Ciencia de La Ciencia

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Aura Natalia Rojas Snabria

Fundacion Universitaria Juan De Castellanos.

April 2023

I used to play a lot in my childhood. Whenever I got together with my cousins and
cousins we played hide and seek, tic tac toe, soccer, and we also had a lot of fun with
my classmates and kindergarten classmates. I had a lot of fun although sometimes we
ended up fighting or angry because not all those moments are Some of the best in life
that if time could go back for a moment I would be happy, at this moment they are
memories that make you smile for a moment and help you forget about your worries.

In my adolescence I used to do a lot of mischief with my schoolmates because at that

time I didn't have many responsibilities since my parents helped me with my education
and with my diet because I never lacked for anything, but one way I was used to being a
good student and My daughter always did what was my responsibility, like getting good
grades, helping with small household chores, among many other things. I will also
always remember that great stage of my life with great appreciation and nostalgia,
because they are unforgettable moments.
My adult life has been a bit strange because it starts from the moment I left my home
for the city in search of a better future. I entered the university with a great
responsibility because I was not used to living alone and this led to me getting sick. a bit
since I started to have anxiety, stress and depression, which has been a very strong
process, but I hope to get used to this university environment and these great
responsibilities in the future, I hope I can overcome this hard stage that I am going

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