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Table of Contents

Explaining What a Reiki Practitioner Does 6

5 Proper Ways To Explain Reiki 9

A Guide to Creating a Reiki Presentation 13

Doubt and Hope ~ How To Overcome Two Barriers in our Practice 19

A Reiki Code of Ethics 23

How to Start a Successful Reiki Business Without Quitting Your Day Job 27

5 Eye-Opening Lessons from Deborah Flanagan’s

‘Building a Powerful Practice: Successful Strategies for Your Wellness Business’ 30

Planting Seeds for a Successful Reiki Business 34

12 Do’s and Don’ts When Starting Your Own Reiki Practice 38

The Business of Service – Managing a Practice by the Reiki Healing Principles 44

Is a Home-Based Reiki Business Right for You? 48

Staying Professional in a Personal Setting 57

Feeling Guilty About Investing In Your Reiki Business? 61

How to Create the Perfect Reiki Space on a Budget 64

Advice to Novice Healers: Five Guidelines to Smooth Your Path 69

The Essential Concept of Energy Exchange 72

Is it Possible to Make a Living as a Reiki Practitioner? 75 3
Reiki: The Exchange of Energy 78

Healers and Money 81

Setting Rates as a Reiki Practitioner 83

Payment for Reiki: Teacher & Student Perspectives 87

Putting A Price on Reiki 91

5 Reasons to Readjust Your Reluctance to Charge for Reiki Services 95

Reiki and Payments 99

Can Reiki Do Harm? 102

Pushing the Boundaries 105

Social Media Survival Guide: 5 Guidelines for Empaths and Spiritual People 109

Teaching and Giving the Gift of Reiki 114

Supporting New Reiki Practitioners 120

The Question All Clients Ask 123

The Reiki Client Support Kit 127

How to Start a Reiki Community 134

Illuminations to Bringing Your Reiki Practice to the Light 136

Redefining Success with Reiki Guidance from Usui Sensei 139

Sprinkle Success on Your Business with Reiki 143

Reiki your Business 145 4
25 Reiki Business Owners Speak Out:

“What I Wish I’d Known Before Starting My Reiki Business” 148

Key Strategies to Stand Out as a Practitioner and Attract More Clients 165

Social Media Secrets for Our Reiki Business Success 186

The Path of the Spiritual Entrepreneur -

What Does Your Reiki Business Look Like 211

Reiki Outreach - Raising Awareness and Availability of the Benefits of Reiki 221

How To Build Business With A Stellar Reiki Talk 245

Meet the Authors 264 5
Explaining What a Reiki Practitioner Does
Article by Taryn Walker

It’s a common question. “So what do you do?” Honestly it has always driven me nuts

and I have been a little facetious at times and said things like “Oh you know, I eat, I

sleep, I go swimming and sometimes I enjoy long walks in the mountains”. Sorry! But
I know that usually what people are actually asking is “What do you do for a living?”
“How do you make money?” “What’s your purpose?”

When I made the switch from English teacher to Reiki practitioner I noticed quite a

difference in the way people responded to what I do. “I’m a Reiki practitioner” is often
met with an awkward silence followed by an “Oh”. I only realised just how

misunderstood and misrepresented Reiki is once I started practicing and teaching it

professionally. There’s a lot of hogwash on the Internet and it’s given Reiki a bad name.

So it got me thinking. How can I present what I do without using the word Reiki? And
wouldn’t it be nice if everyone expressed what they did for a living in a way that made

people understand what they actually do as opposed to what they’re called.

So what do I do? 6
“I help people to move towards balance and wholeness by using a simple relaxation
technique which activates the body’s natural healing response”.

That sounds awesome. I’d try that.

“I guide people to reconnect with their inner magic.”

I’m intrigued. I’d like to know more!

“I help people to realise that they are so much more than a physical body. As they
begin to understand themselves as multi-layered beings a beautiful journey inwards
begins and this depth of experience brings great meaning and purpose to life.”

Wow! That sounds incredible. How do you do that?

As you can see there are so many ways to present your profession and it can be

enjoyable to be creative in your explanations. Conversations about what we do can be

really interesting.

So instead of being rigidly identified with the name of your profession -Reiki Master,
Finance Manager, Accountant, Housewife – why not try and describe how you help.
What you do is valuable in so many ways if you really think about it.

Be passionate in your sharing. Be proud of how you contribute, no matter how small
you think that is. People respond well to passion because it is authentic. As a Reiki

practitioner and teacher I have found this to be a wonderful way of letting others know

just how much I love Reiki and what people can achieve through regular Reiki practice. 7
How would you describe what you do without mentioning your job title? Do you

practice Reiki for a living? How would you explain what you do without using the word

Reiki? 8
5 Proper Ways To Explain Reiki
Article by LaTanya L. Hill, JD

We have all had that moment of trying to explain Reiki to someone who has no idea
what it is. If you are new to healing, then you are probably still wondering what it is

yourself. If you are more advanced, you may have an idea of the full extinct of Reiki

healing, but how does one summarize it for the unknowing? If you answer with the

history of Reiki, you probably find most persons are not interested in a detailed
explanation. In fact, some may walk away regretting the inquiry. As a healer, you should

have a brief response that sums of the essence of Reiki within a few seconds.

Now, a lot of you are probably thinking that Reiki is so powerful and extensive that it

cannot be summarized within seconds. However, the most typical response healers
give when asked about Reiki is it is a Japanese technique which channels Universal

energy using a “hands-on” or “hands-off method” to remove blockages and relax you

or something close to that remark. Though accurate, this response lacks depth and

makes assumptions. It implies that the other person has similar belief systems and
healing knowledge as you do and it doesn’t really answer the question. It tells a person

how the healing procedure occurs, but not the essence of Reiki itself. 9
Once you have worked with this energy for a while, you understand that Reiki is more

than just a way to remove blockages and relax. It is the return of our most pure self.

Reiki intermingles with the energetic and physical body to release all obstacles that
have prevented us from being who we really are in this world. It is the most divine love

and assistance imaginable. If someone asked me how does Reiki work, I would respond

in the typical way given above. But if someone asked me to explain Reiki to them, I

must go deeper. But before doing so, I offer them a summary to pique their interest
and encourage them to ask more.

I am not telling you to stop using the typical response mentioned earlier. Say it if it

makes you feel comfortable. If your spirit tells you to respond in that manner, then let
no one stop you. I am recommending that you add more. Just as each fingerprint is

different, so does Reiki present itself differently to each person in a session. Though

the healing outcome is the same, Reiki is specific to each person. For some people,

Reiki is a soft cool wind bringing back memories of childhood trauma while soothing
the heart. For others, it is a dull or sharp headache that dissipates once a blockage is

released. And still, others receive a restful sleep full of healing energy.

What is the proper way to explain Reiki when it forever changes? I have listed a few

responses below that I have found effective when communicating to others about
Reiki. Each one offers some insight into the higher levels of healing while still allowing
a person with zero knowledge the capability of grasping the concept, all of which will

lead to follow up questions. Even if the questions are an attempt to gauge your
expertise, these responses will lead the conversation down the path you feel most

Response 1:

Everything around us is composed of energy, including us. Reiki is that part of us that
is still part of the Universe. It is the conscious energy that flows through me to you. 10
This process clears all negative emotions, memories, and physical pain stored in your

physical frame. The result of which allows you to heal.

Response 2:

Reiki is a method of healing which occurs in the emotional, spiritual, and physical body.

It is a “knowing” Universal energy that realigns your energy to remove anything that

will prevent you from becoming your true self. It can also help you learn to heal
yourself in combination with western medicine.

Response 3:

Reiki is a conscious energy that can do no harm to anyone. If a negative thought enters
a healer’s mind, it will stop. This energy only wants good for you. Therefore, it will help

you to release anything that will stop you from being the best you in this world.

Response 4:
As a child, did your parent or parental figure ever place their hand on you while injured,

relieving the pain? If so, you did not feel pain anymore because they combined the

intention to relieve your pain with love and peace. Reiki is like that parental touch, but

from the Universe. It helps your body to release and remove any pain that may hurt

you, from spiritual to emotional to physical, giving you love and peace at the same

Response 5:
Reiki is God energy that reinserts the goodness that was taken from you in this life.
Whether it was removed by trauma, injury, or accident, Reiki gives you back what was

lost by clearing away anything that blocks your true spiritual path.

Hopefully, you find these responses useful in your practice and Reiki life. As we all
know, Reiki is an evolving energy that gets stronger as we elevate in vibration. Let the 11
examples listed above be a good start to deeper conversations about Reiki and how it

benefits everyone.

Be bold, be honest, and be unique. 12
A Guide to Creating a Reiki Presentation
Article by Kathleen Johnson

An “Introduction to Reiki” presentation provides an overview of Reiki to those who

may be curious, yet are reluctant to book a session or take a class. It can also offer

additional knowledge to those who already have some understanding of Reiki and its

benefits. I have organized many presentations over the years and found it to be a
rewarding experience. A presentation is an excellent way to promote a new Reiki

business when used as a marketing tool. It is also remarkably effective as a means to

raise awareness of Reiki and its benefits.

When my Reiki practice was new, my primary intention for the presentations was to

build a client base and market my business. As the practice grew and flourished, my

intention gradually shifted to raising awareness of Reiki, where it remains today. A well-

planned and thoughtfully organized presentation is a great way to educate and inform 13
others about the gift of Reiki, with little or no investment required. I think of it as

“planting the seed.”

The Basics

Planning a Reiki presentation begins with the basics – place, date, time, and potential

costs. Public libraries and community centers are generally receptive to hosting Reiki

presentations. Social or charitable organizations and support groups are also potential
hosts, as are some private groups. And of course, a Reiki presentation can be held in

the practitioner’s home or professional space if necessary. However, keep in mind that

if the event is hosted by an outside group, they will likely do much of the advertising,

which is a nice benefit for the practitioner.

The time allotted for the event must also be decided, and in my experience, two hours

is generally sufficient. And, at least in my area, the presentation is usually free of charge

for the attendees, although some practitioners utilize a donation-based fee.

Once the basics of place, date, time, and cost have been determined, it is time to

organize and begin preparations. My custom has always been to invite and include

additional Reiki practitioners in the presentation, and this practice has proven to be

mutually beneficial. And because I always incorporate mini-sessions for the audience,
it helps to have extra pairs of Reiki hands! I also begin advertising the event on social
media pages, newsletters, and websites, which is in addition to any advertising by the

hosting group.


One of the first steps in preparing the Reiki presentation is to decide what elements to

include and what topics will be covered. Creating an outline or syllabus for the

presentation goes a long way toward keeping it organized and coherent, and is highly 14
recommended. For your convenience, I have included a sample outline at the end of

this article.

Following that, determine whether any audiovisual aids will be needed. Several years

ago, I created a PowerPoint presentation specifically for these events, which is effective

for conveying relevant information to the audience. If you plan to include audiovisual

aids, contact the hosting venue to ensure they can accommodate your needs.

The next step is to determine what supplies are needed for the presentation. Although

this varies significantly among practitioners, some examples can include a Reiki table

and linens, a Shoji screen, music, crystals, as well as promotional materials, such as
business cards, brochures, a contact information sheet, and informational handouts.

Additionally, I bring my appointment book and calendar because it is not unusual for

someone to book an appointment following the presentation.

Throughout the preparations, I maintain regular contact with the assisting Reiki

practitioners, so that each individual has the same information and is familiar with the

presentation format.

The Day of the Event

On the day of the event, plan to arrive at the venue at least an hour before the
scheduled start time, which provides ample time for room setup, audiovisual checks,

and display of promotional items. Also, it allows time to energetically clear and cleanse
the space, in whatever manner is preferred by the practitioner(s). As a final preparation,
we gather in a circle and set our group intention of deep healing and blessing for all

attendees, as we express gratitude for this opportunity.

As the attendees begin to arrive, they are welcomed, thanked for coming, and invited
to visit the table containing the informational and promotional materials. The 15
practitioners mingle with the guests and answer any questions that may arise before

the presentation begins.

The Presentation

Begin with a general welcome for all and a request to silence cell phones. Then, the

practitioners and I introduce ourselves to the audience, accompanied by a brief

description of our Reiki journey.

At this point, I engage the audience by asking about their experience with, or

knowledge of, Reiki. This interaction helps them to relax and feel more involved.

Following that, I briefly describe the presentation agenda, being sure to mention the
mini-sessions that will be offered at the end.

Then the PowerPoint presentation begins and includes:

• Reiki Kanji and explanation

• What is Reiki?

• A Brief History

• Reiki Precepts

• How Reiki works

• Chakra System and Reiki

• Benefits of Reiki
• Description of Reiki Treatment

• Learning Reiki
o Available to all
o Easily learned

The PowerPoint presentation is followed by a short break along with a question and

answer period. In my experience, there are frequently questions and comments,

making this a valuable part of the presentation. 16
We then resume with a group meditation, guided by one of the assisting practitioners.

Before beginning, I briefly describe the meditative process and explain that it helps to
create a receptive state for the Reiki energy during the mini-sessions. The meditation

is approximately 15 minutes and has always been well-received by the participants.

After the meditation, mini-sessions are offered for those interested in experiencing the
energy of Reiki. Most of the sessions are conducted in a chair, although I typically have

a Reiki table available for those who wish to lie down during the session. Each session

is 10 to 15 minutes, and as the practitioners move through the audience offering

sessions, I remain available to address questions or concerns. This portion of the event
always generates questions!

Upon completion of the mini-sessions, we thank the audience for the opportunity to

share Reiki with them and close the event with a brief ending expression of gratitude.

In Conclusion

Creating an “Introduction to Reiki” presentation provides a unique opportunity to

promote awareness and understanding of this gentle yet powerful healing modality.

And, because I have been blessed to meet numerous new clients and students through
these presentations, I can attest to their value as a marketing tool and promotion for
a Reiki business. As always, ask Reiki to guide you through the process, and it will lead

the way. Reiki blessings to all!

Sample Presentation Outline

This outline is one I have developed and successfully used many times. It is provided

as a reference should you be interested in creating your own Reiki presentation.

Introduction to Reiki (Recommended length- 2 hours) 17
• Welcome

• Practitioners’ Introduction

o Brief History
• Audience familiarity or knowledge of Reiki

o Has anyone had a Reiki Treatment?

o Does anyone here have Reiki experience?

o Are there any Practitioners in the audience?

• Reiki Basics (I use PowerPoint for this)

o What is Reiki

o Brief historical perspective

o How it works
o Chakra Basics

o Benefits of Reiki

o Description of Reiki treatment

o Learning Reiki
• Question and Answer Period

• Guided Group Meditation

• Mini-treatments by practitioners (Chair, Table)

• Expression of Gratitude 18
Doubt and Hope ~ How To Overcome Two Barriers in our

Article by Bruce Taylor

Luis Ansa described the ego as “the creature” within us, and I quite like this title. As

Reiki practitioners we may always be tempted into doubt or beguiled into hope via

this creature and this is moving us that much further away from the true flow of Ki


Doubt and Hope have their respective place in the past and future respectively and

here also lies this creature, that is our ego. Thinking onto a session, perhaps during

self-healing or with a client; once the flow of Ki is relegated to the idea that something

(namely healing) didn’t take place, or that there is some expectation of results from
the session to come in the future then we do now no longer exist within the present.

This may be a familiar place for many (practitioners or clients alike) as the “creature”

within us is a very deep part of who we are and our experience. 19
This creature is a necessary aspect of us, it is our survival mechanism, it is what helps

give direction in our lives and helps us understand our purpose. The caution that the
creature provides allows us to progress, however, this duality is also the cause of

suffering and resistance within all of us. We all know this, or at least are familiar with

this dualistic suffering caused by the creature within us, but diving into the idea of the

creature vs. the natural flow of energy provides an interesting opportunity to dive back
into the precepts of Reiki and to question the direction and nature of our practice.

“Unease, anxiety, tension, stress, worry — all forms of fear — are caused by too much
future, and not enough presence. Guilt, regret, resentment, grievances, sadness,
bitterness, and all forms of non-forgiveness are caused by too much past, and not
enough presence.” ~ Eckhart Tolle

The very nature of Ki, the flow of Reiki, is within the present and within this present
moment there is a beautiful moment of truth. This truth is the understanding that there

is nothing beyond the precepts, nothing beyond the opportunity to step back and

surrender to the flow of Ki. In doing so, the practitioner, then, offers no space for doubt

or hope, there is no space for what may be or what was, there just simply is space for

what IS, and that is KI.

Again, this is a discussion that is very well known to us all surely, but It remains a

discussion worth having as we are all victims to this at some point or another.

Returning to the precepts here and let us consider the following:

Just for today I will do my work honestly

How should one approach this precept without doubt and fear? As a practitioner this
is, perhaps a bit easier as we can aim to detach from our own creature within and just 20
be in the moment. Without thought or judgment – which may be viewed reflexively as

doubt (thought) or hope (judgment), it may be quite an accessible space to reside

within from the practitioner’s perspective.

However, let us consider the perspective of the client or the individual coming for

healing. The very nature of this interaction creates a hierarchical relationship (giver vs.

receiver, practitioner vs. client) and, thus, the client may very well (and likely) be
residing within a state of doubt and/or hope from the moment the decision was made

to take a treatment.

How does the above precept work into this almost unavoidable disbalance between
practitioner and client? Again, taking the perspective of the client and assuming there

is such a disbalance existing, the practitioner may aim to do all that would be possible

to remove the idea of doubt and hope from a session.

To do one’s work honestly is to preform our practice without the creature to the best

of our ability, to share the flow of Reiki without hope or doubt, to just simply BE

present, to just simply BE Reiki. To give guidance, set expectations for a session, to

measure outcomes or to analyze the experience from the perspective of the

practitioner all will just instill more doubt or hope within the client, thus not remaining
in the present, nor the precepts, nor the flow.

The above argument has helped shape my current practice in the way I present Reiki
to new clients and to those who have quite “powerful” experiences (if you will) during
a session and if the following resonates then I invite you to bring it into your practice

as well.

I always explain to new clients that I aim to stay as detached from the experience as
possible, with the ideal state being that I am totally mindless of the session itself and 21
just IN it at the moment. Again, going back to the hierarchal relationship that surely

exists here, I am quick to let the client know that the experience on the table is theirs,

that nothing here within Reiki can harm them or hurt them, and that this experience is
led by our greater good, the love or the Ki within us all. Admittedly, however, this may

do little to calm the doubt or hope within the client as they are, afterall, paying for the

session and will be mindful of potential results.

To counter this it has been quite productive and meaningful to spend time with the

client post session helping them analyze their own experience. Again, I’m sure many

of us are doing this so I’m not aiming to suggest that this is a revolutionary idea, but

what I would put forward here is that this discussion allows someone who may be
projecting in doubt or hope to actually come back to the present moment and to just

be fully here now, with the session and the flow of Reiki.

Should you find yourself with a very linear and/or logical client then aim to help them
to understand the session with as much logic as possible (discuss the physical

sensations via actual anatomy, via the nervous system, via traditional Chinese

Medicine, relaxation and decrease in cortisol, whatever may work here, but help them

begin to understand the session in a language they understand otherwise the client

will be back to square one). This is the same approach with someone who may be a
bit more metaphysical in their mindset (help them understand their experience via
discussions on energy centers, mystical experiences, past lives, whatever may work).

Proceed here with confidence, direction and caution however, as miscommunications

and misguidance can cause more doubt or hope to creep into the experience, thus

your client (and perhaps yourself) will just be that much further removed from the

precepts and the flow, or the true nature of Reiki, which is just to BE PRESENT. 22
A Reiki Code of Ethics
Article by Patti Barker Kierys

As a Reiki practitioner and teacher, we have a responsibility to a higher standard of

conduct. We know that Reiki does no harm, but it is extremely important that we do

no harm in any way. The following is a code of ethics I created to help in my practice.
It may be of help to you as you go forward with your Reiki practice. It is part of the

manual I give my students. Once you have reviewed the following, you may wish to
add to the list.

• Reiki Principles

Honor and support the principles of Reiki – Just for today I will not anger, I will not

worry, I will be grateful for all my blessings, I will work with honesty and integrity, and

I will be kind to all living beings.

• Receive Permission Before Session Begins 23
Always ask the client for permission before beginning a session. Explain what happens

during a session and ask if there are any questions. Be respectful of the client’s

situation and honor the client at all times.

• Do Not Manipulate

The practitioner shall not bring a personal agenda into the Reiki session. This is not

about what the practitioner wishes for the client, but what the client wishes. Treat
clients with respect and be sensitive to the client’s needs.

• Confidentiality

Any information shared between client and practitioner is confidential. No information

is shared to others without written permission of the client. If any information is shared,

the client’s identity shall remain anonymous. Remember many clients are in a

vulnerable place and need to feel that the practitioner can be trusted. A personal intake

form should be filled out at the initial session.

• A Safe Place

Make it a nurturing place for all who enter. A client must feel safe at all times. Infuse

the session room with Reiki and clean the energy after each session with a client.

Display any Reiki training certificates or degrees received and the Reiki Code of Ethics.

• Do Not Diagnose, Prescribe Medications, Nor Offer Therapeutic Advice

Refer clients to other health care professionals when necessary. Do not attempt to use
intuition as a substitute for medical care. As stated and worth repeating, do not
diagnose, prescribe medications, nor offer therapeutic advice.

• No Guarantees

Do not promise that a client will be healed. Suggest that there are many possibilities,
but no guarantees. 24
• Levels of Intimacy, Privacy, and Boundaries

Treat clients and students with respect. Clients remain fully clothed at all times. If a
client asks to disrobe, remind the client that it is not a massage. Touching another

person is an intimate and trusting action. Be aware of the client’s comfort level. Ask if

the client is comfortable with being touched. If a client is uncomfortable with touch,

the practitioner should raise hands above the client’s body while conducting the

• Reduce Competition

Do not let ego take over. If clients decide to go to another practitioner, send them on
with blessings. Trust a client knows what is best. We all have different gifts to offer. Let

us reduce competition which will help us heal each other. If necessary and appropriate,

recommend another practitioner for the client to see.

• Professionalism

Set business goals and carry them out with integrity and honesty. Be respectful of other

professionals in Reiki. Do not use copyrighted materials, manuals, articles, etc. without

the consent or written permission of the creator.

• Reiki and the Community

Go forth in the community. Take time to educate individuals, the medical field and the

community-at-large of the value and benefits of Reiki. Create materials that would be
helpful in this endeavor.

• Thankful for Reiki

Be thankful for Reiki and the gifts received. Acknowledge the blessings of Reiki. Study

and learn other modalities to add to Reiki. A few to consider are mindfulness,
meditation, and color therapy. Be a student for life. 25
I believe a code of ethics can be of help whether you are starting a business, teaching

or simply living Reiki each day for yourself, family and friends. If you find the above
code of ethics to be helpful, you can add it to your Reiki tool box.

It is my hope that the gifts of Reiki will guide you to live your dreams and accomplish

your goals each day. 26
How to Start a Successful Reiki Business Without Quitting

Your Day Job

Article by Deborah Flanagan

Over the years, so many Reiki practitioners have asked me to meet for coffee to “pick

my brain” because their trainings didn’t fully prepare them for the business side of
starting a practice. The most important piece of advice I can give you about making a

career transition toward a Reiki practice is this: don’t give up your day job! But how do
you make this work? Read on for concrete, practical ways to start a successful Reiki


1. Why Keeping Your Day Job is Ideal When Starting a Practice

I think keeping your day job is actually the best way to start a successful Reiki business.

At least initially, keeping your full-time job and then perhaps transitioning to a part-

time job is best. 27
It can be incredibly stressful to rely solely on client income when you’re first starting

out as a practitioner. If you have an additional income source—from a full-time job or

part-time work—this can help you be more financially stable as you build your practice.

From the beginning, this was really important for me, because I knew I would worry if

I didn’t have enough clients in a particular week, and I didn’t want to worry at the

expense of focusing on the work I was doing to help my existing clients.

2. Figure Out the Right Number of Client Hours Per Week

Doing some other kind of work also helps you avoid burn out because you’re not just

seeing clients full-time. Treatment hours are very different than working full-time at
other kinds of jobs.

Here’s why:

• Being present: With this work, you need to be very present for your Reiki clients,
and it can be taxing emotionally and physically.

• Don’t overestimate: I remember when I first started out I thought I would be able

to see clients for 30 hours a week. Turns out, that’s way too many!

• Building stamina: Not only could I not keep a pace of 30 hours a week now, when

I was first starting out, I could do even fewer sessions, because you build up stamina
to do this work. In the beginning, if I did three sessions back-to-back, I got tired.
• Seeing clients full-time: 15-20 hours a week is full-time in terms of treatment hours.

• Taking care of yourself: Seeing clients full-time can be tough, and if you do choose
this path, it’s all the more important that you take time to take care of yourself and
have a strong Reiki meditation and self-care routine.

3. Set a Consistent Schedule to See Clients

Seeing one or two clients a day is ideal when you’re first starting out. Set aside one or
two days a week to see clients, and set the general time slots as well. It may seem 28
counter-intuitive, but being clear about the days and times that work best with your

regular job will make it easier to book clients rather than asking the prospective client

when they want to come in.

For example: “I see clients on Tuesdays and Thursdays between 6pm-8pm.” This

provides a clear container and boundary, allowing you to take care of your needs and

schedule. It also comes across as professional to your prospective client by not

sounding too open ended.

I used to worry about losing potential clients this way, but over time I learned to think

about it differently: I want to attract the ideal kinds of clients for me and part of this
includes clients whose schedules fit well with my schedule.

4. Learn How to Avoid Burnout and Take Care of Yourself

When you’re first starting your Reiki practice, especially if you have a full-time job, it
will take extra time to get your new business up and running. This is something to take

into consideration as you’re getting started. As you figure out a schedule that works

for you, consider having a set time when you “turn off.”

Ideas to consider:
• Don’t work the hour before you go to bed.
• Reserve Sundays for downtime.

• Find time to play or relax: read a novel, go to yoga, meet a friend.

• Schedule in your downtime on your calendar as if it’s a real appointment.

Hopefully, this article gives you a sense of the possibilities as you move forward in

creating a vibrant practice that works with your existing job and allows you to focus

on what’s most important—doing work you love helping people help themselves with
Reiki. Here’s to your successful Reiki business! 29
5 Eye-Opening Lessons from Deborah Flanagan’s

‘Building a Powerful Practice: Successful Strategies for

Your Wellness Business’
Article by Nathalie Jaspar

If you are like me, learning all about Reiki practice was a fascinating adventure. Setting

up my own wellness business, however, proved to be a tad more challenging! Maybe

that’s why I enjoyed Deborah Flanagan’s book Building a Powerful Practice so much.

It transformed the drudgery and the fears of setting up a business turning it into a
path of discovery. It also gave me—in an easy to relate to and apply way—all sorts of

wonderful tips to make the path smoother. 30
Deborah painstakingly took the care to interview a number of successful practitioners

with very different styles, which added a well-rounded, all-inclusive approach to the


In Spanish we say, “Nadie aprende en cabeza ajena,” or: no one learns from what

happens to others. I don’t believe this is always true. I’m grateful to this little jewel of
a book for several eye-opening ideas and suggestions that have changed the way I
conduct business for the better:

1. Define your niche

One of the advantages of Reiki is that it helps with almost any kind of issue or
challenge, be it physical or emotional, but this doesn’t always work in favor of building

a strong Reiki business. According to Deborah, “aiming too broadly actually defuses

your ability to attract clients.”

Focusing on an area of expertise that resonates strongly with you will help you avoid

offering a generic sales pitch and, in the long term, result in a more sustainable,

fulfilling practice. The book includes tips on how to figure out your niche in a simple

way. It seems obvious, but if you are like me, you may have some trouble letting go of

clients that don’t fit your niche.

I gave it a try though, and defined my niche by picking one that is very close to my

heart: over- worked and stressed people who work in big corporations, especially
advertising, production and finance. I can relate to their struggles and stress because
I came from this work environment!

I may have lost a few new clients when I honed in on the kind of clients I wanted to

specialize in helping, but guess what? My repeat business increased by 300%. Not only
did I benefit in the business sense, I enjoyed the sessions more. 31
2. Take the pressure off

To be able to really focus on your practice, you need to solve any financial issues.
Deborah recommends easing gradually from your current job into your professional

practice, and maybe even considering keeping a part-time job over the long term.

“This was really important for me, because I knew I would worry if I didn’t have enough
clients in a particular week, and I didn’t want to worry at the expense of focusing on
the work I was doing to help my existing clients,” she explains.

I wish I had read this before I jumped into full-time practice. I felt that it should be all

or nothing, that I had to fully commit to my new venture or it would not happen. I
forgot one little thing, a wellness practice is intrinsically tied to the well-being of the

practitioner, and as I started to panic about the amount of sessions in relations to my

bills… the fewer sessions I booked. Now I freelance every so often as a copywriter to

take the pressure off my practice and as a result, clients are booking sessions again.
And when I don’t book as many sessions as I would like, I don’t freak out, I organize

workshops and meditation sessions, an activity that may not contribute a lot towards

my bills but that I thoroughly enjoy and can be a way to find new clients.

3. Take care of yourself

When we own our own business, it can take over our lives, which may result in burnout.
Deborah shares ideas of how other practitioners take care of themselves to avoid being

drained—from taking full days off to disconnecting from the internet/phone/TV an

hour before bed.

She also recommends getting sessions from other healers to recharge. After all, Reiki

is all about taking care of ourselves first in order to help others. Don’t have a lot of

money to get sessions from other practitioners? Deborah gives you a tips on how to
get some pampering in creative ways. In my case, I’ve discovered very affordable 32
activities that boost my energy: swing dancing classes and meditation/chanting


4. Heart-centered marketing

I worked in advertising for years and yet I dreaded marketing my Reiki business. In my

mind, those were two separate worlds and I didn’t want one to contaminate the other.

But Deborah’s approach to marketing changed my mind: “Before I started my practice,

I thought I hated anything to do with marketing. I was surprised to realize as I went
along that marketing is simply connecting in a focused way with people who need
what you offer.”

The best part: she lists a wide range of marketing approaches, telling what has worked

for her and what hasn’t. For example, I was obsessed with writing a piece for a big

wellness blog. I thought that this would make all the difference. Deborah dispelled that

myth. This allowed me to focus on the tool that has worked best for me: talking to
people and offering mini trial sessions.

5. How to deal with the drudgery of admin work

I didn’t suspect administrative work—building data bases, balancing financial records,

paying taxes, etc.—would take so much time. The book offers you great tips on how
to balance it with your practice. Plus you can download her free business starter kit,
which rocks—especially if you are spread-sheet challenged like I am. To be honest, I’m

still working on this one. My admin work is still very spotty: throwing receipts into a
box for accounting and adding people to mailing lists when I remember. I am, however,
an expert at creating impossibly long to-do lists, so there is hope for me still!

No matter at where you are in building your Reiki practice, this book will provide you

with some serious wisdom and how-to advice. But if you’re in the planning phase and
just starting out, it will save you even more headaches. 33
Planting Seeds for a Successful Reiki Business
Article by LaTanya L. Hill, JD

There is a rumor floating around that if you are a Reiki healer, you do not need to do

anything but perform self-healing, and then all is well.

We all know that we should give ourselves Reiki every day to maintain a blockage-free

and healthy body on all levels. It is drilled into us from the beginning of our practice

and everywhere we turn in this healing world.

However, there are times when we need a little more help than Reiki. Take for instance

the moment you decide to walk in this energy healing world where there is always a

saying of “love and light,” but people forget to tell you about the business side which
is not necessarily “love and light.” 34
If you want to have a successful business, sometimes, you must release the “love and

light” for the “reality and truth.” Below are some recommendations to help you on your
journey to plant good seeds for a successful Reiki business.

Please note that the resources listed are mostly specific to those persons living in the
United States, but please go online and find the equivalent resource for your country.

1. Brand your business for success

The reality is that you need to think of your services as not only a divine gift but a

prized commodity that has a monetary value. As such, you should not only have a

professionally designed logo and website, but you should also consider trademarking
your name and logo at There is a definite genuineness felt

by persons who go to a website and see a business with an original name and

trademarked logo. It is a subtle way to tell your future clients that you are a

professional and ready to handle business. It also tells the Universe that you are ready
to take the next steps as a successful business owner. You also want to have specific

documents for your business, such as business cards (electronic or paper), new client

forms, a photo/video release of liability, etc. These forms can easily be found online

and revised as needed.

2. Be prepared with personal liability insurance

Another consideration is liability insurance. This is a must in my opinion. If you do not

know what this is, liability insurance protects a person from a legal claim resulting from
injury or damage of some kind. There are a lot of people I know who are working in
this field without being insured. Again, I do not recommend this. Because this is a

helping field, most people feel as if they do not have to worry about being sued. But

what if you fall or injure yourself while setting up your table? What if your client falls

on your premises or while getting on or off your table? Even worse, what if you have a
client who falsely claims you touched an intimate part of their body while in session 35
which resulted in emotional and mental injury? These situations are not out of the

realm of possibilities and may occur at any time in your long career. It is best to be

prepared with personal liability insurance. I am personally covered by Whoever you choose to insure you, be sure

you are fully covered and protected personally and as a business.

3. Choose your business structure

Finally, please register your business as soon as possible. You can be registered as a

Sole Proprietor or go the Limited Liability Company (LLC) route. Both have value

depending on where you are in your business financially and how you want to form it

initially. As a Sole Proprietor, you are an unincorporated business run by one person
who is personally liable for the business. As an LLC, you will be an incorporated

business with one or more owners and members. An LLC must file articles of

incorporation and other legal documents with the Secretary of State to be formed. The

Articles typically indicate your business name, purpose, how the business will be
managed, etc. Being an LLC offers protection from personal assets being used to settle

legal claims. You also must take into consideration how you will be taxed as a Sole

Proprietor and as an LLC. If you are working part-time, an LLC may not be the best for

you, but again, this depends on where you are financially and how you see your

business in the next year or so. The legal protection from lawsuits alone is a major
reason some people prefer to go the LLC route.

The truth is doing the above-mentioned is synonymous with grounding yourself. You
are planting roots in the spiritual plane that deals with businesses and corporations.
By taking care of these initial requirements, you are setting yourself up for a positive

experience and successful business.

It is a wonderful thing to be in the spiritual realm of healing and positive energy, but
we cannot forget that we still live in a material world with rules, policies, and 36
procedures. So as the saying goes, ‘be in this world, but not of this world.’ Do what

you can to plant strong roots because if you are doing well and are happy, so will your

clients and those living around you be the same. 37
12 Do’s and Don’ts When Starting Your Own Reiki Practice
Article by LaTanya L. Hill, JD

When certifying people as Reiki healers, part of the training offers recommendations

about starting your own Reiki practice. The formal requirements for starting any

business, such as creating a fictitious business name and registering it, creating a logo

and website, and then developing a marketing plan for your Reiki practice, have not

changed. Listed below are 12 DO’S and DON’TS that you should also take into
consideration when starting your own Reiki practice.

The Do’s
Do #1- Be realistic about your situation.
Being realistic prepares you to take on the responsibility of starting your own practice.

Assess your life situation and come to an honest conclusion about how starting a

business will affect it. Starting a business takes a lot of time and effort. You must follow

all the legal requirements to create and protect it while also spending most hours of 38
the day thinking of ways to make it successful. If you have a stressful life now, take

some time to settle things down on all levels before you start a Reiki practice.

Do #2- Save money for business expenses.

It is important that you assess how much money you need to start your business. There

are a lot of costs associated with hiring independent contractors for website design,

designing business cards, media marketing; paying rent for space or renovating your
home office; government filing fees; staffing, and other miscellaneous costs. You may

not have enough clients to cover these costs. I recommend you research what your

initial expenses will be in the first few years, so you can estimate the amount needed.

There are also ways to save on costs, such as working out of a home office, sharing
rental space with another Reiki healer, and using one of the free templates offered

online to design your own website.

Do #3- Know your target clientele.

Understand who your target clientele is for each service. Knowing who your clients will

be is essential for any practice. Your target clients will determine the prices you charge

and how you will market your business. You should know in advance whether you like

to work only with animals or would like a variety of clientele – from animals to adults,

to children, to the elderly, to those with incurable diseases/conditions. If you know you
are not a people person, then focus on animals or building clearings don’t force
yourself to work with people just to earn money. Remember, you are also establishing

your reputation with each client and if you do not want to be in the room, the client
will feel that energy. So remain true to yourself and pick the perfect clientele for your
Reiki practice.

Do #4- Research the area to learn the standard rate for services.

Go online to research your area and the surrounding areas to discover what other Reiki
healers are charging their clients and the type of people they are targeting for services. 39
Consider the background, education and training, and specific services offered by each

Reiki healer, and then price your services. Also, take into consideration what your

expenses will be and what you will need to make to make a profit. Meditate and Reiki
the situation if the price still doesn’t feel right to you.

Do #5- Seek help and advice.

If you know someone who has a successful Reiki practice, ask for advice. Most, if not
all, healers are more than happy to assist and advise you on the path they took. Read

articles from various experts who are working in and out of the Reiki field. Try to use

some of the advice for your practice. Another method is joining professional

organizations that helps members start their own practice and provides marketing
tools for use. By joining an organization, you are also better able to connect to fellow

healers all over the world for advice.

Do #6- Make a 3-to-5-year plan for your business.

Be sure to plan out the first three to five years in a business plan. A good business plan

will tell who you are, what you will do, how you will do it, and the costs involved to

make it happen. There are many companies out there offering to help create a business

plan. I recommend you write your own. Only you know what you want to accomplish

in your Reiki practice. Keep in mind, it does not have to be a formal business plan. At
least, not initially. Once your Reiki practice takes off, you can work on a formal business
plan with the help of a professional. Write out your three-to-five-year business plan,

which includes goals for each quarter, semester or year. As always, be sure to include
all expenses.

The Don’ts
Don’t #1- Don’t fear failure.

