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Balance Check's Largest List of ADD / ADHD /

AD/HD Books A-Z: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity

The books on this page are those that show up in searches for ADD / ADHD Books.
This list is not a complete listing of all books on ADD / ADHD. Some of the
professional-level books are not listed. Most out-of-print books are not listed Also,
there are some videotapes and some audio cassettes listed. That a book is listed here
does not mean that I recommend it. I generally do not list books that were copyrighted
before1991 because of the advances in research since then. If there is one you think
should be listed, please let me know.
-- Balance Check.

Most of these should be available at your local library or bookstore. If not, you can
order them here (through, often at substantial discounts. Listings that
have availability information are links directly to the information page on
Other links are to description pages on this site

At the bottom of this page is a form that you can use to be notified as I
add books or make changes.

New Book: ADD & Romance: Finding

Fulfillment in Love, Sex & Relationships, by
Jonathan Scott Havestadt, I first heard Jon at the
NADDA conference in May, 1997. I've been
looking forward to this book. - Balance Check


* Notes:
Throughout this page, when I refer to ADD I mean both with and
  without hyperactivity.
Some of the links here take you to more information on this page.
Others take you to other longer pages on this site. Still others take
you directly to the descriptions at These will change
Back to Links Pages
until eventually most will refer you to other pages on this site where
  you can learn more about the books. Any prices marked are list
approximations, if they are wrong, please let me know! (Links that
Balance say take you to information about ordering the book from
Check Books the UK version of


Top of Page (see note on alphabetical strategy)(ADD)

  1. 1-2-3 Magic: Effective Discipline for Children 2-12 Behavior

problems are something most consider the hallmark of the ADHD
Five child. One of the best books I've seen in this area, one that parents I
Essential Books know swear by, is "1-2-3 Magic: Effective Discipline for Children 2-
About ADD and 12" by Thomas W. Phelan. It is also available in audio, video, and
ADHD Spanish language versions.
2. 10 Helpful Tips for Hyperactive Teens - Jr, Sr High / VHS Tape /
  Published 1995
Amazon Price: $89.99 (Special Order) 
Balance Check's 3. 20 Helpful Tips for Hyperactive Kids - Grades K-6 / VHS Tape /
Library of Published 1996

   RENAMED BOOKS: (Note: the titles of many of the following books

have been altered to make the first "word" ADD. It may actually be
"Attention Deficit Disorder", "Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder",
A "ADHD", or "A.D.D." This is done because I often forget which it was in
looking for a book and I assume that some others may have the same
ADD problem. The same books follow in proper alphabetical order with their
real titles. I hope this gives more help than confusion.) Click here to skip
BCD the renamed books section.

