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Please consider supporting
Two years and one year. The Vogels have now been in Ecuador for two years and Ecuador Missions, both
in Quinindé for one year! It does not seem so long ago that the first plans were financially and by remembering
being formulated to send the Vogels to Ecuador to expand the mission work being our missionaries in your prayers.
done by Mision San Lucas in Quinindé. But those first meetings go back to July-
August of 2019! Reflecting on this makes it apparent that it is important to be busy DONATIONS:
in our Father’s kingdom as our time passes quickly. Canada:
During this last year in Quinindé Josh & Michelle have been busy becoming E-transfer:
acquainted with the community and participating in events. Michelle actively helps
and leads ladies’ Bible studies and the children’s programs. Josh has made contact
Covenant Christian Church
with some of the men in the community. Please pray that this could be the start
5783 Camlachie Road
of fruitful work toward the goal of discipleship. This is what generated the desire
P.O. Box 774
to have a family move to Quinindé: to teach and model biblical family life, that
Wyoming, ON N0N 1T0 
especially the men would take up their responsibilities given to them by God.
Please make cheques payable to
Our thoughts as a committee have more recently turned to preparing for the
“Ecuador Missions”
Vogel’s first furlough. The furloughs will occur every two years, being approximately
(Indicate for General Fund or Mission
two months in duration. They plan on being in Canada near the end of June to the
House Fundraiser)
end of August. Time will be spent visiting supporting churches, reconnecting with

family, friends and supporters, meeting with the committee and having down-time.
United States:
Thank you all very much for supporting the work in Quinindé.
St Paul’s Presbyterian Church
4917 Eli St., Orlando, FL 32804,
For His glory , Oscar Van Den Assem USA
Please make cheques payable to
“St. Paul’s Presbyterian Church”
(Indicate for General Fund or Mission
The Work Team minus Arlene and Michelle House Fundraiser)

Ecuador Missions is a charitable

activity of Covenant Christian URC
of Wyoming, Ontario
Mailing list or address changes to

Josh & Michelle Vogel
Phone: 519-800-8056
(no long distance charges)
+593-99-994-6579- Josh

1 • ECUADOR MISSION NEWS • Spring Edition 2023

“For as we share abundantly in  Christ’s sufferings, so through
Christ we share abundantly in comfort too.” -2 Cor. 1:5.

Having spent two un-interrupted years in Ecuador, we are

so thankful that the comfort of Christ has far outweighed the
sufferings. Of course, there are many challenges and difficulties,
but each time again we are reminded that, in Christ, we have all e n Pai
that we need to face each new day, and that each and every one W
of our difficulties is being used by the Lord to refine and mold

us to better reflect the Son.

Family Life
We are very thankful that Quinindé really does feel like Pastor Marty Vogel preaching on Sunday
“home”. We have to visit Quito from time to time for things such in San Jacinto with Josh as translator
as doctor’s appointments, Canadian embassy visits to apply for
Canadian Citizenship for Derek (hopefully they will let him into Ministry
Canada for furlough!), and governmental paperwork (at which In addition to ongoing maintenance and
times we enjoy visiting Grace Reformed Church), and each time upkeep of the Mission San Lucas properties,
the whole family can’t wait to get back to Quinindé. Josh gives one or two messages for the parents
Family life is going well. It is a very neat experience to watch at the children’s projects weekly, as well as semi-
the children learn and grow in such a different culture than we
regular Bible studies in some surrounding remote
did, and to hear them doing such things as live translating for the
communities. In the remote communities, sometimes there are
work team as they tried to communicate with the Ecuadorians.
as many as 20-30 attendees!
They have all integrated very well to life in Quinindé. Krystal (8)
and Jackson (7) both very much enjoy being with their friends Michelle has just started a book study with the female
in the ‘Malecón’ project and continue their daily homeschooling volunteers and employees of Mission San Lucas, and supports
with Michelle. Although Carter (4) knows Spanish very well, the team with lots of organizational assistance, and things like
he does not prefer to speak Spanish while there are English- creating song books and sourcing good study materials. She
speaking people around. He has a best friend however, in the has also been able to give baking workshops to many of the
son of a couple who works in the projects, and it is humorous to mothers of children in the projects, with the hope that they may
hear him suddenly switch languages when he is with his friend, be able to learn a skill that will help them better their economic
A special thing for us in the last number of months has been
the opportunity to befriend and regularly disciple some young
couples who are part of a very small group of believers about
20 minutes outside of Quinindé in San Jacinto, a more remote
area who faithfully meet together for worship every Sunday.
We would love for a door to open in order to become more
involved with that small group as they are very young in the faith,
and very hungry for biblically-based teaching, but don’t have
anyone versed in sound doctrine to teach them. Please pray
that we would continue to be welcome in that community, that
we would be able to support them in their desire to learn about
the one true God, and that they will be kept from falling into
Michelle giving a baking workshop for underprivileged mothers the hands of those promoting the quickly-growing prosperity
Something that we hope to start in the near future, and for
or in a comfortable environment. Abel (2) is very outgoing,
and waves and shouts “Hola”, or tries to give a handshake and which we covet your prayers, is a ministry for the young people.
introduce himself to absolutely everyone. Derek (7mo) has After leaving the children’s projects between the ages of 14-
been ever so content ever since he was born, which is such a 16, there is no ministry for these young, highly impressionable
blessing from the Lord. He is a very happy soul and has lots of teens. There are strong temptations all around them, including
smiles for everyone he meets. joining the drug and weapons trafficking industry that is so
In December we were excited to welcome Josh’s parents prevalent here. We pray that they will remember the things
for their first visit since we moved to Ecuador. It was a very they have been taught in the projects, and have a place where
encouraging time for both them and us, and Pastor Marty had they can get together with each-other and continue to receive
the opportunity to preach a few times, with Josh translating. We biblical, as well as, practical teaching and encouragement. This
were very thankful for a blessed time together. is urgently needed.

