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Lyons College

RTO Number: 21918 CRICOS Number: 03578M

Project Portfolio Student Version

Manage Business Operational Plans
Student Name Usama Asghar
Student ID LC210794
Course Code and Title BSB50420 Diploma of Leadership and Management
Unit Code and Title BSBOPS502 Manage business operational plans
Name of Trainer/Assessor Hien TRAN
Assessment Task 2 Project Portfolio
Student Declaration

I declare that:

 This completed assessment task is my original work and not plagiarised or copied from any other
sources like (internet, books etc.).
 I had taken sufficient care and effort to ensure that my work has not been copied by another person.
 I understand that if I am found to be in breach of Lyons College Academic Integrity Policy then
disciplinary action may be taken against me.

Usama Asghar
Student Signature Date 2/23/2023

Assessor to Complete

Assessment Task 2 Project Portfolio

☐C ☐ NYC ☐ NS
Assessment Outcome
(Competent) (Not Yet Competent) (Not Submitted)

Assessment Feedback:

Assessor’s Declaration:

 I declare that I have conducted the assessment in accordance with the Principles of Assessment and
the Rules of Evidence contained in the Standards for RTOs 2015, and I have provided appropriate
feedback to the student.

Assessor Signature: Date


Student name: Usama Asghar

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RTO Code: 21986 BSBOPS502 Manage business operational plans
Assessor: Dr Hien Thi Tran

Date: 2/23/2023

Business this assessment is

based on:

Documentation reviewed as

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RTO Code: 21986 BSBOPS502 Manage business operational plans
Section 1: Planning for an operational plan
About the organisation Overview, products/services/programs
Provide an overview of the The name of the organisation is Worlducation.
organisation and
Worlducation manufactures tablet computers for primary school
students. There is a dedicated team that works on software, content,
Describe the key functions and activities to engage and teach the kids in addition to hardware.
and activities of the work area Functions & Activities
you will develop an
The function of the work area for Operational Plan is to give
operational plan for.
organization workers with a clear picture of their activities and
Briefly describe at least two responsibilities in line with the goals and objectives stated within the
objectives outlined in the Strategic Plan.
strategic plan (if there is no
Activities includes:
strategic plan for your
business, develop two  Benchmarks of excellence
objectives for your work area
 Intended results
or business).
 Needs in terms of manpower and resources
Describe your job role.
 Timeframes for implementation
Explain how your job role
contributes to the broader Objectives
goals of the business or work
Provides guidance and sets up quantifiable objectives. It will assist it
in sharpening its focus in order to arrive at its destination.
My Job Role
By executing marketing tactics, and monitoring trends and
outcomes, determine yearly unit and gross-profit plans.
How my job role contributes?
Merely managing sales targets, motivating and training salespeople,
managing the operation process and resolving complaints is not
enough. I also need to be a customer advocate and a compliance
officer in addition to all the other responsibilities that come with my

Source information Stakeholders who will contribute to the operational plan and
provide relevant approvals:
Identify stakeholders who will
contribute to the operational  When developing the operational plan, an effective manager
plan and provide relevant consults with people who will be implementing the plan, or who may
approvals: be influenced by or have a stake in its execution.
 Who are they (consider  Managers have the most direct impact on the personnel they
escalation, specialist supervise in their direct reports' lives. They are responsible for
resource manager, connecting the performance of their department and its personnel
colleague, client)? with the organization's overall goals. Organization’s operational plan
is shaped by them.
 What contribution will
they make?  Budget is the first and foremost things that needed to the approved
by them. Having a very ambitious operational strategy without the
 What will they approve (if
means to execute it is pointless. It is important that the organization's
budget be constantly monitored throughout the year to ensure that

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RTO Code: 21986 BSBOPS502 Manage business operational plans
Identify and summarise any income and expenditures are on track and that the organization is
legislation relevant to the able to achieve its financial obligations and its objectives.
operational plan you develop.
Identify and summarise any legislation relevant to the
Identify and summarise any operational plan you develop.
organisational policies and
 Health & safety Legislation- Employee safety at work is mandated
procedures relevant to the
under the
operational plan you develop.
(Attach proof to this section of  Health and Safety at Work Act of 1974. In general, businesses are
your portfolio). required to protect the health, safety and well-being of all
Summarise the financial
information (e.g. budget and  Privacy policy- Personal information collection, usage, storage and
forecast) that will inform disclosure in the federal public sector and commercial sector are all
spending and (attach proof to included.
this section of your portfolio).
 Anti-discrimination Act- Legislation aimed at combating racism
aims at providing equal opportunities for everyone. To ensure that
individuals are not discriminated against in specific aspects of their
lives, such as the workplace, school and restaurants.
Identify and summarise any organisational policies and
procedures relevant to the operational plan you develop.

