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Present simple

¿Cuándo lo utilizamos?
Para hablar de hábitos, rutinas, hechos
En el caso de la tercera persona (he she it) se agrega la "S" o "ES" al verbo infinitivo
work - works
live - lives
Cuando el verbo termina en o-sh-ch-ss-x se agregará "ES" al final en el caso de tratarse de una
tercera persona
go - goes
watch - watches
Por otro lado cuando el verbo termina con y se le agregará "S" o "ES"
play - plays
study - studies
+ Sujeto + Verbo (con "s/es" si está en tercera) + Complemento
We run every day
She runs every day
- Sujeto + Auxiliar en negativo + Verbo + Complemento
We don't study every day
He doesn't study every day
? Auxiliar + Sujeto + Verbo + Compl / WHQ + Auxiliar + Sujeto + Verbo + Compl
Do you run every day?
Does he run every day?
What does it do every day?
1-Tom _________ (catch) the bus to school at 9 o'clock
2- It often _________ (rain) at this time of the year
3- I ________________ (not drive) to work. I _________ (go) by bus
4- She usually ______________ (have) lunch at 8 o'clock
5- This problem _____________ (not happen) very often
6- They ____________ (go) to a lot of concerts
7- Mary ___________ (read) a newspaper every day
8- You ___________ (not do) your work carefully enough
9- Where do/does your sister train/trains every morning?
10- Do/Does they go/goes shopping every week?
Present Continuous
¿Cuándo lo utilizamos?
Para hablar de lo que estamos haciendo ahora, en este momento, hoy
+ Sujeto + be + verbo con ing
He is listening
- Sujeto + be not + verbo con ing
They aren't talking
? be + sujeto + verbo con ing / WHQ + be + sujeto + verbo con ing
Is she walking?
Where is she walking?
1- Nell _________________(not/watch) television at the moment.
2- __________ you ______________ (call) your mother?
3- They _____________________ (go) to the cinema.
4- John _________________ (read) the newspaper.
5- _______________ Valerie ________________ (study) English?
6- We __________________ (not/play) video games.
7- I ______________________ (not/drink) water.
8- We ____________________ (know) her.

Present perfect
¿Cuándo lo utilizamos?
Cuando hablamos de una experiencia pasada que ya terminó. Algo que hemos hecho en nuestras
vidas hasta ahora, pero sin especificar exactamente cuándo. También lo utilizamos para
mencionar el resultado de una acción pasada.
+ Sujeto + have/has + past participle
I've been in Paris
She has finished her project so she can watch TV now
- Sujeto + have/has + not + past participle
I haven't seen the football match
He hasn't send me a message
? Have/Has + sujeto + past participle / WHQ + have/has + sujeto + past participle
Have we worked?
Where has she brought it?
1- She _____________ (not study) for the exam
2- ___________________ (be) to Asía?
3- Where____________ he ____________ (go)?
4- We ___________________ (not leave) yet
5-____________ you ever ____________ (see) a shooting star?
6- They __________________ (bring) their children with them.
7- __________ the bus _____________ (arrive) yet?
8- I ______________ (want) a new car for a long time

Más práctica
Present simple o continuous
1- Mary never ____ TV on weekends.
2- The drugstore ____ until nine o'clock on workdays
3- Kate ____ the guitar at night.
4- ____ to London this month?
5-  ____ that woman over there your mum? She ___ at you.
6- They ____ because they are busy.
7- John ____ at the hospital near my place.
8-  My father and I ____ sunbathing.
9-  ____ flamenco guitar?
10- My friend Tom ____ Football, that's why he can't come today.

Present perfect
buy - download - have - not learn - not have - not meet - not pay - see

I'm a huge Shakira fan and I'm lucky because my friend, Jason, works for her record company.
I've seen Shakira play in over twenty concerts. Jason _________________ dinner with Shakira
three times, but I __________________ her in person. I _______________ any Shakira CDs
because Jason gets free copies for me. I ________________ the lyrics of most of her songs and I
________________ some of her videos from the internet. My parents _______________ a guitar
for me, but I _____________ any lessons.

1- Your brother / do / his homework ?

2- How / be / the day / at university ?
3- They / not win / the competition ?
4- Your friends / swim / today at the beach ?

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