Personal-Pronouns 1

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I we
you singular you plural
he, she, it they

We use personal pronouns in place of nouns.

Pay attention: I is always written with capital letter.

A. Circle the correct pronoun.

1. I / We am a student. 6. It / We is cold.
2. It / You are a boy. 7. She / They is eleven.
3. He / You are friends. 8. They / He are Spanish.
4. You / It is my cat. 9. You / I are at school.
5. They / He are French. 10. They / I am very sad.

B. Rewrite the sentences using the correct pronouns.

1. Pablo is Mexican. 6. My brother and you are friends.

___________________________________ _____________________________
2. Mary and I are at school. 7. Jason is a nice boy.
___________________________________ ______________________________
3. The cat is black and white. 8. The girls are very pretty.
___________________________________ ______________________________
4. Paul and Susan are students. 9. My eraser is new.
5. My grandmother is a housewife.
10. My mother and I are happy.

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