2 • ECUADOR MISSION NEWS • Spring Edition 2023

Update from Josh & Michelle Continued...

Please pray for continued safety in the midst of much violence
and brokenness. The Cartel wars have been escalating, and
things like targeted killings and shootouts in the city center Thank-you everyone for your generosity
in broad daylight are not uncommon. Extortion is also a very to this ministry, and the building
common occurrence, where the cartel demands monthly fund! We are happy to report that
“protection money” from individuals or businesses. If this were just over $138,000 has been
to occur to us, we would likely need to leave Quinindé for our raised and we are getting
own safety. Up until and including now, we have felt peace as closer to the $180,000 goal.
we go about day-to-day life here. We continue submitting The previous newsletter
each day to the Lord, trusting His sovereignty, knowing that mentioned that shovels
our own personal safety is in his hands. should be in the ground
by this time, and we are
Work Team thankful to report that ground
We recently hosted a work team consisting of 17 will officially be broken on April 17, 2023!
members from four different churches. We were Although there were some delays
blessed with sweet Christ-like fellowship and there was and disappointments due to some
a great spirit of unity among the team as well. The team difficulty in finding an honest and
accomplished a lot of work in a short period of time, and reputable contractor, we are thankful
we are very thankful for all they did. Most of their time that the Lord always knows best, and His
was spent at the new pavilion (from electrical, to concrete timeline is always perfect. Although at
work, to landscaping), which is where many ministry activities times disappointing and draining, the
will be held, especially when the mission home is built and extended process has been a good
we are living on-site. The whole clinic inside and out has been cultural learning experience not only
refreshed with paint, a mural fixed and another mural painted at for Josh and Michelle, but also for the
of the projects. Yes, they did a lot! entire committee.
A work team may be a busy and stressful time, but the joy We have good confidence in our
of serving together for the glory of Christ’s kingdom is worth it new contractor, who’s qualifications and
all. A highlight for everyone was our Sunday evening singing all integrity have been vouched for. We pray
together, Ecuadorians and Canadians alike. Singing the same that as we proceed, all will go smoothly and
songs together, in Spanish and in English, praising the same, that God will be glorified through it, using it for His purposes.
one, true, and good God.
We covet your prayers for the ongoing ministries as well as “A man’s heart plans his way, but the LORD directs his steps.”
for those that we look forward to starting. Pray for wisdom as we - Proverbs 16:9
seek out the best ways to reach the youth and men in particular.
We thank you for the prayers you have lifted up on our behalf
over these last two years. The Lord hears, and the Lord does.
We are excited to be coming back to Canada this coming June
for a two-month furlough, and we look forward to seeing many
of you then!
Until next time, “The LORD himself goes before you and will
be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be
afraid; do not be discouraged.” -Deut. 31:8

In Christ, and for HIS glory,

Josh & Michelle & Family The Cement Crew


1. Pray for continued safety for Josh & Michelle and the family as they interact
with many different people daily as they go about their work.
2. Thank the Lord for what the work the team was able to accomplish while
there and safety while they did it.
3. Pray for the young couple being discipled.
4. Pray for the building project as it is in the beginning stages.
5. Remember to pray for them as they prepare for furlough this summer.

3 • ECUADOR MISSION NEWS • Spring Edition 2023

REFLECTIONS FROM A TEAM MEMBER Work team visiting a children’s
project for lunch
What an affecting experience being part of the work team
visiting Quinindé in March 2023! From the whirlwind of un-
predictable travel experiences (both challenges and bless-
ings!) to wonderful hospitality and breathtaking vistas of the
mountainous regions surrounding Quito and foothills nearer
Quinindé.  The trip seemed to be marked again and again
by extremes.  Incredible beauty in the lush tropical foliage,
birds, and even some of the less desirable critters such as
spiders, geckos, and snails. In contrast, we noted great pov-
erty and desperation in the face of economic trials and grow-
ing dangers from poor living conditions and especially from
growing criminal activity. The climate too was expectedly
extreme.  With 30 degree heat and often 100% humidity as
well as periods of intense sun and many bug bites, it was
not without some physical discomfort. However, another de-
lightful extreme was found in the form of many exotic (to us)
Discipling a young couple
and incredible tasting fresh fruits and other local cuisine.   from San Jacinto
  We were blessed to be able to tackle and complete a
great number of work projects, to spend some wonderful
time with the children, teachers and administrators in the
projects, with Josh & Michelle, Fred & Arlene, and to grow
closer with one another on the team. Throughout the week
of working, studying God’s Word together, singing His prais-
es, and gathering on His day at a local church to hear his
word proclaimed (although in a language few of us under-
stood) we were greatly blessed. It was good to both see and
to hear the way that the Lord has worked in the community
of Quinindé through the work of Fred & Arlene, Dr. Yeny,
the teachers and leaders in the children’s projects, and more
recently with Josh & Michelle. The children and the teachers
and so many others are such an example of true joy and faith
in God in the face of adversity.  It is evident that the Lord has
worked greatly in this community already, but the broken-
ness and poverty brought about by sin in a fallen world is
also so painfully obvious and darkness continues to spread. 
In few places that I have been have I seen the extremes of
both blessings and brokenness so glaringly apparent.  There
is a very great need in this community, not only for physical
blessing, but also and especially - spiritually. No amount of
physical charity can heal the brokenness in this place (or any
place for that matter).  Much prayer is needed that the Lord
would continue to bless the ministry being done and that
the gospel would continue to spread and greatly affect this

Adam Vandersleen (Mitchell FRC)

4 • ECUADOR MISSION NEWS • Spring Edition 2023

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