Possessive Pronouns and Adjectives 8B

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Liceo Bicentenario

Instituto de Administración y Comercio Estado de Israel

Miss Kattyza Reyes
Curso: 8vo básico B

English Worksheet

Name:____________________________________________Grade:__________Date: __________

Indicador de evaluación: Identifica el uso de estructuras gramaticales relacionadas a la unidad 1./

Utiliza correctamente estructuras gramaticales relacionadas a la unidad 1.
Objetivo de la guía: Identifican y utilizan estructuras gramaticales relacionadas a la unidad 1.
Contenido: Gramática relacionada a la unidad 1.

1.- Complete the sentences with the correct possessive pronouns.

Mine His Its Yours Hers Theirs Ours

1. She has a new puppy. It is _________________.

2. I have a new car. It is _________________.
3. He has new pillows. It is _________________.
4. They have a new cat. It is_________________.
5. You have a new toy. It is _________________.
6. The dog has a new bone. It is _________________.
7. We have a new house. It is _________________.

2.- Read the following text. Identify and highlight possessive adjectives.

This is Peter’s sister. Her name is Carol. Her boyfriend name is Tom. Tom and Carol have got a new
flat. Their new flat is in the main street of the town. Peter went to see his sister’s flat yesterday. He
liked it a lot. Soon Tom will be his brother-in-law because Carol and Tom are getting married!.
His and her parents are very happy. All their friends are going to go to the wedding. Her dress is going
to be white and his suit is going to be very elegant.
The wedding is going to be in church. Her father is going to drive her to the church in a big limousine.
After the ceremony, they are going to a restaurant to have a meal and a huge party with all their
Liceo Bicentenario
Instituto de Administración y Comercio Estado de Israel
Miss Kattyza Reyes
Curso: 8vo básico B

3.- Complete the sentences with the correct possessive adjectives.

my our your their his her your its

1. My dad likes to brush _______________ teeth after every meal.

2. We're flying very early tomorrow so we should pack _______________ bags tonight.
3. When you go swimming, do you open _______________ eyes underwater?
4. Lucy's always talking about _______________ new boyfriend. It's really boring.
5. Good morning, children. Please open _______________ books on page 87.
6. Ruth and Steven have a very close relationship with _______________ grandparents.
7. I can't touch _______________ toes any more. It's time to start going to the gym!
8. The dog wagged _______________ tail when it saw the postman.

4. Read the following text. Identify and highlight possessive adjectives and possessive pronouns.

The boy says “This is my car”His sister says “It is your car, but it is my doll.Usethat doll over there. It is
yours” The brother says “Mine is small. He is not a good driver.” The girl says, “Okay. Put yours next to
mine. They can ride together.” Their mom asks, “Whose car is that?” The kids look at the two dolls
and laugh “It is not ours. It is theirs”

5. Draw something that belongs to you and write a short sentence explaining what it is. Don't forget
to use possessive pronouns or adjectives.
Liceo Bicentenario
Instituto de Administración y Comercio Estado de Israel
Miss Kattyza Reyes
Curso: 8vo básico B


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