Reading Response Assignment

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ED 4380


Date: Throughout the semester

Worth: 4 @ 8% each (32% of course grade)
Length: Approximately 400 words

Reading activities throughout the semester are focused on the textbook. Students can persue the
course at a pace consistent with their learning preferences. Understandably, instructional
preferences may vary with course content. For example, some chapters may be easier to read
than others. Hence, face-face instruction may be apt at times and unnecessary at others.

Nonetheless, students are required to read the chapters in the textbook. Importanlty, students are
must complete and post four reading responses to chapters using the provided template.
Students are asked to post their reponses using the template to the discussion forum on the
respective chapter’s Moodle page.
For example, if you want to post a reading response to Chapter Two, you would do so to the
Discussion Forum posted on the Moodle page for Chapter Two.
See the Course Information page on Moodle for the template. Answers may be brief or lengthy.
I am not looking for extensive elaboration, simply accurate, clear and succinct responses to
prompting questions found on the template’s sections. Please note, students can choose the
chapter they prefer to post upon.


Considerations, concerns, Criteria Evidence of exceeding

areas that need work Standards of Performance standards, excellent areas of
Responses reflect an accurate
underatanding of the chapter.
There is evidence of authentic
engagement with the
chapter’s key ideas, questions
and/or arguments.
Implications for education
and schooling are present in

Responses are clear and

accurate. Insights are aptly

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