You may put everything together, but fail or fall short of your expectations. Do not fear
rethinking your original plan and taking a route that is not as comfortable or common. 40
Look at the situation as a stumbling block to help you fine tune your Reiki practice.

What you think is great for you may not be where the Universe wants to take you. Sit,

Reiki, meditate, and reposition yourself. Failure in one situation is the potential success
in another. Therefore, fear should not be a part of your energy when starting your Reiki


Don’t #2- Don’t underestimate the time to create a steady client base.
Understand that although Reiki is gaining in popularity, there are many people who

do not know what Reiki is and others who know but do not believe in it. It may take

some time to build a steady client base. Once you create a good marketing plan, clients

will seek you out. To speed up the process, be sure they can find your business online.
Think about hiring someone to assist you in search engine optimization for your

website so that people can find you on Google, Instagram, Facebook, local directories

and other media outlets. Also, if possible, discount or donate services to help build

your reputation and advertise. Word of mouth always has been and always will be one
of the best advertising methods for a business.

Don’t #3- Don’t fear diversifying.

Do not get stuck in believing there is only one way for you to run a Reiki practice. Make

your business stand out through creative methods. Some healers offer readings, crystal
work, Animal Reiki or meditation classes. Other healers become Reiki Master Teachers
and then add certification services to their practice. Think of your own unique

background and skills from previous positions, then integrate them into your practice.
For instance, if you were an event planner, then hosting Reiki events and gatherings
will be easy for you to combine with your business model. Keep looking forward and

thinking of new ways to integrate other skills with Reiki for your practice.

Don’t #4- Don’t forget to stay on top of your finances. 41
As your business grows, you will need more money to keep up. To do this, you need

to ensure that you understand all financial statements and documents. If you have

applied for loans or grants, make sure your records are up to date with costs. If needed,
get advice from an accountant on how certain financial ventures will affect your

practice and taxes throughout the year. Maintain a proper ledger by investing in

financial software that helps to balance expenses and income.

Don’t #5- Don’t forget it’s about image.

In this present society, most businesses have customer reviews on Yelp, Google or

other sites. If someone recognizes you, it is very easy to go online and offer opinions

about behavior that would not be an issue. Remember, they will associate you and
your Reiki practice as one. As a new business owner, you must present the best image

for your Reiki practice. This includes customer service. Your healing skills may be the

best in the area, but if your Reiki practice is not professional, or you or your staff

behave in a rude or nonchalant manner with your clients, prepare yourself. There may
be some blunt and sometimes brutal responses from clients, actual and potential,

online. I am not recommending you pretend to be someone else, but that you remain

cognizant of this world where everyone videos and posts online. If you are starting a

new Reiki practice, the last thing you want to worry about is adverse publicity. Remain

true to who you are as a healer, business owner and private person while keeping your
business face forward.

Don’t #6- Don’t forget to relax.

As a Reiki healer, you are always sending energy to people, situations, or the world. As
a business owner, you will process and oversee all legal requirements, marketing,

finances, customer service, personnel, the day-to-day operations, and any unexpected

incidents. The stressors involved with assisting clients, supervising personnel, and

running your own Reiki practice will take a toll on you. Don’t forget to take time out 42
and relax. Get those moments of peace and solitude. The worst thing you can do for

yourself and future employees is to become a healer who is always in need of healing.

In the end, starting your own practice is hard work, but liberating. It is a major

accomplishment when you take your first client and teach your first class. I send Reiki

to everyone who is on this journey to start a Reiki practice.

From my heart chakra to yours, all the best! 43
The Business of Service – Managing a Practice by the Reiki

Healing Principles
Article by Rickie Freedman

Preparing for my Workshop “ From Passion to Profession – YES You Can!”, I finally
counted and was amazed to discover that in 2018, I shared almost 1000 Reiki Sessions,

not including events, classes, workshops, and fundraisers!

I am Blessed to have created and manage Harrisburg PA’s first Reiki Center “Reiki by
Rickie ~ ReikiSpace & Learning Place.” ReikiSpace is truly an extension of me, and I
make a Conscious daily choice to live in Integrity with the Reiki Healing Principles every

day. I am convinced that the reason that ReikiSpace is successful is that Love and

Service are always first, and we are never focused on numbers, dollars, competition, or

fear. I am very conscious of the energy of all my words, emotions, attitudes and 44
thoughts, and how they impact my well-being and inner peace, my clients and co-

workers, and on and on into the world.

Here are the Reiki Healing Principles, along with my personal philosophy.

They impact my business on a daily basis. I recite the Healing Principles many times

daily, and thus I created the “Rickie Healing Principles” so that I can express what I

desire to attract and be in my life with the highest vibration.

1. “Just for Today, I release all worry”… Worry is a low-frequency vibration. It will lower

your ability to attract what you truly desire, and attract more to worry about.

My “Rickie Healing Principle” states “In this moment, I Choose Faith.” Every aspect
of my journey has been about trusting my guidance and being willing to say YES!

Stepping forwards, and taking inspired action. I trust in perfect timing, and I am

able to flow with the natural ups and downs of class attendance, weather

cancellations, missed appointments, etc. “In this moment, all is well.” Cycles will
come and go, and I will continue to learn and grow from every challenge.

2. “Just for Today, I release all anger”… Anger can drain energy in huge bursts.

Walking the Reiki path doesn’t mean we don’t experience every emotion, or have

significant challenges come our way. Reiki is a path of Integrity. Anger can be an
impetus for change if expressed in a healthy and loving way in alignment with Reiki.
My “Rickie Healing Principle” states “In this moment, I Choose Peace.” Peace is what

I desire in my life and my Reiki practice. Sometimes it is a moment by moment

choice to breathe deeply and share Reiki with myself so I can continue to be a
healing presence for others. When a client forgets their appointment, I am able to

be in place of Compassion, as we have all done this at one time or another. In my

experience, no one ever takes advantage of this, as they never want to miss their

Reiki! 45
3. “I Honor Every Living Thing”… Reiki honors our connection and oneness with all

sentient beings. The more love and compassion I can allow for myself, the more I

can share with others. How we treat ourselves affects others and the world. Reiki
always begins with ourselves. Keeping ourselves filled up, connected and grounded

allows the energy to flow through and never drains us, while remaining heart-

center and connected. I am able to view the behavior of others with the eyes of


4. “I Earn my Living with Integrity”… Of course, we always need to be honest in our

work. This principle to me is about our “Life’s Work” – are we following our passion

and purpose, sharing our gifts, and living in accordance with our own core values?
Integrity lives in our solar plexus, and our gut will speak to us when we are not

being our True Selves in the world. It is not enough just to “Talk the Talk.” People

can feel when we are not in alignment, and will not feel safety and trust.

5. “I Show Gratitude for all my Many Blessings”… Gratitude is one of the highest

frequency vibrations. When we remember to show and express our Gratitude, by

the Law of Attraction we will continue to attract more abundance to be Grateful

for. This can be financial – money is an energy which must continue to flow and be

shared – but it can also be an abundance of peace, joy, and bliss. It is physiologically
impossible to be stressed and grateful in the same moment. Writing 3-5 things we
are Grateful for every morning and evening is a simple powerful practice that takes

very little time. It will start and end your day in a positive vibration, and you will
catch yourself throughout your day looking for things you are Grateful for to
remember to put in your Gratitude journal!

Just for Today … we can all make the moment by moment conscious choice to provide

the peaceful, balancing, connected, unconditionally loving, non-judgmental

perspective of Reiki to every aspect of our lives and work. It is all one and the same 46
when we live in integrity by the Reiki Healing Principles. BE Reiki, and continue to

choose love always.

Peace and Namaste! 47
Is a Home-Based Reiki Business Right for You?
Article by Kathleen Johnson

Part 1

The this first part of the article Kathleen discusses the many steps and decisions
involved in creating a professional Reiki practice, with a focus on the importance of

your new business’s location.

Upon completion of their training, many Reiki practitioners decide to practice Reiki
professionally. It goes without saying that this choice should not be undertaken lightly;

so, for this article, it is assumed that prior to launching a Reiki business the practitioner

is certified in Reiki, is comfortable working with the energy, and has some experience

offering Reiki to others, either through volunteer work or with family and friends. 48
Of course, there are many other preliminary steps, some of which include deciding

upon a business structure, choosing a name for the practice, securing professional

liability insurance, and becoming familiar with any local licensing or legal requirements.
For example, a few states in the U.S. require Reiki practitioners to be licensed, while

others may require certification as an ordained minister or similar designation.

In addition to these steps, choosing a business location ranks as one of the most
important. Many Reiki practices (including mine) are home-based, in contrast to

renting commercial office space or sharing space with compatible businesses, such as

a massage therapist, chiropractor, or psychotherapist. The business location and its

proper implementation are critical factors in the practice’s success. The old real estate
adage, “Location, Location, Location” also applies to the setting of a Reiki practice.

This is a significant decision for the practitioner and one to be carefully considered

while weighing the benefits and the drawbacks. Many opt for a home-based practice
because of its many advantages, but it is advisable to consider all factors before

arriving at a decision. In this article, I hope to inform, inspire, and benefit others in

moving forward with their own practices by sharing insights, knowledge, and

experiences as a successful home-based Reiki practitioner for nearly a decade.

The creation of a Reiki practice involves making many decisions, which can quickly feel
overwhelming and exhausting! When my Reiki practice was in its nascent stage, it

seemed as if each decision was monumentally important, and I was determined to do

the best I could for my new business. From my perspective, the practice needed to
reflect my respect, reverence, and passion for Reiki, and I wanted to avoid missteps. To

further complicate matters, my perfectionist nature was in overdrive as I faced each

decision, and I soon became disheartened and filled with doubt. 49
But I had underestimated the power of Reiki. In meditation, I intentionally connected

with the energy and asked for guidance. As I sat quietly and felt the familiar warmth

and gentle pulse of the energy flowing through me, Reiki whispered that it was there
to help and guide me; I needed only to invite it. At that moment, my concerns gently

dissolved into the loving energy, and I asked Reiki to lead the way through the

decision-making process. The energy also reminded me that each Reiki practice

contains a unique spirit and energy, and, when invited, will work with its
practitioner/creator for the best possible outcome.

Unsurprisingly, the decision-making process became smoother once Reiki became my

“business partner.” I spent time in quiet contemplation with Reiki and asked for
guidance as I considered each decision. As I quieted myself and invited Reiki to lead

the way, the answers revealed themselves. It happened slowly at first, but eventually,

the pieces fell rapidly into place as Reiki showed me what was best for my practice and

its unique energy.

During this process, one of the most pressing issues was choosing the practice’s

location. I had been struggling to decide which option (home-based or office space)

was best for my practice. In weighing the options, I first considered the non-negotiable

client requirements, which include comfort, privacy, and professionalism. I also

considered the comfort of my family members, who would obviously be affected by a
home-based business. And, equally important, I took into account my personal

feelings and comfort with each option. To do that, I asked Reiki to guide me as I went
within to soulfully contemplate each possibility- and the answer became immediately

At first, I visualized myself practicing Reiki in an office setting and invited in the energy

of that scenario. Instantly, a heavy feeling settled over me as I felt a clenching in my

solar plexus and tightness in my chest. Somewhat surprised, I sat with that feeling for 50
a few minutes and then intentionally released it into the Light, clearing my energy as I

did so.

After a short break, I resumed contemplation and visualized practicing Reiki and

working with clients in my home. The difference was remarkable! A sense of peace

enveloped me, along with a fluttering of excitement in my heart space and gentle

soothing warmth. As I welcomed these sensations, images and ideas flooded in, along
with an infusion of fresh energy and enthusiasm. Without a doubt, Reiki had

unmistakably conveyed the answer.

From that point on, launching my home-based practice proceeded smoothly despite
the myriad issues and hard work. It was indeed a labor of love, and because Reiki was

with me throughout every detail and step, I knew it was the right decision.

Almost a decade later, Reiki remains a steadfast ally on my life path and in my thriving
practice. It has shown me a new way of being and helped me in countless ways to

become the best version of myself – which remains a lifelong work in progress.

Additionally, my experiences over the years have provided valuable insights, lessons,

and a comprehensive view of all aspects of a home-based professional Reiki practice.

Although this continues to be the right decision for my practice, it is essential to
carefully consider both sides in deciding which path is best for your personal Reiki

journey. A fully informed decision, coupled with the loving guidance of Reiki, provides
a strong foundation for your practice.

Reiki blessings! 51
Part 2

In this second part of the article, Kathleen explores in detail the advantages, as well as

the disadvantages, of a home-based Reiki practice, along with tips and suggestions to

smooth your path.

Many practitioners opt to have a home-based business (instead of renting or sharing

commercial office space) because of its advantages, and it is highly advisable to weigh

all the factors involved before making the final choice. Also, inviting Reiki to become
your “business partner” during the decision-making process can smooth the path; each

practice carries a unique energy signature, and Reiki will work with the

practitioner/creator for the best possible outcome. Allow it to guide you through the


Once you, with Reiki’s loving guidance, are comfortable that a home-based practice is

the right choice, the next step is to consider the benefits, as well as the drawbacks, of 52
practicing Reiki from your home. The following information illustrates both

perspectives, along with some insights and lessons from my experiences in managing

a professional home-based practice.

Benefits of a Home-Based Reiki Practice

Of course, there are many advantages to the home-based practice, which is why this

choice continues to be popular among Reiki practitioners. Some of these include:

• No Commuting – When your business is in your home, the commute involves

nothing more than walking into another room, or in my case, down a flight of stairs.

After years of commuting and traveling during my previous career in public law
enforcement, this benefit was very appealing to me. And I still appreciate the luxury

of catching up on correspondence in my pajamas, while sipping my morning coffee.

• The Option to Multitask – Working from home allows you to keep up with
household tasks throughout the day if you are so inclined. In my practice, I schedule

lengthy breaks between clients for self-care, as well as for attending to household

responsibilities. For example, laundry can be caught up, and dinner preparations

started during the workday. For me, this benefit is quite valuable and allows much

more peaceful evenings.

• Your Schedule is Your Own – Depending on your lifestyle, this benefit allows you

to create more time for a balance between work and family life. The ability to tailor
the work schedule according to your personal and family obligations is, from my
perspective, priceless. When my son was training as a Reiki Master, he often

assisted me during client sessions (with the client’s consent). I am very grateful for

the opportunity to share those moments with him, and having a home-based

practice made the experience effortless. 53
• Low Startup Costs – The potential cost of rent and utilities is a significant concern

for many new business owners, and not having that responsibility is a leading

financial benefit of a home-based practice. The practitioner is free to use existing

startup funds to create the healing space as well as to purchase necessary office

supplies, according to individual desires and specifications. This was a great relief

to me as I developed my practice, and I was able to focus on creating a warm,

welcoming environment for my clients and students.

• Income Tax Benefits – There are numerous tax deductions and write-offs for a

home-based business, including portions of utility bills, home maintenance and

repair, insurance, and other expenses associated with owning a home. Of course, it
is essential to consult with an income tax expert so as not to violate any tax laws.

When I launched my practice, I met with an accountant for advice and guidance,

and the cost of the consultation was also tax-deductible!

• Zero Office Politics – This may sound like an odd benefit, but is worth mentioning.

If you have ever worked in an office environment, you are probably familiar with

office “drama” and “politics.” Reiki practitioners tend to be sensitive, compassionate

individuals, and the harshness of office politics can be quite jarring. Speaking for

myself as an empath and sensitive soul, I was often exhausted and depleted by the
gossip, power struggles, and underhanded behavior of some of my colleagues.
Because of those experiences, I am very appreciative of the quiet serenity of my

home-based practice.

Disadvantages of a Home-Based Reiki Practice

In making a fully informed decision, it is necessary to include some potential

disadvantages: 54
• Feeling Isolated – Working and living in the same location can be a bit restrictive

for some individuals. And although I truly enjoy and savor solitude, there are times

I miss the company of co-workers, if only to catch up on their news or to discuss a

new idea. However, I am grateful for a solid support system of friends with whom I

can socialize if and when cabin fever strikes.

• Everything is Your Responsibility – It is very liberating to be responsible only to

yourself; however, there is a downside to that freedom. There is no delegating of

responsibility, so the home-based Reiki professional must strive to be disciplined

and motivated. Procrastination can easily set in; after all, there are many

distractions present in a home environment. To keep myself current with

scheduling and correspondence, I set aside blocks of time throughout the week

that are dedicated solely to administrative tasks, and adhere to those times. This

simple technique has served me well.

• Boundaries Can be an Issue – If you live with your family (or any other people) and

work from home, the boundaries between the two worlds can easily blur. It is

essential to be transparent with family members about the separation between

work and home. For example, although my family has always been respectful of my

time with clients, boundary issues arose during the times I set aside for
administrative tasks, particularly in the early days of my practice. My sons regularly
interrupted me at my desk, which made it challenging to complete the work. So, I

established clear time boundaries and assured them they would have my full
attention when my workday ended. This simple solution has been useful for eight
years. Although each practitioner’s living situation is different, boundaries between

work and home must be respected.

• You’re Always at Work – When your home and office are in the same physical
location, it can sometimes feel that you are always “at work.” Of course, because of 55
technology making everyone so accessible, even those who work outside the home

can feel this way, but the physical closeness of the workspace in the home

intensifies the perception. Because my healing space and workspace are in a

separate area of the house, it is easier for me to disengage from business at the

end of the day. However, it is still challenging at times for me to create a mental

separation from “work.” During those times, I invite the loving energy of Reiki to

assist me in clearing, centering, and grounding. It is always there for us when we

need it.

The abovementioned benefits and disadvantages are those that I have experienced in

my home-based Reiki business. However, each practitioner’s experience will be

different and unique, as is each Reiki practice. With that in mind, each practitioner must

decide upon the best choices for their Reiki business. It is my sincere hope and

intention that you allow the gentle wisdom of Reiki to be your “business partner,” for

it will always guide you, in accordance with your Highest Good. 56
Staying Professional in a Personal Setting
Article by Amy Brandon

It is an unfortunate fact, in many areas, that the cost of running a brick and mortar

Reiki practice is simply too expensive to maintain. The most cost effective business

location is to work from home, and can work very well indeed. But how do we maintain

professionalism in our personal space? It is an important question, and one that must
be asked if we wish to be taken seriously.

There are a few aspects that can keep the air of professionalism while working from
our personal space, read on for greater detail:

• Reduce expectation

• Open door policy

• Subtle presentation
• Swift transition 57
• Let the treatment begin

In essence, if the client is open to change and has a desire to heal, Reiki will speak for
itself but we are all guilty of passing judgment on our first impression. Our human

hardwiring forces us to, it is a very helpful defense system and as Reiki practitioners,

we can take steps to make the first impression as safe and comfortable as possible.

Assuming we have a brand new client, their expectations begin at first contact. Maybe

we’ve had a conversation or have been messaging, no doubt we sound professional

and have built rapport. When it comes to booking, it is helpful for them to hear that

the treatment room is in a residential area, or more precise, in our home. This takes
away the guesswork from their journey, uncertainty is one of the biggest mood killers

out there, and for first time Reiki clients, the anticipation may already be high.

Receiving our client in the calmest possible state will only enhance their Reiki


Which brings us beautifully to our next point, greeting our client. Revisiting those

pesky expectations for moment; we want our client to be confident that this will be a

great experience, so something as simple as knocking on the door, hoping it’s the right

address can feel quite uncomfortable. By confirming the address and how we will greet
them, is a sure fire way to instill confidence in the process. A confirmation e-mail or
message will give our client something to refer to; a simple to read instruction is a

great way to confirm this info. E.g.:

Appointment: 1hr Reiki treatment

Address: In house at Reiki For You

25 Residential Street
My Suburb 58

Time: 10:30am

Instruction: As a first time customer, please arrive 10 minutes early to complete an

intake form. I will be here to greet you at the door

Comments: The house will have a blue door with yellow flowers on the porch, please

ring the bell when you arrive and I will greet you promptly.

We must be sure to honor the instruction.

Their next step will be into your home. This is vitally important for two reasons; we are

our business so our home should naturally reflect who we are, to clinically prepare our

home for clients will look and feel false. Reiki is a therapy that works so closely to our
true selves, to offer treatments in a place that is anything but us, will be received with

suspicion and uncertainty. And secondly, it must be clean, peaceful and smell good.

The way in which our clients experience their world (kinesthetically, visually or auditory)

will dictate how they remember this particular experience and how they relay it. And

of course, the olfactory system (sense of smell) is more closely linked with memory
than any of our senses.

A few steps can achieve a personally professional environment:

• Declutter – good for the soul as well as first impressions
• Let the dust settle – hoover at least an hour before, to allow dust particles to


• Clean – using natural or low odor products

• Avoid Cooking – strong smelling food, for maybe a few hours prior to clients
arriving (an easy one!) 59
• Lightly scent the entrance – flowers placed away from the door or essential oils

can be used sparingly (be considerate of possible sensitivities of the client)

Personal hygiene shouldn’t need a mention but is always good to re-visit.

The meet and greet should move swiftly onto the treatment room, when we linger in

the surroundings of our home, the appointment begins to loose it’s professionalism.

We welcome our client in, close the door behind them, request they leave their shoes

on and lead them to the treatment room. By asking simple questions regarding the

weather or their drive over, will take attention to their short-term memory, which in
turn takes attention away from their immediate surroundings. We want them to

remember their treatment with us rather than our family photos.

Once we enter our treatment room, which will be arranged to enrich our client’s
experience, and likely be similar than in a public location, we want our client to become

aware of their surroundings and we begin our process as a professional Reiki


Staying professional in a home setting can and should be interpreted in relation to

your style of practice and personal preferences. And by sending Reiki to our home
business, will also help manifest the atmosphere we want to create for our clients.

Wishing you every success in your home business and remember to #ShareSomeReiki! 60
Feeling Guilty About Investing In Your Reiki Business?
Article by Justine Melton

If you are like me, Reiki may have started as just a hobby for you. When you enter the

Reiki world it is so fun and amazing. You start to explore it and realize that there are
endless things you can do with it.

After a while, you might start offering Reiki to others. At this point, you realize that you

might need to invest some time and money into your business to make it be successful.
You will need some Reiki Practitioner basics like a Reiki table, Reiki Insurance, Client

Forms, and of course a Reiki space.

As healers, it is common to feel guilty about spending money on ourselves or our

business. I have heard so many times, “I’d love to create a really cool space but I just

don’t have the money. I know I could attract a lot more people if I do.” This goes for
websites, flyers, teaching classes, getting different certifications, and so forth. You have 61
other financial and time obligations. Guess what? This is completely normal and

something you can easily work through.

When I first started doing Reiki I felt very guilty about spending money and time on
myself. If I’m honest this feeling still tries to creep up every once in a while. I have a

family, children, and several other commitments that at times take priority over

anything else that I am doing.

However, investing in yourself and in your Reiki business is not something that you

should ever feel guilty about. You must invest both time and money in order to grow

and be successful. The more you put into it the better it will be and the more people

you will help.

The feeling of guilt is actually a lower vibration and something that you want to send

healing energy too. You have to be the best that you can be in order to bring your

best self to others. Would you want to go to a practitioner that had a million things
going on and Reiki was at the bottom of a long list of tasks they were completing

during the day? Or would you rather go to a practitioner who is calm, cool, collected,

and has made Reiki and healing other’s a priority in their life?

Investing time and money into yourself and your business is not an arrogant or selfish
thing to do. It is, in fact, a form of self-love and a form of love for others as well.
Feelings of guilt may pop up from time to time but they can be easily dispelled. How?

By Reiki of course! When this happens to me I immediately send Reiki to it. Over time
it will help alleviate the feelings and will always steer you in the right direction if you
are open to it.

Method to Relieve Healer Guilt: 62
1. When you first feel guilty about spending time or money on your business

immediately stop whatever you are doing and close your eyes. Take a short 30

second break. Sit in that space.

2. Thank yourself for this thought and make a Power Symbol over yourself.

3. Say, “Investing time and money into myself is a sign of self-love. I release any lower
energy bringing feelings of guilt with love and acceptance.”

4. Next, place your hands cross crossed over your chest (or however you feel

comfortable beaming Reiki to yourself) and send Reiki to yourself for 5min.

5. At the end of the 5 minutes give thanks and move on with your day.

This method can be done in any amount of free time that you have. For example, if
you are at work or in a busy environment when you have the feeling of guilt, just take

a short min to do all of the above quickly. Then, later in the day when you are at home

or in a peaceful environment go through the method again in its entirety. Remember,

you are bringing so much love and healing to the world as a Reiki Practitioner. You

have a gift. Never feel guilty! 63
How to Create the Perfect Reiki Space on a Budget
Article by Justine Melton

So, let’s get real for a minute. Your Reiki Office can make or break your business! I

know this may seem a little harsh at first but in my experience, it has proven to be true

time and time again. One of the things that I enjoy the most is helping other
practitioners to change their healing space/office that they have set up for their clients

and create a warm and comforting space. It makes my heart happy when I see the

transformation and know how many more people their business is going to help

because of the new environment.

The space you practice Reiki in plays a big part in your clients’ healing. If done correctly

it can comfort them and allow them to be more open to receiving the healing. The
more open they are to the Reiki energy the better the Reiki energy can help them.

Do you have a space you have been wanting to change or improve? Have you been

looking for ways to make it better but think you will never be able to afford it? I have

3 small children, healing work and many other daily commitments that all take time

and money. I know how to get things down on a budget. It is possible and can be done
if you are willing to invest a little time into getting creative. 64
When you walk into your Reiki Office take a look around. What do you notice? What

stands out the most? Is it warm and inviting? Do you feel relaxed or do you feel
anxious, unsure, or like your mind is pulled in a million different directions? It is

important to note here that everyone has their own style and that is ok! However, no

matter what your style is a client should be able to walk in and feel at peace. They

should never walk in and feel anxious or overwhelmed. One of the biggest mistakes I
see when I walk into a practitioner’s office is that there is too much stuff in it. More

healing things (crystals, books, certificates, candles, statues, jewelry, etc.) does NOT

mean that there is more healing energy being offered. It simply means that there is

too much going on and the energy is all over the place instead of being calm, centered
and healing. Get out a notebook and write down anything you notice. Next, take a look

at my tips below and get ready to have some fun making changes.

Top Tips for Creating The Perfect Reiki Space on a Budget:

• Take everything out of the space! Does this seem dramatic? It might but actually it

allows you to truly have a blank space that things are slowly added back into. Not

everything will make its way back into the office and that’s ok!

• The .99 cent store is your friend! Here in The United States we have some stores
where you can find a lot of stuff for just .99 cents. Some of it is junk but if you
know what you are looking for and have a plan they can offer huge savings for you.

Also, discount stores are great. And hand making somethings can offer huge
• Make a plan of what you want before you do it. What are the things you can do to

create the biggest difference? Would changing the paint color help? Adding more

or less light? 65
• Simple is your friend! I like to go with as simple as possible no matter what your

style is. Any style can be made simple. The less clutter there is in a room the more

room there is to focus on healing and the more positive energy there will be.
• The few things I always put in a space…. White candles, plants, soft lighting and

soft music. If you are artistic you can even make your own artwork. Add in a Reiki

table and a few extra chairs and you are all set. Really you do not need more! Less

is more in healing spaces.

• Specific items that I get at specific places…. (Very quickly let me say that yes I prefer

“mom and pop” type stores always! However, this article is about doing things on
a budget which is why I am recommending certain places. Perhaps, I should share

another article sometime about my favorite mom and pop locations to get cool
items for your healing space).

For budget only purposes here are my recommendations…

Clear Glass Vases for your office (these can be used for plants OR for candles)=

Walmart (Under $5 US), .99 cent store (1.99 or less per glass vase). If you want bigger

glass vases go to Walmart.

Fresh Flowers = Trader Joe’s ($10 and under), Costco ($20 and under), my favorite local
place Franco’s in Encinitas, CA ($10 and under).

Live Plants such as mini palms, money tree’s etc.…= Home Depot ($20 and under).
Always, wait for something to go on sale at Home Depot. I routinely get things there
for under $20 that are normally double or triple the price. Keep watching and don’t be

afraid to ask the sales people when the sale is there. Many times landscapers will place

orders at home depot or other local nurseries for specific plants that they then decide

they no longer want. This happens a lot more frequently than you might think. These
plants are then sold at a huge discount. You can find some really cool stuff this way. 66
Music – If you are on a budget there is never a reason to pay for music. As long as you

have internet and a computer with speakers you can play relaxing music for free off of
Pandora or YouTube at any time. This can really set a huge positive vibe for your office.

Also, I always like to ask clients what their favorite music is. Sometimes I will change it

to their favorite during their session. Otherwise, I like to leave it on my favorite Pandora

Meditation Music Channel.

Frames for Certificates and/or pictures = The .99 cent store or Walmart. A lot of times

I will take advantage of free or discounted canvas prints on Groupon as well. You can

get art work for your entire space and frames for your certificates for under $50 US
dollars total.

Tables/Chairs/Lights = Resale Shops (I have many favorite local ones), Craigslist, or

Target Clearance. I have found amazing deals at all of these locations. Also, if you are
handy you can get creative and make over old furniture yourself. I like to keep colors

light and bright.

Candles = The .99cent store or Amazon. I like to buy white candles. You can make

them yourself too. You can also purchase flameless ones from the .99 cent store for
under a dollar.

Reiki Supplies (Reiki Table, Manikin, etc..) = Craigslist or Amazon. If you purchase these
things used just be sure to cleanse it before moving it into your space. You can save
hundreds of dollars by getting these items used. Also, Amazon has incredible sales on

Reiki tables and massage tables. Also, eBay will sometimes have these items at good


Reiki Certificates & Teaching Supplies = Hobby Lobby or Amazon. 67
Another important thing to keep in mind is that you can always trade old objects that

you have in your office with other practitioner friends. They may have exactly what you
are looking for and vice versa. Remember, that your goal is to create the most relaxing

environment possible. You are not just putting random things in your office that you

like. Each piece has a purpose and should help bring a feeling of warmth and comfort

to the client.

I hope these tips help motivate you to find exactly what you are looking for at a low

price. It is possible! Get out there and make your space great! 68
Advice to Novice Healers: Five Guidelines to Smooth Your

Article by Wanda Buckner, Ed.D.

Providing Reiki to friends, family, and clients is an honor and sacred trust. People are
vulnerable in your presence. They share deep concerns with you. May the guidelines

below smooth the way as your Reiki practice expands and your journey continues.

1. Provide a safe place

Help clients be comfortable. Have water available. Assure confidentiality of records and
information. Be obvious about handwashing and fresh linens. Describe what a session

looks like. Ask if they can comfortably lie on their back for the length of the session.

Offer alternatives such as lying on their side or in a recliner. Place your hands on your

body to demonstrate where touch will occur. Do they prefer hands on or hands off
treatment? Are there areas they prefer no touch? Provide clients the opportunity to 69
use the bathroom before the session begins. Offer a blanket even when the room is

warm. Ask if they have questions. Now you are ready to begin the session.

2. What you offer is enough

You will attract the clients you are meant to serve. You may have doubts that you have

the skills to respond to the challenges they present. Set aside your ego. Reiki heals,

not us. After the session, you may be concerned you talked too much or fault yourself
for your wandering mind. Considering how the session could have gone better and

making changes, allows you to become a better practitioner. We continue to learn and

grow throughout our careers. We continue to self-assess, take classes, and gain

insights from our clients and other practitioners. Self-reflection improves our practice
and ourselves. Our clients are our teachers.

3. Reiki is not talk therapy

Let clients know they can tell you anything or nothing at all. Avoid getting caught up
in the client’s story. Out of respect for the client’s privacy, don’t press for details and

record them. Understand that clients are releasing their experiences to the universe.

Allow the universe to answer them through Reiki. Trust Reiki to respond in the manner

and level appropriate to the situation. Healing happens on the table, not during the


4. Honor the client’s experience

Avoid building expectations for a particular type of experience or healing during the
session. Clients are unique and their experiences will be unique. Some will feel the
energy working; some will not. Some will have multi-faceted experiences that may

include sound, color, angelic beings, or other phenomena. One experience is not better

than the other. Reiki works no matter the client’s experience. Following the session,

ask neutral questions. Would you like to share anything about your session? Allow 70
silence. Give clients time to integrate their experiences. Leave the interpretation of

what happened during the session to them. They are the experts on themselves.

5. Refer clients to resources

Stay within your scope of practice. When clients have chronic issues that are not

resolved through Reiki, recommend they seek additional resources such Alcoholics

Anonymous, medical doctors or counselors. You may suspect diet as the cause of the
client’s fatigue, but unless you are trained as a nutritionist, do not give advice. You do

not know if underlying issues, such as pre-diabetes, need to be addressed along with

diet. We do not work in a vacuum; we are not the only answer to the client’s quest.

Reiki is both a stand-alone treatment and a wonderful supplement to other


Providing Reiki is a gift to others and to yourself. Allow your practice to unfold.

Withhold judgement, allow change, keep learning. Trust yourself. Trust Reiki. We
welcome you to the long, honored line of healers that extends from the far past into

the distant future.

Namaste! 71
The Essential Concept of Energy Exchange
Article by Elaine Hamilton Grundy

Over the years I’ve been involved in many discussions around why we charge for Reiki

– whether it’s for workshops, or healing sessions, or related services, there seems to

be a feeling within the spiritual world that charging money for services is a ‘bad’ thing.
Coming from the corporate world, I have never had this issue or belief – it has always

puzzled me.

Just because we, as Reiki practitioners or Masters, offer Reiki as our means of income
does not make it any less value than if we offered hamburgers, window cleaning, or

banking. Seeing your line of work as your means of income is not a bad or

dishonourable thing. If you could not make a living offering Reiki then you would have

to go back into employment, and that would mean one less Reiki practitioner in the
world, how is that a good thing? 72
If you are lucky enough to have support from others, a partner or an inheritance to

rely on, then of course you can choose to charge or not charge. But for most of us,

Reiki supports us just as much as it supports those we offer our services to. Why is it
that in our industry we have such difficulty accepting payment? Would you expect your

web developer, your printer, the taxi driver, your utilities company to provide you their

products and services for free so that you can in turn provide free Reiki?

If you struggle to charge a fair price for your services, it is time to look carefully at the

beliefs that surround you, your self-worth, and your trust that Reiki is a valuable and

important offering.

Reiki practitioners and teachers, by definition, are empathic – we want to help others.

In general we tend to be over-givers. We need to be careful we do not give as a way

to feel better about ourselves. “I am giving all this energy and time to others, therefore

I must be worthy and lovable.” You are worthy and lovable without the need to prove
your worth to anyone else. From this neutral truth you can then build a sustainable

Reiki business based on the same market forces that you would apply in any job. Being

in the healing business does not make you ‘more’ or ‘less’ than any other business.

You are not defined by your role.

Some practitioners/teachers/students get all upset when I refer to Reiki as a business.

And if Reiki is not your life’s work then fine, call it a hobby. But Reiki is what I do for a

living and is what I am ‘busy’ with, so to me I find it helpful to strip away all the uptight
spiritual baggage and to look at what I offer clearly. As with any business – am I
offering services people want to pay for – as opposed to what I want them to want?

Am I giving good value – are people will be coming back, and bringing friends? Am I

able to sustain myself and achieve my financial goals? 73
Making sure your side of the energy exchange equation is well balanced is obviously

important but from your customers perspective, the concept of energy exchange is

equally important. We can only receive what we put out. The more we give, the more
we can receive – it is a potential for the energy to exchange. Your customers are

committing to their own healing when they give you their money – they are stating “I

would like to receive this amount of energy please.”

This is assuming that both people are pure and clear in their intention. There are always

cases of Reiki practitioners and customers who are not fully open or trusting to the

fact that Reiki will be fully received. A customer may pay you for something they don’t

really want to receive. You may take payment and not be fully trusting that Reiki will
deliver to the amount you are charging. Murky intention gets murky results.

What I have found useful is having a belief that the customer knows what they are

paying for. I trust if they pay me my asking price it is because they are going to get
exactly what they pay for. This trust works very well for me, I have rarely had a

complaint or a question as to my charges.

Charging allows you to feel worthy, and the customer to feel worthy. It allows Reiki to

be honoured and valued. It values what you do as a practitioner/teacher and it means

people who come to you also value what you offer and value their own healing. It is a
very important part of the healing process.

I am not saying there is not a place for volunteering or charity work, of course these
are very valuable and honourable too. But to not charge for any of your time? How is

this sustainable? Value yourself, value Reiki, and value your client. 74
Is it Possible to Make a Living as a Reiki Practitioner?
Article by Deborah Lloyd

Working as a Reiki practitioner as your primary source of income is certainly a viable

possibility. But, it does not happen only with good intentions and positive thoughts –

although these are necessary components. It requires careful planning, effective

marketing and community networking. A thorough understanding of what it takes to

build a private practice – whether you are a marriage counselor, a massage therapist,
or a Reiki practitioner – is essential. Just putting out a shingle does not work anymore.

The first question to ask yourself is if you are truly committed to developing a private

practice business. Do you believe it is your life purpose? Are you committed to living

the Reiki ideals? Are you willing to take a parttime job to provide some income while

you build your business? Do you have the financial discipline to set aside money when
you have a busy month, to help pay expenses during the slower months? Are you ready

to do the constant work it takes to keep new referrals coming through your door? 75
If your answer to each of these questions is “yes,” let’s look at ways to build a successful

Reiki practice. What many Reiki practitioners have found is that it is difficult to build a

practice by offering Reiki sessions only. Adding other modalities, such as

aromatherapy, crystal healing, color therapy, or others will attract more clients. Become

creative in how you can combine various modalities. Some of the other modalities,

such as aromatherapy, lend themselves to selling essential oils and other products

needed to practice the modality. Or, if you already offer other forms of holistic healing,
educate your clients in how Reiki will make other methods more effective.

If you are not a Reiki Master already, consider becoming one. If you are trying to build

a practice at the Reiki II level, remember potential clients may choose the person with
the higher levels of training. As a Master, you can also offer Reiki trainings which can

be a good source of income, as well as another positive way to bring Reiki into your

local community.

