Monomyth Presentation (4140)

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The HERO'S JOURNEY > ov Wonowyth, “ou 3 ieee % * The Hero’s Journey “en LE (or Monomyth) is a EFA, =! 10/ eos) 3 12-step cycle that most 9) JOURNEY narratives follow. eS O FF * In addition to the 12 f steps, the journey can =) \ be further simplified into 4 parts. erp, ‘THE ORDINARY MG, sh ™ % st recut = “By a ‘ADVENTURE Z 1 @ s weet 2 a : REFUSAL & u 2 3 raven 10 HERO'S 9) JOURNEY 4 iy . a =f ad ‘He oROINARY &, su mS PA . ; -AVENTIRE @_ Involves the Ss = . : Gave 2 ea introduction to : —> 3 * The protagonist 107 Heno's Prowag a en 2) NEY a a * The world they live in 76 is * The inciting incident ox. usnne - core mA ee é for the journey wmf |. the ORDINARY WORLD * The setting — such as place, Lap time and other contextual 7 7. clues — is introduced. ‘THE ORDINARY Me >» WR %y * The main protagonist is Za introduced in their normal acre FY _ife-style ~ in a fiction novel , gS ypically a hum-drum type ™ of life. REFUSAL 1. the Ordinary World, GUESS THE EXAMPLES * Struggling to eek out a miserable existence in District 12, a mining town just waiting to collapse. * A bedroom, under the stairs, hateful relatives and hair that refuses to lie flat. * An adventurous lion cub is the heir to the throne in the Pride Lands. py 7. Mp eal D uy Sq 1 fa |. the Ordinany World ANSWERS * Struggling to eek outa miserable existence in District 12, a mining town just waiting to collapse. + A bedroom under the stairs, hateful relatives and hair that retuses to lie flat. + An adventurous lion cub is the heir to the throne in the Pride Lands. THE HUNGER GAMES Potty Potter THE LION KING 2. the call to ADVENTURE ¢ The main protagonist, the py hero, is given a task or finds J. a problem they must solve. THE ORDINARY My % WORLD 2, @ * This task usually invites the twecatta = “By he ‘ourney away ADVENTURE Z, hero on a journey away } from their normal way of ™ life. REFUSAL 2. the Call to Advertune GUESS THE EXAMPLES A formal offer to attend - Hogwarts School of Witchcraft & Wizardry, delivered by owl post. “Apr, + A party of dwarves visits, THE ORDINARY My > soliciting the Hero's services and WORLD 0, skills to aid their group. g THE CALLTO % ADVENTURE BD S ™ engineered spider causes a high school nerd to manifest powers. REFUSAL 2. the Calll to Adventure ANSWERS + A formal offer to attend . Hogwarts School of Witchcraft & Wizardry, delivered by owl post. + A party of dwarves visits, liciting the Hero’s services and skills to aid their group. + The bite from a genetically engineered spider causes a high school nerd to manifest powers. Hartly Potter ORD RINGS SOLAN Per THE ORDINARY WORLD 3 %, o. g %, OVER % rN REFUSAL 3. Refusal OF CALL * The hero does not accept the task given to them. * During this time, the hero often dwells on reasons they should remain at home and experiences a loss of confidence. * Occasionally, this step is skipped. 3. Refusing the Call GUESS THE EXAMPLES Refuses to accept the Call despite expectations to keep the local supernatural population in-check and pr, instead focuses on school drama. + Hero's guardian denies them the a ne 2 right to accept the Call, relocating o the entire family 10 a desolate rocky uy island plagued by bad weather. twecato = “By ‘ADVENTURE ZA Sq * The lion cub, scared and alone, B retreats 10 the desert. " REFUSAL 3. Refusing the Call ANSWERS Refuses to exept the Call despite expectations to keep the local supernatural population in-check and instead focuses on school drama, Hero's guardian denies them the right to accept the Call, relocating the entire family to a desolate rocky island plagued by bad weather. The lion cub, scared and alone, retreats to the desert. spy, ree Ordeal (a el /NiTATION & wow 2S ra Involves the 10 3 : 7 ; at introduction to : « A mentor * The new world fa * Several challenges 4. Mentor HELPER + A new or existing character becomes known