 Clear objectives- The operational plan needed to have a clear

objective to develop it properly.

 Quality standards- An operating-level quality plan translates the

customer requirements (the what) into actions required to produce
the desired outcome (the how) and couples this with applicable
procedures, standards, practices, and protocols to specify precisely
what is needed, who will do it, and how it will be done.

 Key targets and key performance indicators - To establish and

assess progress toward organizational goals and objectives, key
performance indicators are used. It must be possible to correctly
define and measure a KPI before it has any value. When you create
your operational strategy, you'll choose a number of operational
goals to work towards.

 Risk management plan- There will be no end to the project's risk

management activities. Ongoing risk identification and evaluation are
part of this process along with risk planning for newly identified risks,
tracking trigger conditions and contingency plans, and frequent risk

 Staffing and resource (including budget) requirements.

 Implementation timetables.

 A process for monitoring progress. (1) Proof: Attached simulation

The financial information that needed to be include

 Profit and loss statement.

 Cash flow statement.

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RTO Code: 21986 BSBOPS502 Manage business operational plans
 Balance sheet.

 Sales forecast.

 Personnel plan.

 Business ratios and break-even analysis.

Identify potential activities Identify potential activities

What potential activities are Two objectives are
required to address the
 increase sales to increase donations to needy classrooms
objectives (at least three per
objective)?  strengthen the skills of our people, to better support customers

What are your suggested time Activities relate to the first objective include:
frames for each activity?
Activity 1: Create an online advert for the new product (quoted price
Who will be responsible for of $25000)
the completion of each
Activity 2: Arrange a live demonstration for existing customers
Activity 3: Create rewards program to reward school based
Activities related to the second objective include:
Activity 1: Train sales staff to use new product
Activity 2: Organise school visits
Activity 3: Sponsorship program to develop personal relationships
between less fortunate children and sales staff. Time table will
be depended on the duration of each activity. A dedicated team
including Staff, Manager, Operational Team, Marketing Team.

Establish potential human For each potential activity in the operational plan, list the
resource requirements human resources required
For each potential activity in  Create an online advert for the new product- IT specialist, Digital
the operational plan, list the Marketing Team will be the required Human Resource for this
human resources required (at activity.
least one new human
 Arrange a live demonstration for existing customers- Sales Team
resource should be required).
will be the required Human Resource for this activity.
For each human resource:
 Create rewards program to reward school based- Line Manager
 research and summarise will be the required Human Resource for this activity.
information on resource
 Train sales staff to use new product- Team Leader & Supervisor
options and how the
will be the required Human Resource for this activity.
resource may be
sourced (e.g. can  Organise school visits - Sales Team, Activation Team.
internal staff do the job,
 Sponsorship program to develop personal relationships between
are consultants required
less fortunate children and sales staff- Media & Advertising Team
How resources can be sourced:
 analyse options and
choose one. 1. There are various ways you can promote a role to your existing
workforce. Some of the most popular ways include:
 explain how the resource
will be recruited and  Promotions.
inducted following policy

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RTO Code: 21986 BSBOPS502 Manage business operational plans
and procedure.  Transfers.
 explain any financial  Advertisements.
implications (e.g.
 Freelance to full-time employee.
approval required,
amount to be budgeted  Enlisting retired former employees to freelance or work parttime. 
for etc.). Having an employee referral scheme.
 explain any Intellectual 2. External sources of recruitment involve motivating the skilled and
Property (IP) more efficient candidates external to the organization to apply for the
requirements, rights and vacant positions in the organization.
responsibilities linked to
Job openings are informed to the external environment by using
the resource.
various methods such as:

 Advertisements,

 Campus recruitment,

 Employment exchanges,

 Walk in interviews,

 Organizational websites,

 Job fairs,

 Job portal

Analyse options and choose one

Hiring from inside the business is a hallmark of a successful
organization, and research shows that internal employees are less
expensive and perform better than external hires.
How the resources will be recruited and inducted following
policy & procedure

