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MAY 2023
Student Name: ________________________________________ Roll No: ________________
Time Allowed: Total Marks: Marks Obtained:
COMPUTER 3:00 Hour 50 ___________
Q. No. 1: Encircle the right option: (6 × 1 = 6)
No. S T A T E M E N T S A B C D
Cell Communication
01 ICT Is an umbrella term that includes: Television
phones devices All
Set of instructions given to a computer to Both (a) &
02 perform a specific task is called:
Hardware Software
Heart of Lungs of Hands of Brain of
03 CPU is also called:
computer computer computer computer
Charles Howard Al-
04 _________ is called father of computer: Pascal
Babbage Aiken Khwarizmi
Which of the following is not an input
05 keyboard speaker mouse scanner
06 Which of the following is/are not part of CPU AU MU PU CU

Q. No. 2: Attempt the following questions: (10 × 3 = 30)
i) Differentiate between data and information.
ii) Enlist any five devices of ICT.
iii) Enlist any three computers of first generation.
iv) Define ICT.
v) Why CPU is called brain of computer?
vi) Write a note on 5th generation of computer.
vii) Enlist basic components of computer.
viii) Write a short note on keyboard.
ix) How SSD is better from HDD?
x) Write a note on monitor and enlist its types.


Q. No. 3: Discuss any two types of software. (07)

Q. No.4: Write a note on CPU, discuss working of its different types. (07)

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