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Time Allowed: 1:00 Hours

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Father's Name:

Q1: Choose the correct option. 06

i. The ……………. generation computer were very large in size.
(a) First (b) second (c) third (d) fourth
ii. EDSAC was designed by professor ………….
(a) John P. Eckert (b) Howard H (c) M. Wilkes (d) Charles Babbage
iii. DVD looks similar to a…………….
(a) CD (b) LCD (c) Monitor (d) Floppy Disk
iv. The storage capacity of a computer is called…………
(a) Binary digit (b) Printer (c) Memory (d) ROM
v. ENIAC was ………………. electronic computer.

(a) First (b) second (c) third (d) fourth

vi. …………command helps to place image at a particular position.

(a) Position (b) Copy (c) Cut (d) Paste

Q2: Write T for true and F for false before each statement. 03
(i) A DVD is called Digital Versatile Disk. _______________

(ii) Text box is used to high light the specific text. _______________

(iii) Charles Babbage invented abacus. _______________

Q3: Fill in the blanks. 03
(i) _____________ is similar to a T.V screen.

(ii) Picture style group contains a variety of_______________.

(iii) Word 2013 is _____________ software.

Q4: Answer the following questions (attempt any 6) 10 5 = 50

i. Define MS Word Software




ii. Who invented the difference engine?




iii. What is the use of text box?




iv. Name the types of memory that are used to store data.



v. Define Hard Disk.




vi. Write any two characteristics of Computer?



vii. Define Operating Software



Viii. Write a short note on keyboard

ix. Give any two examples of Input devices?


x. Give examples of Output devices?



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