Capstone Update 1

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April 10, 2023

Capstone update #1

For my capstone, my goal by the end of the week is to finalize the questions that I want to
ask and, if all the pre-production is finished, then move on to filming. Ideally, I want all my
filming to be done by the 19th or 20th because I don’t want to fall behind with exams. I would
need to make sure the dates align with the schedule of my grandparents then I should be on a
roll. I will need to use equipment from Mr. Cawdell’s room and then I should be ready to film. I
have editing software on my personal laptop so I am able to edit on my own time and if I have
any issues with film equipment or editing, I have already asked Mr. cawdell if he would be
willing to help and he said he would be more than happy to. The obstacles that I’m worried about
are, falling behind, being unprepared and not being finished by capstone presenting date. I know
I can finish my project by that date but with IB exams, a lot of my free tome is going towards
studying and feeling prepared for the exams. I will really have to have good time management
and if I complete a good chunk of my project prior to exams I know I can finish everything
efficiently. The progress I have made this week is curating the main ideas behind my film, the
main questions, the shots and getting everything prepared for filming like getting SD cards. I
have started creating the main questions I want to ask and watching other documentaries with
similar topics to get some inspiration.

The questions I will ask:

- When did you move from India?
- Why did you move from India?
- What was your perception of Canada before moving?
- After moving, was Canada the dream that you believed it was?
- In what ways did you have to change your ways to ‘fit in’ (acculturate) in Canada?
- Do you think that has influenced your children / grandchildren?
- Do you believe that the future generations of Punjabi children will have a disconnect
from their culture?
- Are there any outlets where children / younger generation of Punjabi people can go to get
resources on ways to connect to their culture.
- If you had one piece of advice for any child who feels disconnected from their culture,
what would it be?

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