 Your Ideal Candidate Preparation

 Talent Sourcing

 Applicant Conversion

 Selection and screening of potential employees

 In-depth Interviewing

 Verification of references

 On boarding

Explain any financial implications

financial implications are the suggested or actual consequences of
every financial decision. And while the word has a somewhat
negative connotation, its financial ramifications might be either
positive or terrible.
For example- Saving money has a financial benefit of increasing
your net worth.
Intellectual Property (IP) requirements, rights and responsibilities

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RTO Code: 21986 BSBOPS502 Manage business operational plans
linked to the resource.
Trade marks - protect logos, words and other branding

Establish potential physical For each potential activity in the operational plan, list the
resource requirements physical resources required:
Use the information from your  Create an online advert for the new product- IT equipment will
research and knowledge of be the required Physical Resource for this activity.
your work area.
 Arrange a live demonstration for existing customers- IT
For each potential activity in equipment and hardware will be the required Physical
the operational plan, list the Resource for this activity.
physical resources required
 Create rewards program to reward school based- Premises
(identify at least one).
will be the required for this activity.
For each physical resource:
 Train sales staff to use new product- Equipment and training
 research and summarise materials are required.
information on resource
alternatives (e.g. RPA vs  Organise school visits- Vehicles required.
human input)  Sponsorship program to develop personal relationships
 analyse options and between less fortunate children and sales staff- Premises
choose best one will be the required for this activity.
Summarise information on resource alternatives
 explain how the resource
will be While RPA is utilized to work alongside humans by automating
obtained/purchased repetitive operations (attended automation), AI is seen as a
following policy and technology that can be used to replace human labor and
procedures automate end-to-end processes (unattended automation).
 explain any financial When it comes to RPA, organized inputs and logic are used,
implications (e.g. whereas AI employs unstructured inputs and reasoning
approval required, that it creates on its own. Analyse options and choose one
amount to be budgeted RPA.
for etc.)
How the resources will be obtained/purchased following
 explain any Intellectual policy & procedures
Property (IP)
When it comes to buying items and services from different
requirements, rights and
suppliers, the function of the company's purchasing policy
responsibilities linked to
is to set standard techniques and procedures. In addition to
the resource (other than
taxes, payroll payments, and other business expenditures,
those already
this policy covers all of the company's expenses.
Explain any financial implications
Financial implications are the suggested or actual
consequences of every financial decision. And while the
word has a somewhat negative connotation, its financial
ramifications might be either positive or terrible.
For example - Saving money has a financial benefit of
increasing your net worth.
Intellectual Property (IP) requirements, rights and
responsibilities linked to the resource.
Patents - protect inventions and new processes

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RTO Code: 21986 BSBOPS502 Manage business operational plans
Establish potential KPIs For each potential activity in the operational plan, establish
measurable KPI’s:
For each activity, establish
measurable KPIs.  Create an online advert for the new product- Brand awareness
& Online conversion rates will be required.
Show how you approached
establishing the KPIs in a  Arrange a live demonstration for existing customers-
mathematical way using Customer satisfaction & Net Promoter Score will be required.
 Create rewards program to reward school based- Enrolment
How do the KPIs reflect rate & engagement rate will be the required for this activity.
financial requirements?
 Train sales staff to use new product- Sales Target & Monthly
List ways to monitor the KPIs. Sales Growth required.
Show how you approached establishing the KPIs in a
mathematical way using problem-solving

 number of problems registered,

 number of problems solved,

 number and percentage of problems with root cause


 number and percentage of problems with workaround


 average age of a problem, per business impact,

 percentage of incidents related to (caused by) problems in

relation to all incidents in a particular time period,

 update frequency of open problems.

How do the KPIs reflect financial requirements?

When we use KPIs, we can enhance our financial
performance, which is essential to the overall success of our
organization. The KPIs we pick or develop to measure the
results in our connection map will have the same relationships
between them as their results do. Assume we measure revenue
as Total Revenue.
List ways to monitor the KPIs
Your business's performance may be monitored using Key
Performance Indicators. Financial and other company indicators
can be measured with sophisticated computer tools or basic

Identify data security issues Identify any data security requirements or issues associated
with the activities.
Identify any data security
requirements or issues Data Tampering. Eavesdropping and Data Theft.
associated with the activities.
Falsifying User Identities.
Password-Related Threats.
Unauthorized Access to Tables and Columns.
Unauthorized Access to Data Rows.

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RTO Code: 21986 BSBOPS502 Manage business operational plans
Lack of Accountability. Complex User Management Requirements.