to the hero as an expert in which the hero needs help in. * The hero or mentor convince each other to take up the task introduced in Part 1: Call to Adventure) 4. Menton Helper GUESS THE EXAMPLES * Gandalf, a wise and ancient wizard. > * Haymitch Abernathy, a drunken = combat specialist = + Morpheus, an inspirational hovercraft captain * Obiwan Kenobi, a wise hermit and n § retired Jedi knight So + Giles, a studious wity librarian cS + Rubeus Hagrid, a bumbling giant of $ a man witha heart of gold “ \ 4. Mentor Helper ANSWERS 6, Gandalf, a wise and ancient wizard, Haymitch Abernathy, a drunken combat specialist Morpheus, an inspirational hovercraft capain Obiwan Kenobi, a wise hermit and retired Jedi night Giles, a studious witty librarian Rubeus Hagrid, a bumbling g iat of a man with a heart of gold > Lord of the Rings > The Hunger Games > The Matrix > Sar Wars > Billy the Vamp > Harry Potter 5. iRESAUL * The hero, mentor and possibly others cross the line between their normal realm and the one where their tasks await. * This is not always a physical change in settings and can be presented as a new event occurring that the hero has never experienced. 5. Crossing the Tireshold, GUESS THE EXAMPLES * The Hero choose the Red Pill and discovers the ordinary world to be an achanced computer simulation, + The Hero leaves the ordinary world and enters Diagon Alley, a magical imarkeiplace of curiosities and marvellous oddities. * The Fellowship set off on their journey to Mount Doom, gis Mp on O. 5. Crossing the Thneshold ANSWERS + The Hero choose the Red Pill and hse vers the inary orld ia be an advanced computer simulation + "The Flap lanes the ontinary wo anid iets Diswor Alley a’tnspical ef marketplace of curiosities and marvellous oddites + The Fellowship set off on their THE journey 10 Mount Doom. ORD 9) NGS 6. Jests / Allies / ENEMIES a = ny ¢ € * The party of characters often s encounter challenges, such as puzzles they must solve, eople they must help or yw people they Pp even some they must fight. * During this time, the hero becomes stronger and wiser to their task. 6. Tests. Allies. Enenies GUESS THE EXAMPLES + Hungry trolls, nasty ores and riddles in the dark with an evil creature. 2 zx = + At the Capitol all competitors, 6 ~ ineluding the Hero, train their 3 otiensive and defensive abilities in < preparation for the Flunger Games. S $ * “The One’ is trained to free human ron slavery se batteries. ww 6. Tests, Allies. Enemies ANSWERS Hungry trolls, nasty ores and riddles in the dark with an evil creature, At the Capitol all competitors, including the Hero, train their offensive and defensive abilities in preparation for the Hunger Games. “The One” is trained to free humanity from its slavery as batteries. JORD#RINGS HUNGER GAMES MAFAIX cl Gy xe Mtr, ‘uo = %, oom wr = Wee FE /en JOURNEY 4 som ae 3. Unification / TRANSFORMATION Involves the introduction to * The hero’s true task * A struggle * Reward 7. the * The hero approaches their battle to complete their task. * The hero struggles with the enormity of the task. * The hero and others accompanying them prepare for the final struggle. 7. the Approach GUESS THE EXAMPLES + The Golden Trio make plans to retrieve the Philosopher's Stone before an evil Professor. * The Hobbit witnesses the Ring’s corruptive power... * The Death Star destroys Alderaan. 7. the Approach ANSWERS * The Golden Trio make plans to retrieve the Philosopher’s Stone before an evil Professor. * The Hobbit witnesses the Ring’s corruptive power... * The Death Star destroys Alderaan. fatty Potter [ORD#:RINGS STAR. WARS 8. the Ordeal DEATH / REBIRTH * The final struggle. * The hero loses something (their life, their weapon, their mentor, the battle) but returns stronger. This is Town as Death and Rebirth. * The hero wins by the skin of their teeth. 