1. ADD : A Clinical Workbook

E F G  Russell A. Barkley / Hardcover / Published 1998 AmazonUK - (1991
HIJ 2. ADD: A Different Perception: a Hunter in a Farmer's World by
Thom Hartmann
3. ADD Assessment and Teaching by Lerner, Lowenstein & Lerner
K LM 4. ADD Behavior-Change Resource Kit : Ready-To-Use Strategies
& Activities for Helping Children With Attention Deficit Disorder
NOP by Grad L., Ph.D. Flick / Paperback / Published 1998
5. ADD Checklist by Sandra F. Rief / Paperback / Published 1998
QRS 6. ADD & Creativity: Tapping Your Inner Muse Lynn Weiss /
Paperback / $12.95
7. ADD and the College Student: A Guide for High School and
TUV College Students with Attention Deficit Disorder by Patricia O.
Quinn, M.D
WX 8. ADD & Romance: Finding Fulfillment in Love, Sex &
Relationships, by Jonathan Scott Havestadt, Taylor Press /
Paperback / Published 1999
YZ 9. The ADD Book : New Understandings, New Approaches to
Parenting Your Child by William Sears and Lynda Thompson
  (hardcover) (paperback edition also available).
10. The ADD/ADHD Checklist : An Easy Reference for Parents and
  Teachers by Sandra Rief
11. ADD : Diagnosis and Treatment from Infancy to Adulthood (Basic
Principles into Practice Series, Volume 13) by Patricia O. Quinn,
12. ADD: the Facts ... the Fables ... Hope For Your Family by Theresa
Lamson / Paperback / Published 1996
13. ADD Hyperactivity Workbook for Parents, Teachers, and Kids
by Harvey C. Parker / Paperback / Published 1996
14. ADD Hyperactivity Handbook for Schools : Effective Strategies
  for Identifying and Teaching ADD Students in Elementary and
Secondary Schools by Harvey C. Parker / Paperback / Published
15. ADD in Adults: Practical Help and Understanding by Lynn Weiss -
Available in hardcover ($19.95) and paperback ($12.95) -
Back to Links Pages Workbook
16. ADD in Children : A Medication Guide by M.L.S. J. Jay
  Fruehling, et al / Paperback / Published 1997
Our Price: $4.50 + $2.50 special surcharge (Special Order)
Balance 17. ADD In the Schools : (Guilford School Practitioner Series) by
Check Books Dupaul and Stoner
18. ADD on the Job: Making Your A.D.D. Work for You by Lynn Weiss
  - paperback
19. ADD : A Path to Success by Lawrence Weathers, Kelsey Loughlin
Top of Page (Photographer) / Paperback / Published 1998
20. ADD: Practical Coping Methods by Barbara C. Fisher (Nov. 1998)
  CRC Press, $29.95 AmazonUK
21. ADD Success Stories: A Guide to Fulfillment for Families with
Five Attention Deficit Disorder Thom Hartmann, John J. Ratey /
Essential Books Hardcover / $24.95 / Paperback / $11.95
About ADD and 22. ADD : What Every Parent Wants to Know by David L., Ph.D.
ADHD Wodrich, David L. Wodrich / Paperback / Published 1994

