The Universe Before Newton

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The Universe before Newton

The contribution of di erent scientists

Alfredo Becho Salazar

Nicolaus Copernicus

Copernican heliocentrism is the

name given to the astronomical
model developed by Nicolaus
Copernicus and published in 1543.
This model positioned the Sun at
the center of the Universe,
motionless, with Earth and the
other planets orbiting around it in
circular paths, modi ed by
epicycles, and at uniform speeds.
Johannes Kepler
Johannes Kepler is best known
for his three laws of planetary
motion. ... Planets move in
orbits shaped like an ellipse. A
line between a planet and the
Sun covers equal areas in equal
times. How long a planet takes
to go around the Sun is related
to the radius of the planet's
Galileo galileo
Galileo was a natural philosopher,
astronomer, and mathematician
who made fundamental
contributions to the sciences of
motion, astronomy, and strength of
materials and to the development of
the scienti c method. He also made
revolutionary telescopic
discoveries, including the four
largest moons of Jupiter.
Isaac Newton

Sir Isaac Newton contributed

signi cantly to the eld of
science over his lifetime. He
invented calculus and provided
a clear understanding of optics.
But his most signi cant work had
to do with forces, and speci cally
with the development of a
universal law of gravity.

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