Marketing your business can be challenging, and it requires constant attention. In

today’s world, you need a presence on the Internet – a website and at least two other

social media connections. Blog frequently on your own website, and be a guest writer

on others. Investigate some of the Reiki organizations and place your business name

on directories. Connect with other holistic therapy practitioners in your community and
support each other.

Plan a few “events” every month. The type of event should match your personal talents
and skills. If you are comfortable with public speaking, present a workshop in your
practice space if possible, or at a local metaphysical store. If you enjoy one-to-one

contact, be a vendor at a mind/ body/spirit festival. Or, offer Reiki share evenings

where other practitioners can practice and the curious can receive free treatments, or

give a small donation. If you love writing, write articles for local publications, e-
magazines and other websites. 76
Community networking is another must. All private practitioners need a list of referral

sources, when clients require other support. Develop your list of massage therapists,
psychotherapists, acupuncturists, etc. by asking each practitioner if you can include

his/her name on your list. It’s doubtful anyone will say no! If this is comfortable for

you, ask if they would consider your business for client referrals, when appropriate.

While building a business may seem daunting, remember it is always possible. Tune

into your own spiritual guidance to determine if this is your Reiki path. If it is, use your

spiritual guidance for every step along the way. You will be successful!

Is this your life purpose? What is your commitment?

Are you willing to put yourself out there? Giving presentations and workshops;

meeting potential referral sources; social media contacts. MBS festivals – can make

money and give out business information. Write articles in local media.

One of the biggest problems – and benefits – is that Reiki is so accessible, anyone can

learn it. I often encourage my clients to consider learning Reiki themselves, for self-

treatment. In Reiki trainings, I encourage attendees to find a Reiki friend and trade

sessions. In effect, I am losing Reiki clients – but that is the true message of Reiki.

Find other ways to bring in income, that is related. Combining Reiki with aromatherapy,

crystal healing, etc. may appeal to a larger audience. 77
Reiki: The Exchange of Energy
Article by Deborah Lloyd

At our Reiki II class many years ago, a fellow student challenged our Reiki Master about

her practice of charging for Reiki sessions. He stated since healing energies are a gift

from the Source, how could she ask people to pay for treatments; he declared he would
never consider charging anyone for this gift. She replied with grace and ease,

“Oh, I am not charging for the healing energies. My charges are for my rental space,
my liability insurance, the massage table, laundry and supplies. And, my time – it too
has value.”

While the student disagreed with this line of thought, I have never forgotten it. This

conversation has led me to contemplate this issue many times over the years.

When a client agrees to pay your designated charge, the client is making a statement. 78
“I want to try this form of healing and it is worth the amount you charge. I recognize
the value of your work.”

Of course, a Reiki practitioner can rightfully decide to make exceptions, in certain

circumstances, to offer discounted, or free, sessions.

There is a concept that all of us must consider – the energy exchange. In the world of
economics, setting a fair price for a product or service is done by determining its value

for the customer. If the price is too high, no one will purchase it. If it is too low, the

value is diminished. In the same way, when a Reiki practitioner offers services to the

public, there are expenses and hours of time involved. Unless one is already wealthy,
charging for the service is usually a necessity. For the client, choosing to spend money

on Reiki may mean choosing not to do something else – a choice that demonstrates

the value placed on the treatment.

Money is not the only way to do an energy exchange. Bartering can be a valid method.

For those clients who desire Reiki treatments, there are many ways they can pay for

your efforts. They may have homegrown vegetables, books they have read, or

handmade knitted items to give you. Or, they may be able to provide a service, such

as website development, videotaping, or doing some yard work. The only caution
about bartering – begin by agreeing that both must be honest and feel comfortable
the trade is even. Otherwise, the energy exchange will be tainted with negative

feelings. Never a good way to start a healing modality trade! If there is truly nothing
you can find for bartering – and you decide circumstances call for a free session – the
client can at least provide word-of-mouth referrals, or internet reviews.

One of my favorite barters is to exchange sessions with other energy practitioners.

Through bartering, I have experienced tuning fork, jin shin jyutsu, intuitive readings,
massage and other healing modalities. Not only did I introduce Reiki to others, I found 79
another way to network with like-minded professional folks. I have also had success in

bartering with experienced people in social media and computer work, to further

enhance my Reiki practice.

The purpose of this discussion is not to suggest there is only one right way to think

about the topic of energy exchange. Rather, the purpose is to encourage mindful,

deliberate consideration of an important aspect of Reiki practice. If you are faced with
a situation where you are uncertain how to handle it, discuss with fellow practitioners.

Also, ask for spiritual guidance – you will receive great advice! 80
Healers and Money
Article by Angie Webster

Is it wrong for healers and spiritual teachers to make a living helping others? Many

struggle with this question. When we fall into the belief that we cannot use our talents

to heal and make enough to live on, we limit how many we are able to offer healing
to. We are, in a sense, rejecting our talent.

A living must be made in order for a healer or teacher to have shelter, food and

clothing. If basic needs are not provided for, the healer suffers. The only option is to
heal or teach less of the time so that a living may be earned another way. This means
fewer are helped, healed and taught.

When healing work is done with a sense of service and gratitude, there is no need to
feel that what we are doing is not important or should not be rewarded. We have all

been given a talent and a calling to use it for the good of others. Allowing ourselves

to be provided for through this type of work is showing gratitude for our talent and

our ability to serve others. It ensures that we will continue to be able to serve into the

future in health and well-being. 81
Holding ourselves small and afraid of making full use of our talents and of receiving

the rewards from doing so creates the inability to allow our talents to help others as
fully as we can. It ensures that we don’t have enough. It ensures that those we could

potentially serve don’t receive enough of our abilities. This serves no one.

If we allow ourselves to be supported by our talents, we show appreciation for them.

We can help far more people when we allow ourselves to receive in return for our gifts.

This honors the Divine flow of giving and receiving. There is nothing wrong with not

charging, when you feel called to, or charging less for those who have little. But when

you feel it is wrong to accept money for your healing talents, it might be a good thing
to examine where this belief comes from.

Some have a hard time with this because they feel the talent comes from God.

However, all talent comes from God. Talent for music, writing, healing, teaching,
working with machinery, gardening—all these and more come from God. We aren’t

meant to starve or suffer while we use our talents and we are not meant to stifle our

talents. We are meant to share our talents with others and allow them to share with us

as well.

Some also feel it is wrong to be fully open to our talents or to have enough. It may
seem contrary to being on a spiritual path. In truth, it is more opposed to spiritual

growth to refuse to fully acknowledge our abilities and to be open, receptive and
grateful for the rewards received from putting them to use for the greatest good.

When we offer our gifts, we honor the Divine. We do the same when we receive

abundance through the Divine flow of giving and receiving. Allow yourself to be open

to receiving all of the gifts the Universe has for you. 82
Setting Rates as a Reiki Practitioner
Article by Angie Webster

It can be challenging to know how to set up rates for Reiki practice. There are so many

opinions about money when it comes to this, and many of them are very emotionally

charged. In the end, we each need to do what works best for us and for the clients that

we wish to serve.

The overall goal is to find a good balance that works to provide a helpful and

empowering healing service to those who seek it, and a beneficial exchange for those
who provide the healing work and create the healing environment. Yet we all have a
different idea on what makes a service “helpful and empowering” and what constitutes

a “beneficial exchange.” That’s OK.

What really matters is what sort of practice and lifestyle you are creating for yourself.
There are a few questions you can look at to help you decide what kind of rates feel

best to you. 83
1. What type of client do you want to work with the most?

Do you mostly want to work with animals? With war veterans? With people working
on their spiritual path? With people who have long-term or chronic health conditions

and are perhaps on disability? With those who have anxiety and depression? With

those who are working on clearing their energy so that they can manifest better lives

for themselves?

The intention that you set for the types of clients you work with will affect the types of

clients you draw to you. The types of clients you attract will affect how much they are

capable of paying or if they are able to purchase a session at all. If you would like to
charge more money per session, it may be best to focus mostly on those who are

interested primarily in spiritual growth. If your goal is primarily to serve those with

health issues while making enough to modestly support yourself, then some of the

other types of clients may be a good fit. However, the amount of money you make
should not be the primary focus in determining the type of client you wish to work

with. Look first at the people and the types of energy you enjoy being around the most.

2. What are your own financial blocks?

For this question, we really need to look closely at the way we speak to ourselves about
what we have in our lives and what we are open to having. If we speak to ourselves
and others through a perception of lack, limits, and ‘not enough’, then that is the

energy signal we are sending out. It is our perception that creates the life experience
we have, more than any other factor, since we can only perceive (and receive) what we
believe in. If we believe in lack and impossibility, then that is what our perception is

limited to. So to expand beyond that, it is important to have awareness of these limits.

Be wise, but question the automatic thoughts of limit and lack to see if they are real

before you immediately believe them. 84
3. How do I feel about charging money?

As you work with any thoughts of lack and limit with regard to finances, think about

this in connection to how you feel when you think about charging money for services.
Do you feel guilty? Do you feel desperate? Do you feel attached to the money from

your client? Any of these can indicate a space where a financial block is present. Bring

awareness to that and to any resistance you may have around the way you work with

clients and with money. If you feel resistance to charging any amount of money, think
about how you feel when someone gives you something that is very big and useful

that you have no way to pay back. At first you feel overcome with gratitude and you

are so happy to have the help. But a subconscious part of you feels the need to

reciprocate and if you can’t do this in some way, guilt sets in. You may hide or shrink
into yourself or you may become angry and defensive, saying you never asked for help

anyway! If you can’t see this in yourself, maybe you recognize it in someone you know.

The need for the natural flow of giving and receiving is present in all of life. We don’t

have to charge any more than a small amount to establish an exchange, which enables
the flow of giving and receiving, empowering the other person. That is our goal as

healers—to open their energy channels as fully as possible and to empower. We don’t

need to charge much, though that is a personal decision.

4. Do I feel I have to charge a lot? Why?

The need to charge a lot can be rooted in thoughts of lack, too. If you feel a sense of
attachment to the client or their payment, this may be the case. Also notice feelings of

urgency about a client scheduling or about receiving clients or making more money.
That sends the energy of desperation, not openness. However, some choose to charge
a higher rate to target a specific client base. They have no sense of urgency at all and

aren’t concerned about the money. If you choose to charge a lot and opt for a clientele

that you know can afford your rates, then all should go well for you. 85
In the end, the rates you charge and the kind of clients you choose to treat are entirely

your own business. Don’t allow the opinions of others to decide for you who you

should be serving and how little or how much is appropriate for you to charge. The
only one that can decide that is you. 86
Payment for Reiki: Teacher & Student Perspectives
Article by Haripriya Suraj

How much should a Reiki teacher charge for a training course?

There is no standard answer to this question.

The amounts charged are as varied as the number of courses and teachers out there.

A lot of people are put off by the amounts charged by Reiki teachers and feel courses

are overly priced. Many teachers also struggle with fixing a payment for their services.
With students constantly asking for discounts and backing out when it’s time to pay

the course fee, teachers experience a lot of turmoil and wonder if they are doing

something wrong. While it could be true that there are courses that are genuinely

overpriced and offer little value in return, it is certainly not the norm.

Let us try to understand why this tussle normally happens and how students and

teachers can learn to give and receive without guilt, resentment and struggle.

For Students

Please know that most Reiki teachers charge for their services. An energy exchange

must happen and there is no way you can avoid paying a fee. What you can do however

is find a course and teacher that suits your liking and fits your budget. 87
Concepts such as the basics of Reiki healing, the history of Reiki, self-healing

techniques etc. are taught in all first degree courses. The respective symbols and their

usage are taught in all second and third degree courses. The Reiki attunement is done
in all courses and for all degrees. Basics apart, everything else that is taught depends

on the teacher. He or she may choose to stop with the minimum that a student needs

to know or teach them more than just the basics. There is no right or wrong here.

Teachers are different and students are different too.

Not all students are satisfied doing courses that offer just the basics. And there are

others who just want their attunement and care little about theory. What kind of a

student are you? And how much are you ready to spend on learning Reiki? Once you
have these two answers, looking for a course becomes much easier.

When you find a course that you can afford to pay for and you like the teacher, you

don’t have to feel bad about spending on the course. The benefits of Reiki will last you
a lifetime and even longer. When we can spend on holidays, cars and other temporary

luxuries, why can’t we spend some money on our growth and development?

If you don’t feel comfortable paying even when you can afford to, ask yourself why

you feel so. Do you believe in scarcity and a lack of abundance? If yes, it’s time to
change that belief.

If you really cannot afford it, you can begin saving some money and find a course that
fits your budget when you have saved enough.

Finally, put yourself in the position of a Reiki teacher. If you were a Reiki teacher and

you put your heart and soul into teaching Reiki, it is only fair that you are paid for your

time and services. Would you like it if people kept bargaining with you or making a
fuss to pay? Think about it. 88
For Teachers

If you’ve been struggling to fix a price for your services, it’s time to stop the struggle.
You don’t have to feel guilty about charging for a good service.

The best way to fix a price for your service is to listen to your intuition. First decide

how much value you wish to create for your students. If you wish to give them just the
basics of Reiki and the attunement and nothing more, it makes sense to charge

proportionately. If you wish to teach more than the basics, offer individual attention

and add a personal touch, it means you put in more time and effort. So, charge


It is important to reinforce that there is no right or wrong here. Teaching styles are

influenced by human personalities. So, just teach in a style that comes naturally to you

and charge an amount that “feels” right for your course. When you think of the
amount, you should not feel that you are getting paid less for offering more or

charging more for offering less. You deserve to get paid suitably for your services.

Once you settle for an amount that feels right, do not feel discouraged when people

find your course pricey. And there will always be people that do. Never cut down your
charges only because you want more people to come in. Stick with your decision and
the right people will find you. If you worry that people are not turning up because of

your fee, you vibrate on a frequency of lack, and unworthiness. The Universe responds
by sending you more people who do not like to spend. Be confident about your
services and your charges. Know and believe that you deserve to be paid well. And the

Universe will respond by sending you the clients and students who will pay you happily.

Exceptions to the Rule 89
What if there is someone who truly cannot afford to pay your fees? One option is to

have them pay as much as they can and to compensate for the remaining amount by

offering an appropriate service. Or you can have them offer you a complete service
and not charge any money. For instance, if the person has an artistic talent, you can

have them make you a painting or compose a piece of music! As long as there is some

form of energy exchange, it is OK to not charge money from people who really cannot

afford it.

Give and Receive Graciously

Dear Friends, it’s time to stop struggling with money issues. Giving and receiving are

interwoven phenomena. It is divine to give and it is divine to receive. Let us learn to

give with love and receive with grace. 90
Putting A Price on Reiki
Article by Amy Brandon

Charging people to receive Reiki can feel uncomfortable at first, after all, we are asking

someone to pay for something that we:

• Love to do

• Practice daily with ease

• Benefit from

• Simultaneously heal with

• Have probably been offering for free and

• Have little guidance on

There is of course, the business side of things that help determine our service fee; for
which there are plenty of helpful resources.

Many of us naturally begin our Professional Reiki Practitioner journey part-time, as a

second job or complimenting other services; this offers more freedom and flexibility

with pricing. 91
So how do we know what price is right for us and feel good about it? A few

perspectives may help.

Our Energy

It’s important to feel comfortable asking for the amount we charge because we are

working with energy, if we feel coy or embarrassed asking for a certain amount, our
energy is not flowing as freely as it could be, which could affect self-practice and client


We are also receiving a wonderful opportunity to assess our self-worth. By recognizing

the emotion attached to that figure, we can ask ourselves, why do I feel this way? Is it


• I am not experienced enough

• I do not value Reiki that highly

• People may not pay it

• I haven’t charged people before

• I learned Reiki less than one year ago

These are only a few of the reasons our mind may come up with, there will be many
more if the subject of money and Reiki makes us fidget in our seats. A helpful way to

release some of this unease is to take a pen and paper and write down at least 30
reasons why we feel we can’t charge this amount. The first 10 will be easy, the second
10 will test us and third 10 will be delving deep into our subconscious. Now we have

either labeled or acknowledged all of these reasons/excuses/conditionings and can

dispose of the paper and practice self-Reiki with the intention of freeing these

thoughts and allowing our energy to flow more freely. 92
Our Environment

When we accept people to receive Reiki, are they entering a brick and mortar clinic, a

dedicated room or our living room? Is the dog running around, phones pinging and
teenage neighbor playing loud music? The intention of the treatment is somewhat

determined by the sounds, setting, and feeling of the surroundings. Would you feel

valued as a client in this space? What do we need to do make this space more

professional? Maybe we need to:

• Investigate a new rental space

• Be more professional in our personal setting

• Become a mobile practitioner

• Compliment the treatment space with soft lighting, music or scents?

• Perform a Reiki blessing in the treatment space?

If we are unable or unwilling to make changes in these areas, we can consider how
much we would be willing to pay for a treatment in this space.

Our Time

It is common practice to charge by the hour, but this doesn’t have to be the case. Time

is something that exists in the relative world and is indeed responsible for many of our
dis-eases and dis-harmonies. And having been conditioned to think in minutes and
hours our entire lives, how could we possible charge any other way?

There are a few realistic options, we can charge by:

• The treatment – the client may need to be available from 30 minutes to 2 hours

• The minute – smaller numbers make us feel more comfortable and the client

determines the final figure 93
• The package – we often require more than one treatment to feel the benefits,

therefore a total amount for 3, 4 or 5 treatments may work for us, and our clients

• Contribution – leave the total entirely up to the client. We must resolve to hold
no attachment to the contribution to ensure the continuity of free-flowing


• As an add on – to an existing service we offer

Our Values

After considering all aspects of our treatments and how our client may value them. It

is essentially the way we value the treatment that matters. When we are attuned to

Reiki, we are simply reminded of the energy we have access to. When we engage in
self-practice every day, the healing energy helps break down the habitual thoughts

and habits that contribute to our dis-harmony and dis-ease processes and it is our

desire to help others do the same that propels us to into receiving an exchange for

our time and attention.

We request something in return that the recipient values, in order for them to value

the treatment and receive the greatest possible healing. We are asking them to value

their health.

Good luck in your professional journey! 94
5 Reasons to Readjust Your Reluctance to Charge for Reiki

Article by LaTanya L. Hill, JD

When we begin this Reiki journey, we take the lessons from our Reiki Master Teachers

seriously. They taught us to respect the energy and be mindful of how we care for our

clients. It is our responsibility to be honest, diligent, and kind in our dealings with

others, all the while trying to build a successful business.

Most in this field have a beneficent personality. There is this intrinsic desire to do good

and see others happy and well. It is this very desire that sometimes prevents us from

moving forward in business matters that will solidify our standing as true

entrepreneurs. It feels wrong to take money for something that is gifted to us from the
Universe. And yet, we still need to earn a living in this world while spreading the good

to others. 95
If you are just starting out and are hesitant to ask for money for your services, think of

these five reasons to readjust your thought pattern and help you become the
entrepreneur you are.

1. The gift is free from the Universe, but your time and how you nourish your gift is

not. Clients are paying for your time, presence, and expertise. A Reiki healer has or
should have enough knowledge to assist the person in removing whatever blockages

or negative energy is around, so that the time spent in your presence is a full healing

moment. You do this by cleansing your body with Reiki every day, refraining from

alcohol, meats, sugars, and any other items that will decrease your energy level or slow
down Reiki channeling through your body. You should also keep up to date on the

latest news and discoveries about Reiki and energy healing by studying and

researching weekly. Asking questions from experts or your previous Reiki Master

Teacher about new experiences or unusual occurrences is a must. Remember that you
are not just being paid for the healing ability, but also for your knowledge and skills.

Keep them sharpened!

2. Creating a successful business with a steady flow of clients is synonymous to

spreading Reiki to all persons your client encounters after a session. The energy that
is surrounding the client will positively affect those whom he, she, or they must deal
with for work, leisure, or simply random contact. So, the more clients you have, the

more people you heal secondarily.

3. Imagine changing a person’s life for the better based on your healing work. The

responsibility for altering a person to become who they are meant to be is serious.

There are few people, including healers, who are ready to bear this responsibility. Some

would like to keep it light and flighty in their sessions. The client will feel relaxed, happy,
and content. But then there is the client with hidden trauma who needs not just a 96
healer, but a person who is in total control of the material and spiritual world during

the session. A client with trauma needs more than a superficial healing. You must go

deep into the issue and the confidentiality and intimacy can be more than most can
bear. You never truly know what will happen on the table, so the price that is paid

should match your capabilities.

4. Some persons have specific gifts, such as being clairvoyant, clairaudient,

clairsentient, or claircognizant. These gifts are additional services that can affect the

amount you charge. Again, your ability to use these gifts effectively is required to

charge a fair amount for you and your potential clients.

• Clairvoyant is the ability to perceive situations and matters in the future beyond

the five senses of sight, touch, sound, taste, and smell.

• Clairaudient is the ability to hear sounds that are beyond the ordinary capacity

of hearing, such as psychic messages.

• Clairsentient is the ability to sense other people’s emotions without the need to

use the standard five senses of sight, touch, hearing, taste, and smell.

• Claircognizant is the ability to know simply know things about the future. Some

healers are also talented with stones and other elemental items and use them

in sessions to enhance healing or for protection.

5. Research what fellow healers are charging in the area and the services offered. What

is the Reiki level of the healer? What type of training do they have? Are other services
being offered within the session? Are they established or just starting out? Do they
offer a free consult? Take all these into consideration when coming up with pricing.

But be aware that a high price does not mean the healer is established or has a higher

level of healing. Just like a cheap price does not mean the healer is not gifted and

highly talented. Some Reiki healers charge based on expenses needed to earn a living,
and that is all. You may take this into consideration, too. Leave nothing off the table 97
to establish your business. The goal is to be successful while still helping people

become better and truer to themselves.

In the end, if you use the recommendations above, you may discover that your Reiki

practice will thrive. If you are being honest and good to yourself and with others, the

persons who are universally designed to be your clients will come to you and pay the

price you charge. If afterwards, you still have issues with accepting money or a certain
amount, then allow your own spirit to take over the decision. I am a big proponent of

spiritual discussions with the Universe and Creator of all. Allowing Spirit to lead will

give you the right time to charge and the correct amount, one that will not be scoffed

at or shunned. Keep in mind that what you are offering is a change in life for the better
and that is highly valued. Do not fear or be hesitant to ask for your worth. Again, if you

cannot make the decision, let your spirit tell you what amount you need in this material

world because to it, you are precious and priceless. It will never lead you astray and

will only work for your benefit and happiness. 98
Reiki and Payments
Article by Alejandro Sánchez Martínez

When I started my Reiki practice several times I had this question and now as a Reiki

Master and Teacher my students sometimes have had problems with this too, is it ok

to charge for a Reiki session?

Well, my answer would be ‘yes’, because you are doing a work for people and they are

getting something.

Sometimes, especially during the first sessions of our Reiki practice it might be strange

for us as practitioners to charge for a Reiki session since it is not something tangible

nor visible to the patient, also sometimes the patient may say that he or she is feeling

fine after the session but that during the session he or she could not feel anything. So,
should we charge for these sessions? Of course! 99
Patients don’t always receive or feel the energy in the same way, not all the patients

will have the same sensations during a session, but we are doing our part. It is
important for any Reiki practitioner to remember that we are doing a job, it might be

something spiritual but we also live in a material/real world where money is needed in

order to live. You can make a living from Reiki, but in order to do that, eventually, you

are going to need money!

You may start getting the people to know you and your work with a free-sample

session, but eventually, you are going to need to set a fee. If at the beginning of our

Reiki practice we do not feel comfortable receiving money, we always may allow the
patient to choose the payment method, and in my experience this is one of the best

things we can do, as I said especially when we are starting our Reiki practice, because

it helps the Reiki practitioner to start getting used to get a payment for his/her work

so later it will be easier to set a fee for a session.

I say that allowing the patient to choose the payment method is one of the best things

we can do because the patients will pay for the session with anything they want,

sometimes it can be something you may need in your daily life, or in your Reiki practice,

(for example some patients may pay you with candles, incense sticks, books, food,
mantra music CDs, etc., sometimes they may give you something they consider
valuable or precious, or even expensive things!); but more than that, in the background

I can say that this payment actually shows you how important is your work for them,
and that doesn’t always happens with money when you charge an established fee,
since money is a so over-valued, and ordinary thing people are used to spend just for

anything they want as a common thing in their daily basis.

The only problem you may have to face later if you allow them to choose the payment
method is to switch to money after that, I mean to change from a payment from 100
‘anything’ to ‘money’. This is why I only suggest this for people who is starting a Reiki

practice, especially if you decided to start it with family members or friends whom, in

some cases for some people, are more difficult to get them give you money.

It is also important to know that sometimes (it happened to me only once) a patient

doesn’t want to or claims that he or she cannot pay for a session. In this case I would

suggest that the patient MUST do something like praying, meditation or even
something he or she considers as a little sacrifice, maybe stop doing or eating

something he or she likes very much for a couple of days as a payment, because there

always must be a payment; remember that if he or she doesn’t pay for what they are

receiving, the Universe will charge them in some way. In a case like that, what do we
get?, well we also must trust God and the Universe itself, just remember the laws of

karma and dharma. We must get a payment and we will, it’s just that maybe this is not

the person who must give it to us.

We must be sure we are going to get it from the Universe, it will give us all we deserve

when it is the right moment for us to get it, as usual. Just remember, you must and

you will always get a payment for your work (even for the free-sample sessions!), and

sometimes the payment comes in the most strange and extraordinary ways! Just

remember to be thankful when you receive it. 101
Can Reiki Do Harm?
Article by Angie Webster

It’s often repeated that Reiki can do no harm, only good. But is that completely factual?

Let’s explore this often misunderstood idea about Reiki.

Sometimes in our eagerness to share the joys, wonders and benefits of Reiki, we forget

that it can be an intense and deeply purifying experience. The Reiki energy moving
through the body can feel very intense, particularly as it opens blockages during the
session, or rebalances an area that has an excess of energy. The healing crisis, while

typically very mild, can be strong, uncomfortable, and even somewhat alarming for

some. It’s important to discuss the possibility of a healing crisis with our clients and
help them through any difficulties they may have during or after a session.

Reiki does appear to have no harmful or lasting side effects. Even the scientific research
that has been done has found no harm. However, there are occasional reports of 102
people who had very strong reactions during a Reiki treatment. These can be anything

from feeling extremely overwhelmed physically or neurologically, to having a seizure.

People who are especially sensitive and open to energy are the most likely to have an
extreme reaction. However, they also typically benefit the most from well grounded,

sensitively administered Reiki treatment.

Groups that tend to be the most sensitive to Reiki are those who have a neurological
condition, autism, or a mental health imbalance. It is usually a good idea with clients

who have an upper chakra imbalance to begin the session at their feet. People with

neurological conditions, autism, and mental health issues typically have an excess of

energy at the head and the added energy can be overstimulating. Starting at the feet
draws balanced energy into the lower body, grounding some of the energy from the

head. This is helpful to bring balance to them and it avoids the issue of an overload of


Other groups to treat with care are those who cannot speak for themselves, such as

those with dementia or Alzheimer’s, babies, and animals. It’s very important with these

groups to have a “feel” that the client is receptive to the energy as you begin treatment.

It is especially important with non-verbal clients to maintain awareness during the

treatment and stop if the client seems to be uncomfortable or no longer receptive.

Seal their aura and end the session, even if you’ve only done a few minutes. Never
assume that just because someone is non-verbal that they don’t know what they can

handle energetically. Their energy knows, so listen to the signals.

With animals, always ask their permission by showing them what Reiki is and allowing

them to indicate if they want it or not. They are quite capable of knowing if it is right

for them and just how much they need at that time. Follow their lead. In particular,

never direct the flow of energy to a caged animal unless the animal is receptive, no 103
matter how much you believe she needs it. It is far better to simply sit in compassionate

meditation nearby the animal, offering lovingkindness.

While a reaction during or after a Reiki treatment is almost always a sign that energy

is unblocking, it can still be quite uncomfortable, even painful. Things such as seizures,

while quite rare during a Reiki treatment, can be avoided by treating those with

neurological conditions and other upper chakras conditions feet first.

There has never been a report of a lasting reaction to Reiki, either during a session or

from a healing crisis, however, it can feel traumatizing to someone if they are overcome

with energy or discomfort. It is important to avoid this by offering clear counseling

regarding what to expect during and after treatment. Always advise the client to let

you know if any part of the treatment feels uncomfortable so you can move on or stop.

Use awareness during a session to tune into your client’s needs, especially if they are

non-verbal. Their comfort is your primary concern. Healing is most likely to occur when
a client is relaxed and at ease, so help to create this by being open and attuned to


Reiki seems to be unlikely to do harm, though it can certainly cause extreme effects in

certain cases. Care should be taken to inform and respond to the needs of all our
clients in order to adjust treatment as needed to assure they receive the greatest
benefit. 104
Pushing the Boundaries
Article by Ann Singleton

Reiki and it’s frequent use can certainly be a huge catalyst for change within many; the

more we use it not just on ourselves but on others the more it helps and enables our

own development. I have experienced many significant spiritual changes on my own

unique path.

When I became a teacher of Reiki in 2016 I wanted to help guide and enable students

to unlock their own limiting boundaries and patterns of behaviour. I want students to
become true, authentic practitioners who are not scared of pushing their own

boundaries, and within that empowerment comes a knowing that they can truly help

and inspire those that seek them out for Reiki treatments. Empowering of self and

understanding of our own truth is so important so that healing can take place from
within, the more it will benefit the true authenticity of the Reiki that we channel. As we 105
are all one and connected then surely that will also have an amazing affect upon the

universal energy as it flows, and benefits the world around us.

Mikao Usui was very much all about listening to the inner guidance, trusting and using

our intuitive skills, he was a learned and well-travelled man, who sought truth out. He

was interested in a wide variety of subjects, learnt different languages, had an interest

in the tarot and esoteric knowledge.

When constructing my own Reiki manuals, I felt the need to add my own

interpretations in addition to how Dr. Usui taught, offering both the traditional handed

down viewpoint and my own if they wish to add anything to their practices. I wanted
students to utilise and push the boundaries of what is perceived to work within Reiki

teachings, and to question and challenge themselves. This is how we learn by pushing

forwards and upwards vibrationally.

I looked at the ‘Three Pillars of Reiki’ that Dr. Usui taught to students, they are:-

• Gassho – Means hands coming together

• Reiji Ho – Indication of Reiki power

• Chiryo – Treatment

These were taught along with the Reiki precepts as codes of conduct for the students

to live by. Their aim as I understand it was to develop their own intuitive skills and their
connection to the Reiki energy, therefore helping the people they treated by becoming
a purer channel. Dr. Usui was a great believer in meditation and being able to link that

with the flow of Reiki to feel a higher resonance with it and therefore become at one

with it. Literally become Reiki. 106
Here is an extract from my Reiki 1 manual about how to use the first pillar of Reiki ~

Gassho ~

Translated this means hands coming together, this is what Dr. Usui taught his students.
It was to be practised each time at the beginning of the Reiki workshops, 20- 30

minutes after getting up and just before going to bed. It can be done individually or

within a group setting.

• Sit with eyes closed, bringing your hands together as in a praying position, in

front of your chest. Focus your whole attention just on the point that your

middle two fingers meet. Any thoughts that creep in as they will do, simply

observe them and let them leave, don’t engage.

• You may observe different sensations, extreme warmth in the hands, running

up your spinal column, different experiences will come and go.

• If you become uncomfortable, then change position but do so in slow motion,

so as not to disturb the energy that is building up within.

• Try and hold the meditation for 20 minutes, you can build up to it gradually.

I explored this further to use with not just students but also with clients, a simple

technique they could use to focus their attention simply on the energy that meets with

the two middle fingertips and combining that with soft focused breathing, it worked
and they loved it. Once the energy was flowing I encourage them to just let the hands
rest on their lap but still with the middle two fingertips connected. It helped them use

the fingertips as an anchor to let the random thoughts calm down, it also helped them
to sense and feel their energetic connection between the two halves of the body and
brain, feeling the flow, and welcoming that energetic exchange that very often we all

take for granted or simply don’t notice.

During this process we become at one with the energy of Reiki, it flows throughout us
with direction as we simply become the energy. This brought me to an understanding 107
that whilst we are within this state and our thoughts have got out of the way, so to

speak, we could begin to tune into the clients energy just before a treatment takes

place. I know many of us have a sense of knowing about what a client may need from
the session, but this method feels more direct, yes we can use the symbols to transcend

time and space, but surely as we all connected and the highest intention is there, we

can direct and trust our intention to bring back what information we need, to help gain

a better understanding of how the treatment needs to proceed to be the best you can
be and help and enable the client to embrace that healing fully within.

My students love this method of simply connecting with the client, it has helped many

of them build their own intuitive skills and enabled their own development in the
process. I would urge any of you practicing Reiki at any level, if you are not already

trying this, please do so and reap the benefits for not just your own development, but

for the purest Reiki flow you can channel for your clients within your practice. 108
Social Media Survival Guide: 5 Guidelines for Empaths and

Spiritual People
Article by Andrea Kennedy

Social Media seems essential for many of us to stay connected with family, friends and

also to build our businesses through networking and increased visibility. These

platforms offer an array of positive opportunities for creating and maintaining

relationships of all kinds on a global scale. While this potential can be fun, exciting and
full of possibilities, we must acknowledge the pitfalls and negative traps of social media
that present real and difficult challenges for us. And if we are empathic individuals, as

many Reiki practitioners and spiritual seekers are, the harm social media may open us

up to can be devastating to our mental and even physical wellbeing. The good news

is, even if we are energetically sensitive to the point of often absorbing energy from
other people and circumstances, we can utilize strategies and techniques to help us 109
maximize our social media experiences to help us stay connected in meaningful ways,

feel heard and build our businesses, too.

By evaluating how interacting online is different from interacting in person, we can

more easily find clear solutions. One important difference is the endless barrage and

mass quantity of information streaming to us through these social media platforms.

No break in this stream exists; it is constant. Furthermore, the platforms uphold no

truth threshold so the unchecked spread of misinformation is pervasive. Finally, we

must recognize the influence of perceived anonymity online. Social media interaction

is most often between real life strangers. As a result, some people openly show us

darker sides of themselves without self-filtering as they would be more likely to do if

they were sitting with us face to face. What is the common thread with these three

difficult areas presented by social media? Boundaries—there aren’t any in place

outside of what we consciously construct for ourselves and decide to follow for our

own sake.

Boundaries are the game changer for how we intake social media as well as

determining how we participate with others online. Without them, we are more prone

to experience unresolved conflicts with what we read there. These unsettled feelings

can affect our mood and our sense of security and trust. They often retain staying
power remaining present in the background of our minds like a computer program
running in the background, stealing precious power away from the more positive

things we may try to focus on and accomplish. In an effort to try to help, we may
choose to comment back with reason or appeal to a person’s higher nature.
Unfortunately, this is rarely successful and simply brings us further into the anguish of

the hopeless situation.

To create a healthier relationship with social media, let us consider several guidelines
and boundaries which can instantly empower us rather than drain or lower our energy. 110
1. Perfect the art of scrolling on by. We can decide to stop trying to convince others

we know better or they are wrong. Doing this never works and is a waste of our
time. It only results in lost opportunities to focus on better-feeling things. Scrolling

on by instead of reading the comments on energetically charged posts is difficult

to do. This is a boundary we must keep by reminding ourselves it brings frustration

and other negative feelings. With this awareness, it is easier to choose more wisely
and scroll. After all, people will disagree. It is not our responsibility to resolve this.

Instead, we may consciously choose to focus our time on posts about what we love.

This will offer positive vibrations into the world and attract more positive people

into our social media sphere. The art of scrolling by is absolutely one to practice
for better mental and physical health.

2. Give ourselves permission to clean up our friends list and who we follow. If the

offerings of certain people are consistently creating conflict, it is perfectly fine to

limit our exposure to them. Would we not do this in person? Furthermore, we need

to decide if family members get to receive special permission to bring negativity

into our experience through our social media connections just because we are

related. We can take time to evaluate what they have published online and ask

ourselves how we feel being connected to that energy. Would we invite them into
our home and allow this sort of expression there? If the answer is no, it is time to
consider making changes to keep our online space more in resonance with our

goals for more peace.

3. Evaluate who we have been online. Remember what we post online has energetic

frequency and we are connected to it for as long as it is out there. Try the following

exercise. Go to your profiles, your timelines and wherever you have an online voice.

Read what you have posted from the perspective of someone who does not know
you. As you absorb what you posted, evaluate your perceptions. Ask yourself to 111
feel what energy and what emotions your posts bring about? What is the tone and

who do you appear to be? Lastly, what energy is your social media presence

offering—upbeat, loving, fun or perhaps judgmental, silly, divisive, or something

else? Be honest with yourself and if you are promoting your business online, this

evaluation is much more consequential. What traits do your potential clients see

through your posts? Does that match how you would choose to portray yourself

to them in the context of your business? Is your online presence helping your
business or hurting it? The answers to these questions then allow us to make some

new decisions to further shape our social media experience.

4. Decide who we will now be online. It is important to perform the previous exercise
from a neutral standpoint to get a clear perspective. Objectivity then allows us to

see clearly and evaluate how we feel about what we find. Now is our opportunity

to decide how we will present ourselves online and what our message will be to

the world. Regardless of what message we choose to send, it is important to be

authentic. This does not mean we must share every aspect of who we are. Instead,

we may choose to leave some aspects of our thoughts and opinions and perhaps

deeper personal events off of social media or choose specific privacy or audience

settings that feel more suitable to what we share. However, what we do publish is

best kept in alignment with our clear purpose and with authenticity. We must not
pretend to be someone we are not because that would be misleading. Therefore,
we may also delete old posts or comments that don’t reflect who we have become.