Balance Check's
Library of
  1. The A.D.D. Hyperactivity Workbook for Parents, Teachers, and
Kids by Harvey C. Parker / Paperback / Published 1996
2. A.D.D. in Adults Workbook by Lynn Weiss - paperback
  3. A.D.D. on the Job: Making Your A.D.D. Work for You by Lynn
Weiss - paperback
4. ADD / ADHD Behavior-Change Resource Kit : Ready-To-Use
Back to Links Pages Strategies & Activities for Helping Children With Attention Deficit
Disorder by Grad L. Flick, Ph.D. / Paperback / Published 1998
  5. The ADD / ADHD Checklist by Sandra F. Rief / Paperback /
Published 1998
Balance 6. ADD and the College Student: A Guide for High School and
Check Books College Students with Attention Deficit Disorder by Patricia O.
Quinn, M.D.
  7. ADD & Creativity: Tapping Your Inner Muse Lynn Weiss /
Paperback / $12.95
Top of Page 8. ADD & Romance: Finding Fulfillment in Love, Sex &
Relationships, by Jonathan Scott Havestadt, Taylor Press /
  Paperback / Published 1999
9. The ADD Book : New Understandings, New Approaches to
Five Parenting Your Child by William Sears and Lynda Thompson
Essential Books (hardcover) (paperback edition also available)
About ADD and 10. ADD: the Facts ... the Fables ... Hope For Your Family by Theresa
ADHD Lamson / Paperback / Published 1996
11. The ADD Hyperactivity Handbook for Schools : Effective
  Strategies for Identifying and Teaching ADD Students in Elementary
Balance Check's and Secondary Schools by Harvey C. Parker / Paperback / Published
Library of 1992
ADD/ADHD Books 12. ADD in the Workplace: Choices, Changes and Challenges by
Kathleen G. Nadeau, Ph.D.
   13. ADD Success Stories: A Guide to Fulfillment for Families with
Attention Deficit Disorder Thom Hartmann, John J. Ratey /
Hardcover / $24.95 / Paperback / $11.95
A 14. ADD: the Facts ... the Fables ... Hope For Your Family by Theresa
Lamson / Paperback / Published 1996
ADD 15. The ADDed Dimension Kate Kelly, Peggy Ramundo, Steven
Ledingham, Thom Hartmann (forward) / Hardcover / $20.00 list /
BCD Paperback / $10.00 list
16. ADHD : A Path to Success by Lawrence Weathers, Kelsey
Loughlin (Photographer) / Paperback / Published 1998
EFG 17. ADHD In the Schools : (Guilford School Practitioner Series) by
Dupaul and Stoner
HIJ 18. Adolescents and ADD : Gaining the Advantage by Patricia O.
Quinn, M.D., 1995, paperback
19. Adult A.D.D.: A Reader Friendly Guide to Identifying,
K LM Understanding, and Treating Adult Attention Deficit Disorder by
Thomas A. Whiteman, Ph.D., Michele Novotni, PhD., with Randy
NOP Petersen / Paperback
20. Adult ADD: The Complete Handbook : Everything You Need to
QRS Know About How to Cope and Live Well With ADD/ADHD by David
B. Sudderth, M.D. and Joseph Kandel, M.D.
21. Adventures in Fast Forward: Life, Love and Work for the ADD
TUV Adult by Kathleen G. Nadeau, Ph.D.
22. All About ADHD : The Complete Practical Guide for Classroom
WX Teachers (Teaching Strategies) by Linda Pfiffner / Paperback /
Published 1996 
23. Answers to Distraction: The authors of Driven to Distraction
YZ answer the most frequently asked questions about Attention Deficit
Disorder - Hallowell & Ratey - Short questions and answers
organized in themes or topics. Easy to pick up and read a little, put
down, and come back later. Answers easy to find.
24. The Attention Deficit Answer Book : The Best Medications and
Parenting Strategies for Your Child by Alan Wachtel and Michael
  Boyette / Published 1998
25. Attention Deficit Disorder and Learning Disabilities : Reality,
Myths, and Controversial Treatments by Ingersoll and Goldstein,
26. Attention Deficit Disorder Assessment and Teaching by Lerner,
  Lowenstein & Lerner
27. Attention Deficit Disorder : Diagnosis and Treatment from Infancy
to Adulthood (Basic Principles into Practice Series, Volume 13) by
Patricia O. Quinn, M.D.
28. Attention Deficit Disorder: A Different Perception: a Hunter in a
  Farmer's World by Thom Hartmann
29. Attention Deficit Disorder: Practical Coping Methods by Barbara
Back to Links Pages C. Fisher (Nov. 1998) CRC Press, $29.95 AmazonUK
30. Attention Deficit Disorder in Adults: Practical Help and
  Understanding by Lynn Weiss - Available in hardcover ($19.95) and
paperback ($12.95) Workbook also available.
Balance 31. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder : A Clinical Workbook
Check Books by Russell A. Barkley / Hardcover / Published 1998 AmazonUK -
(1991 version)
  32. Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in Children : A
Medication Guide by M.L.S. J. Jay Fruehling, et al / Paperback /
Top of Page Published 1997
Our Price: $4.50 + $2.50 special surcharge (Special Order)
  33. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder : What Every Parent
Wants to Know
Five David L., Ph.D. Wodrich, David L. Wodrich / Paperback / Published
Essential Books 1994
About ADD and
Balance Check's Five Essential ADD/ADHD Books List
  Balance Check's Library of ADD/ADHD Books
Balance Check's Links Pages
Balance Check's Balance Check's ADD Home Page
Library of

