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Order of Tanakh

Torah - The Pentateuch Ketuvim - Scriptures

Bereshit - Genesis Tehillim - Psalms
Shemot - Exodus Mishlei - Proverbs
Vayikra - Leviticus Iyov - Job
Bamidbar - Numbers Shir Hashirim - Song of Songs
Devarim – Deuteronomy Rut - Ruth
Eichah - Lamentations
Nevi'im - Prophets Kohelet - Ecclesiastes
Yehoshua - Joshua Esther
Shoftim - Judges Daniel
Shmuel I - I Samuel Ezra
Shmuel II - II Samuel Nechemiah - Nehemiah
Melachim I - I Kings Divrei Hayamim I - I Chronicles
Melachim II - II Kings Divrei Hayamim II - II Chronicles
Yeshayahu - Isaiah
Yirmiyahu - Jeremiah
Yechezkel - Ezekiel

Twelve Prophets
Hoshea - Hosea
Yoel - Joel
Ovadiah - Obadiah
Yonah - Jonah
Michah - Micah
Nachum - Nahum
Chavakuk - Habakkuk
Tzefaniah - Zephaniah
Chaggai - Haggai
New Testament

The following chronological list is adapted from The Chronological Bible.  Its

purpose is to help you develop an overall understanding of the order of the major
people and events of the Bible.  The dates are disputed here and there, but overall
they can give you a reference in time and order.

Jesus is born 5 B.C. Matt. 1; Luke 2

Flight to Egypt 4 B.C. Matt. 2:13-18
Childhood at Nazareth Luke 2:39-40
In Jerusalem at 12 Luke 2:41-50
John the Baptist Matt. 3; Mark 1; Luke
Jesus’ Baptism 3
The life of Jesus
Temptation in the wilderness Matt. 3
Turns water into wine Matt. 4 Matthew, Mark,
First cleansing of the Temple John 2 Luke, John
Jesus and Nicodemus John 2:13-22 5 B.C. – A.D. 29.
Discourse with the woman at the John 3:1
well John 4
Galilean ministry Luke 4:14; John 4:43
Miracles by the sea Matt. 8
Visit to Jerusalem John 7

Jesus anointed by Mary John 12:8-11

His triumphal entry Matt. 21
Second cleansing of the Temple Matt. 21:12
Cursing of the fig tree Matt. 21:18,19
Judas agrees to betray Christ Matt. 26:14-16
Preparation for Passover Mark 14:12-16
Institution of the Lord’s supper Luke 22:14-23
Jesus washes the disciples’ feet John 13:1-17
Jesus prays at Gethsemane Mark 14:26-42
Jesus is betrayed and arrested John 18:2-11

Jesus is tried and condemned Matt 26:57-68

Peter denies the Lord Matt 26:58; 69-75 The Crucifixion
Jesus before Pilate Matt. 27:11-14 to
Jesus before Herod Luke 23:6-12 The Ascension
Barabbas released Mark 15:6-15
Jesus’ walk to Golgotha Matt. 27:32-34
Jesus is crucified Matt. 27:35
Darkness at noon Mark 15:33
Jesus dies Matt. 27:50
Jesus’ body entombed John 19:42
Resurrection Luke 24:1-8
Women visit the tomb Matt. 28:1
Stone rolled away Matt. 28:2-4
Message of angels Matt. 28:5-8
Christ appears to disciples Mark 16:14
The Great Commission given Matt. 28:19-20
Jesus’ ascension John 20:26-29

Pentecost Acts 2
Conversion of Saul (Paul) Acts 9
Peter imprisoned and delivered Acts 12:1-11
Death of Herod Acts 12:20-23
Paul’s first missionary journey Acts 13:1-3
Paul attends council at Jerusalem Acts 15:1-12
The Ministries
Paul’s second missionary journey Acts 15
of Paul and Peter
Paul’s third missionary journey Acts 18
29 – A.D. 67
Paul goes from Macedonia to Corinth Acts 20
Arrest of Paul Acts 21
Paul’s fourth missionary Acts 27
Paul’s first imprisonment Acts 28:16
Death of Paul and Peter A.D. 67-68
Temple at Jerusalem destroyed A.D. 70

