organization.
5 Hide the infolet from view. To display the infolet again, click on the My Infolets icon and
select the tile heading from the list.
6 View By icon. Click to choose either a work area or inventory organization or both. This will
refresh the screen and filter the data based on your selection.
7 My Infolets icon. Click to display the list of infolets on this page. Here you choose which
infolets you want displayed. If you have hidden an infolet from view, you can select it here
and bring it back to view.
8 Tasks icon. Click to display the slide out panel that enables you to navigate to frequently
performed activities. For example, to go to the Manage Work Orders and Charges page or
Receive Parts page or the Manage Field Parts Inventory page and so on.

Service Logistics - Manage Work Orders and Charges Page

Use the Manage Work Orders and Charges UI to view a list of work orders that have been debriefed or will be debriefed.
This displays the following data:
 A list of all the work orders created in Oracle Engagement Cloud.
 A list of all the third party work orders.
 Work order details and debrief status.
 A filter region to narrow the list of work orders and debrief transactions.

Service Logistics - Estimate Charges

Service Logistics enables you to provide your customers with a cost estimate for the work order before the field service
technician performs the service. You can estimate costs for variable charges such as labour, material, and expenses. You
can also provide an estimate for fixed charges, for example a cleaning fee. An estimate of the work order cost helps the
customer to decide if they want to proceed with repairing the defective product or asset. When the customer approves the
estimated cost, the work order is carried out. When the work order is completed, the field service technician will create
the debrief. The field service administrator will then review the debrief and post the charges to generate the customer
You can estimate charges for Engagement Cloud work orders as well as third-party work orders.

Create and Edit Charges for Work Orders

Create and adjust charges by entering / updating labour, parts, and other expenses debrief. Debrief transactions created in
Oracle Field Service Cloud for Engagement Cloud work orders are automatically transferred to Service Logistics Cloud
via web services.
When charges are posted, the cost of the service is captured, and a sales invoice is generated for the customer. The
inventory balance is also adjusted based on the parts used or returned and the customer's asset configuration is updated.

Contract Billing & Customer Invoicing Process

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Manage Field Parts Inventory
Manage Field Service Parts
Field Service Parts inventory management provides the ability to manage field parts in manned, unmanned and site
dedicated parts stocking locations, as well as in technician trunk stocking locations. Functionality includes parts
receiving, transfer and returns.
The key business value is
 Real time information on availability of parts in field and technician trunk stocking locations
 Help service administrators better manage parts replenishment
 Easy transfer of parts between technician trunk stock locations and local stock rooms keeping inventory accurate

Manage Trunk Stock

Field Administrators and Technicians can manage technician trunk stock inventory as well as local and site dedicated
stocking locations. Field Administrators and Technicians can transfer parts to other technicians, local stockrooms, and
return parts to the central warehouse even if they are in different Inventory Organizations. The Inventory Balances and
Serial Numbers are available by the Sub inventory and can also be viewed by Technician and Inventory Organization. It
is also possible to focus on just the Item/Part or even by Serial Numbers.
Three transactions types can be performed i.e.:
Receive, and
Replenish part

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Transfer and Return Field Service Parts
To transfer parts to another stocking location:
 Search for the item or part that you want to transfer. If transferring from a technician's trunk stock, specify the
technician name. This can be done for serialised or non-serialised items or parts.
 Initiate the parts transfer.
To return defective, unused, and excess parts to the appropriate warehouse, refer ‘Error: Reference source not found

Integration Points
Service Logistics Cloud (OSLC) Integration
Service Logistics Cloud provides the following key integrations to support process flows between the following Oracle
Cloud modules:
Field Service Cloud Parts and Debrief Integration:
This capability in Service Logistics Cloud provides integration between Oracle Supply Chain Cloud and Oracle Field
Service Cloud so users can leverage the Field Service Cloud's scheduling and mobile field service capabilities to support
field service processes. 
 This integration enables field technicians using Oracle Field Service Cloud to order and receive parts from the
Supply Chain Cloud as well as upload parts, labour and expense debrief transactions back to the Supply Chain
Cloud for billing, costing, and updating inventory and the installed base asset configuration. The integrations
between OEC, OFSC and OSLC is done through Oracle Integration Cloud.
 Part Item Master

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Field technicians need parts information to help decide what parts should be used to fix the customer's issue and,
of course, to order replacement parts.  A batch program has been created to load items from the Oracle Product
Hub to the Oracle Field Service Cloud using Oracle Integration Cloud.
 Find Parts and Create Parts Orders
This feature allows a field technician using Field Service Cloud to create part requirements, find the required
parts in the spare parts supply chain, and create part transfer orders.  Service Logistics has created a new REST
service to create part requirements and call Global Order Promising Cloud to find them in the parts supply
chain.  An existing Inventory REST Service is then used to create parts transfer orders via an Inventory Supply
 Parts Order Status
This feature allows a field technician using the Oracle Field Service Cloud to see the status (awaiting shipment,
shipped, received, backordered, etc.) of inbound part transfer orders.  Whenever a transfer order is updated in
Oracle Inventory Cloud, an event is created which Oracle Integration Cloud uses to update transfer order line
status in Field Service Cloud.
 Receive Parts Orders
This feature allows a field technician using Field Service Cloud to record the receipt of parts, so they can then
be used in parts debrief transactions.  This integration leverages an existing Inventory REST Service to receive
parts transfer orders.
 Create Debrief Transactions
Field technicians can debrief parts, labour, and expenses against Engagement Cloud work orders in Field
Service Cloud. These debrief transactions are automatically created in Service Logistics and are visible in the
Edit Charges UI. Field Service Administrators can review these debrief transactions, make adjustments and any
corrections and post them. Posting debrief transactions generates a customer invoice for billing, adjusts
inventory balances, updates customer's asset configuration, and captures cost of service.

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