34. Beyond ADD: Hunting for Reasons in the Past and Present by
  Thom Hartmann
35. Brainstorms: Understanding and Treating the Emotional Storms
of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder from Childhood
Through Adulthood by H. Joseph Horacek, M.D. (1998)
Back to Links Pages
36. Classroom Success for the LD and ADHD Child by Suzanne H.
Stevens / Paperback / Published 1997
Balance 37. Clutter and Organization Books - listing of additonal books from
DeCluttr Mail List
Check Books 38. Clutter's Last Stand : It's Time to De-Junk Your Life by Don Aslett
text-only page
39. A Comprehensive Guide to Attention Deficit Disorder in Adults :
Top of Page Research, Diagnosis, and Treatment (Kathleen G. Nadeau, Ph. D. ,
  40. Coping With ADD/ADHD : Attention Deficit Disorder/Attention
Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (Coping) by Jaydene Morrison,
Five Carolyn Simpson / Library Binding / Published 1996
Essential Books 41. Daredevils and Daydreamers by Barbara Ingersoll
About ADD and 42. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders: DSM-IV-
ADHD TR (Text Revision) / Hardcover / Paperback / Published 2000, the
  insurance company's bible
43. The Difficult Child by Stanley, M.D. Turecki, et al / Paperback /
Balance Check's Published 1989
Library of 44. Distant Drums, Different Drummers : A Guide for Young People
ADD/ADHD Books With ADHD by Barbara D. Ingersoll / Paperback / Published 1995
45. Dr. Larry Silver's Advice to Parents on Attention-Deficit
   Hyperactivity Disorder by Larry M. Silver, Larry B. Silver /
Hardcover / Published 1992
A 46. The Down and Dirty Guide to Adult ADD by Michael Gordon /
Published 1996
ADD 47. Driven to Distraction : Recognizing and Coping With Attention
Deficit Disorder from Childhood Through Adulthood - Hallowell &
Ratey - Considered by many to be "the book" about ADD.
BCD 48. DSM - Diagonstic and Statistical Manual

EFG 49. The Edison Trait: Saving the Spirit of Your Nonconforming Child
- Lucy Jo Palladino - many think that Edison was ADD - he fit the
diagnostic criteria so far as can be seen from the records. How do
HIJ our schools treat people with these traits -- whether or not ADD?
What could they be doing differently? What can parents do?
K LM 50. Educating Inattentive Children : A Guide for the Classroom -
Video - Sam Goldstein, Ph.D. and Michael J. Goldstein, M.D. "Why
NOP do some students have so much trouble paying attention, sitting still,
and controlling themselves? What should teachers do? This program
will familiarize teachers with these behaviors and the problems they
QRS may cause in school. Drs. Goldstein provide an easy to follow
explanation concerning evaluation, medical and non-medical
TUV treatment and, most importantly, what teachers can do to
successfully manage the problems these behaviors may cause in the
classroom." (from jacket) 1990
51. Fathering the ADHD Child : A Book for Fathers, Mothers, and
YZ Professionals by Edward Jacobs / Published 1998
52. Focus Your Energy: Hunting for Success in Business with ADD by
Thom Hartmann

53. Healing ADD: Simple Excercises That Will Change Your Daily Life
  by Thom Hartmann - new in March! - this may be a contender for
one of my "Essential Books"
54. Help4ADD High School by Kathleen G. Nadeau, Ph.D., Hardcover
  / Published 1998
55. Help for the Hyperactive Child : A Good-Sense Guide for Parents
of Children With Hyperactivity, Attention Deficits and Other
  Behavior and Learning Problems by William G. Crook, Cynthia
Crook / Paperback / Published 1991
  56. Helping Your Hyperactive/ADD Child by John F. Taylor /
Paperback / Published 1997
Back to Links Pages 57. How to Reach and Teach ADD/ADHD Children : Practical
Techniques, Strategies, and Interventions for Helping Children With
Attention Problems and Hyperactivity by Sandra F. Rief / Paperback
Balance / Published 1993
58. Hunter of the Past by Caroline Hensby and Bernard Braham. FREE
Check Books downloadable book! Requires Windows (3.1 - 95)
"For a child, being labeled with ADD or ADHD can be a double-
  wounding. First, of course, there's the ADD itself, andthe academic
and/or social problems which have probably plagued the child his or
Top of Page her entire life as a result of it. But on top of that, there's the often
even more painful wounding of being told that he or she has a
  "disorder" and, compared to others, is "deficient." These are very
strong words, and children take such things very seriously. They're
Five extraordinarily good at living up (or down) to our expectations of
Essential Books them, and such labels can often be painful to wear.
About ADD and In this book, Caroline Hensby and Bernard Braham give children an
ADHD opportunity to reframe their ADD/ADHD in a less pathological
light, to see themselves as having potential and strengths, and to
hear the sound of hope for the future. It's empowering, enlightening,
and altogether healing.
Balance Check's
That's why this is such an important book. For your child, in fact, it
Library of
ADD/ADHD Books may be the most important book on ADD in the world...
--Thom Hartmann, psychotherapist and author of ADD: A Different
  Perception and Healing ADD"
59. The Hyperactive Child by Dr. Grant L. Martin / Paperback /
Published 1992
  60. The Hyperactive Child Book : Treating, Educating, and Living
With an ADHD Child - Strategies That Really Work, from an Award-
Winning Team of Experts by Patricia Kennedy, et al / Paperback /
Published 1994
Back to Links Pages 61. Hyperactive Children Grown Up : ADHD in Children,
Adolescents, and Adults by Gabrielle Weiss, Lily Trokenberg
Hechtman / Hardcover / Paperback / Published 1993
Balance 62. Hyperactivity : Why Won't My Child Pay Attention? by Sam
Check Books Goldstein, Phd, et al / Paperback / Published 1993 video also
available - I don't' have the book but it is probably quite good -
  based on my impression of the video - A practical resource for
parents to the most prevalent problem of children. A psychologist
Top of Page teams with a neurologist to help parents understand hyperactivity,
review the treatments available, and provide tools to help children
  channel their energy and develop into successful adults.