Attach: Proof of policies and procedures relevant to work area ☐

and/or operational plan

Proof of financial information and relevant calculations ☐

(e.g. budget, graphs)

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RTO Code: 21986 BSBOPS502 Manage business operational plans
Section 2: Developing an operational plan
Consult with others Who was part of the negotiation?
Summarise the outcomes of The stake holder who took part of the negotiation is the HR, CFO and
your meeting with relevant Operations
CRM needs to be upgraded every month that will take half of the day
 Which stakeholders did and may result to issues with in the operation. Budget will be
you consult with? impacted as well as the operations. HR needs to implement the said
policy and procedures when it comes with handling system·
 Why were these
stakeholders part of the Collaboration:
consultation process? Ensure with operations to schedule teams to be off take one cubicle
 Were any changes to each shift and have the calls be directed by the other teams and
your suggested activities, troubleshooting issues be escalated to IT personnel
resources, timeframes, Feedback was achieved through meetings and huddles.
KPIs and monitoring
processes requested?
Describe how you
collaborated to achieve joint
How did you seek feedback,
advice and support?

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RTO Code: 21986 BSBOPS502 Manage business operational plans
Objective Activity/ Person Timeline Resources KPI Budget
responsible required
strategy to

Objective Activity Person When Human and KPI to Depends

selected required to responsible must the physical measure on the
from realise for the activity be resources and monitor required
strategic objective activity’s completed required to success of time
plan successful by or complete the activity period.
completion during activity
period is it
to be

Align Delegation of Line Task Human Choose the Depends

resources work Manager delegation Resource model of on the
for optimal should be cascading required
results. completed that suits time
at first. your period.

Financial Finance Every 6 Human Sales growth Depends

Planning Team months Resource Income on the
Priorities needed to fix sources required
financial time
needs period.

A company Marketing Every Human Price Cost Depends

culture that Team month Resource Net income on the
attracts and required
retains the time
best people period.

Engage with Assure that Human By weekly Human Sharing Depends

your staff leaders and Resource Resource report on the
and managers are Team Employees required
communicat aware of their NPS time
e e what essential period.
needs to be responsibilitie
done. s s in

n to help

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RTO Code: 21986 BSBOPS502 Manage business operational plans
Objective Activity/ Person Timeline Resources KPI Budget
responsible required
strategy to

managers with
they need, as
well as the
answers to
their queries.

Prioritize the Quality Every Human Review Depends

customer's Team month Resource progress on the
experience with team required
Decide on Analysis time
your squad current period.
carefully! performance
evaluate your

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RTO Code: 21986 BSBOPS502 Manage business operational plans
Develop a contingency plan.

Activity/strategy to Potential risks Planned Response

achieve objective

Activity required to Risk associated with How you will mitigate the risk
realise objective the activity

Delegation of work The fear of loss of Training all the staff healthy workplace environment
power, certain
personal attitudes,
and the lack of the
ability to direct well.

Financial Planning Credit risk, liquidity An accurately outlined financial planning to track all the
needed to fix risk, asset-backed downsides.
risk, foreign
investment risk,
equity risk, and
currency risk

A company cultures Financial insecurity. Maintaining healthy workplace environment

that attracts and Work-life balance.
retains the best Management.

Assure that leaders Leaders and Proper training

and managers are managers can’t
aware of them handle them
essential responsibilities in
responsibilities in communication
communication. properly.

Prioritize the Customer Not showing biasness towards any range of customers
customer's prioritization has a
experience negative effect on the
average satisfaction
of bottom-tier

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RTO Code: 21986 BSBOPS502 Manage business operational plans
Approve plan I will seek approval from the Board of Directors.
Follow organisational policies I will project my operational plan in a board meeting to all the
and procedures to seek authoritative figures.
approval for your operational
I shall try to point the positive aspects of the plan as much as
possible to get the board’s approval on it.
 Who will you seek
approval from?

 How will you seek

Attach proof of approval (e.g.
minutes of executive team
meeting, draft email) to this
section of the portfolio.

Document resource  Natural resources (land)

 Labour (human capital)
Document the resource
 Capital (machinery, factories, equipment)
requirements (following
organisational policy and  Entrepreneurship.
Attach proof to this section of
the portfolio.