Chronology of Acts and the Epistles

Event Reference Year (AD)
Descent of the Holy Spirit Acts 2:1-13 30
Setti ng Up of the Church Acts 2:40-47 30
First Persecuti ons (Illustrati on) Acts 4:1-22; 5:21-42; 7:1-60 35
Philip at Samaria Acts 8:4-13 35
Conversion of Saul (Illustrati on) Acts 9:1-9 36
First Genti le Converted Acts 10:1-48 40
Founding of Church at Anti och Acts 11:19-30 43
Event Reference Year (AD)
Writi ng of Matt hew's Gospel Matt hew 43
James Killed by Herod Acts 12:1-25 45
Paul's Call Acts 13:1-3 47
His First Missionary Journey Begun (Map) Acts 13:4-14:28 48
Council at Jerusalem Acts 15:6-35 50
Second Missionary Journey Begun (Map) Acts 15:39-18:22 51
Writi ng of I Thessalonians I Thessalonians 52
Writi ng of II Thessalonians II Thessalonians 53
Third Missionary Journey Begun (Map) Acts 18:23-21:17 54
Writi ng of I Corinthians I Corinthians 57
Writi ng of Galati ans Galati ans 57
Writi ng of II Corinthians II Corinthians 58
Writi ng of Romans Romans 58
Writi ng of Luke's Gospel Luke 59
Paul's Arrest at Jerusalem Acts 21:26-22:29 58
Paul at Caesarea Acts 23:23-26:32 59
Paul Starts for Rome Acts 27:1-2 60
Paul Reaches Rome Acts 28:11-16a 61
Paul's Imprisonment at Rome Acts 28:16-31 62
Paul Writes Ephesians Ephesians 62
Paul Writes Philippians Philippians 62
Paul Writes Colossians Colossians 62
Paul Writes Philemon Philemon 62
James Writes his Epistle James 62
I Peter Writt en I Peter 63
Acts Writt en Acts 63
Paul is Acquitt ed - 63
Paul Visits Various Places - 63
Paul Writes Hebrews Hebrews 63
Event Reference Year (AD)
Paul Writes I Timothy I Timothy 63
Paul Writes Titus Titus 63
Writi ng of Mark's Gospel Mark 64
II Peter Writt en II Peter 65
Paul's Second Imprisonment at Rome - 65
II Timothy Writt en II Timothy 66
Martyrdom of Paul - 66
Destructi on of Jerusalem - 71
Jude's Epistle Writt en Jude 75
Writi ng of John's Gospel John 85
Writi ng of John's Three Epistles I John; II John; III John 90
John's Visions at Patmos Revelati on 1:9 96
Revelati on Writt en Revelati on 97
Death of John - 100


Title Chapter Verses

Genealogy of Christ 1 1-17

Christ Born 1 18-25
Wise Men of the East 2 1-12
Flight into Egypt 2 13-15
Massacre of the under 2 2 16-18
Return to Nazareth 2 19-23
John the Baptist Prepares the Way 3 1-12
John Baptizes Jesus 3 13-17
Satan Tempts Jesus 4 1-11
Jesus Begins His Ministry in Galilee 4 12-17
Four Fishermen called to Follow Jesus 4 18-22
Jesus Heals a Great Multitude 4 23-25
Be-Attitudes 5 1-12
Believers are Salt & Light 5 13-16
Only Christ Fulfills the Law 5 17-20
Murder Begins in the Heart 5 21-26
Adultery starts in the Heart 5 27-30
Marriage is Sacred and Binding 5 31-32
Jesus Forbids Oaths 5 33-37
Go the Second Mile 5 38-42
Love Your Enemies 5 43-48
Charitable Deeds 6 1-4
Model Prayer 6 5-15
Fasting to be Seen only by God 6 16-18
Lay up your Treasure in Heaven 6 19-21
The Lamp of Your Body 6 22-23
You Cannot Serve God and Mammon 6 24
Do not Worry 6 25-34
Do Not Judge 7 1-6
Ask, Seek, Knock and you will find 7 7-12
The Narrow 7 13-14
You Will Know them by their Fruits 7 15-20

I Never Knew You 7 21-23

Build on the Rock 7 24-29
Jesus Cleanses a Leper 8 1-4
Jesus Heals a Centurion’s Servant 8 5-13
Peter’s Mother-in-Law Healed 8 14-15
Many Healed 8 16-17
Let the Dead Bury the Dead 8 18-22
Even the Wind and Sea Obey Jesus 8 23-27
Two Demon-Possessed Men Healed 8 28-34
The Paralytic Lowered through the Roof 9 1-8
Matthew, Tax Collector 9 9-13
Jesus answers about Fasting 9 14-17
Woman Healed by Faith, while Jesus on His way to 9 18-26
Restore Life to a Girl
Two Blind Men Healed 9 27-31
A Mute Man Speaks 9 32-34
Jesus Needs Labourers for the Harvest 9 35-38
Twelve Apostles 10 1-4
Sending the Twelve Out to Do His Work 10 5-15
Warning of Persecution 10 16-26
Jesus Teaches the Fear of God 10 27-31
Confess Christ Before Men 10 32-33
Christ Brings a Sword Between People 10 34-39
A Cup of Cold Water 10 40-42
John the Baptist sends to ask Jesus… 11 1-19
More Tolerable for Sodom than for … 11 20-24
Jesus, the True Shabbath 11 25-30
Jesus is Lord of the Shabbath 12 1-8
Healing on the Shabbath 12 9-13
Isaiah Fulfilled in Christ, The Father’s Servant 12 15-21
A House Divided Can not Stand 12 22-30
Unpardonable Sin 12 31-32
A Tree is known by its Fruit 12 33-37
Scribes and Pharisees ask for a sign 12 38-42
An Unclean Spirit returns with more unclean 12 43-45

Jesus’ Mom & Brothers go looking for Him 12 46-50

Parable of the Sower 13 1-9
Purpose of Parables 13 10-17
Parable of the Sower Explained 13 18-23
Parable of Wheat and Tares 13 24-30
Parable of the Mustard Seed 13 31-32
Parable of Leaven 13 33
Prophecy and Parables 13 34-35
Parable of the Tares Explained 13 36-43
Parable of Hidden Treasure 13 44
Parable of the Pearl 13 45-46
Parable of the Dragnet 13 47-52
A Prophet is not without honor except in His 13 53-58
own Country and House- rejected at Nazareth
John the Baptist Beheaded 14 1-12
Jesus Feeds 5’000 14 13-21
Jesus Walks on the Sea 14 22-33

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