Five 63. Is Your Child Hyperactive? Inattentive? Impulsive?

Essential Books Distractible? : Helping the ADD/Hyperactive Child by Stephen W.
About ADD and Garber, et al / Paperback / Published 1995
64. The LD Child and the ADHD Child : Ways Parents and Educators
  Can Help by Suzanne H. Stevens, 1996
65. Learning to Slow Down and Pay Attention: A Book for Kids about
Balance Check's ADD by Kathleen G. Nadeau, Ph.D.
Library of 66. The Left-Hander Syndrome by Stanley Coren - not really ADD
ADD/ADHD Books but there are some interesting parallels
67. The Link Between ADD and Addiction: Getting the Help You
   Deserve by Wendy Richardson
68. Living With ADD: A Workbook for Adults with Attention Deficit
A Disorder by M. Susan Roberts, Ph.D. and Gerard J. Jansen, PhD.
69. Living With a Challenging Child : Encouragement for Mothers of
ADD Children With ADD, Hyperactivity, or Other Behavioral Problems
by Jayne Ray Garrison / Paperback / Published 1996
EFG 70. Making the Grade : An Adolescents Struggle With ADD by Harvey
C. Parker, et al / Paperback / Published 1992
71. Maybe You Know My Kid by Mary Fowler (especially potent
HIJ preface to the second edition on environmental barriers faced by
an ADDer)
72. 1-2-3 Magic: Effective Discipline for Children 2-12 Behavior
problems are something most consider the hallmark of the ADHD
NOP child. One of the best books I've seen in this area, one that parents I
know swear by, is "1-2-3 Magic: Effective Discipline for Children 2-
QRS 12" by Thomas W. Phelan. It is also available in audio, video, and
Spanish language versions.
TUV 73. Otto Learns About His Medicine : A Story About Medication for
Children With ADHD by Matthew Galvin, Sandra Ferraro
(Illustrator) / Hardcover / Published 1995
74. Power Parenting for ADD/ADHD Children : A Practical Parent's
YZ Guide for Managing Difficult Behaviors by Grad L. Flick, Harvey
C. Parker / Hardcover / Published 1996
Paperback / Published 1996
75. The 'Putting on the Brakes' Activity Book for Young People
With ADHD by Patricia O. Quinn, Judith M. Stern, 1993,
  paperback, reading level ages 9-12