There is no need to continue broadcasting what does not resonate with who we
are today. We certainly would not walk around expressing the opinions we had 10
years ago if we no longer held those beliefs. So cleaning up our presence online

makes sense especially because we are energetically tied to all we put out.

5. Never post from strong emotion. Without a doubt, we will see material that triggers
us in a reactionary and emotional way. It is important to catch ourselves before 112
posting a quick response. It is a very good idea for us to pause and set the phone

down or get up from the computer. Doing a task to be productive or just focusing

on something else for a few minutes gives us time to reflect on what we decided
our larger social media message would be. Then we can ask ourselves if the

response we are tempted to publish resonates with this mission. More often than

not, we will find that letting go and scrolling on by is our best option. It allows us

to disconnect from a downward spiral of negativity and find our calm equilibrium
again. However, if we do choose to respond, we may do so with a greater sense of

awareness as we hold our social media goals in mind. Once written out, perhaps

we again pause before making the final decision to publish.

The fast pace of social media, its nonstop supply of shared opinions and ideas, the

rampant misinformation and the insensitivity of some can certainly create a negative

atmosphere and challenge our ability to enjoy the positive aspects of online platforms.

This is often harder for empaths and highly sensitive people. However, when we stop
reacting and set clear boundaries based on our goals, we can change our relationship

with social media very quickly. From this more balanced place we can find uplifting

people and new communities to connect with for encouragement, helpful sharing,

learning and guidance. It is simply up to us to become more aware and decide the

responsibility for regulating our relationship with social media lies within us. 113
Teaching and Giving the Gift of Reiki
Article by Patti Barker Kierys

My hope is this article will be of help to those desiring to be a Reiki teacher but have

been hesitant to follow that goal. There are times we need a little support to get us

started. Therefore, I am sharing what has helped start my teaching practice.

When I received the gift of Reiki over eighteen years ago, I was blessed for my Reiki

Master-Teacher was my daughter. A greater gift I could not have asked for and she
continues to inspire me today.

As a new student to Reiki, I felt inadequate and concerned I would not do it exactly as

I was taught. That feeling disappeared quickly once she told me to let the process

happen as it is meant to be. She added even if the technique was not perfect or every
aspect of a treatment was not completed, remember you are a channel for Reiki. Reiki

will flow and do no harm. Always keep it simple. 114
Today as a Reiki Master-Teacher, I always recall that lesson. It inspires me with every

student to teach the technique, but allow the students to be their best without fear of
perfection. The technique will come easier and quicker when fear of inadequacy and

failure is not present. When I share this, I see my student relax immediately, which

allows them the ability to receive completely.

There is no perfect teaching style. We, as teachers, have something special to offer

because we are all different and unique. Whether it is style, size of class, handout

materials or price, let the final decisions be yours based on your research, intuition and

knowledge. I have set my class and teaching style as my Reiki Master-Teacher taught
me and her Reiki Master-Teacher taught her.

As a reminder, you must have been certified in all levels of Usui Reiki in order to teach

Reiki. For self-healing and treatments for others, you only need Reiki level one.

It was worth every moment of learning to arrive at the stage of teaching. To be able to

teach people how to do Reiki is humbling and exciting. Reiki is a gift that will help

them in healing mind, body, and spirit their entire life.

The following is an outline of my method of teaching which I hope will be helpful to


1. I have created my own manuals for Reiki I and II and working on master level. I
have made it technical as well as personal. I’ve included my personal experiences,

art, and poetry to show how Reiki affected my life in many ways. I found it was a

worthy endeavor. It is used during class. Once the class is completed, it is a valuable

resource for the student every day. 115
2. My preference for the size of my class is one-on-one. Although I could teach a

larger class, I find I have no desire to do so at this time. I like the personal

commitment I can make to my students by teaching one student at a time. I make

myself available to the student, especially during the 21 day detox period. I place

no judgment on those who teach large classes, on the internet and long distance.

The ultimate goal is to have as many people as possible receive the wonderful

healing power of Reiki that can be of benefit to them during their life’s journey.

3. It is important to make the process as simple and fearless as possible. It helps to

remember how we felt when learning something new. Reassure your student that

Reiki can do no harm. Reiki is a valuable tool to help in the student’s healing
process. Reiki does not take the place, but is in addition to traditional medical

practices and other modalities. Reiki can heal the body, mind, and spirit beyond

our wildest dreams. It changed my life and continues to do so.

4. The venue for teaching can be a small room or a large space. It all depends on the

size of the class. I arrange the room prior to the teaching session. I allow the Reiki

to flow into my hands. I open my hands and release the energy to fill the room and

cleanse it. Using the Reiki symbols, I place them in the four corners of the room. I

allow a few minutes to meditate and set the intention that the space will be a
healing and calming place for the student to receive and accept the healing gift of
Reiki. I have paper, pens, and water available. When appropriate, I teach Reiki

outside. Nature is nurturing and a great addition to the process.

5. Before starting the class, I spend a few minutes getting acquainted with my student.

I provide an intake form. I ask if there are any questions about the process before

we start. It helps us to relax and be present. My class usually takes about three to

four hours. Since I am teaching one-on-one, I find I do not need a longer period of
time. The time I have allotted, which can be extended, covers all the important 116
aspects of Reiki. It allows enough time for practice treatment session for the

student. My class doesn’t officially end because a student is free to contact me after

the class has ended for as long as needed.

6. Each teacher will set up their class slightly different when it comes to what it covers.

However, the attunement is a requirement no matter the Reiki level being studied.

During your studies for Master–Teacher, you would have received an outline for
the attunement. Try not to be intimidated about giving an attunement. I realized

the intention and knowledge of the attunement process was all that was needed.

Reiki does no harm and flows easily for the student to receive, including the

attunement. Allow your student to rest for as long as needed after the attunement
is given. This is a good time to reflect on what the student has received and any

remaining questions.

7. I do cover chakras, color therapy, meditation and a variety of other modalities in

my class and manual. One of my students found after receiving the first level Reiki
that she has a very strong connection with colors when receiving and giving Reiki.

I have encouraged her to draw upon this special gift and research color therapy

and how she can expand upon it. It is important to encourage our students to

explore whatever they may experience. To be open to all possibilities that can be

an addition to Reiki.

8. Though I have created my own manuals, it is not a requirement to teach Reiki.

However, the materials that I believe helpful are the History of Usui Reiki, Code of
Ethics, What is Reiki, the hand positions, how a Reiki treatment is conducted for self
and others, an explanation of the 2l day detox and a resource list. Any other articles

that you think would be helpful to the teaching process should be included.

9. A question raised often is what to charge your students? Each teacher must decide
for themselves what to charge. I have a standard rate which differs depending on 117
the student’s circumstances. I also allow students to pay what they feel they can

afford. I will from time to time teach a student for a very minimal charge as a way

of giving back for all that I have received. I do not wish to turn someone away
because they cannot afford it.

10. Once we have completed the materials and the student has received the

attunement, I give the student a complete healing. I use this opportunity to show
how a treatment is given. During the treatment, I explain what I am doing, how

long I keep a hand position on certain parts of the body and encourage questions.

My desire is for the student to become comfortable with how to give a treatment

and not to feel intimidated by it. I wish to show that Reiki flows easily and keep it
simple. Worth repeating, keep the process simple. I have a short meditation at the

end of my treatment. I find it brings forth a feeling of relaxation and a sense of

being present.

11. Once I have given the student a treatment and explained how it is conducted, time

is allowed for the student to give me a treatment. I encourage the student to take

it slowly, refer to the hand positions in the manual and to stop and ask questions.

This treatment is a learning session not necessarily a healing session. However, you

never know what healing might take place. It is meant to help the student feel
comfortable with the ability to give and receive Reiki.

12. One question I am asked often is how long you must wait between each level of
Reiki. Although it seems many Reiki master teachers are suggesting shorter and
shorter periods of time, I suggest four to six months. The reason is that the student

goes through a detox period and may even have emotional issues rise up. Students

have shared that they are comfortable with this time schedule. It allows them the

time to feel comfortable with their Reiki experience and confident to go forward.
Without judgment for others who say once you receive the Reiki attunement that 118
is all you need, I feel there is more. When you first tried a new musical instrument

or played a sport, it took time and practice to become comfortable and

knowledgeable. Allow your students time to digest the experience, be with the
experience and know for themselves when it is time to go forward. As individuals

we are different and the experience is different. There should be no competition

only acceptance of the unique experience for each student.

13. At the end of the class, I present a Certificate of Completion for each level achieved.

Though the class has ended, it is only the beginning for the students to start

travelling down their life’s path with Reiki. I am humbled by the fact that I am able

to contribute to the journey. It is truly only the beginning.

My hope is this article will encourage others to want to teach and spread the gift and

blessings of Reiki. We are a light filled with loving healing energy. Take your time, set

the class the way you wish, feel comfortable with your choices and keep it simple for
you and the student. If you treat the student as equal with a little more knowledge

needed, you will definitely give a gift that will be understood with a desire to

accomplish. Remember the student has the knowledge, but needs to be tuned in and

turned on. I am grateful and humbled that I received and can teach Reiki. May you go

forth and spread this life-changing gift. 119
Supporting New Reiki Practitioners
Article by Deborah Lloyd

Recently, a new Reiki practitioner contacted me as she had several questions about

opening a practice in her city. She told me her Reiki Master lived locally, but he had

not replied to her emails or voicemails. Giving him the benefit of the doubt, she stated
he may be dealing with a crisis in his life or has other major priorities. Certainly, that is

possible, especially in today’s world with the pandemic, economic challenges and other

struggles. Due to these factors, this can be an especially difficult time for new

practitioners to establish a practice.

How can we help?

Let us begin with the first step – sending intentions to the Universal Life Force. These

intentions are rooted in the great need for healing – for individuals, countries and
Mother Earth. The need for Reiki practitioners is greater than ever. We can state an

intention such as, “If any Reiki practitioner needs assistance, please have her/him

contact me.” Or “I am available to anyone who would benefit from my Reiki practice
experience.” 120
Then, follow up with some concrete actions. Tell your friends and family that you are

providing support to other Reiki practitioners, encouraging them to give your website
or email address to anyone who would benefit by contacting you. You can also place

this information on your own website. Another possibility is to form a community of

Reiki practitioners. This may need to be done by Zoom, Skype or other formats during

the pandemic.

Another way to provide support is sharing your own experience with opening your

practice, both the things that worked and the things that did not, and what steps you

took to correct those. For example, you can share your personal experience with
renting a space only for your practice vs. sharing a space with others who provide

healing modalities. You can discuss financial realities of rent and purchase of needed


We can share what we learned through the school of hard knocks. One thing I learned

is how important it was to consider other renters in the building. One business liked

to cater lunches for their employees in the lobby – a loud gathering every Friday at

noon. In another building where I rented, the landlord turned down the thermostat

every weekend. This had to be addressed since I provided sessions and Reiki trainings
on weekends.

If the practitioner lives in an area where massage therapy, Reiki and other services
where personal contact is limited during the pandemic, special consideration must be
given. Fortunately, Reiki practitioners are able to provide distance sessions and

trainings. This can provide more opportunities for practitioners as clients do not need

to live in the client’s local area. But it does require more thoughtful outreach methods

in promoting a Reiki practice. Creating an appealing website, promoting Reiki on social

media, writing a blog – the possibilities are endless. 121
However, more important than information is the emotional support we can provide

to new practitioners. Be an active listener and give authentic encouragement when

appropriate. If you have had a wonderful Reiki Master supporter, emulate him or her.

If the experience was not that helpful to you, become the kind of Reiki Master you wish

you had. This is one way to bring Reiki healing energies into our world! 122
The Question All Clients Ask
Article by Dawn Fleming

What do you say to a client who asks how many Reiki sessions that he or she will need
before they are healed? I get this question all the time. I have been doing Reiki since

1993 and see clients in person as well as at a distance. I can understand that they might

be concerned about the cost of several sessions, or the question might stem from

them wanting to find quick relief from a particular ailment.

My answer usually is that without working on them that question cannot be answered.

I tell them that Reiki works in its own way and depends a lot on how open and ready

the client is to be healed and on how entrenched the illness is in their body. One Reiki
session might be all that they need or they might need several sessions to resolve the
issue. I tell them that each person responds differently. Each person may have lessons
they need to learn as part of their healing.

One client, Ankit with glaucoma asked me the question. He wanted a quick fix. He had
just lost his driver’s license and wanted it back. I was very honest. I asked him how long

had his eyesight been deteriorating. He said for 15 years. I told him he would need to
be patient and be ready to receive Reiki for the long run. I explained that if it took his 123
eyesight that long to slowly deteriorate, then he could not expect them to be

completely healed overnight. I tell all my clients that I hold for the fastest healing

possible. I want them not to need me. I want them to be healed.

I have been working on Ankit now for a year with a weekly Reiki session. At first, it did

not seem that much was happening on his end. I was feeling the energy pathways

repairing. Then I began feeling these pathways in his eyes strengthening. At about the
4 month point he said he was seeing shadows in his peripheral vision where it was

once blacked out. At about the 10 month point he noticed that his peripheral vision

was increasing. Where the areas were shadows, the eyesight was returning. We are

continuing his sessions. At about the 8 month point I felt the energy go from
strengthen to restoring the physical. At that point, I feel that healing will manifest in

the physical but it is hard to determine the timing of when healing will take place. He

has noted many other benefits of receiving Reiki this past year. His stress levels

dropped and has had some insights along his healing journey.

The sad part is a lot of people will miss the opportunity and benefits of Reiki because

they want that magic pill that will restore health immediately. What they do not

understand is that the allopathic magic pills have their own side effects and only treat

the symptoms instead of the cause. Reiki works on both the symptoms and the cause
with little to no side effects. For those who do continue to receive Reiki on a regular
basis, they may experience healing of their issues, and they might also find that less

things bother them, that other ailments disappear, and they might have a deeper
understanding of why the issue is in their lives along with what they can do to be a
part of the healing process.

For clients that I work with that have eye issues, serious surgeries, cancers, and mystery

illnesses, I find that with working with Reiki there is a cycle to the healing process. 124
1. First, there is Stage 1, the repair phase. I feel the Reiki energy that I am sending

repairing energy pathways. In this process, a lot of stress energy, toxic energy, and

energy blocks are being cleared and then the energy pathways begin to be
repaired. Since energy is the foundation of what we are, if the pathways are

blocked, clogged, broken, diminished, then the energy cannot get to where it needs

to go. So stage one is repair.

2. Stage 2 is strengthening the pathways. In stage 1 the energy pathways are repaired

so that energy can flow again to all the nerves, organs, muscles, etc. in the body. In

stage 2 I feel the Reiki is strengthening and building the energy that was once

diminished. We go from operating on a quarter of a tank of energy to building the

energy to full. When we have a full tank of energy, we can do more in life, feel

good, and emotionally we stop worrying and find peace.

3. In Stage 3 I find that the energy shifts to restoring the area. An atmosphere that
supports and creates changes on the physical level begins to occur. At this stage, I

feel big shift and know that we will soon see some physical manifestation of all the

work that we have been doing. The client may see the restoration in several areas

of their body, emotions, and mind. Small changes or big changes will be realized.

4. In Stage 4 healing happens. They are seeing the results that they wanted. Everyone
is happy. Gratitude is flowing.

It is also important that our clients participate in their healing process as well. Some
clients want to continue the reckless behaviors or keep their vibrational lowering

though form habits while they have you the Reiki practitioner heal them. This slows

the process, or keeps them from moving past Stage 1. They feel a little bit better

because they have energy flowing to them, but they cannot build on it because they
are attached to keeping their old behaviors that put them where they are. 125
There is no time frame for each stage. A person can go through all the stages in one

session and their issue is resolved. However, in most cases with illnesses or conditions
that has been around for a long while, we are looking at a lengthier time frame. Each

person’s circumstances are different and if a person is extremely ill, all of these stages

might not be realized. One client that I worked with we could get to Stage 2 and then

she would injury the area and we would be back at Stage 1 again.

For the Reiki practitioners out there asking how do I know what phase my clients are

in, this is something that over time and with working with a lot of clients, I have been

able to distinguish subtleties. The differences that I notice are in how the energy feels
and flows in each of the stages, which tells me what stage they are in and when a shift

is about to occur. Client feedback of what they experience in each stage has also

helped me to learn to differentiate between these phases as well.

So what is the answer to this question how many Reiki sessions am I going to need to

feel better? It just depends: on your client’s willingness to participate in the healing

process, on their body’s ability to repair, on how badly the client’s energetic system

has been broken down, on their energetic, emotional and physical resilience, and other

factors that we are not privy to. 126
The Reiki Client Support Kit
Article by Phoenix Fenegan

Your clients need your ongoing support on the road to recovery. Create a kit for your

new clients to help them move towards health and to complement your work with

them during their sessions.

It is disheartening when clients enjoy great benefits from your Reiki but then go right

back to doing what put them in poor health in the first place. Short of having them
move in with you so you can monitor their progress (not gonna happen…), it could be
prudent to give them options and ‘homework’ so they can work with you towards

better health.

Depending on your client’s needs and goals, I think it best to tailor your kit on a client-
by-client basis, and depending on which type of Reiki you use. 127
These days, it is also easier to email your kit to your client rather than give them paper.

Please remember to treat your client’s email addresses with the utmost respect. Never
share it, include them in a ‘round robin’ so others can see their email address, never

add them to a mailing list without their permission and respect the digital privacy laws

of your country.

All the kit ingredients below are emailable.

Your kit could include:

• A ‘progressive relaxation guided session’ to teach them to tune into deep

relaxation so the reiki can flow through them more easily

• A suggested reading list and, if appropriate, the Reiki Rays Library

• Chakra chart
• A beginner’s short meditation concentrating on quieting the mind

• Grounding advice

• After-care advice digital leaflet

Progressive Relaxation Session

We all know that the more a person receiving Reiki is relaxed, the easier the Reiki can
flow. It is why the client relaxes on a table or comfortable chair in order to gain the

maximum benefits.

Perhaps you have had clients that really struggle to relax. To some, lying still when it

is not bedtime is completely alien to them. Their mind becomes agitated and their

body becomes restless. 128
Educating your client to relax could be one of the most beneficial gifts you can give

them as the blessing will spill into every area of their life.

Learning to relax properly for the first time, involves feeling tension and a

corresponding relaxation in the major muscle groups of the body. The recorded

session below, is done lying down on a comfortable surface and can be practised daily

until a relaxation response can happen on mental command alone. Try it for yourself
before sharing it with clients so you can feel the benefits.

Create A Suggested Reading List

Clients experiencing Reiki for the first time may have many questions about its origins,
effectiveness and spiritual connectedness.

It might be useful to add the books that led you to Reiki or books of a more spiritual

nature. If your client is experiencing a particular crisis such as cancer, grief, mental
health issues or addiction, there are many excellent self-help books that specifically

support people through their challenge which complement the goals of Reiki.

If your client shows an interest in learning how to practice Reiki, it might be appropriate

to introduce them to the Reiki Rays website and their Library. Or you can hand-pick
reading material from Reiki Rays to send to them.

A Chakra Chart
The energy system used in Reiki is not taught in school biology class, and it is a
complex subject too. However, most people are familiar with the word ‘chakra’ even if

they don’t fully understand what it is and what it does.

Getting your client to think in terms of their energy system will help them from
undoing all your hard work on the couch. See this chart as a starter for your client. 129
Although the positions of the chakras are not mentioned (and open to some different

interpretations), you can educate your client during your sessions on what chakra you

are working on and why.

If your client is already aware of their chakras but they need a good ‘clean’, ask them

to perform this meditation regularly to help their Reiki treatments.

A Beginner’s Short Meditation

If a restless mind is bothersome to your client and you think they might benefit from

learning meditation, then share with them some meditation practices so they can learn

the basics.

Learning mindfulness is a great place to start, but it is not for everyone. Hypnosis-style

countdowns and visualizations, gentle music or gazing at yantras or kaleidoscopes

might be more suitable.

Other beginner’s methods may include candle gazing, a walking meditation, counting

the breath or using an app such as Headspace, Calm or InsightTimer.

Grounding Advice
When life pushes all our stress buttons at once, our saving grace can be in staying
grounded. This is true for Reiki practitioners as well as their clients.

Grounding exercises:

• Walking barefoot outdoors

• Spending time in nature

• Taking baths
• Using grounding crystals 130
• “Thinking in your feet”
• Foot massage/reflexology

• Yoga
• Tai Chi and Chi Gong

• Grounding meditations

This grounding chart gives advice on grounding, grounding crystals and a short,
grounding meditation that your clients may find useful.

After-Care Advice Digital Leaflet

If you don’t already do so, provide your client with some after-care advice. Having a
leaflet emailed to them after their session will help them to implement your advice

once they have left the treatment room. Create your leaflet in Microsoft Word or similar

word processing document and spend some time adjusting the layout so it looks

professional. You can convert your document into a PDF if you do not wish the receiver
to edit the document in any way.

A leaflet can provide the following information:

• A reminder that Reiki is a holistic practice, not an experience isolated from the
rest of their daily life
• A reminder of what Reiki does

• What they might experience in the hours following treatment

• What to eat/drink and what to avoid
• General self-care advice

• Possible side-effects

Other options you can add to your after-care leaflet: 131
• Links to your social media

• Ask your client to leave a review

• Offer a ‘recommend a friend’ scheme

• Offer a discount for a course of Reiki, pre-booked and paid for in advance

• Your terms and conditions and/or available payment methods

An Example of a ‘Client Support Kit’ Email

Dear Bob,

I hope you enjoyed your Reiki session with me today.

As discussed, in order to help you further with your work-related anxiety, I recommend
the following resources:

Progressive relaxation technique to be practiced daily until our next session:

A grounding advice sheet with grounding crystals that you can use in your daily
meditation sessions.

Based on our conversation, I recommend the following books:

• An Evidence Based History of Reiki

• Essential Art Therapy Exercises: Effective Techniques to Manage Anxiety,
Depression, and PTSD
You can find an after-care leaflet with advice here (insert your own link) and a link to
my Facebook account here (insert your own link). 132
You mentioned that you used to enjoy painting as a hobby and I hope you find the
inclination to pick up the brushes again soon. See you at our next session.

Best wishes,
(insert your name) 133
How to Start a Reiki Community
Article by Justine Melton

Shortly after I learned Reiki I moved across the country. I felt excited that I had a new

gift to share with the area I was in but I felt isolated in that I didn’t know anyone who

did Reiki in this new location. I wished that I had like-minded people around me that I
could talk to about Reiki and their perspective on different things. I was unsure how

to meet people with similar interests or find people who were interested in the same

types of things as me. I’d like to share with you different ways that you can start a Reiki

Community where you live. It really is so simple and can have lasting positive effects
on you and the entire community.

How to start a Reiki Community:

• Join and see if there is any sort of Reiki community. If there is give it

a shot and go to a meeting. If you don’t find the group is for you start your own 134
group on meetup with your own unique twist. Chances are someone is looking for

the same thing as you.

• Go to alternative and holistic bookstores and ask them if they offer any type of
Reiki Sessions or if they have a Reiki Group. If they do offer something then get the

contact information for the Reiki Master and contact them about Reiki get

togethers in the community.

• Google Reiki Masters in the city you are in. See which ones you feel called too. Call
or email them and ask any questions you have or ask if they are willing to meet up

with you. I have never come across a Reiki Master that didn’t want to talk to

someone new in the area or offer advice for how to get a group together.

• After talking to some people offer to host a Reiki night in your home. If you enjoy
your evening make any tweaks you might need to and turn it into a monthly event.

Maybe different people in the group can sign up to take turns hosting it at your

house. Have it be a potluck style so that the host is not always out money. Another

idea is to just do coffee/tea and have everyone bring a homemade treat to share.
• Start talking to people on alternative healing sites and blogs.

• Put up flyers in your area advertising a free Reiki meetup group.

• Put up flyers in your area for an alternative healing meetup group. I have found

this to be a lot of fun. Everyone can share their own healing styles, you can learn

so much and can make lasting friendships with these like-minded people.

If you feel called to start a new group, take action. Don’t let fear or nerves stop you.

You are being called to start a new group for a reason. It could be one of the best
things to happen to you and others. Allow yourself to feel the fear or insecurities and
then send Reiki to them.

Sending you all love and light. 135
Illuminations to Bringing Your Reiki Practice to the Light
Article by Deb Karpek

You’ve got to start somewhere, so let’s begin with baby steps. Short and succinct these

Illuminations can help you to create and sustain a successful Reiki practice. From the

emotional and mental to the nuts and bolts of starting a practice it’s all here.

Apply these Illuminations to all aspects of your life and practice and watch as things

begin to shift.

1. Leave your Friends and Family Alone

They are on their own path. Leave them alone. Don’t expect them to be your clients or
to support you. Respect their path as you wish them to respect yours. Lead by example.

They may follow. Or not. Lose your expectations.

2. Find Your Tribe

Align yourself with like-minded people. Go to classes, Reiki shares, and business

functions. Get out there and connect! In your free time find friends who share your 136
energy and enthusiasm for life. Feed each other! Let go of those people and things

that do not serve you or your highest good.

3. Examine Your Money Beliefs

Do you have money issues? What are your triggers in this area? Are you afraid to

charge people for Reiki? Do you want to charge more because you need the money?

Don’t base your business decisions and choices on money. Stay with your vision and
the money will come if you are doing what you love. Find the balance between heart

and head.

4. Get Good Training

Spend the money and take the time to get good training. Do your homework and use

discernment when choosing your teachers. Go through your levels more than once

and work with different teachers. Everyone teaches so differently, its good to get more

than one perspective. This will help you as a teacher.

5. Market Yourself

Leave a paper trail. Business cards, brochures, rack cards, flyers, postcards, newsletters!

Infiltrate your community! Set up a website, and become a presence on social media.

Advertise in local magazines. Put flyers up in your neighborhood. Use whatever you
can to promote yourself and your business, both online and face-to-face. Carry these
items with you or in your car so they are readily available to hand out.

6. Clients Are Mirrors

Clients are highly polished mirrors of us. Always ask yourself “What is the lesson?”

What is this client mirroring back to you? This is a healing opportunity. See it as one.

Try not to judge or blame, but look deep inside and ask, “What do I have to learn?”

7. Meet Them Where They Are 137
Everyone that comes to you is coming from a different place. Don’t assume they know

why they are there or that they know anything about Reiki. Be kind and compassionate,

as they are vulnerable and trust you. Earn that trust. Be gentle, on the table and in your
classes. Seek out where they are so you can teach them in a way they understand.

8. There Is No Competition

There is no competition in Reiki. Don’t worry about this! Those with your vibration will
find you. Trust that. Everyone has his or her own unique gifts to offer. Find yours and

allow for the flow. Your clients and students will find you. Support your fellow Reiki

practitioners; make them your allies. Come from a place of love and trust, not fear and


9. It’s Okay Not to Know

If you do not know the answer to a question it is perfectly ok to say, “I don’t know.”

We don’t know everything, even though, as teachers, we would like to. Get your ego
out of the way. Discover the answer with your students. Consider it another

opportunity to learn and heal. Your students will respect you and your honesty. Energy

doesn’t lie and neither should you!

10. Teach Your Students to Help Themselves

Help your students help themselves. Don’t give them all of the answers, even if you
know them. Keep your ego in check! Lob their questions back to them, so they can

examine how they feel about something and come to the answer on their own. Help
them but don’t do their work for them. Empower them!

It is my wish that these Illuminations help you to get started in your Reiki business.

These are the things that worked for me. Use them as a template, lay your foundation

and discover what works for you. Have fun, use your Reiki and good luck creating your
thriving Reiki practice. 138
Redefining Success with Reiki Guidance from Usui Sensei
Article by Andrea Kennedy

It was a Thursday afternoon in March of 2020 when I learned the building housing my

Reiki business would close down due to COVID-19. I had enjoyed many benefits of

offering Reiki in a healthcare-related facility but those advantages switched to being

liabilities once the virus arrived. I completed my remaining Reiki sessions and returned

the following day to remove files, equipment, personal belongings and anything I may

want to have since I would not be able to return for the foreseeable future.

I struggled on that Friday as I unpacked my car in our driveway. I so loved my Reiki

space where I met the loveliest people for sessions. I had worked hard and built a

successful Reiki practice. I enjoyed the staff and the facility and felt privileged to hold

my Reiki classes and events just down the hall from my rooms. It felt like a perfect fit
for me and I was consistently grateful for all I had achieved there—teaching and

helping people through Reiki practice. 139
As I brought in the items I chose to bring home, I realized my professional Reiki

practice was now completely unrecognizable to me and I needed to make some quick
but thoughtful decisions about my next steps and what would be best for my clients.

However, like everyone, I also felt personal stresses and fears relating to the unfolding

pandemic and the accompanying uncertainty of what seemed like literally everything

most of us, myself included, had taken for granted. I was confused about how to move

In the days that followed, I began to realize we had been given a sort of reset

opportunity. The pandemic and resulting closures had served as interrupters to our
usual routines and habits. My perspective began to shift and I started to contemplate

success and what success means—not just to me personally and in my work but for us

collectively. What are we really striving for? What is truly important? I sought new

meaning and context regarding my work to help me know how to move forward.

In the midst of seeking these answers and guidance, I turned to Reiki. I sat quietly as I

prepared to meditate as I offered Reiki to myself but suddenly I became aware of

another possibility. Instead of offering Reiki to myself, I would offer Reiki to Usui

Sensei. In all the years of my practice, I had never done this or felt guided to do so but
had read about the possibility several years ago. I decided to give it a try to see what
happened regardless of also questioning why he would even be open to receiving

Reiki from me.

I placed my hands in Gassho and humbly called out to Usui Sensei in my mind. I stated

I would like to share Reiki with him with gratitude in my heart for all he has done for

us, his students. I then felt my mind going deeper and that he was with me there as

the energy began to flow in my hands. I became more peaceful and I spoke to him to
ask for guidance. I asked him about the meaning of success. Usui Sensei responded by 140
saying that “success is measured by the joy in one’s heart.” He also conveyed that

success is not dependent on particular circumstances we may think are necessary to

achieve a goal. Instead, the verification of a successful path is felt through this emotion
and because joy is available to us no matter who we are, what we have or what

circumstances we may find ourselves in, all people have the opportunity to know


I continued offering Reiki and then I asked him if we could attain enlightenment

through our learning of Reiki as he passed it on to his students. He responded that we

may experience enlightenment when we practice Reiki; therefore, it is, indeed, offered

to us in that way. He added that it is not about changing who we are to become an
enlightened one, rather it is more about entering the stream of enlightenment which

Reiki makes available. He said “in this stream of oneness, we gain much and can

embody the energy more readily. Thus, we may be a vessel of Reiki light in all
endeavors. It is in this way we may become Reiki. And with joy in our hearts, this may
be called success if you choose to define it in such terms.” He went on to communicate
that there is not a step-by-step process for us to know success because success may

mean any number of things to individuals. Perhaps, instead, “feel in your senses what

action is right, then listen to this guidance and the path to joy is yours. Not all you
engage in promises to feel joyous but the experiences chosen through followed
guidance completes a yearning of the soul and joy may be known in unexpected ways.
Joy cannot be planned. It is a feeling resulting from beingness not from doingness.”

A few minutes passed and he then showed me a scene of a man who had been unjustly
imprisoned with the understanding that even in a bleak and unfair circumstance, the

mind is solely ours. It is in our jurisdiction and any atrocity may be disengaged from

with a strong mind. The scene in my mind then changed to the sun and the fact that

it is always present and bright. He said we too often focus on the weather and that the
storms always pass by because they are fleeting. In contrast, the sun shines regardless. 141
It is ever-present whether we are thankful for it or not. It nurtures us and sustains all

life. It is a true wonder but yet we are often short-sighted and allow ourselves to sink

to the fears and pains of the world which shall certainly pass on. He said, “let us always
remember the totality of our experience and in this way we may remain in balance.”

I concluded the session a few minutes later while in a state of wonder and deep

gratitude. As a result of our session together, I decided to let go of my need to go back

to my office and professional practice as I had created it before. I felt a weight lifting

from me and the return of the forgotten sense of freedom I had when I first opened

my practice. I began to allow myself to redefine success by feeling my way forward

with an openness as to what that may look like.

I chose to share my experience with you for two purposes. First, I hope you might also

find Usui Sensei’s messages helpful in your own life. Our current times have been

wrought with uncertainty on numerous fronts but we are also afforded opportunity to
engage with our old ideas and perhaps recalibrate our expectations through joy and

awareness instead of simply continuing to create from previous beliefs. Many of us are

in the position to navigate decisions about what is important to us personally and

professionally. The second reason I offer my experience is to invite you to consider

deepening your Reiki practice by directly connecting with our first teacher, Usui Sensei,
if you have not already. By doing so, we may remain open to continually learning and
evolving in our understanding as we proceed along our unique Reiki paths. 142
Sprinkle Success on Your Business with Reiki
Article by Sheetal Sapan Mhatre

Every business whether it’s small or big requires promotion and marketing to expand.

You can hire a smart and extremely intelligent marketing tool at no cost, wondering

how it is possible. It’s completely possible with Reiki and Archangel Chamuel. We are
working with Archangel Chamuel as he will help in finding customers. Here are the


1. Morning Prayer
Every morning light a candle or a lamp and make a Chi Ball and visualize the Power

symbol (Cho Ku Rei), the Mental/Emotional symbol (Sei He Ki) and the Distance symbol

(Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen) in the Chi Ball and say: “Dear God, Goddess, Archangel Chamuel

whoever will benefit from buying my products and services give them the wisdom,
willingness and finances to buy my products and services so that we both mutually
benefit from our association, this or better. Thank you!” 143
2. Raise the Vibrations

Draw Reiki symbols like the Power symbol (Cho Ku Rei), the Mental/Emotional symbol

(Sei He Ki) and the Distance symbol (Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen) on the walls of your
business, visiting cards website, Facebook page and products, this will raise the

vibrations of your business and will help to ward off any kind of negativity and at the

same time will help attract more customers as well as goodwill.

3. Evening Ritual

At the end of the day send a Chi Ball with Power symbol (Cho Ku Rei) symbol to protect

your business place and also offer gratitude by saying: “Divine Guardian Angels of my

business thank you for blessing me with so much prosperity, good will, and success.
Please continue to shower your blessings on the business and make it grow beautifully,
this or better. Thank you!”

4. Wednesday Ritual
Wednesday is a day of Mercury, if you want things to manifest faster in life then praying

on Wednesday helps. Take a golden candle and draw Reiki symbols on it. Light it every

Wednesday and pray for abundance. Visualise yourself covered in golden light.

5. Ethics and Action

A business that is done ethically and with dedication grows multifold. When the energy
of Reiki is added magic begins to unfold. 144
Reiki your Business
Article by Darshan Bafna

If you own a business or retail store here’s how you can add a touch of Reiki to help

increase sales, revenue & cash flows.

1. Sit in a relaxed position and clear out all distraction.

2. Invoke Reiki to flow through you for your highest good. Shield and ground yourself
and invoke to receive help and guidance from your Reiki Guru, Reiki Master, Angels,

Archangels, Spiritual Angels, Spiritual Guides and your Personal Reiki Master.
3. The first step is to cleanse your business space every day. People tend to influence

the energetic vibration of a place based on their emotional state, since most people

function from a negative space it will lower the vibration of your business.

4. Invoke Cho Ku Rei symbol and project it on all four walls of your business space,
project it on the floor and the ceiling. 145
5. Draw a big Cho Ku Rei in the centre of the room and say the following prayer: “I

Invoke the Cleansing Power of Cho Ku Rei into the Centre of This Place, Including
All Rooms, Grounds and Property, Taking All Black and Grey Atoms with it to Be
Dissolved into the Light” X3
6. The second step is to raise the vibration of the business and maintain it.

7. Invoke Cho Ku Rei and project it on all four walls, the floor and the ceiling. Draw a

big CKR in the centre of the room and say the following prayer: “I Invoke the Power
of Cho Ku Rei to Charge and Recharge All Aspects of the Business Space, Retaining
This Energy and Bringing this Business into the Highest Vibration Possible” X3
8. Similarly draw Sei He Ki and balance this energy in your business space for the

energy tends to accumulate in a certain area. Using SHK will bring the entire store
into energetic balance and alignment.

9. Step three is to establish protection so that you and your business is safe and

protected. To do so say the following prayer: “Encircle this Business Space in a

Golden Bubble of Protective Light, Protecting Everything Herein and Everyone Who
Enters In Ways that Are for Our Highest Good” X3

Do these steps every single day especially the cleansing so that your store/business is

energetically cleansed and aligned with your purpose. And as you keep increasing the

vibration of your business you will attract people who match that frequency.

Additional Tips:
• List out the qualities of the kind of people you want in your business or the kind of

customers/clients that you want on a piece of paper. Give Reiki to it using symbol

#3 HSZSN and the universe will attract people into your life who bear those

• Introspective and work on your beliefs about money, prosperity and abundance.

Your business will often reflect the beliefs that you hold in these areas. 146
• De-clutter. Remove all the clutter from your business and keep it clean and

beautiful. Clutter blocks the energy from flowing and causes stagnation and

• Use crystals such as citrine, moonstone, turquoise and tiger eye to improve your

business. You can also set up crystal grids for the same.

• Use Feng-Shui or Bagua map to locate the wealth corners of your business and use

activators to enhance these areas. You can look for different ways to invite positive
Chi into your business.

Stay blessed! 147
25 Reiki Business Owners Speak Out: “What I Wish I’d

Known Before Starting My Reiki Business”

Are you thinking about starting your own Reiki business?

Wouldn’t it be awesome if you had access to dozens of Reiki business owners, and if
they could, from their own experience, give you the best advice, warn you about the

pitfalls ahead, and share what they wish they’d known when they first started out?

This article is as close as it gets. We’ve asked the Reiki community this exact question,
and we were overwhelmed by the response we’ve got.

What do you wish you’d known before starting your Reiki Business? 148
A big THANK YOU to everyone who took the time to reply, on behalf of everyone who’s

reading this article and will benefit from the shared experience. We’re sorry we could

not include everyone who replied! We did our very best to make sure that each and
every idea we received was mentioned at least once.

