My Mother at 66 Notes

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My Mother at 66

My Mother At 66 is a moving poem by Kamala Das.The poem describes the real fear faced by all the
children-the fear of losing their parents.The poetess experiences insecurity and pain due to this fear.

Mood of the poet- emotional, melancholic (sad)

The poet is going back home from her parent’s place. She is on her way to the airport to catch a
flight. Her mother is sitting next to her.She is accompanying her to see her off at the airport.

I saw her doze,open mouthed-The poet’s mother,aged 66 has lost control over her reflexes.She also
lacks strength.So her mouth opens as she dozes off.

Her face ashen like that of a corpse-

Because of old age and perhaps illness,the face of her mother looks lifeless like a corpse.

‘and realized with pain….looked-The poet is anxious and pained to realize that her mother is ageing
and inching close to death.

‘but soon……away’

-The poet is unable to face/accept the idea of losing her mother .So she tries to avoid thinking about
it and puts that thought away by focusing/concentrating on happier images.

Young trees sprinting-Trees are symbolic of youth,energy,life and enthusiasm.Trees have been
described as sprinting because the poet looks at them from inside a moving car.So they appear to be
running in the opposite direction.They signify fast changes in human life from childhood to old age

Merry children spilling….They symbolize joy,energy,life.They are rushing out just as liquid spills out

( Both the images of sprinting trees and merry children are a total contrast to the dull,pale and
lifeless appearance of the poet’s mother.)

‘but after…. Moon-After the security check at the airport,she looks at her mother and finds her
looking pale and colourless as late winter’s moon.

Late winter’s moon-It is foggy and misty,lacks shine, disappears very soon,symbolizes death.

To convey her mother’s old age and imminent death,the poet compares her to the late winter’s
moon.Just like the winter’s moon loses its shine/radiance to fog and mist,the mother loses her
energy and vitality to old age and ill health.

‘and felt the familiar ache.…childhood fear’-The familiar ache comes from the thought of losing her
mother.It is called familiar because it has been with her since childhood.

‘See you soon amma-The poet says this to her mother-

a) To reassure herself and her mother that everything will be fineand they will meet again soon

b) To comfort her mother and herself

smiled and smiled and smiled-

The poet smiled again and again –

a)- To hide her anxiety and fear (of losing her mother ) from her mother.She does not want her
mother to be anxious

b)-To hide her guilt of not being able to stay to take care of her mother,as she has to return to her
familial responsibilities

‘see you soon amma’-By saying these parting words and by smiling,she tries to give hope and
confidence to her mother and herself that they would meet again and tries to evade the sadness and
fear that overpowers her.

The peom ends in ‘. . . . .’ these are ellipses. They indicate continuity. This again reinstates

the poet’s hope that she will see her mother soon.

Significance of the title-

The title is apt.The poem centres around the poet’s frail and ageing mother and the poet’s fear of
losing her or separating from her.A universal theme is presented through the poet’s anxiety about
her mother’s poor health and impending death.The poet tries to deal with the fear by either
avoiding to look her mother or reassuring herself and her mother that they will meet again.

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