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Unit 1 Economics Activity:

Contact Mr. Upczak/ if you need help. Email, Chat or TEXT ME

at (619) 721-3146
Remember to use complete sentences, correct grammar, and spelling!

You Must Watch This Intro Video:

For this activity, we will be looking at the details of the non-monetary side of Economics.

Below, there are links to 3 short Articles/Excerpts (as Google Docs).

Click into each one, there is a video Breakdown and Assignment Prompt at the top of each.

Then at the bottom, click on the link for Flipgrid to send me a video (or just audio response)
sharing your understanding of the topics, personal views, and ideas that you might have.
These are not public and no one but teachers will have access to your recording. You can
even text me/or send a voice text message to my cell: 619-887-8983

When getting into FlipGrid, you must connect with GMAIL by using your email address.

Link to Economics 2022-2023 Group: Link

Record a Flipgrid response for each article, then type a reflection below. After reviewing
the articles: I hope this does not take a ton of time and maybe a little fun as well.

Link to Article #1: (25 points) Respond for 30 seconds to 2 minutes

Link to Article #2: (25 points) Respond for 30 seconds to 2 minutes

Link to Article #3:(25 points) Respond for 30 seconds to 2 minutes

I will also Reply to some of you, so check back in after you get graded (I will let you know
via Chat as well)
In at least 5 Sentences, write a reflection of how the topics above relate to you overall. Think
about how you value time, personal space, experience, preference, the past, the future, family,
friends, nature, and so on. Do you feel that these types of things should be considered when
discussing the wealth and well-being of individuals and of a nation as a whole? Or do you feel
that the wealth of a nation should be strictly viewed with $$$ signs? Share your thoughts: (25
I think that money is not the only thing that should be considered when focusing on the
well-being of an individual. Things are not just black and white, and there are many things that
impact how we view a person or a nation. It is important to see where someone comes from
and where they started to be able to “put a value” on whatever it is we are trying to measure.
A country could be rich in gold, but what is its use if people are miserable? Everyone has their
personal values, and for most people I have known, money is not the most important one, but
we can’t ignore the fact that money is what moves the world. It brings people those happy
moments, like buying a coffee in the morning or getting that bag of chips when grocery
shopping. The well-being of a nation and of an individual should be measured in their
happiness, health, wealth, and their present. And as for a nation, each person knows what
works for them. When finding a country to live in, a person might not be looking for who has
the richest neighborhoods, but who has the best climate.

Score Grading Expectations.

100-90 All questions answered correctly and clearly stated. Appropriate sentence structure and spelling
Points where needed. Answers show a complete understanding of content provided ie, text, videos,
and references. Personal responses are well thought out, expressive, and detailed.

89-80 The majority of questions are answered correctly, and clearly. The majority of spelling is correct,
Points especially any key terms used. Answers show an understanding of most of the content material
covered. Personal responses are thoughtful and somewhat detailed.

79-70 A decent effort made to answer all questions, though some might not be correct. This can
Points include one-word answers where more detail would be needed for a higher score. There are
spelling errors, or an effort to describe something instead of using key terms. Personal
responses are present, covering the main idea but with a lack of thoughtful or detailed effort to
69-60 More than half of the questions are answered correctly, but there is evidence that the content is
Points not being fully understood, or that there was a minimal effort made. Many spelling errors and
one-word answers. Personal responses are lacking detail, clarity, or thoughtfulness, including
just not being correctly answered.

59-0 Answers do not show a solid understanding of the content. Spelling errors, confusing
Points responses, evidence of minimal effort being made. Personal responses are barely
present and or left blank.

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