Business Wisdom

Elise from Brenner Reiki Healing

• Find inexpensive and/or free business seminars through the Small Business

Administration (USA) and follow through on the tips you get. None of us are

born knowing how to establish a legal entity as small business owners, or how
to use all of the marketing tools that are out there.

• Join a Reiki professional organization.

• When you start, have a secondary source of income, since it will take at least a

few years to get your Reiki business going.

• Start small, don’t get overwhelmed.

Karen from Karen M. Weece, RMT

I knew, but several practitioners don’t seem to recognize, that this a business; spiritual

it may be, but it is still a business and must be run according to government regulation
and tax laws as well as being run like a business.

I found a lot of help with the Small Business Association of the federal government.

Maria from 3L CARPE DIEM

It would be good to have someone with more experience to help you start.

Naresh from Surya Synergies 149
Patience is needed, and you should not start off your earning program only on Reiki.

Start it as a part-time work, and then gradually make it a full-time profession, else you

might find yourself struggling financially.

Becky from Annapolis Open Heart Reiki

Having a Reiki Business has been one of my most joyful experiences. I wish I would

have known getting clients isn’t as easy as making a website and business cards. I wish
I had spent more time developing a business plan.

Kelly from Kelly Boyles, Independent Reiki Practitioner

I am an independent contractor providing bodywork services as a Pennsylvania
Licensed Massage Therapist. I still work for the same company, which I joined in 2001.

As we Reiki practitioners know, the energy turns on every time I touch a client on my

table. So while my work is not formally based on, or billed as, Reiki services per se,

perhaps my experience will prove useful for those setting up a new, dedicated Reiki

I have been self-employed since 1985. As a wakeup call, I offer the notion that running

your own business is a much more complicated, intricate, and unending endeavor than

many folks realize. You do all the work. You wear all the hats. You pay for any
professional support you receive. Every penny of overhead comes directly out of your
pocket. You do all the long-range planning. You manage all the day-to-day details.

You must backtrack and accurately log all the expenses to keep your books. YOU PAY
ALL YOUR OWN TAXES, including local, state, and federal, at least here in the US. You
receive no benefits. As such, you must buy your own health insurance, arrange your

own retirement, and cover any amenities that company employees enjoy.

Ruth from Pembrokeshire Reiki 150
I wish I’d known who to insure with, how to get yourself known, how often to have

Reiki shares, how long should workshops last for and how often to run them.

How important self-Reiki was/is!

Where to get business cards and flyers, what to put on them to make them stand out.

Which of the associations or federations should I join.

Yvonne from Breathe And Bloom

I wish I had known more about the practical aspects of running a business such as

accounting, tax, legal and financial duties required for self-employed people. And also

I wish I had known about marketing and advertising and the costs of these.

I feel that I have the healing and caring skills and qualities but lack the knowledge and
skills required for running a business so now I am returning to employment as a

teacher in a school and am only doing Reiki and meditation with my family and friends.

I feel that I need a reliable income source behind me and maybe in time my business

will grow and develop once more.

Marketing and Getting Clients

Kamelia from La Jolla Reiki

My advice to those interested in starting their own Reiki business would be: “Give First

to Receive!”
When I started my Reiki practice I wasn’t sure how I would get clients, I just knew I

loved Reiki and all of its amazing benefits. Having benefitted from Reiki so much

myself, I was excited to be able to share it with others.

Many people do not understand Reiki, and the best way to understand it is to

experience a session. I am truly passionate about Reiki and it is honestly something

that I would do for free. So I did! When I spoke to others about it, they were curious
but not quite ready to commit to a session. So I offered them a free one. No strings 151
attached, just a free 30-minute personalized Reiki session to try it out and see if they

liked it or felt like it was something they would want to do in the future.

I sat down with each person and discussed all of the things that were bothering them
in life and in their bodies. We talked about chakras and set an intention for the session.

Afterwards, we discussed how they felt and they all agreed they felt a huge difference

in their bodies and stress levels. They all ended up talking to others about how amazing

and relaxed they felt. Word got around and before you know it, I had so many paying
clients who were so excited to get in to see me, that I didn’t even have time to do

anymore free sessions! People saw my passion for Reiki and the 110% effort that I gave

even if I wasn’t being paid.

I am happy and blessed to be able to help others and spread balance, wellness and
peace throughout the community. You have to start somewhere, so just do it! If you

give Reiki with integrity and come from a place of abundance, you will flourish!

Lisa from Raydiance Reiki

I wish I’d known that Reiki doesn’t necessarily translate well onto paper e.g. leaflets /

brochures and I wasted quite a lot of money on designing and printing beautiful

documents that sit in the cupboard unused. I’ve found that almost all of my business

comes from talking to people one-one in every day situations (hairdresser / dentist /

doctors / café / work etc.) and the best business of all comes from referrals.
People still have a fear of Reiki, a fear of the unknown I guess, and I find I can almost
always ‘convert’ those who are fearful, unsure or curious to make an appointment.

In a nutshell, tell everyone what you do, why you do it and how they can benefit from
the truly amazing healing energy that Reiki can bring to their situation.

Elise from Brenner Reiki Healing

• Get out of the office and off-line frequently, and into your community to educate

and inform the community about Reiki. 152
• Know your ideal, prospective client, what he or she needs, and how to reach

him/her through your marketing efforts. Create real relationships with them.

• Track how people learn about you so you know which of your marketing efforts are

• Never be “desperate” for clients. That is the kiss of death for you, as you will make

every mistake in the book.

• Learn how to communicate about Reiki to all kinds of audiences.

Isabella from Healing Mudras By East Meets West

I was told and taught, set up your schedules and people will flow. When the student is

ready the teacher appears… people will flock to your places and arranges their
schedule to yours… Well NO NO NO that does not work like that. I was compelled to

find a middle way and be flexible to suit my convenience and people’s schedule. Then

it worked.

Remain open to other practices in your business. A lot of practitioners in the Reiki
community tend to preach only for Reiki as a panacea for all ailments and that makes

people skeptical.

Naresh from Surya Synergies

• I wish I had known how difficult it would be to convince people about the benefits
of healing with Reiki, compared to traditional medicare.
• Also, if someone would have told me it helps to have your own website, even if it

is hosted on a free domain site like, Weebly and the like, and how to
make yourself found when someone hits the search button in Google.
• Listing your services in the many free online advertisement sites helps.

• On a different note, people will call you asking for instant magical relief from their

pain, maybe in a sitting or maximum two, without which they may not turn up, and

you spend a lot of time explaining to them. 153
Patti from Abundance! Holistic Healing Services
What I wish I had known before starting my Reiki business? Mainly, I wish I had known

more about the misconceptions surrounding the practice of Reiki. There are many
prejudices expressed by people who are not familiar with the practice of Reiki, which

are fueled by fear of the unknown. The region in which I practice (Central California) is

largely occupied by people who are religiously conservative, and the prejudice against

energy healing of any kind is deeply ingrained into their beliefs. There is a widely held
belief, both here and in many other regions, that Reiki has satanic roots, and that any

hands-on healing done outside of religious service is evil. This can make it quite

difficult to build a Reiki practice; my attempts to educate people on the benefits of

Reiki have only been mildly successful.

I suggest that new practitioners do some research into the region in which they wish

to practice, scoping out potential locations and regional attitudes.

Social media has been a great way for me to get the message out regarding the
benefits of Reiki, and seems to be much more successful than print media

advertisement. This is why I am pleased to be a part of Reiki Rays; I am hoping that

through our combined efforts we can more effectively educate the public on the

benefits of Reiki healing.

Sharon from Holistic Healing & Reiki By Sharon

One of the main things I wish I would have known before starting my practice, is how

hard it is to attract customers. My situation is a little different as I live on a Greek Island,

and not many people here are open to Reiki or even understand what it is. Although
there has been a huge growth in foreign women, especially the British that live on the

island that now understand what Reiki is, and are open to a treatment, I found that

Reiki alone was not earning me enough to cover my overheads, so I went on to learn

other forms of alternative therapies, such as Reflexology, Crystal Healing, Sound and
Color therapy, Aromatherapy, Indian Head Massage. I find all these other treatments 154
complement Reiki. I have come up with a new concept of giving a Reiki treatment,

combined with a back massage; people seem to be more open to Reiki when it is

included with a massage, as they like to feel the human touch.

Maria from 3L CARPE DIEM

People, and I’ve felt it a lot in my country (Portugal), don’t trust new things even when

they have proof that they are great and work. They don’t want to pay for them, cheap
or expensive, they prefer the uncertainty to the actual deal.

Every day will be almost as the first one, and you always need to prove something to

someone. But at the end of the day, if this is really what you like to do and if you are
good at it, it’s worth it. And I will never change that, for nothing else make me really

happy .

Karen from Karen M. Weece, RMT

I wish I had begun networking earlier during my self-practice, before I decided to open

my business. I am currently relocating and it is more difficult to find people in the area

to which I am moving. Had I started earlier this might be a little easier.

Marleen from Blauwe Dolfijn (Blue Dolphin)

I wish I knew how to get clients as well for the treatments as for the courses. I found
out that it was not easy to make a living out of it, that advertising doesn’t bring clients

to you, but that you really have to go for it, tell people about what you are doing, and
let Reiki and your hands be your guide to that all.

Susan from Justice For Your Soul

I wish I’d had more guidance on how to reach potential clients. Any advice on how and

where to advertise would have been helpful. I have found that having a booth at local
fests and working in a space that is community oriented has been a big help. I don’t 155
have a lot of money to spend on advertising so I look for community opportunities

that are inexpensive and reach a larger number of people.

Kelly from Kelly Boyles, Independent Reiki Practitioner

You plan, write, and publish all your own public relations and media. As a freelance

writer, I can promise you that many people overestimate their ability to communicate

clearly with the written word. Speaking your native language does not guarantee
effective writing! There can be no substitute for careful review, editing, and

proofreading of everything before you publish. You cannot control the flow of

information to current or prospective clients. Therefore, you must apply due diligence

in advance so that that everything with your name on it is professional, respectful, and
informative. Remember, once on the Internet, always on the Internet! Once you hit

“send,” you cannot take it back.

Rowan from Rowan’s Reiki By The Sea

The demographics of Reiki Acceptance. In New England, where people are more open-

minded, I did quite well. Upon retirement I moved to coastal Florida. Hardly anyone

down here knows what Reiki is, and even when I educate them on it, I have been called

a VooDoo Practitioner by the elderly population. I was quite saddened by that, as the

elderly are often the ones who would benefit the most by Reiki Treatments. I even
lowered the fee to $15.00, and free to cancer patients. My Roman Catholic neighbor
told me the “Church” does not allow Catholics to receive Reiki.

I offered to volunteer free Reiki Treatments to local hospitals and Hospice Services
once a week. I am also an ordained minister and offered free spiritual counseling. They
looked at me like I had 5 heads and shooed me out the door. I am a conservatively

dressed 62 year old woman with no body piercing’s. To say I was shocked was an

understatement. Demographics are more important than you might think depending

on which part of the country you reside in. It saddens me to know how many might
have benefited from Reiki, if only they had been more educated about it. 156
John from Natural Ways Consulting LLC.
I wish I would have studied marketing prior to starting the business and would have
concentrated on the possibility of starting with an office space first. I provide Reiki in

clients’ homes.

Marketing knowledge is needed for any successful business.

Srimanju from Reiki And Angel Healing

I wish I would have known more ways to reach people to offer the service and

information on volunteer organizations on taking in Reiki Practitioners.

Tamara from Prana Paws / Healing Hearts

How beneficial word of mouth can be in getting you new clients.

Metta from Rolling Sands Energy Healing

The community we moved to is small and Reiki is unknown and people are suspicious

of it.

Vali from Amirays Healing Energy

I started my mobile Reiki business last year but unfortunately there was no interest
nearby. Living in Scotland I was preparing in Aberdeen, a big city. In the meantime I

had to leave and ended up in a tiny remote village where people are not so
enlightened. The closest interest to my marketing came from Glasgow, which is quite
far from here for daily visits. As I didn’t have clients I had to give up the Reiki business.

I am just sending distance Reiki for all at home in silence anyway.

But this experience can be helpful; do your market research… and if it’s successful, then
stay at the same place. (I couldn’t for some reason.) 157
Customer Relationship

Elise from Brenner Reiki Healing

• Document your sessions so when clients return, you have continuity.

• When you have loyal clients and students, show them how much you value them,

and “reward” them in small, but delightful, ways.

• Always be ready to improve. Ask your own clients what you can do to improve and
serve them better.

• Learn how to listen; I mean, really listen to clients and students.

Sunetra from Soniele Daniel Reiki

Before I started my own Reiki practice, I should have been mentally prepared for a few


• Make people understand Reiki is not same as Black Magic or Witchcraft or Faith


• There will be times when people will be disappointed with you if they do not get

immediate results, and would promptly forget to show any gratitude once their
results get accomplished.

• Always and I mean Always have each client fill up a Registration form, be it for
Healing or Teaching.

• Do make the clients realize that Reiki is a complimentary healing to all medical


Sharon from Holistic Healing & Reiki By Sharon

I would also advice that every practitioner take a course in counseling – listening skill,

I have found over the years, that the people that are most attracted to Reiki are those
that have gone through every other path to find help, i.e. doctors, hospitals, 158
acupuncture, drugs. They seem to be desperate when they reach you, and you need

to learn to listen to them, remembering never to give medical advice or suggest they

cut back on medication. I find that most people just want to talk, Reiki releases a whole
lot of emotions and you must be prepared for this.

Insurance and Legalities

Kelly from Kelly Boyles, Independent Reiki Practitioner

Here’s the big take-away from my comments: GET INSURED! You might be shaking

your head just now: here’s why. As a Reiki practitioner since 1998, I know Reiki can do

no harm. You know Reiki can do no harm. But the general, uneducated public will
remain inherently skeptical. This is just a reality of practicing Reiki that we all must

come to terms with. But beyond that, the sad truth is that there are those who would

seek to take advantage of you, make unjust claims of injury or other poor result, and

then take legal action. In this litigious society, you must protect yourself against those
who might attempt to sue you. Here in the US, I am covered to $1 million dollars US

automatically with my membership fee to the American Bodyworkers and Massage

Professionals (ABMP). Wherever you are, please carefully research your insurance

options to get the most coverage for your hard-earned money.

As an additional means of protecting yourself, please seek valid legal advice for how

you structure your business. Here in the US, we have a business entity called a Limited
Liability Corporation. This isolates and secures the assets that anyone can legally

pursue through a lawsuit. By filing as an LLC, you can segregate your personal assets,
like your home. Wherever you will be practicing, please investigate how you can

establish your business without making yourself vulnerable from a personal

perspective. Please seek qualified counsel before you make any binding decisions. Let’s

face it: if you lose your home, you will not be in a position to help anyone. And wasn’t
that the point? 159
Elise from Brenner Reiki Healing
Get liability insurance.
Make sure you have all the legalities in order for your state or country requirements,

including paying your taxes.

Tammy from Tammy’s Tarot And Healing

Knowing your state’s legislations and insurance requirements is essential before you

even open up a business, especially where you are ‘physically’ touching another


Karen from Karen M. Weece, RMT

I wish I’d known all of the legal ramifications with Reiki and that many are trying to

regulate it, which will make things more difficult for practitioners. I wish I’d realized the

amount of time I will spend working on all the legalities for practice.

My main concern is that all practitioners are mindful of consequences and think things

all the way through before jumping on board for regulation – such as making Reiki

practitioners get licensed as massage therapists. I don’t do massage and don’t want to

have to obtain a license for that practice.

Lisa from Blue Moon Natural Living

I wish I’d known about all the hidden fees that my state puts on everything, i.e. the
yearly cost for my LLC, etc. CT charges little fees for everything and the new thing is
charging sales tax for Yoga instruction.

Yearly tax filing is tricky also.

Money and Charging for Your Services 160
Elise from Brenner Reiki Healing
Be very comfortable charging for your services. If you are not comfortable accepting

payment for your professional Reiki services, try role-playing with a helpful colleague,
as well as contemplating the source of your distress around this issue.

Sharon from Holistic Healing & Reiki By Sharon

When I first opened my practice I offered half price sessions, and got no response, so
I lowered the price to only 10 euro per session – the going rate here is 35-40 euro. A

friend and fellow practitioner told me that the price was too low, thus making the

treatment look worthless. At the time she was practicing from home and had clients,

charging the full price. I had more experience and no clients.

Sunetra from Soniele Daniel Reiki

Energy exchange is mandatory, but be flexible regarding payment method. It’s ok to

let them pay part by part. This shows you have faith in the client as much as they have
in you.

Yvonne from Breathe And Bloom

I realized that I had issues about charging for my treatments and am working on

personal issues at the moment around valuing my healing abilities and valuing their


Elise from Brenner Reiki Healing

• Live your message! Incorporate the Reiki Precepts into all you do, both personally

and professionally.

• Develop warm and mutually supportive alliances and relationships with like-
minded people. And be sure to be generous with your support of others. 161
• Be credible and professional in all you do, and at the same time, let your own

personality shine through.

• Keep it fresh by keeping yourself fresh with daily self-Reiki and other forms of self-
care (eating well, sleeping enough, physical activity, friends and family, etc.)

• Honor your boundaries.

• Honor your students and clients.

• Honor your teachers.

• Be a leader, but know how and whom to ask for help and advice.

• Create a healing space that is comfortable, clutter-free, soothing, and nurturing.

Sunetra from Soniele Daniel Reiki

We are human and sometimes get carried away too much with the clients issue. We

should never get attached to the result, especially when we are setting up a new

practice, it’s like almost proving your worth in the practice.

Isabella from Healing Mudras by East Meets West

• There is this subtle line between ‘business’ and ‘spiritual activity’. Reiki is NOT a

business per se although it is an activity with financial rewards. So people may reach

your studio to study and then you realize their focus is to open a Reiki business… I
stopped it straight away and interrupted the Reiki course saying I am sorry you are
not ready to be a Reiki master.

• Be a role model is my best advice to open a Reiki business. Be confident but be

• I followed my intuition a lot… and Reiki-ed the whole area too!

More Wisdom

Darpan from 162
I wish I’d known that it’s a lot more than just doing ‘lots of Reiki’ . There are a lot

of practical, technological, and logistical things that need to be done. And you need

to know how to do them!

We have self-created the site and it’s been a lot of trial and error. Wish there was a

step by step process with checks and watch outs.

Tammy from Tammy’s Tarot And Healing

It would have been wonderful to have known how some people were going to ‘react’

to my news of opening my own business. I had so many well-meaning but ‘negative’

people try to dissuade me from following my dreams. “Not enough people are into

this ‘stuff’. You will go broke. You won’t last 12 months.”

I was OK because I knew without a shadow of a doubt that I was following my dream

and I knew it would succeed. However, someone who is more impressionable or easily

led may be talked out of their dreams.

It’s important for new Reiki Business owners to know how to deal with negativity
although it may be well-intentioned advice.

Elise from Brenner Reiki Healing

Getting into your running your own business takes a lot of inner work. For the inner

work, there are numerous barriers to overcome. These barriers vary for different
practitioners, but tend to revolve around lack of confidence, self-doubt, fear of
criticism, fear of failure.

Kelly from Kelly Boyles, Independent Reiki Practitioner

You are solely responsible for every tiny aspect of each Reiki session you perform. And

indeed, your practice lives and dies by the reputation you built with the very last client

you touched. This is especially crucial now that social media is often the mainstay of

your customer communications. A disgruntled client will tell many more people their
negative appraisal than a happy one will praise you. The dissatisfied client will tend to 163
post their unhappiness, legitimate or not, immediately. By contrast, the happy clients,

still basking in the glow of their treatment session, will take time to post their gushing

review. This is not specific to you, but a proven, statistical reality, a function of human
nature. But you still have to deal with it.

I think it’s easy to get all charged up and go driving forward with your own Reiki

practice, and that’s a terrific thing! We need excited, enthusiastic practitioners to help
others, and to represent the Reiki community with compassion and professionalism. I

congratulate you all, and wish every one of you the very best success for highest good!

But the reality of running a sole proprietor, profitable, sustainable business is often

much more than many individuals have bargained for. Please remember that unless
this is your sole income, it’s perfectly OK to go slow, be deliberate, and get things right.

Take your time! Both you, and your clients, are well worth the effort and care!

In Closing…
We hope this article will help you get prepared, so that you can set up your Reiki

business as smoothly as possible. We wish you the best of luck, love, and light, and

thank you for choosing the healing path! 164
Key Strategies to Stand Out as a Practitioner and Attract

More Clients

Excerpt from Andrea Kennedy’s Interview from 2021 Reiki Summit

Karen Caig: Hello! Today we are joined by Andrea Kennedy of Mainstream

Reiki (

Andrea, could you offer first off some ideas on how we might

attract more clients?

Andrea Kennedy: Absolutely, Karen. Thanks, first of all, for having me at the

summit. I'm really excited and you know we're co-hosting this

year too, so that's extra exciting.

And yes, so I really believe that if someone is motivated and

has this dream to have a successful Reiki practice as a business, 165
they can totally do it. But the biggest hurdle probably early on

is how do we attract more clients, and that is a challenge.

Well, my best advice for that is… Well, I guess I have a lot of
advice, but the first thing I want to say about it is that we need

to put ourselves in the shoes of our ideal Reiki client. If we

imagine who might come to our practice for a session, what

sort of background do they have; they may have no knowledge

about Reiki at all, they might be new to Reiki, they might just

be searching online and trying to find who to go to. So, I think,

first of all, we have to assume that our client doesn't know all

that we know about Reiki. And because Reiki is mysterious to

some people, we want to demystify what we do and we want

to be transparent with the people that might find us.

I am very adamant about having an online presence. I believe

a website is an absolute must for a Reiki practitioner. That is

something that works for you 24/7 and so it's a fantastic tool

to educate people, not only about Reiki, but who you are as a

practitioner and what you offer.

So, have a website! And on your website be really transparent!

You want to describe what Reiki is, you want to be clear and
concise and consistent. And for me, with Mainstream Reiki and
my vision, I'm always looking to appeal to the average person

who isn't familiar with Reiki and just needs basic information. I

try to do everything: all of my communication with them –

online, social media, anything like that – trying to meet them

where they are. 166
For example, on the website I am very clear about what Reiki

is, but I also give them all the answers that I think they might

have or all the answers that they need to questions they might

I want to let them know what is it going to be like if they choose

me to come in for a session, what's it going to be like? What

do they expect? So they're going to come into the office, there

will be a waiting room, they'll fill out a form, the session is so

many minutes long, you know, all of these things; I want to give

all those details. And by doing that, if we really give them a

picture and answer their potential questions, what we're doing

is we're lowering the threshold for them. We’re making it really

easy to schedule with us.

Karen Caig: That's a really good point. I've been to some websites and, I

don't know, it's almost as if they're emphasizing the mystery of

it, you know... In the colors that they choose and it's kind of

dark and mysterious looking and I think maybe those websites

are intending to draw the people in, but it's not clear. I think it

has the opposite effect.

You are absolutely right. Yours is really easy to navigate. You

come away from that website with a clear idea of what Reiki is,
and it's easy to schedule! That's another sort of like a call to

action. Don't just let them get lost in there, in all the

explanations of Reiki. Yeah, yours is really easy to use.

Andrea Kennedy: Thanks, Karen. Another thing I do is I've made a brochure

because, again, Reiki is mysterious. So around where I live, I put

out brochures that I customized for myself and the look of the 167
brochure mirrors and uses the same language as my website,

so again, there's that consistency.

So, if somebody sees me online, they read through my website

and then they happen to go to the local metaphysical

bookstore and they see my brochure; they're going to see

something familiar and that helps them remember, “oh yeah,

this is that lady I saw online when I googled the other day.” We
can market ourselves in different ways, but just be really

consistent. And I keep saying that word, “consistent”,

consistently because it is really important.

I think some practitioners are timid. Timid about sharing things

like what their prices are. And I know, as a consumer, putting

myself in the shoes of a potential client, I want to know what

it's going to cost. I don't want to have to call the person or text

them or e-mail them to find out basic information like that. So,
on your website, list your prices. Just be upfront, be

transparent. I mean, there shouldn't be a mystery to what your

session is like, what you're charging. And then even on the

brochure, print out your rates.

One other tip I want to say is put your photo on your marketing
because I know on the back of my brochure I have my picture,
on my website I have my picture, and I have had clients come

in and they've said to me: “I flipped your brochure over and

when I saw your picture, I just knew! Oh, I'm going to go to

her.” It was so surprising to me that the photo could do that,
but I think that our potential clients... they're in tune, you

know?! They feel when something resonates with them or not, 168
and so when we put ourselves out there and just let them know

who we are and what we're offering, they'll feel a resonance or

not with us. And that will help them book.

You brought up a great point, Karen, and that was making

scheduling easy. I've had clients that I wake up in the morning

and I get an e-mail that somebody scheduled at like 3:30 in the

morning, you know?! Wow, okay, so they couldn't sleep and

had this idea about “You know what? Maybe it's time for me

to sign up for a Reiki session.” And because I have online

scheduling, it made it easy for them to schedule. So, there's no

phone tag, no phone calls and all of that kind of thing having
to happen. Again, it's about making it super easy for them to

go ahead and come in.

Karen Caig: Yeah, that’s true! Because I know I don’t schedule things if I

have to call, if I can't do it just right then. Especially nowadays,

people... they want to do things on their phone, you know,

while they're sitting at a red light they might do that. [laughs]

Making it convenient, that’s important.

Andrea Kennedy: Yeah, here's something about just putting all that out there,

putting yourself out there, being transparent and trusting that

the people who are right to come to your practice will follow
through; just trust the process.

Karen Caig: That's a really good point, Andrea, but some people don't want

to put a picture on their website or a picture on a brochure

because, I don't know if it's a fear, it's being vulnerable! You

just feel like put yourself out there. But that's what's going to

attract people to you... is the fact that you are being vulnerable. 169
It’s like you taking the first step of building trust and how do

you attract clients it’s through building trust with them. And

that's the first step, so I think that's a great piece of advice.

Andrea Kennedy: Yeah. Thanks, Karen! If we think about it, who's really being

vulnerable? If someone comes to us for a Reiki session and

they've never even met us before? What a huge deal that is

that they would come into our space, brand-new, and they
would lay down on our Reiki table and completely open up to

us energetically. I mean, we're asking a lot. We are!

Karen Caig: So why shouldn’t we do the same thing and be open with our

pricing and everything else? Yeah, that's a great piece of


Andrea Kennedy: Yeah. Thanks.

Karen Caig: Have you ever seen a common choice that many practitioners

do in their business that you believe does more harm than


Andrea Kennedy: That’s great, Karen. Yeah, I like this question, because yes!

There are a few things, but I think the one that stands out to

me the most – again, putting myself in the shoes of the

potential client – if I'm online and I'm looking at different
potential practitioners in my area, one of the things I notice is

what services they offer. And one of the things I think that hurts

Reiki practitioners is they try to do too many things. They might

say, “Oh, I do Reiki and craniosacral and reflexology and

massage and essential oils.” I mean, they might list ten things!

Karen Caig: And past life regressions! [laughter] 170
Andrea Kennedy: That’s right. And card reading and all of that, right?!

What that says to me, maybe, as a consumer, as someone

looking to find the right practitioner… You know, I want an

expert. As someone who’s going to go for a Reiki treatment, I

want an expert in Reiki.

I think when we list all of these different modalities or skill set

that’s so broad, it can, for some people, be a red flag. They

might take as “Well, why do they offer so many different

things? I mean, Reiki must not work that well if they had to go
take training in these other 5 modalities. So, they kept
searching for something.” Now that might not be true. And I've
taken lots of different trainings, lots of different workshops and

things, and you probably have too, Karen! Probably a lot of our

audience has taken many, many workshops and we have varied

interests and we are seeking and always wanting to learn. But

again, if we want a successful Reiki business, I think the smart

thing to do is pare that down. Choose the things that you really

love, choose what really resonates with you and offer that. And

you can be really smart about this. So, say you want to offer

more than Reiki. Well, the other things that you offer can
complement Reiki instead of compete with Reiki.

And I'll give you an example. So, if there's a practitioner who is

trained in Reiki, but on their website they say “I'm offering Reiki

sessions, Healing Touch sessions and craniosacral sessions.” If

I'm a client who's not too familiar with things, I'm confused

when I look at that. I don't know what to sign up for because

they're all sort of overlapping. Let's flip that around and I’ll pick 171
three different ones. How about if someone on their website

says they offer Reiki, life coaching and essential oils? You see

how those don't overlap? They are very different. And so, as a
potential client, I can look at that and go “Oh, I have a better

understanding then of what I might sign up for.”

And also, if we put our business hat back on, we can make

packages of those modalities that complement each other; so

you might do a package of Reiki and life coaching and essential

oils.... You might combine those in certain ways that add value

for your client instead of confusion about overlapping

modalities. I hope that makes sense.

Karen Caig: Yeah, that’s right. And going back to getting into your client's

shoes… you know, because we're familiar with that but

someone who's coming to your website may not be. And yeah,

I haven’t thought about it, but I remember craniosacral... or like

trying to get a massage, I never knew if I should do Swedish or

deep tissue or this or that…. There’re so similar. That's a really

good point, I hadn't thought about that.

If it's really different, then you can… because going back to it,

also you don't want them to leave your website and not
schedule because a lot are like “Well, I'm not sure what to do,
so I'll just come back.” And then they won’t.

Andrea Kennedy: Right!

Karen Caig: And then the extra value, that is true! You have the Reiki
session and then maybe add on an aromatherapy; that’s great. 172
Andrea Kennedy: Yes! And one other thing that came to me when you were

talking is this whole idea about an expert versus somebody

who couldn't find the answer, right? So if you have the three
separate sort of modalities, like in my example, the Reiki,

essential oils and life coaching, that looks like you are well-

rounded, right? That looks like you're a well-rounded


In contrast, if you had five different energy modalities, it looks

like maybe you couldn't quite find one that you liked enough

so maybe they're not that effective.

Anyway, I’m not saying that that's true, but it's all about the
impression that we're giving out to potential clients. If we want

them to follow through, again, being very clear and concise

and answering the questions.

Depending on what we offer, it can provide that clarity that

they can resonate with. Like you said, that was a great example

with the massage – all the different styles – because I've been

in the same boat, like I don't know what to sign up for because

I'm not the expert. I need the massage therapist to tell me what

I need, right?

And one other thing… I’ve heard a lot lately about the “niche”

– I never know how to say that word, “niche” sounds a little just

so fancy – but there's a lot of talk right now in the Reiki

community about a niche, like you need your own little niche
to set you apart. I get this too from my students “Don’t I need

a niche?” And my answer to that is no. A niche should be

something that naturally wells up, naturally is created from you 173
and your practice. If you’re searching for a niche because you

feel like you have to have one in order to appeal in a certain

way, then you're approaching it from a contrived stance. It's

like you're looking for a solution to a problem you might not

even have, if that makes any sense.

But if you follow your heart, if you follow your passion and your

guidance about what lights you up, what excites you, the niche
will be created. It will come from that inner place of resonance

and that will be translated to your marketing, to your clients.

There’ll be that resonance of an authentic niche, an authentic

part of your practice that you can offer for them.

So, I would say don't go in search of a niche because you think

you have to have one! Follow your guidance and let it happen


Karen Caig: Where is your niche? Here’s my niche! This is mine! Yeah…

That makes sense. Let it grow, let it come to you organically

rather than contriving to something.

Andrea Kennedy: Yes, because if you come to it that other way, you're coming at

it like you're not good enough, you are less than… so let me
try to complete myself with this niche. I hope that that makes
sense in the way I’m explaining it. But yeah, organically, I love

that word; I think that was fantastic.

Karen Caig: Yeah, just let it come. 174
Okay... So, many people, many of my students starting their

own businesses they will ask me: “What about pricing? What

should I charge?” Do you have some advice about that?

Andrea Kennedy: That’s a huge topic. But what I would say… what helped me

most of all is the introductory offer. I guess I'll backpedal just

a little bit: number one, you want to set your pricing to where

you're comfortable, because, again, you'll have a good energy,

you’ll have a good resonance with whatever it is you're

charging. And one way to decide is look around your area, look

online what are other practitioners charging. That kind of gives

you a bit of a ballpark on that.

But let me get back to this introductory offer. When we just

start out in business in a Reiki practice, our books are probably

wide open so we don't have a lot of clients, right? And what I

would suggest is start an introductory offer, and I mean a deep

discount. So, let's just for ease of math will say your session is

$60. So, maybe the introductory session is $25 or even $20,

and people out there are probably like “What?! Are you crazy?”

Well, maybe, but just hear me out. [laughter]

So if our books are wide open and we have no clients, then if I

make $20, that's $20 I wouldn’t have had, right? Plus, that client
coming in is having an experience, they're having a Reiki

experience, they're meeting you, they're connecting with you,

you're building a relationship there perhaps. And as a

practitioner, you're getting practice! And we need practice, so

it's a win-win. There's really no downside because, in the early 175
days, 20 bucks is a lot better than no bucks. And again, you're

making that contact.

Now, the thing I've seen with introductory specials is

sometimes practitioners will say: “Oh, I'll do a mini session so

I'm going to charge you the $20, but instead of an hour, this
session will be a half hour.” I say please do not do that because,
again, going back to demystifying Reiki, if we give them a
shorter session, we're not educating them fully on what the

Reiki experience is. We want them to know what is a full

session? What is the potential of a full session? How will I feel

after a full session? And then, when it's deeply discounted, they
feel like they’ve got the best bargain ever, you know? They get

the full hour or whatever it is, and they relax so deeply. Now, if

you only did the half hour session, they wouldn’t have relaxed

and gotten that result, right? So you want to blow their socks
off, right? So you give them the full thing! Again, if they don’t

book with you, it’s zero dollars.

You know, it's about experience and it's just about…

Karen Caig: They’re going to talk!

Andrea Kennedy: They are!

Karen Caig: Probably the best advertising is the word of mouth.

Andrea Kennedy: Yeah, because they feel like they’ve got the best deal ever,

because “Oh, my gosh, I got the full session and I only paid a

fraction! Oh, my gosh, you are incredible!” 176
Karen Caig: Yeah, if you want to try it… that will bring some clientele

quickly, I would think.

Andrea Kennedy: Yes! What I did was, instead of running the special for this
month only or whatever, it was just all the time. And I even

printed it on my brochure, I’ve put it on my website. How you

do that is you just say ‘your first session with me.’ The first

session with me. And that’s it. And then they talk! They go
home and they say: “Oh, my gosh, I went to this Reiki session

and you've got to go!” The word spreads and your book start
to fill up.

The other thing I found is that people will appreciate the full
session for the deep discount and they're more willing to come

back because they feel like they hardly paid anything; “I'll come

back and pay the regular thing because I hardly paid anything
before.” That helps, right?

Will every client come back after the introductory? No! But

that's ok because they had a Reiki experience, you gained

practice. Every time we meet with a client and we have to give

our spiel: what Reiki is, answer their questions, we have to get

them up on the Reiki table, you know, all of those little things,
all of those little parts of the Reiki session; every time we
engage with a client, we get better. We are really gaining from

every session we do!

As you gain in your clientele, as your book starts to fill up and

your schedule is more tight, because you're filling up, what you

can do is you can pare down on that introductory offer. Maybe

you’ll raise it up. Maybe when you first started, the introductory 177
offer was $20 and then you change it to $25 and $30 as you

get busier.

The other thing I'd say with that is over time maybe even do
away with it. And then, from time to time, you do run it, like

“February is the month of specials.” That gives you another

thing to put out in a newsletter or something like that to get a

little bit more buzz but you know, the business is fluid, but we
need to meet our clients where they are.

A final point on that: I have had clients say to me they’ve got

the brochure, they flip it over, and on mine I wrote ‘first full

Reiki session only $25’ and they said that they read that and
they said “I'm going to her.” One of the reasons I was told was

they felt like I wasn't in it for the money.

Karen Caig: That’s another good point.

Andrea Kennedy: Yeah. It's like if you're really willing to meet them there and you
love Reiki so much that you want them to experience Reiki and

have this experience that they can talk about and enjoy and

whatever, if you're willing to do that, I think it goes a long way

to building the trust, like you said earlier.

Karen Caig: And you know what else I love? When I first started, you get
your stories, you have to do a lot of sessions and if you could

do more sessions, then you have more – not that you're going

to break the privacy – but you have more experience and you

can share “Once I had a client and he.. blah, blah, blah,” you
know? That builds your expertise that you can share with other 178
people. I mean, you’re not just like “No, I'm new, I don't know

anything.” [laughs]

Andrea Kennedy: Right, because we need experience. Reiki is a practice and if

we're not practicing, where's the value in that?!

Other ideas after the introductory session I touched on earlier,

you can put packages together. So, maybe they can buy a

package of three sessions at a little bit of a discounted price

from what they would pay regularly. You can also do a referral

bonus programme if you want to implement something like,

you know, that word of mouth.

So, there are a lot of options with that, but I just think the
introductory offer is just amazing because I think it's such a

win-win type situation.

Karen Caig: And you've had to build your business twice from scratch,


Andrea Kennedy: I did, I did!

Karen Caig: Well, you're so good at it! That was some great advice.

Andrea Kennedy: And I'll just clarify. It was because I used to live in Idaho and so
I started a professional practice out there. I started with animals

first, and then, due to my husband's work, we moved all the

way across the country and so I had to leave that, which was

so difficult. And then, when the timing all worked out, I just

couldn't wait to be able to start up again. That’s why I’ve

started two successful practices. 179
Karen Caig: I wanted to bring that up because I think that's why you've got

such great ideas; it’s because you've done it. I mean, you're not

just talking; you even had to do it twice! [laughs]

Andrea Kennedy: Yeah. I mean it takes the experience, you know. And I’ll just be

honest, it takes a lot of energy, a lot of commitment to build a

successful Reiki business. It's not just some easy-peasy thing,

at least it wasn't for me. It's long hours, it's a lot of hard work,
but if we invest in it and we let Reiki lead the way for us, without

a doubt I know you can do it!

