Accident Prevention Tips in English and Polish

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Health & Safety Adviser


Taking these simple steps will help to ensure we maintain a safe and healthy workplace:

Keep the workplace clean and tidy. Clean up if you create a mess and do not leave it for
someone else to deal with.
Use the machine guards provided. Do not use a machine if the guard is missing or
damaged. Never remove a guard unless you have been authorised.
Check the machine guards are in good working order at the beginning of your shift.
Damaged or missing guards can lead to serious accidents.
If you see a problem, fix it. If you are unable to do so, tell your supervisor and make sure
the machine is not used until it is safe to do so.
Loose clothing, long hair, jewellery and other items can get caught in machines. Tie hair
5 back or use a hairnet and wear clothes that have close fitting or short sleeves. Avoid
items of clothing or jewellery being allowed to dangle.
Do not obstruct corridors, exit doors, fire doors or other areas designed to be used in an
All accidents, even minor injuries, must be recorded in the accident book. This
information can highlight a serious problem and prevent a more serious accident.
8 Wear sensible shoes. Non-slip soles are a good idea.
9 Safety footwear must be worn in areas where items might be dropped on your feet.
Only trained and authorised drivers are permitted to use workplace vehicles including
10 fork lift trucks, pedestrian operated lift trucks or similar. Do not attempt to use these
unless you have been trained to do so.
11 Never ride on workplace transport or equipment that is not designed for the purpose.
Wear your hearing protection. The damage to your hearing is gradual and may go
unnoticed. Noise induced hearing loss can’t be fixed.
Make sure acoustic hoods and enclosures are properly used. These prevent noise
reaching hazardous levels and may prevent access to danger areas.
Smoking and alcohol are prohibited. Smoking increases the risk of fire. The use of alcohol
dulls the senses and makes individuals prone to having or causing an accident.
Do not eat or drink in the workplace. Workplace contaminants can be ingested with
food. Always eat in designated areas and thoroughly wash your hands before doing so.
Comply with safety signs. Signs highlight dangers in specific areas or inform of more
general risks such as noise.

© 2021 Agora Business Publications LLP. The information in this document is for general guidance only and is not intended to address the circumstances of any particular individual or entity.
The document may need to be tailored to suit individual circumstances and professional advice should be sought before any action is taken, or any decision is made to refrain from action. To
the fullest extent permitted by law, Agora Business Publications LLP and our contributors do not accept liability for any direct, indirect, special, consequential or other losses or damages of
whatsoever kind arising from any action or inaction of the user other than liability limited to the fee paid for the document.
Health & Safety Adviser

Wypadków mozna unikac

Swa pomoca kazdy moze przyczynic sie do tege, aby unikac wypadków i poprawic ochrone
zdrowia w naszym przedsiebiorstwie!
Nalezy przestrzegac koniecznie nastepujacych punktów:
1 Utrzymywac miejsce pracy zawsze w stanie czystym
Czystosc zwieksza mozliwosc orientacji
2 Uzywac istniejacych urzadzen ochronnych przy maszynach
Brakujace lub niekompletne ochrony zwiekszaja istotnie niebezpieczenstwo wypadku.
3 Sprawdzac urzadzenia ochronne przed rozpoczeciem pracy oraz op wykonaniu prac
Brakujace lub niekompletne ochrony zwiekszaja istotnie niebezpieczenstwo wypadku.
4 Braki zglaszac niezwlocznie przedlozonemu
Musi on natychmiast usunac brak, jezeli mozecie tego wykonac sami.
5 Podczas pracy przy maszynie nosic ubrania przylegajace do skóry i zwiazac dlugie wlosy
Luzne czesci odziezy lub wlosy moga dostac sie do czesci maszyny.
6 Nie blokowac dróg ucieczki i wyjsc bezpieczenstwa
W przypadku zagrozenia musi istniec mozliwosc szybkiego opuszczenia pomieszczenia.
7 Zglaszac kazdy wypadek przy pracy – takze drobne skaleczenia (ksiega
Dla ewentualnych zapytan nalezy pisemnie rejestrowac wypadki przy pracy.
8 Uzywac zawsze stabilne obuwie – sandaly bez pasków o piete nie nadaja sie
Tylko w dobrym obuwiu ma sie stabilna pozycje.
9 Uzywac obuwia bezpieczenstwa
Spadajace przedmioty moga spowodowac ciezkie skalezenia stopy. Jezeli takie
zagrozenie istnieje na danym stanowisku pracy, obuwie bezpieczenstwa stanowi
skuteczna ochrone.
10 Nie uzywac wózków widlowych bez pisemnego zezwolenia
Wózki widlowe inaczej funkcjonuja niz np. samochody osobowe. Dlatego konieczne jest
dodatkowe przeszkolenie.
11 Nie uzywac recznych wózków widlowych do jazdy
Wózek reczny nie ma hamulców.

© 2021 Agora Business Publications LLP. The information in this document is for general guidance only and is not intended to address the circumstances of any particular individual or entity.
The document may need to be tailored to suit individual circumstances and professional advice should be sought before any action is taken, or any decision is made to refrain from action. To
the fullest extent permitted by law, Agora Business Publications LLP and our contributors do not accept liability for any direct, indirect, special, consequential or other losses or damages of
whatsoever kind arising from any action or inaction of the user other than liability limited to the fee paid for the document.
Health & Safety Adviser
12 W strefach o wysokim halasie uzywac nauszników
Ucho szybko przyzwyczaja sie do halasu, powstale przy tym schorzenia sluchu sa

13 Oslony akustyczne utrzymywac w stanie zamknietym

One sluza nie tylko do ochrony sluchu, lecz sa takze dodatkowym zabezpieczeniem przed
14 Stosowac sie do zakazu palenia i picia alkoholu
Pomaga to w unikaniu pozaru i wypadków.
15 Nie spozywac napojów i potraw na miejscu pracy
Unika sie dodatkowego zagrozenia wskutek spozycia substancji szkodliwych.
16 Przestrzegac instrukcji na tablicach ostrzegawczych
One wskazuja zagrozenia, zakazy i rególy zachowania sie.

© 2021 Agora Business Publications LLP. The information in this document is for general guidance only and is not intended to address the circumstances of any particular individual or entity.
The document may need to be tailored to suit individual circumstances and professional advice should be sought before any action is taken, or any decision is made to refrain from action. To
the fullest extent permitted by law, Agora Business Publications LLP and our contributors do not accept liability for any direct, indirect, special, consequential or other losses or damages of
whatsoever kind arising from any action or inaction of the user other than liability limited to the fee paid for the document.

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