Explain plan to team The plan of how to attain the organisational objectives and yearly
Attach proof to this section of
the portfolio (if not already
viewed in person by the

Attach: Proof of stakeholder meeting (if relevant) ☐

Documented resource requirements ☐

Operational plan (if you did not use the provided table) ☐

Contingency plan (if you did not use the provided table) ☐

Proof of operational plan approval ☐

Explanation to team (if relevant) ☐

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RTO Code: 21986 BSBOPS502 Manage business operational plans
Section 3: Managing operational performance
Confirm human resource Any new staff members required to complete the activities in the
acquisition operational plan was recruited and inducted according to the
organisation’s policies, practices and procedures.
Confirm that any new staff
members required to complete
the activities in the operational
plan were recruited and
inducted according to the
organisation’s policies,
practices and procedures (e.g.
via email, face-to-face
conversation, survey etc.)
Attach proof to this section of
the portfolio.

Confirm physical resource Any new physical resources and services required to complete the
acquisition activities in the operational plan were acquired according to the
organisation’s policies, practices and procedures
Confirm that any new physical
resources and services
required to complete the
activities in the operational
plan were acquired according
to the organisation’s policies,
practices and procedures (e.g.
via email, face-to-face
conversation, invoices, quotes
Attach proof to this section of
the portfolio.

Incorporate Intellectual Here are five different ways to protect intellectual property.
Property (IP) requirements
1. Register copyrights, trademarks, and patents.
Take necessary steps to
2. Register business, product or domain names.
ensure any IP requirements
(established in Section 1 of 3. Create confidentiality, non-disclosure or licensing contracts for
your Project Portfolio) are employees and partners.
incorporated in the execution 4. Implement security measures.
of activities (e.g. memo to
staff, contractual agreement, 5. Avoid joint ownership.
email to include it in induction
process etc.)
Attach proof to this section of
the portfolio.

Plan and implement monitoring

Choose one activity and its Activity: Financial Planning needed to fix
related KPI.
Related KPI: Sales Growth
Establish a process that can

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RTO Code: 21986 BSBOPS502 Manage business operational plans
be used to monitor and Financial and other company indicators can be measured with
document performance of the sophisticated computer tools or basic spreadsheets.
KPI (either using a flowchart or
The process shall be implemented.
Implement the process (e.g.
by placing a poster in the
office, sending an email etc.)
Attach proof of your
implementation to this section
of your portfolio.

Assess progress Yes, the activity of fixing financial planning shall be

completed within the timeframe set. It will meet the budget
Assess and document the
and no additional resources are required other than the
progress of the activity you
basic ones.
selected to monitor in the
previous step (use the data The human resource is underperforming a bit.
showing underperformance).
You may consider:

 Is it likely to be completed
within the timeframe set?

 Will it meet budget?

 Are any additional

resources required?

 Are any resources under-

performing (identify at
least one)?
Attach relevant data/proof of
progress to this section of your
Attach documented
performance to this section of
your portfolio.

Negotiate and approve The stakeholders were part of the negotiation

The reason behind the underperformance is that the number of
Summarise the outcomes of human resources is not as much as required. More employees
your negotiations with relevant need to be recruited through proper training.
I adjusted the timeframe for additional training for the new recruits.
 Who was part of the I can support the resource going forward by helping it in its proper
negotiation? training and preparing for joining the work.

 What are reasons for

underperformance and
how can it be solved?

 What did you negotiate

(e.g. adjusted timeframe
to allow for additional

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RTO Code: 21986 BSBOPS502 Manage business operational plans

 How can you support the

resource going forward?

 Which variations were

Attach proof of your
negotiation to this section of
your portfolio (if not already
viewed in person by your

Approve variations. Approval shall be gained from the stakeholders for the negotiated
variations through meeting and huddles.
Gain approval from relevant
stakeholders for the
negotiated variation(s).
Attach proof to this section of
your portfolio (e.g. minutes of
executive team meeting, email

Address underperformance Under performance can be detected and supported in following

Confirm that support is
provided where necessary  Consistent Feedback.
according to policy and
 Personalised Training.
procedures (e.g. email to
arrange training).  Explain Expectations and Acknowledge their contribution.
Attach proof of confirmed  Set Performance Goals Together.
support to this section of your
 Time it Right.
 External Factors.

 Follow Up.

Attach: Proof to confirm recruitment and induction processes ☐

Proof to confirm physical resource acquisition processes ☐

Proof of incorporated IP requirements ☐

Proof of implementation of monitoring process ☐

Proof of data/progress (if relevant) ☐

Documented performance ☐

Proof of negotiation (if relevant) ☐

Proof of approval ☐

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RTO Code: 21986 BSBOPS502 Manage business operational plans
Proof to confirm additional support ☐

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RTO Code: 21986 BSBOPS502 Manage business operational plans

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