Karen Caig: I love this advice because it is hard work, but when you're

getting advice from somebody like you who's done it, then that
wipes out all the other things that you're going to try that are

going to fail.

Andrea Kennedy: Right, right! That’s one reason that I have the YouTube channel

and I love to do talks like this because I have been through this
and I want to help people succeed. If they can succeed in their

Reiki practices, oh my gosh, more people learn about Reiki,

more people are helped by Reiki, they learn Reiki, they practice

Reiki, and it just goes on and on.

And so that's why I'm really passionate about sharing what I've
learned along the way. Is it 100% right? All I can say is it's from

my experience, so certainly there are other ideas that might

work well for our audience that I haven't tried. We're all unique

and different, but from my experience, this is what I know.

Karen Caig: Everything that you're saying… I've used your advice; when I

was building my business, when I moved to North-West

Arkansas and started building the business again. It’s because 180
you – going back to what you first said, like to get into the

clients’ shoes – so what you're saying is stuff that appeals to

human nature.

Do you have any other ideas on standing out from other

practitioners, ways to get business?

Andrea Kennedy: Yeah, so let's see… You know, one of the things I hear from my

students and my clients, one of the things they appreciate

about me is I follow up very promptly. If they reach out, if they

e-mail me, I answer and I have to say probably 98% of the time

it's within a few hours. Even if I have clients or I'm busy, it takes

me 2 minutes to answer something or I can say, “Oh, I'm really

busy, I'll get back with you on this later today” or something.
But be accessible to your clients, be accessible to your students

and be prompt, so when they reach out, you get right back to

them. Let them know that they mean something to you and
that that relationship is valuable.

I used to offer a monthly Reiki Share before the pandemic and

it was free and everyone was invited, and then the pandemic

hit and everything... So, what I did was I took it online and it's

been great; I think it's important in building a business to offer

a variety of things.

Another way to stand out is to offer events or things of value

out there and they can be free. There's nothing wrong with

having free options or low cost options in addition to regular

Reiki session or a class. Reiki is so much about experiencing

and so I think if we are open to offer experiences to people

that are Reiki related, and just have it be free to them. It's a gift 181
that we can give, but again, we're also gaining in experience

and meeting new people. Yeah, I would say just have offerings

for people.

And one other idea; I like this idea. So, some of us like crystals

and things like that, so why not, if you are seeing your clients

in person, have a bowl of crystals that you like and you've

charged them all with Reiki and before your client leaves, the
session’s all over and they're just feeling wonderful, you can

invite them to choose a crystal that they might like. And you

know how crystals are! People love crystals, it’s like candy in

the candy store, but they might grab a little crystal there and
think: “Oh, I like this one.” And they'll want to know what it is

and what the properties of it are and all of that. You can first

tell them that it's been charged with Reiki, so that they can take

it home and enjoy the Reiki energy that's been imbued in the
crystal. But what you can do – because again, we're putting our

business hat on – is have a little card that you've printed up

with that particular stone’s description, right? So that they have

that as a reference, so they know: “Oh, this is Rose Quartz and

these are the properties” you know, that kind of thing. And
then, on the back of a card, have your logo, have your phone
number, your website, things like that. They're going to keep

the card, because it goes with the crystal, and your contact stuff

is right there. They're going to remember where they got the

crystal, and as they have that crystal around their house, they're

going to remember where they got it.

So it's a cool little thing; they get to take something home with

them, imbued with Reiki, but it's a little bit of a connection that 182
you've established with them. So when they see that lying on

their nightstand or something, they might think: “Oh, maybe

it's time I go for another Reiki session” and they can easily
reach out and contact you.

Karen Caig: That's a great idea, I love that.

Andrea Kennedy: Great, thanks!

Karen Caig: What about networking with other service providers, do you
ever do that?

Andrea Kennedy: Yes, I'm so glad you brought that up. I think too, as Reiki

practitioners, we want to help people. I mean, we so want to

help people. But one thing that I've seen practitioners do, they
try to be the everything for their clients. To be very responsible

as practitioners, I think it's very good to network with other

sorts of practitioners in our location. Now, that we’re more

online, we could do that too.

So, if there's a client that we think therapy might be better, you

know, do you have some business cards of reputable therapists

in your area that you might refer your client to? I have different

cards, different business cards from people I trust in the

community. When I sort of feel that it's appropriate, I hand that
to my client, because I want them to get the best help possible.

The reciprocal of this is those people were referring to know

about us and they can give their clients our cards.

So we're building really a network, a matrix of helping hands,

of modalities that can best serve the client. I think that is such

a great thing that we can do, as Reiki practitioners, is be 183
knowledgeable about the other modalities out there and refer

our clients to what might help them best.

Karen Caig: That’s great.

What else do you do to keep yourself in your client's mind or

to make you stand out from other practitioners?

Andrea Kennedy: There's probably so many different techniques that we might

use, right? But I think the common thread in whatever it is that

we do is being authentic about it. If we work to create our

website and we write the text ourselves, we choose the photos

ourselves and we create our brochure and our website and all

of that, if we put ourselves into what we are presenting to the

world about our Reiki practice, there's a certain vibration, a

certain resonance in what we’re creating. I think that stands out

to potential clients, because they feel that, so when they pick

up the brochure and they read it, there's a certain energy to it,
because we've created that with our vision in mind about our

Reiki practice, how we want to help and serve people, all of

that feeling, the emotion, the labor of love that we’re living in

creating our Reiki business is imbued in everything we put out.

And when we do that, clients feel it and it's that authenticity

that can put us in a separate category than other practitioners

who perhaps just pay somebody to put a website together or

pay someone to do all their social media. Don't get me wrong,

it takes a lot of time to do this, but that's what I said... To build

a successful Reiki business, it really does take our energy

because they're coming to us. 184
So, I think it's very important to do the creating, to really put

ourselves into whatever it is that we’re putting out there: the

marketing, the website, anything.

And you’re unique! Nobody is you and let that be what sets

you apart from the other practitioners.

This was an excerpt from Andrea Kennedy’s Interview from 2021 Reiki Summit. 185
Social Media Secrets for Our Reiki Business Success
Excerpt from Karen Caig’s Interview from 2021 Reiki Summit

Andrea Kennedy: Welcome to this interview where I have the pleasure of

speaking with Karen Caig.

Karen discovered that like her, many people learn Reiki to help
other people, not because they ever thought they will start or

run a business. Through this awareness, Karen began sharing

what she had learned about branding, marketing, and

networking. She believes that business can be spiritual and that

spirituality can use a strong business plan to reach and

empower more people.

And really that just brings us right to our wonderful topic today

that Karen's going to talk about with me and we're going to

discuss Social Media Secrets for Our Reiki Business Success. 186
I have to imagine too that probably a lot of what you're going

to say today could be used across wellness modalities and not

just Reiki. So, I'm really excited to learn from you, Karen,
because I know you do have a wide array of social media

platforms that you're involved in and I'm always seeing you

trying new things.

So, one of the things I guess I want to first do, is say welcome
to you and we're just really delighted to have you and also to

welcome you as a co-host this year at the Reiki Rays Summit.

I'm so excited!

Karen Caig: Thank you for having me! I'm really excited too, and talking
about social media… I never would have guessed because

when Facebook first came out years and years and years ago,

I was pretty anti-social media. So, it's surprising to me that this

is turned out to be one of my areas of expertise, if you will. Not

that I'm a social media influencer! I mean, I don't have like

thousands and thousands of followers and that's not my full

time job but one of the main messages I want to share with

people during this summit is that everybody can incorporate

social media into their business. In fact, you should be

incorporating social media into your business and that you

don't have to be a big social media influencer to glean the

benefits of it. So, just want to share some tips that I've learned

and I'm still learning.

Andrea Kennedy: Alright, because it’s always changing! The platforms are always

changing I think and so, once I get used to one, then they make

changes and then I have to try to keep up with that. So, it’s sort 187
of an ever evolving kind of thing but as you said, I think it's

really important and you said, people should really be on it.

And I do agree with that! I think if we want to build our

business or, you know, just having people know that we're out


Karen Caig: Right.

Andrea Kennedy: —and that we’re doing this kind of thing.

Karen Caig: Yeah, I don't think you can even have a business really without

having some sort of social media presence and you have to put

some time into it.

Before our interview, Andrea and I were discussing how some

people hire out their social media because they understand

that they need to have a social media presence and there are

people who do social media for other businesses or like Andrea

said, “Have you seen those ads on Facebook?” We’re like: “Get
365 days of social media posts!” And we were talking about
how that's not what we're talking about today because that is

a social media presence but it's not really your presence and

that's what's important!

Andrea Kennedy: Yes. I so agree with you, Karen, because it is important, I think
especially in the Reiki world for Reiki practitioner or teaching

classes, that our energy does go in the creation of the post. But

I think probably one reason that people might be tempted to

hire out their social media or to buy a package like that, that
sort of it's a can of all the posts and you can just schedule them

out, it’s because social media can be hard! 188
Social media can be toxic and I know that a lot of us are

sensitive to energy and sometimes being on social media just

doesn't feel good. And I know for myself it can be a challenge

and there are certain things that I try to do when I'm on social

media to limit the negativity, but can you explain some things

that give us a secret or two about how you cope with the

toxicity that we can find out there on social media?

Karen Caig: Yeah. [laughs] Well, first of all, you really do have to limit. I will

set a timer on my phone when I get ready to do a post or two

across some social media platforms; I'll set a timer on my

phone because it can be a huge time suck, as well. This is what

all my students used to say, “Ms. Caig, you’re like a squirrel!”

You know, I go on the post and I'm like: “Oh, what’s that? Oh,

what’s this? Oh, what’s that?” and you look down and you've
been on Instagram for an hour or TikTok for an hour. It’s like:
“Okay, no!”

So, I do set a timer on my phone, to say, “Okay, I'm going to

get on here and I'm going to inject some positivity into this.”
You've got to go back and you have to interact with people

and so it's not just posting; you have to go back and see what
kind of questions people have said or what kind of comments

and then have some interaction there. And you also have to
patrol the comments. Sometimes you'll get some negativities

and what I usually do is I just delete them. I just hide the

comment or delete the comment. From time to time, you

might have to block somebody; we've had to do that with the

ICRT posts that we have. Sometimes we'll just get somebody

who grabs on to something like a bulldog and just won't... even 189
if you make a comment like: “Well, that's a different point of

view, yes.” So, sometimes you just have to delete.

But I set a timer so that when I'm doing my social media I try
to be mindful and purposeful about what I'm doing. Otherwise

you can… Well, I'm an empath, just about everybody who does

Reiki is an empath, otherwise I can get in there and get sucked

into negative posts, especially this last year or two. And

whenever I post something, I try very hard to avoid political

posts or anything controversial, because my purpose is to sort

of be the antidote to the toxicity. Try to put something positive

out there for people to see.

So, it's almost just like when you go out into the world as an

empath and you use your Reiki to sort of shield up. You have

to do that on social media because social media is the new

world, going out into the world. Gosh, for the last year that's
all we've done! We haven't had human interaction in person;

the only human interaction we have is on social media and we

have to be aware that it's the same thing. You want to try to

look professional, just like when you go out, say business

networking, you have to be conscious of what you're saying

and what you're doing.

And so, set a timer to limit because it can be really draining,

especially if you're an empath. And then, try to focus on adding

value to people's lives. That's super important.

Andrea Kennedy: I really agree with that because there's no end to the negativity

out there. And if you're approaching social media to build your

business, my goodness, you need to put out your message and 190
any message about your business I would think you would

want to have a positive, light filled message, something of

value and something that people want to interact with.

But if people are just starting out, Karen, they may really be

actually building their page or I guess it depends on what

platform we’re talking about, but the following on social media

is always important, that always seems to get a lot of attention.

And I think as creators or social media people, we can get

caught up on the numbers, you know, how many people are

liking my page or my posts or are interacting?

What's the secret for building a following on social media?

What do you have to say about that?

Karen Caig: There's really only one secret and that is being authentic. We

were talking about this, being yourself. There's got to be

something to connect to and so the good, the bad, the ugly, I

mean, if you try to be positive, but I think that live things, like

Facebook live, IGTV or Instagram reels, TikTok, all of the social

media platforms that allow you to put your face and your voice

and how you talk, put your energy out there! I think it's about

your energy, Andrea, and we were talking about that, it's your

So, you build a following by letting people see you, so that they

can connect to you. They say that “your vibe attracts your

tribe.” For example, I’m thinking about your Mainstream Reiki,

I mean I know that’s your brand and I know that when I follow

you, when I go to your social media whether it's YouTube or

Facebook, Instagram, anything, you are practical. I know if I 191
want to know like the latest research or something like that

because I think you must scour. I mean, do you do like a regular

search for articles? Because a lot of times the first time I see
something about: “Oh, here's a new Reiki study! I found it on

Mainstream Reiki.”

Andrea Kennedy: Yeah, I used to do that a lot, but with the pandemic, with so

much shut down, it was a shift for me, in my social media,

because that's what I was always known for! I was putting out

articles and any mention of Reiki on the Mainstream world, and

then COVID happened and all of that shifted. And so, people

weren't writing about the volunteer opportunities at their local

hospital or maybe a wellness festival to raise money for cancer

where Reiki was offered. You know, those were the kinds of

things that I would offer or studies as you say, and so when

COVID happened, I was like: “Oh, what am I going to post

about now?” Because as I was scouring the Internet, it was like
nothing new was happening.

Karen Caig: Is that why you grew your YouTube channel so much last year?

Andrea Kennedy: Probably, but I did start it before COVID. I had started about 6

months prior and thank goodness that Reiki led the way on
that and sort of guided me to get that going because that has
really helped me and my online presence, I guess.

Karen Caig: But what has happened there, you see, you're consistent in

that, so you weren't finding anything to share there, so, tell me

if I'm wrong, but it seems like, because I go to your YouTube

channel all the time, it seems like you're like: “Well, gee, I guess

I'm going to have to put something of value out there.” 192
So, I know that when I go to your YouTube channel, I'm going

to find something that teaches me, something new like a tip

about either being a Reiki practitioner or something that's

going to teach me more about, I don't know, the chakras, or

you're out there giving Reiki or doing meditations or

something, but you're always helpful and practical and I know

that's kind of my vibe, too. So, that's what attracts me to your

social media, and so whatever it is that your business, whatever

sets your business apart is you. Let that out there! I think

everybody that knows me and follows me, I don't mean for it

to leak in all the time, but I love cats. And so, cats are like in a
lot of my posts and yes, so people who hate cats probably

don't follow me. And that's okay, because that's just not my

tribe, right?

Andrea Kennedy: Right.

Karen Caig: So, just all you have to do is focus on like, what do I have?

Everyone has gifts; what are my gifts and what are my

interests? And then, share those. And then, just doing that,

then that's going to attract the people to your social media

and that's going to get you your clients, that's going to get you
your students, the ones that you're supposed to teach and the

ones you're supposed to treat. But if you're not putting a real

connection out there, there's nothing for anybody to grab onto

it and follow, because it's canned stuff.

Andrea Kennedy: Yeah. That's right. You're so right! And one of the things that I

sort of got from what you were just talking about is

consistency, you know? Being consistent. And so, the cats for 193
you, that's kind of a common thread throughout your things

and I love that and it can be scary for us though to put

ourselves out there.

However, I just think there's no other way to do it, because in

this day and age we need the connection, we need to know

each other. It seems like we need to know each other in deeper

ways than in years past. I don't know what that is, but I think
consistency is important and not trying to be everything to

everybody. I love what you’ve just said about the cats. So, if

people don't like cats, they might not resonate with you and

that's okay because they'll resonate with somebody else.

And it isn't about having the highest number of followers or I

don't know, the most views or most likes or anything like that;

it's about bringing you out and just offering and then whoever

resonates will come and I just love that. And so, we can get
caught up in the numbers and I just think this is a good

reminder to just let that go, because it's really about quality

and not quantity.

Karen Caig: It really is. And it's almost counterintuitive. Some people who

really hate social media which, if you've ever tried to go

somewhere and people were like selfie, their selfies, and you’re
like: “Oh, really?” It seems counterintuitive because in some

ways, people on social media just seems so fake, like they're

always putting like: “Look at what I’m having for lunch” and
“Look at what...” And so, I know a lot of people are antisocial
media because they go: “Well, that's just so fake!” But, it

doesn't have to be! 194
Andrea Kennedy: Right.

Karen Caig: I think you've just got to add value, give something to people,

give them an opportunity to connect to you and it's about

being vulnerable.

I've made some Facebook lives where I drop things… [laughs]

I was telling Andrea before I started doing some TikTok videos

and I did some Karuna chanting. That was really way out of my
comfort zone but I felt like some of... especially during the end

of last year – well, gosh, all of last year – but the end of last

year is when I started doing that, because I know that I can

send Karuna Reiki through these videos and so, just get over
yourself! You’re not that important! Who cares? Just get over

yourself and just put it out there and if somebody makes fun

of you, just delete them. [laughter] That's alright! Because I

saw, I haven't had anybody get make fun of me, but I've had
so many people say: “Thank you so much! I needed that today.

This really helped. Oh, I could feel that when listening to that.”
So, it's worth it, it's worth it! And I don't have huge followings

but I'm out there and I’m available, so that’s what is about.

Andrea Kennedy: And it feels good, right? Doesn’t feel good to just put things
out there and…

Karen Caig: Yeah! It’s the connection, you know? It’s the connection.

Andrea Kennedy: It is and you're so right about some people might respond in

ways that aren’t, that don't feel good to us, but I haven't really
had much of that at all and—

Karen Caig: I think either. 195
Andrea Kennedy: —the fear of that happening I think holds us back.

Karen Caig: It does.

Andrea Kennedy: We're so afraid I think, to be vulnerable and to be open like

that, and what we're sharing, what we're talking about, sharing

too, is really love and light. It's not about what we had for

dinner last night or all of our personal business, I mean that's

all beside the point. I want to help people and so what I ate for
dinner last night doesn't really help people. I mean, that's why

I don't talk about that kind of thing, but I think you just bring

up some really good points about the fears of it and I mean,

you mentioned TikTok. TikTok is a new thing or newer, anyway,

and when I saw that you started on TikTok, I just was: “Oh, my

gosh, Karen is on TikTok!” I don’t even know how that works!

Karen Caig: My son said: “No, mom! Don't get on TikTok, you're too old!”

[laughing] But you know what? This is what we old people do!
It’s like: “Oh, this is cool!”, and we jump on there and now there

are a lot of old people on there.

Andrea Kennedy: But how do you start though? I mean, I saw TikTok and I went:

“Oh, no! Okay, I'm not going to do that. I just don't need
another platform in my life.” But, how do you choose
platforms? How do you start on them? And how do you learn

about how to use each one?

Karen Caig: I'm still learning how to use TikTok. I posted a video a couple

of weeks ago; I was so excited because I was sending Reiki, but

I figured out how to make the text pop up above like when you

point your finger up above. I was like: “Oh, look at me!” 196
I don't know. Honestly, I think it's Reiki. I didn't take on TikTok

until I got, I guess, like a nudge from Reiki like, it's time to do

that. Because I know there are more young people on TikTok

and I think honestly for me I felt like: “I've got this Reiki and I

know I can help.”

I was watching so much anxiety, especially with my son. He's

22, the anxiety, he's in college, he’s taking all his classes online,
which he hates! And so, I'm looking at him and his friends and

I'm thinking they’re on TikTok. Then I thought, “I need to go

there.” And I didn't know what I was doing; I just get in there
and I do Reiki before, like “show me what to do!” [laughs]
Because I am not a technology person at all. But it's not that

hard! You know what? Once you learn one thing, you go: “Oh,

I did it, sort of like, hmmm…” You figured it out. My gosh, you
can Google anything, right? Just google how to make the text
change duration on TikTok? Sometimes I don't even know how

to ask the question. But you can google it and then just watch

a video and figure it out.

Clubhouse, that's the newest one. Honestly, the first time

somebody said like: “Oh, have you heard about Clubhouse, the
newest social media?” and I was like “Oh, goodness, I don't
want to do another platform!” Because you can get spread too
thin and like what you said earlier, Andrea, it's quality not the


So, I wasn't going to do Clubhouse until a friend, a mutual

friend, Muniqui, came and said: “I have a room on Clubhouse,

and I need some help moderating it. It's a great way to teach 197
people Reiki.” Well, I mean not teach Reiki, but to have
discussions about Reiki. Sometimes, on the other social media

platforms you can see comments and you go: “Oh, no, that's
not true!” and have conversations.

Clubhouse is totally oral and it's not recorded and I decided

okay, and I didn't know how to do that either, but Muniqui

showed me the basics and I’m like: “Oh, okay.” It’s sort of like
podcasting on steroids because you have a club rooms where

people talk about a particular topic, but then they can invite

you up on stage, you can ask questions, you can contribute.

So, it's sort of an interactive podcast but it's also a great

networking tool where you can meet other people. People can

find me if they want to take a class or have a session. They can

just drop in and it's really versatile.

So, each platform is different and what you should do if you're

thinking about getting more active on social media is pick the

one that you're the most comfortable with and start there.

Facebook is for older people. But – oh, I should've looked at

the statistic – there’s I think 80% of the millennials also have a

Facebook account, even 83%; I can't remember the exact

statistic, but a high number. I thought they were all on

Instagram is my least favorite because I have to do everything

on my phone; same thing with Clubhouse, same thing with

TikTok! You can't do it on the desktop, which I prefer. But some

people... maybe you're younger, maybe you're listening to this

and you’re a younger person, and you go: “Oh, I don't even 198
have a desktop. What are you talking about, woman? I do
everything on my phone!”

So, do the one that you're the most comfortable with and just
start! Just start with one and start contributing and then you

might add another couple... Sometimes I get a topic like: “Yeah,

this is a great thing to share!” So, I'll do like 15 seconds TikTok

on it, make a Clubhouse room and talk about it on Clubhouse
with some people and make some posts on Instagram and

Facebook about it. So, you get a good topic and then you can

share it across different platforms, because you really do reach

different audiences, because people have their favorites.

Andrea Kennedy: Wow! I'm a little exhausted just hearing you say all that

because I thought: “Okay, how long do you set that timer for?”


Karen Caig: That's why I set a timer.

Andrea Kennedy: I know! I don't know, that just seems like a lot because I think

too we have to also remember we need to be on social media

as users of social media and as business owners, right? Because

we need to get a vibe for what's going on out there, what the

trends are, what are people talking about, what's important to

them, because going back to that whole thing about buying all

the social media posts up front and scheduling them, that is

disconnected and as we've already said, people that we're

appealing to in this whole Reiki world that we're in, you can’t
fake these people out!

I mean, as you said, most of us are empaths or at least highly

sensitive people and we feel energy and so, if we're not 199
connected to what's going on right now, what the trends are

and what people are caring about and talking about, they're

going to feel that and they're just going to scroll right on by


One of the things going on right now too is diversity all

throughout our culture and we're looking a lot of different

aspects of that. And so, what do you have to say about

supporting diversity or addressing diversity on social media


Karen Caig: Well, exactly what you're saying is what at the International

Center for Reiki Training, the social media team, and this
started with George Floyd honestly, and we started, well, and

now? Okay, just keeping your fingers on the polls and not to

get political... So, we don't make political posts, but we did

notice like: “You know what? We're awfully white here! I mean,
just lily white.” And so, we just started thinking, something as
simple as when we're choosing, say, if we're going to share a

quote from William Rand or maybe we're going to do one of

the Reiki principles, “Just for today, do not worry” or

something, if you have to find a picture, like why are we

selecting a picture of a white person? Just I mean, really you

don't get out of your head and look around... And it has to do
with listening, listening to what's going on in the world and

then reflecting.

I remember I made a post, actually I got the idea from Colleen

Benelli, she said: “I'm just listening, just listening and learning.”

Social media isn't always about just putting stuff out, putting 200
stuff out. A lot of times is asking a question and then listening,

because that's how people connect as well, is through the

conversations that we have, the diversity of gender, diversity

of race, diversity of age, because Reiki is a unifying force and if

we are leaving out… It’s like okay, so I'm old, I'm 57. So back, I

remember in elementary school when we had crayons, the big

box of crayons had a color called flesh and it was peach, it was
white colored, you know? And wasn’t until later I thought: “Oh,

yeah, there are other different colors of flesh; there's brown

flesh and dark flesh”, just as an example. But so, just being
sensitive to what kind of clients you might attract. Are you
inadvertently blocking out a whole group of people?

Andrea Kennedy: Right. Well, and I think it's an opportunity and I think this whole

time has been such an opportunity to not only look at how we

might market our businesses, but, you know, personally, right?

This has been such a time of reflection for myself, I know, and

I've been analyzing myself, my interactions, all the way back

from when I was a child, and what have I assumed to be true?

How did I grow up? And do I believe those things now? And if

I do or don't, how do I express that in action? So, I've been

looking a lot at this myself and so, it's just no accident of course
that we need to be mindful of that when we post and as we

offer things.

And I love the thing that you said about Reiki being about
unity. I mean, that's one of the things I love about Reiki; it’s

that anybody can learn Reiki, anybody can practice Reiki, and

it does not matter who you are, what you believe, what your

background is, you know? It does not matter and that's 201
reflected in this time, in the age that we're in right now, as

we're all really looking and opening up to the possibilities.

So, to see that more on social media, the rainbow of all

ethnicity, gender, ages, religions, all of that, to have inclusivity

and have it be reflected through social media and Reiki

business practices, or just Reiki practice if you don't even have

a business, that resonates with me because that really does

underscore the universality of Reiki.

Karen Caig: And social media it can be so shallow, it could be, but it could

also be: “This is how we change the world!” It matters what

we're posting because our posts are connections outside into

the world and people are looking to us on social media and so

what you're posting, we can change the landscape, we can

change how it looks. I mean, that's up to us, all in what we post.

Andrea Kennedy: I totally agree with you. I remember when, in the early days of
Facebook, I was just so excited because I realized that the

community really went global, that through this one platform

– and now we have so many, right, and the Internet is all over

the world now and growing to more and more countries – but

it is amazing we can have a conversation in live time or

interactions on social media with somebody around the world
from us and the power that that has, and I also think

responsibility that has, and what we're putting out into that

soup of stuff that's out there, we can use this and we can ramp
up. We can ramp up. It doesn't have to be about all those

comments you see on some of those posts out there. It can be 202
about what we choose to not only focus our attention on our

social media, but also what we're publishing on social media.

But one other thing I’m interested in knowing from you, Karen,
is what about... We’ve talked about posts and things and we've

even talked about video like TikTok and putting that kind of

thing out there, but you mentioned about a photo, so a lot of

people aren't sure about where to get their photos, do they

need to take their photos, how do you design all those cool

posts, and it can be really overwhelming. So, it's one thing just

to post a nice thing about, you know, you gave Reiki to your

dog or whatever, and that's that! But there are some pretty
fancy posts out there, graphically really pretty and stuff like

that, so, for anybody looking at that saying: “Well, I don't

know... I don’t know that I can do that.” What advice do you

have for somebody like that?

Karen Caig: My advice is: “You can!” and you don't need expensive

equipment, you don't have to have like DSLR camera and

lighting and blue yeti microphone. I think that's why social

media has cut on; just a phone! If you have a smartphone, you

can just google how to take good pictures with your

smartphone; there are lots of little tips about like using the grid

and the rule of thirds and all of that. You can just google and
learn that yourself. It's not rocket science, trust me. [laughs]

But just little things like how to take a good photograph,

because Instagram especially is all about the visual, you know?

It's the picture. So, just google like how to take a good picture

with your smartphone. Google is your best friend and don't 203
worry about if it's perfect or it's the most… sometimes, I go

through Instagram and I’m like: “Wow, that's cool! I wonder

how they did that.” But honestly, here’s the thing: I am a Reiki
Master Teacher, my biggest focus is teaching other people how

to do Reiki and then, right up there with it also, is doing Reiki

sessions; it's all about Reiki. I don't want that to be my job, I

think it can be a full-time job but you can learn pretty quickly.

Well, Andrea, oh my gosh, you’re running your YouTube

channel, it just looks amazing. How did you figure that out?

Google? YouTube? They all have tutorials.

Andrea Kennedy: I learned how to do YouTube on YouTube, because in all

honesty, I didn't even watch YouTube.

Karen Caig: You are a physicist, right? Isn’t your degree in physics?

Andrea Kennedy: Yeah.

Karen Caig: You're not like a typical YouTuber.

Andrea Kennedy: No, I only ever did YouTube like my dishwasher broke once

and so I looked up a video on what could be wrong with it and

I fixed that; I fixed it! I was so proud of myself.

But it was my husband who said: “You should make a YouTube

channel” and I just thought: “What?! On top of everything else,

you want me to do a YouTube channel?” But he talked to me
about it a little bit and then it started resonating, and then I

had that question: “Well, I don't know how to do a You Tube

channel!” And then I started looking at people's videos and I 204
was intimidated and I thought: “How did they do all that? I

don't know...”

And so, I just started watching one video after another about
getting started, what you need, and when I started, I just used

my iPhone. That was my camera, that was my microphone,

that's all I had, and my attitude was: “Well, I'm just going to try

this.” And even though I put myself into my videos, I have this
strange thing, I guess, I worked out, where I haven't been so

invested in it that if it failed I would be destroyed or anything

like that. It was like: “This is the thing I'm going to do and if it

works out, great! We'll see where that goes. And if it doesn't,
oh, well, I tried that and so I guess I'll learn some things and
they'll be value in the process, whether it works or not.”

And so, that was my attitude which looking back I think it was

helpful and then, as I went and made more videos, I just kept
learning, and that's the main thing, and if I hadn't an idea in

my mind of what I wanted to do, but I wasn't sure how to do

it, Google or YouTube or whatever it was, because somebody

else out in the world has had that same question.

But as far as the graphic design thing goes, do you use any of
those little programs?

Karen Caig: Yes, I like to use... If you're good at that, you could use Adobe

Photoshop, that's what the professionals use. The other two

members of the social media team actually have backgrounds

in graphic design, mine is in writing, but I love PicMonkey. I've

used Canva, Canva is also good. But I remember when I first 205
started trying to learn Canva, I cried a lot, but that's how I

learned everything; I try it, I curse, I cry, I scream, and so on.

PicMonkey to me is super easy. It's really intuitive for me, like:

“Oh, okay, this is easy!” And it's cheap and I don't have to worry
about that. There are so many things, like you don't want to

use a copyrighted photograph, same like YouTube, they have

their own audio library. I mean, there are all these things that
when you first start, you go: “Oh, but I don't know this and I

don't know that.”

But if you get something like PicMonkey, the photographs are

already cleared for commercial use, you've got a huge library

and it's so easy and it's actually fun. So, you can just play. They

have a tutorial; I think all of these graphic design programs

have tutorials and some are easier to use. I like Adobe

Photoshop; you can do amazing things with that, but I don't

have time to learn that. PicMonkey, easy-peasy! So, that's what

I use.

But just use what you can and you'll get better; like Andrea

said, at first your video quality may not be as great, but you

get the information out there. That's the main thing! If you're
really trying to add value to people's lives and to help other
practitioners or just help people in general, they're listening!

People are hungry! They're hungry for information, they're

hungry for inspiration, they're hungry for something positive,

and if you put something positive out there, it's not going to

matter if your font is not that great as long as you can read it,

you know? 206
Andrea Kennedy: Right.

Karen Caig: I don't think they care; they don't care. So what? You didn't

know to put like a back light behind you in your video; it

doesn't matter! They're there for the Reiki healing, they're

there to learn something from you. So, don't worry that all of

those things hold you back. Just google and then look at the


So, PicMonkey! In Canva you can use a free version. I pay I think

$6.99 a month or something to have more capabilities and it's

worth it to me to save me time.

Andrea Kennedy: Right, and I think one other important thing to bring out is this
might really sound overwhelming and might sound like it's

going to take a long time to put all these together, and what I

think is important for us to say is that if you are just starting

out, you've got more time! You've got the time to invest in the
learning of how to do these sorts of things and then, as you

get better and more people see you and then you're seeing

more clients or teaching more classes and your available time

diminishes, well, you've already surpassed the learning curve.

Karen Caig: The learning curve. Yeah!

Andrea Kennedy: Right? So, then it's just a beautiful transition then into

rebalancing your time and I think that's important to let people


Do you have a tip or two for somebody who's been out there
in social media, maybe hasn't had a lot of engagement? What 207
would you invite them to do to sort of, I guess, come to it in a

fresh way?

Karen Caig: I would invite them to evaluate, look at their posts and evaluate
if they're putting anything out there that's them!

I've noticed a difference. If I post like a graphic that's

interesting and just a picture... Oh, I think last year one of the

ones that did really well was Cami Coté, one of my friends, said:
“Let's do like a Reiki hands challenge” and it's just a picture of
me in a John Lennon shirt giving Reiki. That one got a lot and

I thought: “You know, this is because it's my face! It's not like

some beautiful thing about Reiki.”

I have another L.R.M.T (Licensed Reiki Master Teacher) and she

said: “You know, I don't want you guys to do like a quote or

anything for me because that's not me.” She said: “My idea of
what people connect with is me.” And so, what we need to do
with her is like a little interview clip or something where they

can… if you're not getting much engagement, it’s because

people aren't seeing a person there to engage with.

So, you've got to comment on the feedback, any comment that

you've got! You have to engage with people. And I think even
if I were making millions of dollars with Reiki, which I’m not,

but if I were, I think I would still do my own social media

because it's that personal to me.

Sometimes I make a post, and you're probably get this, Andrea,

it's almost like a download, like: “Oh, that's something I need

to share! That's something I need to share!” And if I had a

professional do it, by the time I said… One, it would be difficult 208
probably for me to communicate those inklings that I get,

those messages come through when I'm making the post,

because I use Reiki and like for the perfect picture, for this or
how should I present this, should I talk about it, should I make

something about it, and by the time I try to communicate that

to a professional to make my professionally done social media

post, it would have lost all the life!

So, to answer your question, if you're not getting engagement

in your social media it's because you're not showing up in there

enough. The energy of you is not in there.

So, make sure that you get the energy of you. It may be scary,
but put your energy out there into the world. It's like we’re like

little lights and we're all looking for other little lights, so let

people see your light. Your light!

Andrea Kennedy: Yes. I love that! Yes, we want to find other like-minded people
and I think that that is just a beautiful way to bring out all of

the secrets, all the points that you brought up today.

I think it's a wonderful way to sort of wrap all of those together

because it's about the authenticity that you had mentioned

before and being you, yourself, and offering that. Wouldn’t you
say that's probably the biggest secret?

Karen Caig: That’s it! That’s the biggest secret. The big secret is being

yourself and put yourself out there with your positive light. Let

Reiki come through you out to others but with your own
“flavor”, if you will. Because we're a diverse world, back to the 209
diversity, be your authentic self because we don't want to be

all alike.

Sometimes I post things about something Reiki has helped me

with and it’s…You don't want to overshare, you know? But

there may be somebody out there suffering and if you let

somebody in on how Reiki was helping you, then that's how

we connect. And that to me, that's what social media is for and
that's what will help grow your business; it’s just being yourself

out there, so all of your clients and your students can find you.

You just have to be out there and be you!

This was an excerpt from Karen Caig’s Interview from 2021 Reiki Summit. 210
The Path of the Spiritual Entrepreneur - What Does Your

Reiki Business Look Like

Excerpt from Pam Allen-Leblanc’s Interview from 2021 Reiki Summit

Karen Caig: Pam, my first question is, how do people know that they need
to start a Reiki business? You know, many of my students,

they take Reiki just for themselves and maybe to help with

their family, their pets, their friends, but how is it that

someone knows like, okay, it's time to start a Reiki business?

Pam Allen-LeBlanc: That's a great question, Karen. One of the things that I tell my

students is that if somebody is asking you to give them a

treatment or asking you to teach them a class, you're ready!

You're ready to start a business. And that's sort of the

universe nudging you and guiding you. But you also might 211
just receive guidance that, you know what?! This has been so

amazing in my life, it's time to share!

And a third thing is, if you're listening to this interview, there’s

a chance you might have gotten the nudge around starting a

Reiki business. It used to be that spirituality was spread

through shamans, spiritual leaders, religious leaders, but

really, business is one of the most excepted modalities today.

It's something that everybody understands, it provides an

opportunity for a fair exchange, and yet, with that in mind,

putting together Reiki, the sacred practice, with business can

be difficult even for those of us who are experienced in


Karen Caig: Well, that's why you talk about; I guess, as a spiritual

entrepreneur. Could you tell us more about that? What do

you mean by that? How can you do it? How can you become
a spiritual entrepreneur?

Pam Allen-LeBlanc: Yeah. Well, I think there is a prevailing thought around that

receiving money or creating a business is not in alignment

with spiritual activities. And the thing is I think it always has


If we look at most spiritual practices, there has always been

some form of exchange, and starting a Reiki business or a

spiritual business of any kind, this is just a way of proven,

successful, fair, honest way to get these energies out into the
world, to get them into the hands of the people who need

them. 212
One of the things that I talk about with my Reiki Master

Mentor, and I've even mentioned it in a few podcasts, is that

if you take a moment to think about how much Reiki has

impacted you and has helped you, don't you want to get that

out to others?! And one of the things that I've also suggested

is that you don't have to start big. You don't have to start with

a website. Also, every practice looks different. Some practices

incorporate other modalities. Sometimes, your Reiki business

might be just bringing Reiki into something you already do. I

have a client who's a lawyer, she practices family law and that

can be really stressful. Her staff sends Reiki to the files, they
send Reiki ahead to the court appearances, they have

completely incorporated Reiki within the structure of their law

firm. So the thing about a Reiki practice is most people think,

“okay, I have to rent a space, I have to get a Reiki table, I have

to do this, I have to do that.” That's not necessarily the case.

