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May 25, 2023 Student Council Meeting Minutes

Seminar in Room 12
Missing Statement: Student Council members serve as role models for the student body and will represent them to
foster positive change and generate school spirit.

Vision Statement: Student Council will work toward

● Making freshmen and new students feel welcome and comfortable through orientation in the fall (Term 1)
● Homecoming (Term 1)
● RSVP Summits (Terms 2 & 3)
● Community Service (Term 4)

Reagan Schmidt (President): reagan.schmidt@nevadacubs.org

Taylyn Angus (Vice President): taylyn.angus@nevadacubs.org
Elizabeth Lopez-Perez (Secretary): elizabeth.lopez@nevadacubs.org
Lynze Geerdes (Treasurer): lynze.geerdes@nevadacubs.org
Mrs. DeYoung (22-23 Advisor): edeyoung@nevadacubs.org
Mrs. Tiedman (23-24 Advisor): stiedman@nevadacubs.org

Seminar in Room 12
Remind link (22-23): https://www.remind.com/join/h83ff4

1. Call to Order
1.1 Welcome and Intros (Mrs. DeYoung)
1.2 Approve Agenda (Reagan Schmidt)
1.3 Meeting Minutes (Elizabeth Lopez-Perez)
1.4 Treasurer’s Report (Lynze Geerdes)

2. Unfinished Business
2.1 New advisor
Mrs. Tiedman will be the new advisor next year, and Mrs. DeYoung will help out as needed.
2.2 Kiss the School Year Goodbye
Taylyn, Lynze, Kaitlyn and anyone else who wants to help will meet at 8:30 in DeYoung’s room to get the bags to
distribute for seniors.
It was suggested to sort the rest of the bags for underclassmen right after the meeting, but no one stayed to do that.
Mrs. DeYoung will sort those and put them in the mailboxes of seminar teachers to hand out tomorrow.

3. New Business
3.1 Homecoming DJ
We need to book a DJ for our dance. The dance is September 30, 2023 from 8-11 p.m. Taylyn said Reagan S. is in
contact with the DJ from Crystal Ball this year. Whoever is picked, a contract needs to be secured before we leave
for the summer.
3.2 Homecoming Dress-up Days
We will figure this out next school year to be approved.
3.3 Homecoming Activities
We needed to figure out which activities we need to use school facilities for and which events will involve money.
We decided that we need the building for decorations, the two assemblies (Tuesday and Thursday of Homecoming
Week) and the dance.
We decided we will ask businesses for a freewill donation when they apply to be in the parade. We will give them
options of amounts starting at $15.
We will have kickball be completely free.
We possibly add fundraisers in the school year like senior assassination, which was recommended by Mrs. Tiedman,
but we won’t do anything during Homecoming Week other than the dance.
If we are asked to paint downtown this year for Homecoming, we will do this. Someone should contact them ahead
of time, so we can get this fundraiser approved.
We talked about the possibility of raising the cost of the dance (currently $5) to cover the rising costs of the DJ and
other items. It was suggested that we wait to decide this until more of the group is there. Someone should also talk
with Mr. Smith about the possibility of people paying with card.
3.4 Shirts
Lily and Lynze will work together to create a Google Form to send to new members to find out how many want
shirts. If there are enough members who want shirts, they will start the work of deciding what company to use, what
the cost will be, etc. The goal is to have the shirts in time for orientation.
3.5 Freshmen/New Student Orientation
This is typically the day before school starts in the morning, so be prepared to help out unless you are currently an
8th grader.
3.6 Camp/Training
Mrs. DeYoung suggested having some kind of camp or training in the summer because there isn’t enough time in
meetings to go over how everything in Student Council works. Lily also recommended using that time for bonding.
It was suggested that we try to have this in August before orientation.

4. Announcements
4.1 Freshmen Orientation is typically the day before school begins next school year.
4.2 Adjournment

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