76. Raising Your Spirited Child: A Guide for Parents Whose Child is
  More Intense, Sensitive, Perceptive, Persistent and Energetic by
Mary Sheedy Kurcinka / Published 1992, Workbook / Published
77. Shelley, the Hyperactive Turtle (Special Needs Collection) by
  Deborah M. Moss, et al / Hardcover / Published 1989
78. Succeeding in the Workplace: Attention Deficit Disorder and
Back to Links Pages Learning Disabilities in the Workplace: A Guide for Success by
Latham and Latham
79. Survival Guide for College Students with ADD or LD by Kathleen
G. Nadeau, Ph.D.
Balance 80. Survival Strategies for Parenting Your ADD Child : Dealing With
Check Books Obsessions Compulsions, Depression, Explosive Behavior, and Rage
by George T. Lynn (Chapter 15 on "Meeting the Challenge of
  School-caused Stress" is especially good.)
81. Surviving Your Adolescents : How to Manage and Let Go of Your
Top of Page
13-18 Year Olds - Thomas Phelan, Ph.D. 1993 - also available in
audiocassette version. I heard Dr. Phelan's talk of the same title at
the 1997 ADDA conference. He was clear, compassionate and
Five sensible. (Balance Check)
Essential Books
About ADD and 82. Talking Back to Ritalin by Peter Roger Breggin / Published 1998
ADHD 83. Teaching the Tiger : A Handbook for Individuals Involved in the
Education of Students With Attention Deficit Disorders, Tourette
  Syndrome or Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder by Marilyn P
Dornbush, Ph.D., and Sheryl K. Pruitt / Published 1995
Balance Check's 84. A Teenager's Guide to A.D.D. by Amen, Johnson & Amen -
Library of Written by two teenagers and a neurological pediatric psychiatrist,
  this book is for everyone, not only teenagers. One of my "five
essential books."
85. Teenagers With ADD: A Parent's Guide by Chris A. Zeigler Dendy,
  M.S. / 1995
Excellent information on IDEA and 504. Voices of parents,
educators, professionals and teens describing the peaks and valleys
Back to Links Pages of life with ADD.
86. 10 Helpful Tips for Hyperactive Teens - Jr, Sr High / VHS Tape /
  Published 1995
Amazon Price: $89.99 (Special Order) 
Balance 87. Think Fast! The ADD Experience edited by Thom Hartmann,
Check Books Janie Bowman and Susan Burgess / 1996 This book gathers expert
information on and everyday experiences with ADD and presents it
  in a format that can be read cover to cover or scanned for specific
topics relevant to the reader.
Top of Page Thom Hartmann comments: an anthology of discussions and
writings culled from the ADD Forum on CompuServe, which I run
  along with some of the people in the book. Contributors to this book
(and the discussions) include Russell Barkley, Edward Hallowell,
Five John Ratey, Carla Nelson, and many others, not a "book by Thom
Essential Books Hartmann." I wrote only one chapter for it (a summary of my
About ADD and Hunter/Farmer theory). It includes a broad overview of perspectives
ADHD and opinions about ADD. It's broad, diverse, and provides an
excellent insight into the many different ways to view and treat
Balance Check's 88. 20 Helpful Tips for Hyperactive Kids - Grades K-6 / VHS Tape /
Published 1996
Library of
Amazon Price: $89.99 (Special Order)

   89. Why Your Child Is Hyperactive ~ Usually ships in 24 hours

Ben F. Feingold / Paperback / Published 1985
While there is little evidence that diet causes most ADD, there are a
A number of people who have noted improvements following the
recommendations in this book, especially in people who have other
ADD food allergies. Perhaps you would be one of them. - I personally
don't recommend foregoing medical treatment until after trying this
BCD because the consequences of not treating ADD can be so severe.
Nevertheless, for those who won't use aspirin or penicillin, this may
be something you should check out immediately. Others may still
EFG want to look at it and see if the suggested dietary changes help.
(Balance Check)
HIJ 90. Windows Into the A.D.D. Mind by Daniel G. Amen, M.D. Available
in hardcover or paperback. -Daniel G. Amen is a neurological
pediactric psychiatrist who has been the keynote speaker at
K LM numerous ADD conferences including the 1997 ADDA conference.
This book shows the images produced by brain scans of people with
NOP ADD and gives a clear description of different types of ADD as well
as treatments available.
QRS 91. Women With Attention Deficit Disorder: Embracing
Disorganization at Home & in the Workplace by Sari Solden. This
book is excellent for men as well as women. Clear examination of
TUV the effect of ADD on homelife, organization and relationships.

YZ 92. You Mean I'm Not Lazy, Stupid or Crazy?! A Self-Help Book for
Adults With Attention Deficit Disorder by Kelly & Ramundo. I
almost fell out of my chair laughing (ROFL) reading this book -
while crying from self-recognition.
93. Youth with Disabilities in the Juvenile Justice System: Unique
  Challenges . . . Hopeful Responses - PACER Center - Video Tape

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