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Posted by Ricardo Castillo  20 Sep 2022


Rainbow Six Siege is one of my favorite shooters, is probably the most competitive and
unique shooters released in the past years. It is on a whole other level than similar
games and I’m completely sure that 6 years ago if anyone would have mentioned
Rainbow Six no one wouldn’t have thought more than it’s just another shooter. But in
my opinion Rainbow Six Siege is much more than that.

The game basically revolves around tactics, using the appropriate character and setting
up the proper offense or defense that will make win or lose your match. One of the
greatest things of the game is the fact that you can set up walls, traps, and reinforce high
traffic areas, the thing is having those characteristics make the game such different
every time you play.

Each character has a unique set of skills that will give you the edge over your
opponents. From turrets to smoke traps, for sure you will want to use a good quality pair
of headphones because sound is half the battle in every match, and you will want to hear
your opponent before they hear you.

Rainbow Six Siege plays like most other classic shooting games. Controls are fast and a
lack of aim or practice will make you lose. The biggest difference I think that Siege
offers is the objective and strategy, while most ranked FPS games have an objective that
doesn’t just revolve around getting more kills than the other team. In Rainbow Six the
main objective in both casual and ranked is that you must defend a key point that
normally is a stationary target like a bomb you would have to diffuse or a hostage which
could be shot.

Each operator or character you choose has a specific ability that helps them in battle and
each ability is unique to that operator. The other thing is that there are two
classifications of operators there are defenders and attackers which would be used
depending on which side of the map you end up.

For all this reasons and more, I gave this game five stars out of five. This is an excellent
option if you like shooting games, and one of the most important things is that no matter
which game console you have because it is available for everyone, try it and I’m sure
you won’t be disappointed!

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