You can let Reiki lead the way and it will lead you into the

practice that's right for you. It may mean incorporating Reiki

into something that you already do to make a living or some

volunteer activity that you already do or it may be the

traditional practice of having a table and doing sessions and
it might also be somewhere in between. So within the “Reiki

Master Mentor” program and The Reiki Business Book, I've

been guided to start out by helping people set their goals
and figure out exactly what practice is right for them.

Karen Caig: That's a beautiful example. I never would have thought of a

law practice and a Reiki practice coming together. In fact,

when you look at the title of your talk, spiritual 213
entrepreneurship, it sounds like an oxymoron. But that's a

beautiful example because what professions could use it

more than family law, that's beautiful!

Pam Allen-LeBlanc: They're finding it's having a tremendous impact. They handle

a lot of divorces and I've been given permission to speak

about this and they're finding it's just making it so much less

stressful on both parties and that they're even able to work

things through in mediation. They're getting a higher

percentage that are able to go through mediation. So it's just

having a wonderful impact.

One of the things that I like to tell people, a lot of times by

the time we see people, by the time they're coming to us for

Reiki sessions and Reiki classes, a lot of people have become

disillusioned with their career or they're a little burned out

and they'll do a Reiki class and they'll say, “this is amazing! I

need to quit my job and do Reiki full time” and I say, “well,
you could, but why don't you just work with the Reiki and
wait, and you know, work through some of your exhaustion,
some of your stress, some of your issues, and then see where
Reiki leads you; give it a little bit of time and see where it
leads you.”

And so, for this particular client, and this is what she was

thinking and she was stressing, “yeah, but how do I give up

my law degree and I’ve built my own practice and I charge 3

times more than what you charge for Reiki sessions; how do
I give that all up?” and I said, “I don't know; you may not need
to.” 214
And the thing that I like to go back to is, remember, you got

into your specific career for a reason, because you have

passion for that, because it was important to you, so it could

very well be; maybe you will wind up quitting and starting a

practice from scratch, or maybe you'll start practicing within

what you're already doing or within what love, and what Reiki

can do is restore you to that passion, restore you to, you

know, cause you to remember why you get into it in the first

place. And so, it may very well be that your nudge is to follow

that path. And, you know, some people get into teaching for

a reason. We find them when they're exhausted and stressed

out, but once the exhaustion and stress is lifted, a lot of times

Reiki might blend with that teaching and it becomes a very

different creature.

Karen Caig: So that's what you mean when you say, let Reiki lead. Let Reiki
lead the way.

Pam Allen-LeBlanc: Hmmm, yeah.

Karen Caig: Can you give some tips to people who may feel guided that

way, but they don't really know where to start? Like I thought,

well, it might be easy for Pam; she has an MBA. She comes
from a business background; is that important do you think?
To have that sort of experience before you get going? And

exactly how do I let Reiki lead? What are some things I can


Pam Allen-LeBlanc: ‘What are some things you can do?’ That's a great question.

So you know, most of us spend some time with Reiki every

day. Some of us meditate with Reiki, some of us do our self- 215
treatment. I take a Reiki walk everyday where I invoke the

symbols and the dogs and I walk through the woods and we

spread Reiki as we go. But I think the most important thing is

to learn to listen. And so, whether you're walking with Reiki

or biking with Reiki or sitting, meditating with Reiki or doing

your self-treatment, ask the questions! You can go ahead and

ask like, “please guide me in my career or my way forward

with Reiki” and you might be surprised at what you come up

For instance, when I first started with Reiki as a level one and

two practitioner, I did not do sessions for people, but my Reiki

Master had attuned my horses to Reiki. So my horses all had

the Reiki level one. And so, my horse business took on a

completely different way of doing things, of operating. My

horses and myself, we would do Reiki for the clients that came
to ride, people who were finding themselves so relaxed, they

were finding things in their lives, healing relationships, long-

standing problems, and so our lessons became very popular.

We became known, we even took on a special class to assist

clients with autism. And all of this was Reiki directed. This was
before I was qualified to teach or comfortable doing sessions.
For me it did evolve to a more traditional style practice, but

that's not how it started.

I also had an essential oil business or I was starting an

essential oil business around the same time as I started Reiki,

and just began incorporating, I put Reiki in all the essential

oils. I try to keep my essentially oils affordable, so as an

agricultural scientist I know which crops are probably 216
sprayed, I buy those organic, but the crops that aren't likely

sprayed, I don't spend the extra money on organic, I just Reiki

everything and purify it as it comes in. I put Reiki into my

blends when I make them, I send Reiki ahead to trade shows

and to the people who are receiving the oils. So there's ways

to incorporate Reiki in so many things.

Traditionally, when we think of a Reiki business, we think,

“alright, I’ve got to get a table, I've got to get a space, I’ve got
to advertise, I’ve got to get a pamphlet!” Maybe, but maybe
not. And so, just be open to thinking about what you really

enjoy, what you're passionate about. The thing about Reiki is,
and especially we found with the Holy Fire® Reiki, with a

recent, when it moved to Holy Fire® III, we discovered that it

really can deliver you to your life purpose.

One of the things that I've discovered in my practice and in

meditations that I’ve been guided to create to help people to

their life purpose is that the way you know you are living your

life purpose is you are in joy. So if what makes you joyous,

what makes you joyful is a myth that we've all bought into for

a long time, including myself – I don't think I could've bought

into it anymore – that you have to work hard and you have to

be a little bit miserable to make your money, and that's not

true! I knew I'm living proof that you can be in joy every day

and make a successful living. And in fact, it was surprising to

me to discover that the best way to know that your thoughts

are aligned with Source and with Reiki is that your experience

joy. 217
Over time I got over my shyness. I actually was always a really

incredibly shy person and an introvert and I did get over it

and I did begin offering sessions. I started offering classes

right away because after I came back from Stonehenge in

2011, I just thought I have to share this with people. I so much

have healed and it was so powerful and I felt so blessed to

have studied with William Rand and to have such a closely

aligned lineage, so close to Usui Sensei that I felt I really have

to share this gift with people, so I actually started teaching

before I started doing sessions and it was quite a while before

I got over my shyness and was able to do sessions but I

started teaching right away.

Karen Caig: So this is revolutionary to me. I think many people when they

hear, oh, how to start a Reiki business, they think exactly like

what you said like, okay, what kind of space should I get? You
know, what kind of table should I buy? How much should I

charge and all of that, but you're saying to just listen to Reiki,

because each one of us is different, and to go with what

brings us joy and where it aligns because Reiki is constantly

surprising. [laughs]

Pam Allen-LeBlanc: You know, we're both licensed teachers with the ICRT and yet,

our businesses are very different. And also the type of client
that's drawn to us is very different. Technically, our businesses

might look the same, but they don't; we branch off into
different things and some people may find that they really

like to combine Reiki with yoga. Reiki is so beautiful because

it can blend with any other modality, so anything else that

you do, have a look at that. Nothing says you have to do just 218
Reiki, just Reiki sessions; you can combine it with just about


I interviewed Julie, your mentor. And Julie, she combines Reiki

with Past Life Regression beautifully; it just works, it blends

beautifully with anything, even law! Even if you have a

business, like an existing business! You can have a dry

cleaning business or a corner store and you can apply Reiki

there. So it really doesn't mean that you have to upset your

whole life and start on doing sessions and teaching classes.

Karen Caig: That's very true. As you're speaking, I'm thinking I have had

in the past estheticians – okay, I was 50 years, 50 something

years old and I've never had a facial before – so she said, “you

must come and get a Reiki facial” and I said, “oh my Gosh, it
felt like you were lifting up all, every frown and every tear that
ever cried; it wasn't just like an exfoliation thing.”

I also have another student who is a professional organizer

and that's her passion, but she has incorporated Reiki into

her... she's a KonMari consultant. She went to LA and studied

with Marie Kondo, the spark joy lady.

Pam Allen-LeBlanc: Yes. Oh, yeah. I know her.

Karen Caig: She actually has done some presentations about Reiki and

KonMari because of the similarities but you wouldn't think, I

wouldn't think of professional organizing and Reiki together,

but there it was!

Pam Allen-LeBlanc: It’s amazing! I have a lot of massage therapists who do Reiki

and incorporate Reiki in their massage, and what they say is 219
there's a high burnout rate with massage therapy. They are

not burning it out because they're not having to use their

bodies too physically because the Reiki does a lot of the work,
and not only that! Their clients absolutely love the


There are just so very many places. I have counselors and

mental health professionals who incorporate Reiki into what

they do. I have nurses and doctors and dieticians who

incorporate Reiki into what they do. And teachers! I have a

high school principal; he incorporates Reiki in what he does

at the school. And so, it can be incorporated into all of these


This was an excerpt from Pam Allen-Leblanc’s Interview from 2021 Reiki Summit. 220
Reiki Outreach - Raising Awareness and Availability of the

Benefits of Reiki

Excerpt from Heather McCutcheon’s Interview from 2020 Reiki Summit

Samantha Avery: Hello, summit listeners! Today I’m very excited to welcome
Heather McCutcheon.

Heather, welcome to the summit!

Heather McCutcheon: Thank you so much for having me! I’m excited to be here.

Samantha Avery: Heather, you are really breaking some ground there in the
US! I’m very excited to learn a lot more from you.

Before we go any further, it sounds like you really like

pushing those boundaries and you have referred to that

kind of work as outreach; can you tell us a little bit about

what outreach is? 221
Heather McCutcheon: Sure. I think all your listeners would agree that Reiki would

be incredibly beneficial to the greater population and a lot

of us have wondered why isn't this much more prolific than

it already is! How come everybody doesn't know about

this? And the reasons are several, one of which is people

just have never heard of it before and then there's another

group of people who have maybe heard of it but they're

very skeptical and they don't believe that I can do the

things that we claim that it can do.

And so I was extremely skeptical back in the day when I

was first introduced to energy work and as a practicing

massage therapist, I was even having experiences in my

office where I was feeling people's emotions, where I was

feeling people's physical pain, a couple of times I had panic

attacks, I wept a couple of times just experiencing what

was going on in the person's energy field that was right in

front of me but I still wasn't able to understand that this is

the way that I could help people; I thought this is a side

effect of working in close proximity with people. So it

wasn't until I had my own trauma in my own life that I was

looking anywhere for help and I came across Reiki, then I
realized, “Oh, my gosh, this whole energy exchange thing

can be used to help people in really profound ways” so I

wish I had been more receptive earlier on.

The way that we present Reiki to people who are unfamiliar

with it is a way that I wish people would have presented it

to me: using accessible language and an opportunity to

have a tangible experience of it myself and in that way, 222
people will have whatever sensations they have – you

know, buzzing, tingling, heat, all the things that we know

it can happen – and then give them some information;

they're much more receptive after having had that


So we combine very short Reiki sessions and information

and we're just out there putting our hands on as many

people as we can to share this information with them, then

having had the experience and armed with this

information, they can then pursue it on their own as a

means to approach wellness going forward; so that's our

goal. So that's what we call outreach.

Samantha Avery: Excellent. Is the Reiki Brigade a voluntary group or is it a

paid service?

Heather McCutcheon: Great question. So we are all volunteers; we've been doing
this for about 9 years now. There's probably 20 people in

our group, although 7 or 8 of us do most of the events and

everybody volunteers. I did get a 56 dollar donation once

a couple years back – some woman in Spain saw one of my

videos and just PayPal-ed me. It was probably euros which

is why it came out in a weird 56 dollar number but she just
said: “Great job! Here's some money!” but that's really the

only money we've taken in thus far; everything else is

volunteer time and expenditures of my own personal

money. So yes, it's a lot of labor of love on the part of a lot

of people.

Samantha Avery: That’s fantastic! And what a great community! 223
Heather McCutcheon: Yes.

Samantha Avery: And how has the Reiki Brigade been able to access the

Chicago Police Department, as well as the VA Hospitals

and the Department of Corrections and medical

institutions? I’m very intrigued about the Police

Department because I hear the Chicago Police Department

can be a bit tough...

Heather McCutcheon: They are tough and it has not been easy. We've been at it

for a long time so I would say the best approach is a three-

pronged approach is making a connection, a contact

individual, and then communication is really, really

important, and then perseverance, and I'll break those


So at any large institution, obviously it's made up of a wide

variety of people; some of whom would be very resistant

to Reiki but some of whom would be receptive and some

maybe even very enthusiastic so you have to kind of shop

around, check around, talk to a lot of people and see who

might be your ambassador within that organization. And

then once you have that individual, you've communicated

with them: “We would like to come offer Reiki to your staff
and then potentially to the people that you serve.” That's
usually a multi-step process; first you've got to get staff on

board. You have to recognize that after this person is very

excited about this prospect, they still have to turn around

and convince their peers, their coworkers and/or their

boss. 224
So what information have you given them? What tools

have you given them so that they can turn around and

communicate? Because even some people who’ve been

practicing Reiki for a long time are sometimes not

excellent communicators about what Reiki is so you cannot

really expect someone who's been talking to you for 15 or

20 minutes, who’s very excited to 3 days later or 4 days

later, go and stand in front of a group of their peers and

explain Reiki to them! It’s really an unrealistic expectation.

So you have to make sure that they have everything that

they need so that they can turn around and present this in
a credible way to the people that they work with who have

either never heard of Reiki or have heard of it and are very

skeptical of Reiki.

So that's why I've created all of these tools. So we have

photographs of us giving Reiki to all of the groups that

you've mentioned in all of these locations, we have videos

including feedback from people who have just received

these 10-minute demos and what their feedback is. I have

a description of here's how this is going to work, here's

pictures of what this will look like, I will send you all of the
marketing materials so that you can promote this within

your organization before we come so that everybody

knows what's going to happen and just making sure that

there really armed, you know? A. You don't have to do

much except sell this inside, and here's all the information

you need to do that! We pick a date, we'll show up, we'll

do this and then everybody is thrilled. 225
So even with all of that, we hit a lot of dead ends. I've sent

out hundreds of emails and gotten zero response from

people and sometimes I have that 15 or 20-minute

conversation with someone who's so enthusiastic and then

when I try to follow up with them a week later, they just

plain don't respond to me. And what I feel like happens is

they did try and go sell that upstream and someone said
that's ridiculous, and because it's their peers or their boss,

they're like, “Oh, okay, we're not going to do that” and then

I just never hear from them again.

So that's where the perseverance comes in. You just have

to keep going, keep trying and keep plugging away and

keep sending emails and keep talking and keep taking

videos and keep trying to get invitations, and at this point

we have a pretty substantial resume on our blog. You can

look at these recaps of these events that we've done, you

know, police stations, hospitals... We were at an

international conference for veterinarians who specialize in

pet euthanasia so this is end of life care for pets and for

their families, and that group was so receptive! We worked

on about 70 people throughout the course of the day and
I was able to videotape some of their feedback so here's

the director of the conference and veterinarians who are

doctors saying: "Oh, my gosh, I just had this incredible

experience” and fortunately came across one woman who

ran a practice in her hometown – where that was,

Colorado, I don't remember – and she said yes, we had

some practitioners on staff and they love to work with the 226
pets and work with the families and work with our staff and

I need to revisit that and retrain some more people

because that's what we want. We don't want them to have

a 10-minute session and go away and talk about it at the

watercooler; we want them to take action, find someone

to train your staff in Colorado or Texas or Florida or

wherever you are, and then incorporate that into your

practice so that the animals in your care who are at end of

life can receive Reiki, so their families who are grieving the

passing of their beloved pet could receive Reiki. And it

turns out a female veterinarians’ suicide rate is three times

what it is in the normal population because it's a stressful

job to work with sick pets and put them to sleep, and so

they could use Reiki and we didn't even know that when

we went. So I made this video of here's what happened at

this conference, and the before and after was phenomenal!

And now we have this tool, this video; this association that

held this conference posted it on their Facebook page and

I'm hoping the ripple effects of that are just going out into

the world and now Reiki is getting shared in veterinary

clinics! So that's like the highest goal, that's the most we
could hope for! We had this event and the ripple effects

are going out into the world and around the United States
Reiki teachers are getting calls: “Hey, come teach Reiki at
our clinic; we want to have this.”

Samantha Avery: That’s fantastic! You’re really opening the doors to so

many possibilities! That's incredible! 227
So why have you focused on these groups? So we’ve got

hospitals, we’ve got correction centers, we’ve got medical

schools, obviously the institutions you're just talking

about, the police department... They sound like unusual

areas to explore, and quite challenging! What drew you to

those groups?

Heather McCutcheon: Well, I'm going to be honest with you... My endgame, my

big goal is to shift the paradigm such that Reiki is a

household word and that it's accessible to everybody and

anybody who wants to have a job as a Reiki practitioner

that this is a viable career just as if you were... you know,

Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) guy; you could set up your

shingle and have people come and they would know what

Reiki is and they could come to you for Reiki. I would like

it to be a household word much like yoga and meditation.

And so in my thinking, where are influencers? Where could

we make a huge difference and have a big impact? I’m

really looking for bang for our buck in terms of our

resources, our people, our time and energy, and where can

we have the greatest influence. So I understand that this

goes out around the world but I'm in Chicago and we have

a lot of crime here in Chicago; on the South Side of

Chicago there's a lot of gun violence and we've also had a

lot of incidents of police shootings where minority

individuals have been shot by police and there have been

criminal investigations into that, so it's a really unfortunate

incident that's causing a lot of tension on both sides. I have

a great deal of respect for police officers... I could never 228
have that job; I don't perform well under that kind of

pressure. I don't know how they do it.

On the other side of the coin, there are kids living on the
South Side of Chicago where there's a great deal of crime

and there aren't as many opportunities and resources and

they're fearful now – this is a bad situation with the police,

etc – and they're more apt at that level of tension to be

either victims of crime or perhaps perpetrators of crime. So

we're really just coming at this from every direction that

we can think of to try and calm everyone down.

So as you know, when you're working with Reiki, people

are becoming more calm and more centered and they're

thinking more clearly and they're making better decisions

so I'm not thinking about this in terms of ‘one individual

feeling better’ but if many individuals feel better and they

behave better, there will be less apt to be this much crime.

So if we could get a lot of people practicing Reiki and

receiving Reiki, I would love to have Reiki at every police

department at the beginning of every shift and at the end

of every shift. You're going out to work your midnight shift,

which is overnights were a lot of the big crime happens on

the drug deals etc., people are inebriated, whatever's

going on, you get Reiki before your shift so you're feeling

more calm when you go out. You come home after your
shift, you get Reiki then, then you go home and you sleep

better, you wake up, your interactions with your family are

better, you're more able to come face the day when you

come back to work again. So I would love to see that! I 229
would love to see it in every emergency room, I would love

to have it available for emergency responders, for doctors.

In any incarceration situation, there's people with a lot of

time on their hands, contemplating the direction their lives

have gone; we can introduce them to Reiki... it could make

their stay in their incarceration a little bit easier to handle,

and I know that those things are happening here and there
and it is challenging to get inroads into those places but

there's nothing to do but keep trying and we had some

successes that we're really thrilled about.

Samantha Avery: Thank you. That's incredible and I love your approach, that
you’re addressing and going for, aiming for large groups,

large corporations because like you say, there's going to

be a proportion of skeptics and a proportion that’s going

to say no, but a greater proportion that say yes or a small

proportion that say yes but the numbers are bigger, which

makes your work so valuable and spreading that word

much greater! It’s interesting, isn’t it? Because us,

practitioners, sometimes we can hold back a little bit and

go, “I’ll do a small group because I get the yeses” where

you're going, “No, I'm doing big groups because okay,
yeses, and then probably will be more yeses because of the
volume of people we’re talking to.” Incredible! Really
interesting and what a better place to be?! I mean, we’re
more focused and calm... as you say, in really important life

changing situations.

Heather McCutcheon: We've been really, really grateful for the receptivity that

we've gotten and it's very... there are about 25 different 230
districts in the city of Chicago and each of them kind of

manages their own station with some autonomy so while

we have great relationships with a couple of these districts,

others have just not returned my calls, but in any situation,

there's early adopters and then as they go back and report

to their coworkers or their bosses or their peers at other

districts, word has spread.

So, we've gotten into a situation now where we're getting

phone calls; they're calling us now in some instances. In

addition to our high crime, we also have the highest

instance of police suicides here in Chicago. So at one point,

I think at the end of 2018, there were 6 suicides in 6 months

so this is a bad situation. So yes, Suicide Prevention

Month... somebody high up on the chain said to my

contact: “Can you get those people in here? We've got

suicide prevention coming up; we want people to be
aware!” and that was one of our best events. We had
people come from other districts, kind of checking it out

to see what they could do with their district. So we're

loving that it’s catching on! So whatever little receptivity

that we get, we try and leverage it as much as we can; we
network as much as we can, make as many friends as we

can and try and spread out.

Samantha Avery: What does an outreach event look like? Can you talk us
through it?

Heather McCutcheon: Sure. So I talked a little bit about making the contact and

then, once we set up a date and time, I send out signage 231
for my contact in the police department to hopefully put

up signs on all the bulletin boards in the bathrooms, in the

meeting room, wherever, get the word out that we're

coming; you know, it's a picture of here's cops receiving

Reiki, a little description of what Reiki is, here's the day and

time and the location it's going to be, come watch our

video if you want more information. It's something like:

“Think it sounds ridiculous? You're not the only one but
watch our video and then we'll see you on the 14th”;
there’s something like that: “So we understand that you're

skeptical but please come try it anyway.”

Then I reach out to all the volunteers and I say: “Here's the

day and time; who's available to go?” and depending on

whatever population those people want to serve... If it's

vets, they want to work with vets. If it’s police department,

they want to work with the police department. If it's

disadvantaged kids, they want to work with them and they

happen to have the day off or they're available. They sign

up and so we show up on that day, hopefully the contact

inside this group has done the signage and put the word
out... A couple of times at the police department they have
let me go address roll call so it’s just like when you see on

TV when they gather before their shift, they let me take the

podium and I get to talk about Reiki: “We’re down in the

community room, come down there” and they will come
down before their shifts, after their shifts, and we get to

work on 20 or so cops that day or veterans or whatever. 232
So the process is when we arrive, we set up the room and

we try to control the environment in terms of dim lighting,

we play soft music – I have a playlist on my phone and a

speaker or sometimes we do aromatherapy – and just try

to make it a relaxing calm environment so that when they

walk in already they're feeling: “This is a place I would like

to spend a few minutes.”

We have a waiver that they sign in so this is not only kind

of like a medical waiver: “I understand that this is not

medical treatment but Reiki is an energy healing modality,

etc.” but it's also a media release so that when we take
pictures, we are able to use those however we want and I

don't have to worry about: “Do I have anyone’s

permission?” If you sign that waiver to get Reiki, I have a

media release from you.

So then they sit in the chair. As I mentioned earlier, we used

to describe to everybody what Reiki is; you know, if they

never heard of it before, we would then spend a few

minutes explaining what Reiki is but just recently after 9

years of this and explaining this thousands of times, I finally

made a video that had some animation that explains what

Reiki is. So it's about 3 and a half minutes long, and

oftentimes at these events there's a line of people waiting

to receive Reiki so they've got a few minutes to kill, so they

watch the video and by the time they're sitting in the chair,

we don't have to waste any time with that – they already

have a really good explanation. We say: “Do you have any

questions?” – often they don’t, sometimes they do – then 233
our spiel now could be much shorter you know, “Take a

couple of deep breaths, you might want to close your eyes

and focus inward...” By the way, I used to drag massage
tables around and now we just do regular chairs, so

wherever we're going, we just do this in regular chairs.

So there'll be a station with a chair in front and a chair in

back because I'm lazy and I like to sit down when I'm giving
Reiki, and then each station has a hand sanitizer so you can

kind of just sanitize in between. So if there's 4 volunteers,

we've got 8 chairs, 4 sanitizers, sign up waiver, people

come in, they sit down, each volunteer would say: “Do you
have any question? Take a couple of deep breaths. Close
your eyes and focus inward,” and then we always, always,
always say: “We can do this hovering in your energy field

or with very light touch. Do I have permission to touch


That's very important because we work with populations

that sometimes have been tremendously traumatized and

the last thing you want to do is retraumatize somebody

when you're trying to help them out, okay? So I worked

with kids that have just been involved in sex trafficking and

now they're wards of the state and I would love to offer

them Reiki and the people in charge are like: “Don't touch

them! Don't touch them, they've been traumatized!” and

I'm like: “Well, why don't we let them decide?!” And that

phrase, “do I have permission to touch you?”, is so

empowering to them that I've only in all of this time had

one person say “don't touch me” and it was a cop in full 234
riot gear, wearing a bulletproof vest and a gun and a taser

sitting in the chair, and said: “Do not touch me!”

Absolutely, we will not touch you, we can do that, but it's

so important to ask and then they feel empowered, so we

always say that – do I have permission to touch you?

And then we always start with our hands on their shoulders

when they say: “You have permission to touch.” We say:

“All right, I'm going to start with my hands on your
shoulders.” This is a very neutral kind of safe place to begin
touching someone and then they kind of start to feel the

Reiki flow and then they're more comfortable and they

don't care much what happens after that, but we only have

10 minutes so this is time for like 4 or 5 hand positions. If

they've indicated they have stress or any pain or whatever,

we might focus on those areas. Sometimes they just want

to try it out and since everybody has stress, you know

might just do a few hand positions... head and shoulders,

maybe upper back and then we ground people, and then

we just say: “How that go?” And I'm kind of adamant about

that; I don't want the volunteers saying: “Don't you feel

great? Did you see colors?” but you know like don't
suggest anything. We're just asking open-ended

questions: how did that go? And then people will say

whatever they say, and this ranges widely of course from:

“wow, that was pretty relaxing; thank you!” to “oh, my
gosh, that was life changing! I can't believe that just
happened!” 235
And this is in the space of 10 minutes! So they're not all

winners but I would say the vast, vast majority of people

have tangible experiences of their energy field, which is

what we're after, and then we give them a hand out with

more information about Reiki.

Some of the volunteers are professional Reiki practitioners

or massage therapists and body workers where they have

a practice and so they will maybe pass out their business

card. Some of them have other jobs and they don't have

business cards; they might give out one of our business

cards or just a handout but here's more information for

you, here's how you can get in touch with us, here's how

you can access the video with more information if you


As I said, I always take video and I do the recaps and I tell

the volunteers. On site at any event, we can touch maybe

12 people, maybe 40 people; we've worked on up to 120

people sometimes at a conference, but after the fact, to be

on social media, we can reach thousands of people!

Samantha Avery: Yes!

Heather McCutcheon: So I do these pictorial and video recaps and I post them on

social media and the volunteers will share them, and then

sometimes their friends will see them and they'll share

them, and more and more they're getting shared more and
more often, and then that's just an opportunity for a lot of

people to see what has happened and what people said

and maybe we want that at our business or I'd like that at 236
my school or maybe we should do that in my town or I'm

a Reiki practitioner, I want to offer outreach!

So yeah, just making as much information available to as

many people as possible.

Samantha Avery: That sounds fantastic! And I just want to recap: are you in

one room and you've got these chairs next to each other

with a bit of space presumably, so it's more generalized

would you say? Because that wouldn’t be the space to have

a private conversation about what that person may be

emotionally experiencing or dealing with in their personal

life... Would you say it’s like an introduction?

Heather McCutcheon: That's a great question. Yes, we don't have a ton of time to

go into everyone's history.

First of all, if you have a private practice and you're working

with clients on an ongoing basis, those are conversations

you want to have with people. You want to give people:

“Here's a little sample of Reiki, we want you to just have

this experience going forward.” We will sometimes ask: “Is

there anything specific you'd like to focus on, maybe stress

or low back pain?”

Give them a couple options of an emotional variety, a

psychological variety, and a physical variety in as much to

explain to them this is the breadth and depth that Reiki

could work, but also to give them some choices.

Cops will often have low back pain from sitting in the car

all day; almost all of them have stress. When you ask, 237
almost everybody says stress. Sometimes cops will say low

back pain or sometimes people randomly have any pain or

a shoulder pain or something, so we may focus on that

area but we're not going into any big you know, medical

history or anything like that, and we are very conscientious

about HIPAA laws which is keeping private people's health


So as volunteers, even if you have a very profound

experience with somebody, we’re at their workplace! For

example, you don't turn around and say where any of their

co-employees can hear: “Well, that woman is pregnant and

she's having cramping” That's obviously nobody's

business. So we're very careful about keeping our voices

low and being conscientious of people's privacy, but by the

same token, we are always in one big room, sometimes

we're at a wellness fair so we're just in a row right in the

middle of a big crowd and sometimes it's very loud and it

doesn't seem to matter; people can have profound Reiki

experiences in a very loud room but yeah, I mean that's

just the circumstances that we have.

Samantha Avery: And so, you wouldn't need them to fill in a confidentiality

card or anything like that?

Heather McCutcheon: No, no. They sign the waiver saying we're just going to

receive this, this isn't medical attention; this is just to

promote wellness and for you to have an experience of

this, and yeah, I mean there's people sitting right near 238
them so whatever the volume of their voices, it’s what it is,

you know?!

They could choose to say anything or nothing or whatever;

as you know, with Reiki it doesn't matter that much. They

could say: “Just lay it on me; I want to feel it!” and then

that's fine. But we have had... I still sometimes will work

with people where they'll say you know, so it's such and
such conference, we're expecting 500 people, you can

come give Reiki, we'll put you in a quiet room way in the

back, and my choice is always no, put us in the frontline

where everybody's walking by because I'm not bringing 5

volunteers out there to sit in a room in the back and

twiddle our thumbs. We need to be where people can see

us and so there will be traffic coming by and people will be

receiving Reiki and people will be standing up after

receiving Reiki, oftentimes hugging the practitioner that

just gave them Reiki, turning around and saying: “Oh, my

gosh, that was amazing!” and that all helps us get our
hands on more people.

So you know, sacrifices have to be made in the name of

‘we're trying to reach as many people as possible’ and so

this is how we do it: out in the open, in group settings and

personal information very limited.

Samantha Avery: Fantastic! You’ve given us a lot of information, a lot of

advice and I've got a very clear picture of what your

outreaches look like. I think a lot of our listeners will be

very inspired by what you shared today. 239
Is there any other highlights that you wish to share with us

from your 9 years of orchestrating outreach events?

Heather McCutcheon: Well, every event has a lot of really special moments. If we
work on a few people you know, to see someone's face

light up and that flicker of recognition, of “Oh, my gosh!

Laying on of hands is a thing! I didn't realize it was a real

thing!” It's so priceless, and we've done it thousands of
times! So it's just really amazing to be able to offer this, but

of course I have some favorite moments that stand out.

So I teach Reiki. I’ve taught Reiki to hundreds of people

and I recruit my students; I try encourage them to come

and volunteer with us. So I had one woman came to her

first outreach event. She only had an opportunity to work

on one or 2 people and they were like friends and family,

and we're going to work on homeless veterans at this huge

service fair for homeless vets. So she's telling me: “I'm very

nervous... What if I can't do it? What if they don't like it?

What if...” or whatever was going through her mind, all this
fear that it wasn't going to work for her. And the first guy

that she worked on is the very last quote on our Reiki

Brigade intro video; they're veterans, they've been in

overseas combat, many of them have PTSD – this is a huge

problem among veterans – and this guy said on camera:

“Oh boy, if we'd had this technology before we went to

war, nobody'd want to fight!” meaning he felt so calm! And
it's my favorite feedback ever! And he then you know,

we're at this... Again, these are veterans, they've been

overseas and we’re there offering to put our hands on 240
them so there has been confusion about what we're

offering you know, and so there has occasionally been a

wink wink, nudge nudge, and these first guys to try it will
stand guard and say: “That's not what they're doing, you

need to be respectful of this work” and that guy said: “You

gotta go try it, you gotta go try it!” He sat there for hours:
“You gotta go try it, you gotta go try it” because of the
work that she gave him her first time out of the box! So

this was so confidence building for her and such a

phenomenal quote for my goal of working with the high

crime in the city of Chicago: “If we'd had this before we’d
went to war, nobody’d want to fight!” Oh, my gosh, it's my
mantra! Here's what Reiki can do! Everybody calm down!

So that was certainly a highlight.

In addition to offering the demos, I try and give new Reiki

teachers an opportunity to teach classes. So obviously, this

is a job and people can make money doing it but it can be

nerve wracking to do it the first time that we have access

to these populations that don't have a lot of resources and

I have access to teachers who have never taught Reiki

before and I pair them up, and so I've had students teach
at a woman's homeless shelter and at YMCA, which is a

community group, it's the Young Men's Catholic

Association I think, but it's a place where they can go after

school and there’s pool tables and they play basketball and

it's their friends... And so Pilsen, which is a high crime area

in the city of Chicago, we went and offer them Reiki and

then one of my new Reiki teacher students taught them 241
Reiki and she charged them only $25 so it was a little bit

of buy in just to make sure they showed up for the class

and understood there was some value but ordinarily that

would be like $150 thing. She donated her time, they paid

for their books and materials and I was there video

recording the whole thing and just making sure it went

okay, and they had these phenomenal experiences and I

got to record their feedback at the end of the class from

them experiencing Reiki from each other, and then, “Who

are you going to go and offer Reiki to when you leave

here?” and feedback was like: “My mother; she's very
stressed out right now. I want to give her Reiki” or “My cat
is pregnant and I want to give her Reiki.” It was this
wonderful feedback and this wonderful experience, so that

was a highlight.

And then I personally got to go teach Reiki to a group of

kids at the juvenile detention center, the kids jail, and it was

a many many step process before I got to that point where

they would let me come in and teach a full day class, but

these are kids in jail! There's a high school in this jail. They
spend up to 2 years of their life in there and this is pretrial;
they have not been convicted of anything, they are

potentially innocent living in jail. And just so you

understand, when you're volunteering to work in the kids'

jail, you are required to take a class about preventing rape

in jail.

So the fact that we were able to go in there and I taught

this Reiki class and I'm sitting in a room with these guys 242
and they're literally have to get frisked, they have to ask

permission to get frisked before they can go to the

bathroom, and then they come back out. It seemed to me

like they were not paying attention... and there was one

guy that was staring me down and I was a little nervous

like I'm thinking: “This guy's mad at me, he doesn't want to

be here, he's going to shank me at some point,” and then

there's a quiz at the end of class so about halfway through,

I started just running through the quiz questions just to

see what kind of information they were absorbing, and he

knew the answer to every question. What are the energetic

vortexes in the body? Chakras. Who went up on the

mountain and divined the system of Reiki? Mikao Usui. He

knew everything. He was paying attention the whole time

he was glaring at me and I thought he was going to kill me;

he was soaking it all in and at the end of the day, the

second half of the class they're offering Reiki to each other

and one of the rules there is you can't touch anyone so all

of this was done hands off, the attunement was done

hands off, the exchanges were done hands off. His partner
was sitting in his chair, he put his hands up like this – again,
high stress environment... these guys are hyper vigilant at

all times! It's dangerous in there – he put his hands up and

that kid slumped over and about fell out of his chair; he
got so relax!

So I've been dying to publish an article “My day teaching

Reiki in juvy.” There are a lot of powerful energy

practitioners in the city of Chicago and at least one of them 243
lives in the juvenile detention center; I can't get anyone to

publish it. It might just go on my blog, but it was definitely

a highlight and I would love, love, love to go back there

and do more of that! Unfortunately, my very carefully

cultivated contact at that facility... It took a couple of years

to get to that point because she got pregnant and took

time off and then she got pregnant again and she left and
she didn't come back and now I have to start over... So

that's the part about communication and developing

contacts and persevering. I will start over because I want

to do that again, but it's a lot of work to get to that point.

Samantha Avery: Wow! And you're really changing people's lives! I can’t

imagine how that would have been for you to witness

people where they are in an environment where they have

no power, that you're actually giving them that connection

to their life source again... It’s very moving, very moving


This was an excerpt from Heather McCutcheon’s Interview from 2020 Reiki Summit. 244
How To Build Business With A Stellar Reiki Talk
Excerpt from Andrea Kennedy’s Interview from 2020 Reiki Summit

Deb Karpek: Dear Andrea, it's great to have you here!

Andrea’s topic today is How To Build Business With A

Stellar Reiki Talk.

So Andrea, what is a Reiki talk and why do you think it's a

good idea for practitioners?

Andrea Kennedy: Well thanks, Deb!

A Reiki talk is an opportunity where you can engage with

people so it's a little bit formal I guess; you’ll need to get a

space together for the event and you’ll need to advertise,

and we’ll probably talk a little bit about that later, but a

Reiki talk is an opportunity for you to educate people 245
about what Reiki is and what you're offering in your Reiki


Reiki is very mysterious to a lot of people; they might have

heard the word or known someone who went to someone

who offered Reiki, that kind of thing, and so they’ve

probably heard little stories about it but a lot of people

probably don't have really good information and good

history about it and if they're curious about it – I call them

the Reiki curious – so if they're Reiki curious, then why not

solve that problem and at the same time you can share

your love of Reiki and what brought you to Reiki with them
and then invite them to come to your business for a

session and actually experience the Reiki that way?!

You know, we're often in our treatment rooms, one on one

with clients, and it can be a pretty solitary type of thing

that we do as practitioners and it just helps it stay I guess

kind of secret and it doesn't need to be secret! We need to

talk about it so people can understand what Reiki is.

It's also a great way to network and meet new people for

your business, which that's always positive.

Deb Karpek: I agree, and I think it's important to get it out there and

share because there are so many misconceptions about


Andrea Kennedy: For sure, for sure. And you know, even if you're a little
scared or intimidated, you don't like to talk in front of

people, I would say to make the event worthwhile you’ll

want to give at least an hour and a half of time so that you 246
can engage them in different ways and make the event

interesting and successful.

Deb Karpek: Thank you, I agree. What do you feel it makes a Reiki talk
a big success or, in your words, stellar?

