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1. Nobody really understood Kevin.

It wasn't that he was super

strange or difficult. It was more that there wasn't enough there
that anyone wanted to take the time to understand him. This was
a shame as Kevin had many of the answers to the important
questions most people who knew him had. It was even more of a
shame that they'd refuse to listen even if Kevin offered to give
them the answers. So, Kevin remained silent, misunderstood, and
kept those important answers to life to himself.

2. They had no proof. He knew that they knew he had done it but
they didn't have any proof. It was a huge distinction and it was the
difference between him keeping his freedom or being locked
away for decades. They continued to question him, probing him
for information that they could use against him or find the proof
they needed to put him away. He smiled and continued to block
their every inquiry by feigning his innocence for a crime they all
knew he committed.

3. They had always called it the green river. It made sense. The river
was green. The river likely had a different official name, but to
everyone in town, it was and had always been the green river. So
it was with great surprise that on this day the green river was a
fluorescent pink.

4. The water rush down the wash and into the slot canyon below.
Two hikers had started the day to sunny weather without a cloud
in the sky, but they hadn't thought to check the weather north of
the canyon. Huge thunderstorms had brought a deluge o rain and
produced flash floods heading their way. The two hikers had no
idea what was coming.
5. He collected the plastic trash on a daily basis. It never seemed to
end. Even if he cleaned the entire beach, more plastic would
cover it the next day after the tide had come in. Although it was a
futile effort that would never be done, he continued to pick up the
trash each day.

6. He took a sip of the drink. He wasn't sure whether he liked it or

not, but at this moment it didn't matter. She had made it especially
for him so he would have forced it down even if he had absolutely
hated it. That's simply the way things worked. She made him a
new-fangled drink each day and he took a sip of it and smiled,
saying it was excellent.

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