8. Oudeal. Death. Rebirth GUESS THE EXAMPLES * The Hero is separated from the group and musk anser eds in the dark asked by a twisted hermit to save their life. * The Hero must choose between saving his kingdom or keep living his new life of Hakuna Matata. + Agents ambush the Hero and his ies in the Matrix. 8. Ordeal. Death. Rebirth, ANSWERS + The Hero is separated soup and must answe e dark asked by a tw save their life. idles in hermit to * The Hero must choose between sare his is hangdom or keep living his new life of Hakuna Matata. . hears ambush the Hero and his allies in the Matrix. JORD#RINGS THE LION KING MATRIX * The hero receives a precious treasure, such as a weapon, valuable information, a kiss or acclaim. * In some cases, the only reward is that the hero’s task has been accomplished. 9. Treasure GUESS THE EXAMPLES + The Philosopher's Stone, a legendary substance with astonishing powers, It can turn base metals into gold and liquids into the Elixir of Lite which grants immortality. + The Hero finds @ magic ring that allows them to turn invisible when worn. Finding friendship in the face of death, where there can only be one winner until the next Games. 9. Treasure ANSWERS + The Philosopher's Stone, a legendary substance with astonishing powers, It can turn base metals into gold and Tiguids into the Elixir of Lite which grants immortality... The Hero finds a magic ring that allows them to tum invisible when worn, Finding fcndship in the face of dea, where there can only’ be one winner until the next Games, Hotty Potter ORD2#ERINGS HUNGER GAMES 4. Road Back vm, / HERO'S RETURN ba ot Involves : ee ve * Going home io ‘iG * Understanding Heno’s 3 9) JOURNEY a ia g repercussions of the iS < original task Cty ely vot 10. the ROAD BACK + A summary of events that happen as the hero and company return home. * The hero begins to comprehend what they have truly accomplished. * Needs to ensure the normal world is alright 10. the Read Back GUESS THE EXAMPLES + A last ditch effort is made to exploit a weakness in the Evil Empire’s secret weapon an destroy it. + The twisted and tormented being lea s after the Treasure into the fiery pits of Mount Doom. 10. the Read Back ANSWERS * A last ditch effort is made to exploit a weakness in the Evil Empire’s secret weapon and destroy it WARS * The twisted and tormented SRD JORD#RINGS being, after the Treasure into the fiery pits of Mount Doom. 5 IL. the Reswnection ATONEMENT * The hero begins to become accepting of their travels and growth. * The hero accepts their new wisdom and strength. * Others ease them into this process, IL. the Reswnection / Atonement; GUESS THE EXAMPLES * The Hero must steal from a cunning dragon who pretends to asleep. * The Hero awakens in the Hospital Wing, protected by a force “He Knows Not” (love). * The returned-heir throws his usurper uncle off Pride Rock. IL. the Reswnection / Atonement ANSWERS * The Hero must steal from a cunning dragon who pretends to be asleep. * The Hero awakens in the Hospital Wing, protected by a force “He Knows Not” (love). * ‘The returned-heir throws his usurper uncle off Pride Rock. OBBIT fatty Potter Lio \ KING 12. the RETURN + The hero returns home in their normal , but now change world. + The hero takes the reward back home and finally accomplishes their task. + They assume a new v role in theif normal world. 12. Return / Reward, GUESS THE EXAMPLES + The Hero recalls his dead uncle’s words, “With great power comes ‘great responsibility * The Hero takes his first steps towards becoming a jedi. + The Hero returns to No. 4 Priver Drive for the summer, happy to find a place of belonging at Hogwarts. 12. Retwu / Reward ANSWERS * The Hero recalls his dead uncle’s words, “With great power comes great responsibility * ‘The Hero takes his first steps towards becoming. jedi. The Hero returns to No. 4 Privet Drive for the summer, happy to find a place of belonging at Hogwarts, ta DFIDERNIAY STAR. WARS Hotfy Potter

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