Andrea Kennedy: Oh, right. Well, let's see. I think what you need to do is

engage people in different ways because to just get up

there and just talk to them is going to be a bit boring. You'll

want to make it varied and I think it's important to teach

them things that they can leave the room with, take back

into their lives and actually put into practice. And that's

wonderful because when they do that, they'll remember

you and they’ll remember your business, and if you teach

them a technique, which we’ll talk about here in a minute,

and they like it in their life and they talk to other people

and they say: “Yeah, try this! It really works for me!”, they're
going to remember where they learned that. Making a

lasting memory in that way I think it’s a really great idea.

Deb Karpek: I agree. And engage them because they will remember it

more rather than you just talking about it.

Andrea Kennedy: Yes.

Deb Karpek: Can you share some of those suggestions that you talked

about, that you can include in your talk to make them

understand better what they do and take away?

Andrea Kennedy: Yes, sure. So, what I'd like to do – I mean, an hour and a
half might seem kind of like a long time but it will really go

fast – is share sort of an outline with the listeners, and of 247
course, this is just my suggested outline! I'd always invite

people to follow their guidance and do what feels right for

them, but the last Reiki talk that I did – this is really what
worked for me! And I do want to say one quick thing: I was

new to the community so I didn't know any Reiki people

to help me to do demos or anything like that, so I was in it

all by myself. If you have other practitioners, maybe some

students of yours if you're a Reiki teacher, then you might

ask them to help you and do demos and things like that,

but this outline is really just geared for one person doing

the Reiki talk. So you'll be a little bit limited on the demo

time because you can't really entertain everybody. If you

have ten people there, giving everybody a demo is a little

bit challenging, but anyway! Let's just talk about some

general things.

First, I’ll have a sign-in sheet so that people when they

arrive will give you some basic information and have a little

option for them to sign up for your newsletter. Get them

on your e-mail list if they're OK with that because that

helps build your contact list and you can do a lot of

different things with that for your business. You welcome
them in and once everyone settled then you'll want to

introduce yourself and talk to them about who you are,

what brought you to Reiki, how long you've been

practicing, all of those basic things but share some

personal experiences that you've had or results that you've

seen in family or clients, things like that, things that they

can remember, things they can take away, and also maybe 248
the stories that you share sort of resonate with them,

maybe they have a similar issue; if you share a story for

example about how Reiki helped someone in your family

with fibromyalgia for example, and then somebody at your

Reiki talk has been diagnosed with fibromyalgia, that's

going to really hook their interest there. The personal

stories and being as – I would say – specific as you can will

increase the chances that you resonate with your people

that are attending. So, instead of being general, we want

to be specific and what we tell during our introduction and

really the whole event; you want to really get specific!

Next, I think you'll want to talk about Reiki and you'll want

to probably explain the concept of life force energy, that

kind of thing, and what I do in my office when I have new

clients come is I say to them: “You've probably heard of Tai

Chi or Qigong...” and they're nodding their heads, and I
say: “Well, you know, the Chi and those words mean Life

Force Energy, and the KI in ReiKI is Japanese for Life Force

Energy, so you're already familiar with techniques that use
this.” That way, they kind of make a connection there and
go: “Oh, OK! This isn't really new,” and they might know Tai
Chi is been around forever! – so that can sort of help.

And then, something that I think is really fun is I get the

participants involved. I’ll ask for a volunteer to come up

and then I have this little thing that is called an energy

stick, and this little energy stick, I'm going to have a link to
it on my Favorites page on my website so any listeners who

want to see what this thing is, that it's actually less than 249
$10, you can just get it on Amazon and I’ll have a link there,

but it's really fun. It demonstrates energy and the fact that

we are energy and we're conductors of energy, so what I

do is I have someone come up and it's this little baton

looking thing and if they will grab both ends of it, it makes

sounds and it lights up ...

Deb Karpek: Oh, wow!

Andrea Kennedy: They're shocked because a second ago it was just a silly

little plastic looking baton… That gets everybody's

attention! And then what you can do – just kind of follow

your intuition here – but what I do then is I'll ask other

people to get up and what you can do with this little thing,

you can make a circle of people and everybody can hold

hands and then you put the baton, one person holds one

side and the other person holds the other but you're in a
huge circle, and guess what? It all lights up and flashes,

makes noise, so it's really neat. It's a great demonstration

and it's sort of fun and people always want to know, What

is that thing? Where can I get it?, but it makes a great

demonstration and it also helps break the ice with a group
where they don't know each other, a lot of these people

probably won’t know each other so it is nice for that kind

of thing and kind of gets everybody to relax a little bit.

Deb Karpek: ... and it makes it more tangible.

Andrea Kennedy: Yeah. And I think it helps connect the fact that, you know,

they are energy, we do move energy and everybody moves

energy and it takes a little of the mystery out of it I think 250
and I think some people hear those phrases like everything

is energy or you’re energy or whatever, and maybe they

don't believe it or know how is that possible but then when
they see something like that it's just the light bulb comes

on and they're like, Oh, how is that happening?! So again,

it's just pretty fun but I think it's a great visual and it gets

everybody participating so that's how I like to start it.

Deb Karpek: That's a good idea! Do you have any more suggestions?

Andrea Kennedy: Oh, yeah. So then what I would do next is I would bring

words like chakras in or energy anatomy – I'm so sciencey

– I say energy anatomy and I say that includes chakras,

meridians, and I might even mention acupuncture that has

been around for thousands of years and that is using

energy anatomy as a guide, as to where to place those

needles and we do very much the same thing – we just use

our hands.

So you might consider talking more about that, what Reiki

is, a little bit of the history – I wouldn't do too much of the

history because people kind of be disinterested maybe but

as this isn’t a Reiki class, you might want to just hit the
highlights of things but just very basic but specific
information. Again, make sure you get real-world

examples and then another thing I’d like to talk about is

the idea of being grounded and ungrounded because that

is such a relatable common fluctuation in our energy and I

think everybody when you describe to them the symptoms

of not being grounded, I think everybody says, Oh, my 251
gosh! That's me! or I was so like that on Sunday! or
whatever but everybody can relate! You know, you're

scattered, you have a To-Do list, you can't get anything

done and you just feel like life is passing you by and you're

just – I don't know – not engaging, not being able to

manifest what it is that you're trying to manifest. So little

things like that, just feeling out of sorts; when you describe
that, again, light bulbs are going up in their heads and

they're thinking, Hey, she’s talking... I've had that! and so

again you’ve made a personal connection with them and

then what I like to do is I'll have everybody stand up and I

like to do a grounding exercise for them and while we all

stand up, the one that I usually have used is that I'll have

them stand and soften their knees and just gently push

outward with their legs, sort of like they're separating a

boat from a dock, but just gently, and what that does is it

engages the large leg muscles and brings their awareness

to their feet and their legs, and I also ask them to have an

intention to feel connected to the earth and feel the feet

pressing into the earth and ask them to take a few deep
breaths there. It just gets people calm and centered and
relaxed and they can feel a difference there. And then I tell

them, you know, Take this with you! When you're standing
in line at the grocery store instead of getting your phone
out, just ground yourself! That is the technique I alluded to
earlier that they can take into their life and they can

practice it, and then when they feel that difference, maybe

they teach their kids or something else like that but that's
something that is very relatable, that they can remember 252
and they'll remember where they learned that so I think

that's great. It’s about making connections with these

people who came to the event. I mean something brought

them there and so we've got an opportunity to connect

with them in a lot of different ways.

Then I would tell them too: There are a lot of different

grounding techniques out there; they can check out online

or you know there's a lot of meditation apps with different

things but you're just giving them one thing to sort of

practice and take home with them when the event is over.

Deb Karpek: These are really great suggestions and like you said, very
relatable. You know, it helps them to make it more tangible

and to understand a little bit better and make it less scary.

Andrea Kennedy: Yeah, wonderful. Well, thanks, Deb. I love Reiki... I mean I

think we all do.

Deb Karpek: Yes.

Andrea Kennedy: Doing the summit and whatever I can share or whatever

has worked for me, that's what I want to put out there and

that's why I make all these YouTube videos and things and
in an effort to help people and, especially, the
practitioners, you know? If more practitioners can be

successful, then more people could be helped with Reiki. I

don't know what could be better than that.

Deb Karpek: I agree.

Andrea Kennedy: Well, let's see. What else would I do? I'd also... This really
worked well for me! I was pretty nervous about doing this 253
next thing but I led the group in a meditation and I used

Reiki in the meditation, so what I chose was since I practice

Holy Fire® Reiki, I led the group in the ocean of Holy Love
experience and in that experience, the Holy Fire® Reiki

works with each person directly but the scary part for me

was there's a long period of silence in that meditation and

when you have an event, you're not sure how familiar

people are with meditation or if that's going to make them

uncomfortable so I was pretty nervous about that and if

you do that, if you do have something like that or if you

want to do one of those meditations, definitely explain to

them and let them know about the silence and give them

a heads up on what to expect. But, I was really shocked at

how well it went and people were really moved by it.

They had some fantastic experiences so it just went

perfectly but you know, what if you don't do Holy Fire®

Reiki? What kind of meditation could you do? You could

write a meditation, you could write your own meditation,

you could find a different meditation that you like and the

thing is you can add Reiki energy to it and while you're

reading it, you can be channeling Reiki to the room to the
people that are in attendance; and of course, before they

ever arrived, you would want to prepare your room, you

would want to prepare the space with Reiki as well, but this
is what I mean by infuse the meditation with Reiki – it'll just

make it more special, it'll just amp it up to a better

experience for everybody. 254
Then if you also infuse this with Reiki with words like let’s

say you write your own meditation and you have them

relaxed, then you might have them visualize Reiki energy

moving down into their head and relaxing their head or

however you would want to do it, and you're intending and

visualizing yourself that this is occurring for all of the

people there in the room while you're channeling Reiki,

and that's what I mean by infusing the meditation with

Reiki and it'll help give them an experience, a direct

experience with Reiki, right there at the event.

Deb Karpek: To be able to feel it then possibly...

Andrea Kennedy: Well, and especially as I said, I did this on my own so I

couldn't really do little mini sessions for the people. I think

we maxed out the space that I was using for the event and

I think I had about 18 people come and I couldn't really

put any more in the room but there was no way I could do

mini sessions for everyone. But what I did do was I did a

quick demo on a volunteer and that way everybody could

watch and she just sat in a chair and I took about... I don't

know, maybe 6 or 7 minutes, and I just went through basic

hand placements and showed them what that would look

like in a chair and that was helpful. But that's about all I
could do because I was only one person so you could just

kind of have to do what you can.

Deb Karpek: It sounds like you did a lot and especially the interactive

things. 255
Andrea Kennedy: Yes, I thought it was a nice variation of things. They didn’t

sit in their chair the whole time. After a meditation, I think

it's good to just wrap up with Q & A. You can talk to them
about your services that you offer because by that time

they're probably going to be pretty interested in finding

out more or taking the next step which would be great if

they would come to your office and have a session.

So I would have something prepared ahead of time; what

I did? I did a flyer, and so the flyer had all my contact

information but I made it up especially for the Reiki talk

and so I did a really cool graphic on one side that explained

Reiki in very simple terms, sort of that shortened definition

that we use about Reiki, many of us do, it’s a stress

reduction and relaxation technique... I think we all kind of

know what that is but I used that on one side and then
what I did was I included a little thank you for them

attending and I did little coupons on the side, and so if

they wanted a Reiki class that was so much money, so

many dollars off of a class, so many dollars off of a Reiki

session, and at the time I was doing Animal Reiki and so I

even offered a little coupon for Animal Reiki as well.

So, you'll have to just figure out what makes sense for your
own business as far as what discounts and things like that

are appropriate and what you'd like to offer, but if you will
give them, especially if you're doing this event only on your

own and you can't do mini sessions, really offer them a

sweet deal to come in for that first session, really make it

irresistible for them, because, to me, this isn't about 256
making tons of money off of these people coming in; it's

about the education and that's what you're investing in –

you're investing in Reiki ambassadors! So if you will just

offer a deep discount for them to come in and once they

come through the door, then they have the potential of

being returning clients. If they never come in the door,

they'll never be a returning client so it's just important to

make some good offers for them and to help, I guess, tip

them over the edge to schedule that appointment. You can

also have your scheduling book right there at the event or

also on the flyer; I do online scheduling now but a lot of

people don't but if you do, you could have a link there on

the flyer to how to schedule online. But make sure you

have all your contact information and all of that and be

willing and invite them to sign up for a session that night

with you and reserve their time.

I guess after they're gone, you might want to do a follow

up email to them. If they opted in and gave you that

information, do a follow up email to them thanking them

for coming and even asking them for any feedback that
they might offer you about the night – what did they like,
what could have gone better – because it's always good to

know that sort of thing so that you can make changes.

We're not perfect! We're just going to kind of do our best

and if you can get the feedback it just helps you do the

next one even better.

Deb Karpek: I agree. These are wonderful suggestions. Thank you so

much. What about some of the details like where to have 257
the Reiki talk? How to advertise it? Should they charge


Andrea Kennedy: Yes, those are great questions, Deb. I would say there are
a lot of different places you could hold the event. If you're

worried about cost for a Reiki talk I'll say this upfront, if you

have to rent a space, if you want to do some refreshments

or anything like that, if you're going to incur any costs,

keep in mind that this could go under the umbrella of

advertising for your business, it’s often tax deductible.

Don't be too afraid if you need to spend a little bit of

money on the event, but libraries often will rent their

rooms out for free to people of the community, especially

if you're not charging anything. So you know, that's a

question: are you going to charge for the talk or are you

not going to charge for the talk? Are you going to take
donations for the talk?

For me, it's free; it's totally free. I'm just honored that they

come and want to learn more and so I just think it's free, I

don't do donations or anything like that, but again, you

would just follow your guidance and what feels right to

you, how do you want to come across as a business owner,

how do you want to come across? Do you just want to

make it free or not? I don't know, you'll just have to decide
that for yourself. But again, keep in mind that the costs are
probably tax deductible for you.

If you have a room where you offer Reiki, that would be

excellent because then they get to see the space and that 258
also demystifies things so then they know, Oh yeah, if I sign

up for a session, I come right here. So, it makes it really

easy, it's not another unknown to them.

Also, if you teach classes, if you teach Reiki classes already,

you could see about using the classroom space that you

use and, again, that's just another way to say, Yeah, I teach

classes right here, in this room.

I think that's helpful. But again, so there's conference

rooms probably in your community that you could rent as

well, a Yoga studio would be really good, that would be a

great event, and then they could probably help you

promote it by hanging flyers and putting it out in their

social media, so don't be afraid to network with other

businesses in the community and utilize their space; they

will like that because it'll get potentially new people to

come to their business.

You know, we're not in this alone and I think the more we

kind of network and help each other out, it just benefits

everybody. So look around your community and think, Is

there somebody I'd kind of like to work with here or be

associated with? Approach them and ask. Maybe even get
together and offer a series of events there. I just get going

on this and I start coming up with all these other ideas


Deb Karpek: Those are good ideas. I worked with one of my students

last year who was getting ready to go out into the

community with her business and we did every other 259
month Reiki Saturdays at the library; it was always the first

Saturday of the month, every other month and each time

we had a different topic and it was an opportunity for me

to mentor her and for her to get her feet wet and meet

people in the community and they could meet us. It was

really a cool thing and then the library advertised for us, so

that took care of that and it was really fun too.

Andrea Kennedy: Yes. And I think when you do a series like that, it can really

gain momentum because the attendees the first time go

and they talk about it to other people and then it might be

the new topic and they come back for that and... That's
awesome! I love that!

Deb Karpek: It was fun, it was really fun! I really enjoyed it and I'm

thinking about ... I've moved since then but I'm thinking

about starting it up again here in the community and

having another series for the entire year, you know, every

other month, one Saturday is not a lot of work and it does

build momentum and it's fun to work with other people

doing this.

Andrea Kennedy: Yeah, and it's not like a one-off thing...

Deb Karpek: No.

Andrea Kennedy: It's something that recurs which they're going to see it over

and over and over.

Deb Karpek: Right, and it keeps it familiar and it keeps it in the

community, and sometimes it takes seeing something a 260
couple of times to click in our minds like, Hmm, that might

be worth going to.

Andrea Kennedy: Yes, for sure. And you know, advertising... you had
mentioned that, so obviously social media is free and easy

to do, the flyers – I mentioned that – if you have that

newsletter I mentioned, you can put that in the newsletter...

Now those people probably already know about you but

that's OK, tell him to bring a friend, tell them to share the

newsletter with people that they think might be interested

in it, nothing wrong at that.

Deb Karpek: Right.

Andrea Kennedy: There are a lot of free calendar listings out there. I know in

my community we have that Natural Awakenings

Magazine, and then there's a couple others that come to

my mind, but if your event is free, they’ll list it right in there,

so that's another I think advantage to not charging for your

event because you can get some free advertising for it, for


Deb Karpek: I agree.

What do you think is the most important thing for people

to keep in mind if they decide to host a Reiki talk?

Andrea Kennedy: Well, I’d say that probably the most important thing is just

to relax.

Deb Karpek: Right. 261
Andrea Kennedy: And it’s Reiki! So just go with the flow and trust Reiki and

it'll all work out. And you know, for those of us who have

taught Reiki, isn't that the way?! When we teach classes I

can remember I would be so nervous and thinking, Is this

even going to work?, but you relax and it all works out! I
mean, a flow will begin and Reiki just supports us.

Deb Karpek: Those are such wise words! Trust Reiki – that's really all we
have to do.

Andrea Kennedy: It is, it is. And you know, remember what Reiki is to you

and your connection with Reiki, and when you do that, it

will all work out because your passion, your connection,

your experience and your love of it will translate to the

people that are there and your excitement will be

contagious and you're going to put on a great event and

they're going to have fun and they're going to love that

little energy stick thing at the beginning …

Deb Karpek: I have to get one of those. [laughter] I think that’s


Andrea Kennedy: Me too. If you teach classes, you can use that, especially

with kids. If you teach Reiki to kids, oh my gosh, they love

that; they want to just play with that for a really long time.

Deb Karpek: I bet. So before we close, do you have any last words for

our listeners?

Andrea Kennedy: I guess I would just say a Reiki talk is one of the things that
we can do to be professional in our communities, to be

plugged in to our communities and contribute. We're there 262
to educate and to be a resource for people. So be the Reiki

expert in your community and do events! Get out there

and again, if you're not too excited about talking to

people, getting up in front of a group, allow Reiki to guide

you. It will work out and I think that getting out of our

comfort zone and pushing ourselves to do things that

maybe are... you know, it is a little scary but that's how we

grow! That's how we grow as people, as practitioners and

as successful Reiki business owners too. But I just don't see

a downside to doing these talks and getting out there.

This was an excerpt from Andrea Kennedy’s Interview from 2020 Reiki Summit. 263
Meet the Authors

Andrea Kennedy
Reiki Master Teacher, Mentor and Owner of
Mainstream Reiki

Andrea’s full-time mission through Mainstream

Reiki is to promote Reiki in mainstream ways

through her classes, YouTube channel, podcast,

her Reiki practice and social media so more people

may experience the benefits of Reiki.

She teaches all levels of Holy Fire III Reiki now online with her high standards for

quality Reiki training. Andrea also provides Reiki mentoring sessions to assist

practitioners with confidence in practicing personally or to build a successful Reiki


You can contact Andrea at:


Angie Webster
Reiki Master Teacher and Author

Angie’s primary focus is Animal Reiki, which she

adores. She teaches online classes on energy

healing, flower essences, herbalism, and personal

growth. Angie often works with nature healing

and Earth healing, hoping to better understand our connection with Mother Earth. 264
Angie is the author of Animal Reiki: How it Heals, Teaches & Reconnects Us with

Nature and Reiki from A to Z.

You can follow her at: and on Facebook -

Alejandro Sánchez Martínez

Engineer, Hypnotherapist, Reiki Master and
Freelance Writer

As a Reiki master he teaches and practices Reiki on

daily basis because he loves helping others,

especially when he can teach them how to help

themselves. Alejandro likes talking to others about spiritual things. Because of his

Reiki practice he has been able to have visions of other realms, and angelic entities
who usually help him and guide him during his practice. As a hypnotherapist he

discovered he loves helping others live their lives the way they want to live them,

and by using Reiki he has discovered he can help them achieve that on a much

deeper way.

You can find more of his works on Facebook at and on

Twitter at 265
Ann Singleton
Usui Reiki Master Teacher

Ann teaches all levels of Reiki including; The Reiki

Professional Practitioner Diploma (Level 1 & 2)

verified by the UK Reiki Federation and

Complimentary Natural Healthcare Counsel. She

is committed to deliver the benefits of Reiki to the community and along with

students offers tasters to hospitals, schools, careers organizations, etc.

Ann is also a spiritual teacher, writer, and artist in the awakening community,

channeling knowledge and paintings to connect people to their paths. Trance

mediumship readings are now coming to the fore within Ann’s work, all of which are

brought into developing her work to help others in unique ways.

Ann runs regular Reiki seminars, online meditation courses and monthly Reiki
shares in her own community and can be contacted by email at or find more of her work on Facebook:

Amy Brandon
Reiki Master Teacher

Originally from the UK, Amy Brandon learned Reiki

when living in Perth, Western Australia, where she

was initiated into Reiki 1, 2 and Master levels of

the Usui Shiki Ryoho system. Currently 266
based Houston, TX, Amy holds the position of Vice Chairperson and Membership

Officer for the Reiki Association of Western Australia, teaches the Usui Shiki Ryoho

system of Reiki and her own course for Animal Reiki.

Amy is also qualified in Animal Communication, Animal Bowen Therapy and

Remedial Bowen Therapy for people. She is responsible for the not-for-profit

#Sharesomereiki initiative, designed to connect Reiki communities across the globe.


Facebook -

Bruce Taylor
Reiki Master Teacher and Holistic Healthcare
Practitioner based in France, USA, and Hong Kong

Bruce Taylor has always had a strong interest in

working with Qi, or vital life energy, since a very

young age. He is dedicated to balancing the

energy within so we can flourish in our lives. Bruce is a Reiki Master Teacher and

Practitioner in Usui Reiki, Tibetan, and Kundalini traditions. In addition to Reiki, he is

a teacher and practitioner of meditation, pranayama (the mastery of one’s breath),
tantric energy and sexuality, and a wellbeing & relationship coach for both

individuals and couples. Bruce is also a certified Ashtanga Yoga instructor (RYT 200)
and has been practicing yoga for over 20 years.

Bruce is currently based in Dordogne, France where he runs Reiki training and

healing sessions, Holistic Wellness Retreats, and Wellness Programmes. Prior to

France, he was working at The Vitality Center, Hong Kong's oldest Holistic Wellness 267
and Traditional Chinese Medicine clinic, where he was the resident Reiki Practitioner

and Chi/Energy healer.

You can contact Bruce at: Website:

Darshan Bafna
Reiki Master Teacher

Darshan is a Reiki healer & teacher, Certified

Clinical Hypnotherapist and a Professional

Dowser. He owns a Metaphysical Store called

“Crystal Alchemy” through which he helps

spread awareness about Crystals and other Healing Modalities.

Being attuned to Reiki at a very young age has played a very important role in his

journey of growth and awareness. It allowed him to make sense of being born as an
“indigo” and ease the pain of existence and separation. Reiki also allowed him to

channel his abilities for greater good and strengthen his communion with source


You can reach Darshan at or 268
Dawn Fleming
Reiki Teacher, Mentor, Medical Intuitive and Life

Dawn Fleming is a renowned Energy Expert, Usui

and Karuna Reiki Master, Medical Intuitive and

Marconics Practitioner. She has been working in

the field of Reiki/Energy modalities since 1989. Dawn quit her government job in
2001 to grow her part-time Reiki practice to full time. Dawn helps clients to unravel

the mystery of why they are not getting the results that they want, physically,

emotionally and spiritual. She specializes in energy challenges that include: COVID-
19, fertility issues, cancer, eye issues, brain trauma, and digestive issues. Dawn has
clients world-wide. She is the author of many books on Reiki and Chakras.

Her website is

Deb Karpek
Reiki Master/Teacher, Owner of Peaceful World

Deb has been studying Reiki since 2001, practicing

since 2003 and began teaching Reiki in 2006. She

is an Usui and Karuna Holy Fire II Reiki

Master/Teacher, receiving her Reiki Certifications from the International Center for

Reiki Training. Deb received her Master of Spiritual Psychology from the School of
Integrated Psychology in Glendale, Wisconsin. She is certified as a Level I breathwork

practitioner, is a Reiki Crystal healer, Reiki drum practitioner and performs Reiki and

sound healing with tuning forks. 269
Deb is also the author of a book about the nuts and bolts of starting a Reiki practice,

including the emotional highs and lows that go along with that. Her book is called

“The Reluctant Reiki Master’s Step-by-Step Guide to Creating and Sustaining a

Thriving Reiki Practice” and can be found on Amazon.

Deb can be reached on Facebook at

Deborah Flanagan
Reiki Master

Author of Building a Powerful Practice: Successful

Strategies for Your Wellness Business, Deborah

Flanagan established the Center for True Health in

NYC in 2008 and has since guided thousands of

people through major life changes using Reiki, hypnosis, and reflexology. Her unique

approach has been featured on The Dr. Oz Show and in O, the Oprah Magazine.

For additional resources for practitioners, go to where

you can sign up for her monthly newsletter and get a free business starter kit.

You can also reach Deborah on Facebook at 270
Deborah Lloyd
Usui and Karuna Reiki® Master

Deborah is a Usui and Karuna® Reiki Master and

certified holistic therapy practitioner, providing

Reiki sessions and training in Asheville, NC.

Deborah is the author of two books, 22 Messages from the Archangels; and, Believe

and it is True: A Story of Healing and Life Lessons. She is also one of the co-authors
of Reiki 101: 101 Answers for Your Reiki Questions.

You can reach Deborah at, and at Deb Lloyd Healing on Facebook -

Elaine Hamilton Grundy

Reiki Master Teacher

Elaine has been teaching Reiki for over 20 years

and founded The Reiki Centre in 2007 to focus on

bringing high quality Reiki teaching to those

interested in self-empowerment. Over the past 2

decades, Elaine has trained thousands of Reiki students and over 80 Reiki Masters

via her vigorous Teacher training program. She is the author of Reiki, Pure and

Simple a down to earth beginners guide to Reiki, and most recently Reiki- A Path to
Freedom, an advanced Reiki book exploring Reiki as a spiritual path to your inner
truth. 271
Elaine runs regular online webinars, workshops and community healing groups and

can be contacted via her website or on Facebook:

Haripriya Suraj
Reiki Master Teacher

Haripriya is a Reiki Master, Angel Healer and

Starseed Lightworker. Reiki is her constant

companion from which she derives peace and

contentment. She is deeply connected with the

Stars and Angels and they form an integral part of her Reiki practice. Her core

mission is to help bridge the worlds of Spirit and Science and to help people connect

with their unique soul missions. Haripriya offers Reiki healing sessions and training
programs in Bangalore, India.

Reach Haripriya at,, on email

at and on Facebook at Angel Light.

Heather McCutcheon
Reiki Practitioner and Teacher, Licensed Massage
Therapist, Author, and Founder of the Reiki

Heather McCutcheon is a Reiki practitioner and

instructor, licensed massage therapist, and author. She's also the president and
founder of the Reiki Brigade, a group of volunteers who conduct outreach events to

introduce the benefits of Reiki via presentations and one-on-one demonstrations. 272
Since 2011 they have offered more than 5,000, ten-minute Reiki demos to Chicago

police officers, veterans, medical students and faculty, incarcerated individuals,

survivors of domestic violence, and attendees of medical conferences and corporate

wellness events.

Heather has written a book about her path from Reiki skeptic to Reiki activist, and

had articles featured in numerous trade publications. She has also received
Distinguished Service and Humanitarian awards from the Illinois Chapter of the
American Massage Therapy Association for her work with veterans and raising
awareness of sex trafficking under the guise of massage therapy within the massage


You can reach Heather via e-mail at: and find more of her

work on her website

Justine Melton
Reiki Master Teacher, Psychic Medium & Intuitive

Justine is a Reiki Master/Teacher and an Intuitive

Counselor. Reiki came into her life and changed it

in amazing ways. It is her passion now to bring

Reiki to others and help them to heal in a holistic way. Justine is lucky enough to be

an Empath, Clairaudient, Clairsentient, and Clairvoyant. She is able to use these gifts
with Reiki if asked to give extra messages during a session for the client’s highest


You can follow Justine on her website and on

Facebook at Serenity of the Mind & Soul. 273
Karen Caig
M.A., LRMT, and Owner of Reiki Institute

Karen Caig, a Licensed Reiki Master Teacher with

the International Center for Reiki Training (ICRT),

has been teaching Reiki since 2013. She retired

from teaching college English for thirty years in

order to pursue her Reiki career full time.

As a survivor of domestic violence and sexual molestation, Karen battled depression

and low self-esteem for years. Reiki helped her heal, and she loves sharing this

Japanese relaxation technique to help others heal, empowering them to achieve

their divine purpose on Earth. Bringing her expertise in Reiki, teaching, writing,

comparative literature, and language together, she teaches students from all over

the world. She trains students in all levels of Usui/Holy Fire® Reiki as well as ICRT

Animal Reiki, and she coaches clients in business and life transitions.

You can reach Karen via e-mail at and find more about her

work on her website:

Kathleen Johnson
Reiki Master Teacher, Past Life Regression
Therapist, Certified Crystal Healer, Spiritual Mentor

Kathleen is the Founder of UniverSoul Heart, LLC,

a holistic healing and wellness practice based in

Pennsylvania, USA.

Kathleen enjoys teaching all levels of Reiki classes and is honored to assist others on

the Reiki path. Her education includes a B.A. in Psychology and a M.A. in Criminology, 274
as well as extensive post-graduate studies in Mental Health Counseling and

Transpersonal Psychology.

Kathleen has been a co-host as well as a presenter for the Reiki Rays Annual Summit

since its inception in 2017. She has been a featured guest in numerous radio

interviews and also hosted "UniverSoul Heart Radio with Kathleen Johnson- Sensible

Spirituality for Everyday Living", on Transformation Talk Radio. Currently, she co-
hosts Beyond the Reiki Gateway podcast with Reiki Master Andrea Kennedy.

You can contact Kathleen at and find out more about

her work on her website -

LaTanya L. Hill, JD
Reiki Master Teacher, the creator of KA® Reiki

LaTanya L. Hill, JD is a Reiki Master Teacher and the

sole proprietor of IMREIKINOW®, an energy

healing company based in Los Angeles. She is also

certified in Usui Reiki Ryoho, Holy Fire III, and

Karuna Reiki®. Her Reiki handbook, “Reiki Vibrations with 33 Meditations and

Affirmations.” is available online and offers healers practice advice, meditations, and
affirmations that may be used professionally and personally. LaTanya is an expert

teacher on Insight Timer with Reiki meditations and courses published

internationally, she is helping to spread Reiki worldwide. LaTanya has also been

featured in multiple magazines and has presented about Reiki on various podcasts.

Her latest project is the Reiki House, a residential sanctuary for retreats, healing, and

peaceful solitude. 275
For more information about the Reiki House or to schedule a session or become a

certified healer, go to

Nathalie Jaspar
Reiki Master, Author and Podcaster, Dive Into Reiki

Nathalie Jaspar is a Reiki master with over a

decade of experience. She’s a graduate teacher

from the International House of Reiki, led by

world-renowned Reiki Master Frans Stiene. She

also trained with the Center for True Health, and the International Center for Reiki.
To gain an even deeper understanding of Reiki practice, Nathalie went to Japan to

practice Zen Buddhism at the Chokai-san International Zendo.

Nathalie is the author of Reiki as a Spiritual Practice: an Illustrated Guide , available

on Amazon in English, Spanish, Portuguese, French, and German, and the Reiki

Healing Handbook. She is also the host of the Dive Into Reiki podcast that explores
the journey of high-profile Reiki Masters. Nathalie has been invited to demonstrate

Reiki practice at venues such as Soho House, the New York Jet’s Athletic Center, and
Fashion Week.

Find out more about Nathalie’s work on her website - 276
Pam Allen-LeBlanc
ICRT Licensed Reiki Master Teacher

Pam Allen-LeBlanc is a scientist, a businesswoman,

an internationally renowned speaker, and the co-

author of the ICRT Animal Reiki course. She is also

a Licensed Reiki Master Teacher (LRMT) with the International Center for Reiki

Training (ICRT) and the author of several popular articles in the Reiki News Magazine.

She speaks and teaches online and around the world. She has a regular weekly
newsletter and podcast (Reiki from the Farm™), hosts a free monthly online Reiki

share and boasts a strong, dedicated community of Reiki Masters, Reiki practitioners,

and Animal Reiki practitioners.

In 2020, in the Heathrow airport, she received strong Reiki guidance to “teach the
teachers” to help Reiki Masters and Practitioners everywhere create and grow a Reiki

business unique to them, to spread the light of Reiki. This led to the creation of “The

Reiki Master Mentor” course. It has been incredibly popular and successful, so in an
attempt to share it with more people, it needed to become a book: The Reiki
Business Book filled with proven Sacred Business Practices which will help the Reiki
practitioner and Reiki Master share Reiki with the world, flavored with their own

unique gifts and talents.

Find out more about Pam’s work on her website - 277
Patti Barker Kierys
Reiki Master Teacher, Artist and Author

Patti is trained in all levels of Usui Reiki and is

certified in Ligtharian Reiki I and II. She has been

practicing Reiki for almost twenty years. She is a

lifetime member of the Reiki Healing Association.

Upon retiring after 45 years in the legal field and as a Senior Paralegal, she decided
to expand the Reiki experience to the next level. In 2014, she formed The Art of Reiki

and offers training in Reiki as well as individual Reiki sessions.

Patti can be reached at and on Facebook – Patti Barker Kierys

Phoenix Fenegan
Reiki Master Teacher

Phoenix is a Reiki Master Teacher, YA 200hrs Yoga

Teacher, Meditation Teacher, and spiritual &

energy explorer. Phoenix has a YouTube channel

called Intuitive Meditations which has

many resources for Reiki students and those looking to experience meditation. She
is a writer of some note on yoga and spiritual matters which were first published way

back in 1997.

You can follow her on her website and on

Instagram @reikimeditationsyoutube. 278
Rickie Freedman
Reiki Master Teacher, P.T.

For over 25 years, Rickie has focused on an

Integrative approach to Holistic Wellness, her

specialty is “Reiki by Rickie ~ Gentle Touch, Deep

Healing”. Rickie offers sessions, and shares

workshops and Reiki Classes for all levels including "Reiki for Healthcare
Professionals" and "ReikiKids". She created and opened Harrisburg PA's first Reiki
Center, "Reiki by Rickie ~ ReikiSpace & Learning Place" in 2013.

Rickie is Certified in ReikiSound and ReikiVoice, and as a Certified Holistic Health

Coach guides other Holistic Healers with her Mentorship Program " Follow your Heart

AND Do it Smart!"

Find out more about Rickie’s work on her website -

Samantha Avery
Reiki Master Teacher, Spiritual Healer

Samantha is a member of the Australian Reiki

Professionals, practicing in Sydney's beautiful

North Shore, Australia. For more than 12 years,

Samantha has supported her clients through

emotional empowerment, career and relationship growth and spiritual development.

Samantha practices from her sunny healing center in Sydney and supports

international clients with remote healings and readings and online classes. 279
Samantha's strength is getting to the root of the physical, emotional, mental and

spiritual imbalance to achieve deep healing. Samantha is well regarded for the gentle

safe space she creates for her clients and students to access the higher energy of
Reiki. Samantha is passionate about sharing Reiki and facilitates regular classes in

Reiki I, II, Master and Teacher training.

Find out more about Samantha’s work on her website -

Sheetal Sapan Mhatre

Usui Reiki Master

Sheetal is also a Certified Angel Intuitive from

Doreen Virtue, MBA in human resources and

Masters in Commerce. She is a certified Train the

Trainer. She organizes workshops on Angel Guidance, Prosperity, Tarot, Goddess

Lakshmi and Angel Magick. She is also an Angel and Tarot card reader.

Sheetal can be reached on Facebook page at Spiritual Retreat by Sheetal Sapan


Taryn Walker
Reiki Master Teacher

Taryn Walker is a traveling Reiki Master Teacher

who wishes to inspire people to realise that they

are miraculous! She believes that Reiki can reveal

our natural ability to heal ourselves and this

empowers us to take responsibility for our lives. She works a lot with distant Reiki

and loves the way it allows people to experience the illusion of separation. 280
Taryn is grateful for being able to connect with her Reiki clients even while traveling.

She usually lives on a little island in Thailand, where she practices and teaches Reiki,
but finds ‘home’ wherever she is. Taryn enjoys yoga, nature, creating art, cooking

and finding magic in “ordinary” places.

You may follow her on and on Facebook -

Wanda Buckner
People and Pet Psychic and Healer

Wanda supports people and animals as they repair

their past, heal their present, and embrace their

future. Wanda is a gifted psychic, medium, healer,

hypnotherapist, and animal

communicator/healer and teacher.

People contact Wanda to assist them and their animals deal with difficult issues
including end of life, to communicate with loved ones after their physical death, and

to explore past lives together. Wanda is a Usui Reiki/Holy Fire III Master/Instructor
and certified in Healing Touch for both people and animals and hypnotherapy.

Wanda holds a doctorate degree in Educational Leadership. You can hear her speak
the last Saturday of every month as a guest on the Jupiter Rising show. Her book,

"Choosing Energy Therapy: A Practical Guide to Options for People and Animals",
provides information on the science behind energy healing, examples of people and

animal experiences, and how to choose a practitioner. 281
Wanda is a contracted provider with Assured Hospice and volunteers weekly with a

holistic veterinarian providing energy work for animals. Her business, Healing Energy

Services for People and Animals, opened in 2005. Wanda teaches and practices in
Olympia WA and provides remote healing anywhere. She is also available as a


Find out more about Wanda’s work on her website - 282

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