Final Capstone Reflection Journal Entry

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Final Capstone Reflection Journal Entry

The last requirement of the Capstone Project prior to your presentation is to

reflect on the process by writing a final journal reflection. You will need to answer
ALL required questions.
¨ The Capstone is a unique and demanding challenge. In completing it, what
did you learn about your subject? Your skill set? Yourself?

During the procedure of creating my project I have learned various aspects not
only about myself, however also about the major, which I am planning to pursue.
Drawing a cartoon was a pretty fast and harsh decision, especially when we were
told by one of the girls who finished CLC here that she changed her capstone idea
throughout the course. I believe, I am person that quickly changes their mind, so
for me it wouldn’t be shocking if I would have changed it last minute.
Nonetheless, here I am with finished project on the same topic, which improved
my ability to stick to things I have chosen and finish them no matter obstacles,
which again I am very proud of.

I am thankful to the given project because I learned a lot about time management
and how demanding requirements can be. The contrast I am able to see now in
between first day, where I have never drawn a cartoon, especially on the
computer, never used the drawing programs, which were hard to adapt to , and
finally the overall editing, I believe, prepared for my future years in the college
with its deadlines that not a teacher, however myself constructed to set up myself
for success.

Since my childhood I have been highly interested in how our body works, its’
responses, also my favorite character was a tooth-fairy, which is when I delved
into it deeper. School, activities, were never giving me time to develop my skills in
this area, and after completing Capstone I have learned so many things about
cavities, healthy food, what vitamins do to our body, how to avoid cavity, how
children are influenced by it through many resources online. Finally, I feel myself
confident in the given subject and not scared about if I made a correct decision
about career.

¨ How is your project relevant to you, the school or the community-at-large?

My idea to do this project was intentionally on something which interests me and

would benefit; hence it was relevant to me highly true. I aimed to do this project
for people, and children out there to eliminate fear, because as people we tend to
believe the small things can have so much effect on our lives, when we
exaggerated too much.

Many children experience dental anxiety or fear when visiting the dentist. A
dental hygiene cartoon can help alleviate their fears by familiarizing them with
dental procedures, showcasing a positive dental experience, and addressing
common concerns. I believe it can contribute to building a positive attitude
towards dental visits and reducing anxiety. A dental hygiene cartoon can feature
relatable and likable characters who demonstrate good dental habits. Children
often look up to and imitate their favorite characters, and by showcasing positive
dental hygiene behaviors, the cartoon can serve as a role model and encourage
children to adopt similar practices, which is why I chose a kind doctor and children
which hopefully resonate positively due to their age.

Schools play a crucial role in promoting overall health and well-being among
students. A dental hygiene cartoon project can be relevant to schools by
integrating it into their health education curriculum, which if it ever happens
would mean a lot to me and my efforts. The cartoon can be used as a teaching
resource to supplement lessons on oral hygiene, making the learning experience
more enjoyable and memorable for students. It can also be shared with parents
and guardians to reinforce dental hygiene practices at home, because everything
starts from childhood experience.
 How did you demonstrate the six Core Competencies throughout this
project? (See attached Core Competency sheet)

The first Core Competency I have effectively demonstrated was on topic of

Personal Awareness and Responsibilities, referring to my strengths, where "I take
personal responsibility for my choices" and "I understand my decisions can affect
me”. By acknowledging that I take personal responsibility for my choices, I
understood that the decisions I made during the project, such as the content,
style, and messaging of the cartoon, have consequences, especially for those
young. I recognized that these choices will directly affect the final product and
potentially influence how children perceive and understand oral health concepts.
Taking personal responsibility implies recognizing that I am accountable for the
outcomes of your decisions. Understanding that my choices can affect me means
accepting that if the cartoon is well-received and achieves its intended goals, I will
have succeeded in creating a valuable educational resource. On the other hand, if
the cartoon falls short or fails to meet the desired objectives, I acknowledge your
role in those outcomes as well. When talking about effects, I pretty much
understood that creating it will take much more than 70 hours, which affected my
eye side ad arm pain before. By connecting personal responsibility with the
understanding that decisions can affect me, I also demonstrated a willingness to
learn and grow from the project. Whether the outcomes are positive or negative,
I recognized that the experience provides an opportunity for personal
development, skill enhancement, and acquiring knowledge about oral health and
effective communication with children through my mentor or various online
platforms. For each chapter in the cartoon, I was considering learning about the
health and in which way I will make the cartoon more gripping when changing
events of the script. The connection between personal responsibility and the
awareness of the impact of decisions influenced my approach to future projects
and endeavors. By reflecting on how my choices affected the outcome of this
capstone project, I will apply the lessons learned to make more informed and
responsible decisions in future endeavors such as college assignments or job-
related decisions. This demonstrates a proactive attitude toward personal growth
and continuous improvement.
How my social responsibility contributed to the procedure and my personal
growth? Well, I value diversity, human rights, advocate for others, and act
ethically in all my interactions, including online, which is why online platforms
were significant while creating a project. I ended up choosing YouTube for the
simple reason – you can find there everything. For me, as a student-teenager it is
much easier to comprehend information while listening to it, instead of reading,
which is why for all my school related classes I usually use YouTube as a source of
information. This experience led me to use this platform, where terms and
responsibilities of posting a video are highly valuable.

My commitment to these principles significantly impacted the content and

approach of the cartoon, making it a powerful tool for promoting inclusivity. My
dedication to respecting human rights was evident in the choices I made
throughout the cartoon such when I took care to avoid stereotypes and biases,
ensuring that the characters and messages portrayed in the cartoon respected
the rights and dignity of all individuals because even my cartoon can have an
impact on younger ones, when their perspective is only building. By doing so, I
encouraged viewers to embrace diversity and reject discriminatory attitudes.
Advocacy for others played a crucial role in project, as I actively sought to
empower children through education about oral health. By providing accurate
and engaging information, I hopefully equipped young viewers with the
knowledge necessary to make informed decisions and take charge of their own
oral hygiene. My essential focus on empowering children demonstrates my
commitment to promoting their well-being and supporting rights to health and
education. My continuous interactions with mentor, experts, and potential
viewers were characterized by open and respectful communication. I actively
sought feedback such as when my mentor’s daughter was saying that it would be
more engaging if I would change a little bit characters’ voices, which is what I did,
and highly improved the quality.

Creative thinking was prominently demonstrated in the process of creating a

cartoon about oral health, where teeth were portrayed as main characters. By
embracing my ability to generate new and unique ideas, I provided fresh
perspectives that influenced how people think about oral health topics. Through
my creative approach, I transformed the traditional portrayal of teeth into
relatable and engaging characters. By assigning them personalities, emotions, and
interactive storylines, I breathed life into these animated dental characters. This
imaginative interpretation challenged the conventional perception of teeth as
inanimate objects, allowing viewers to develop a deeper connection and
understanding of oral health. Instead of relying solely on didactic approaches, I
employed creative storytelling techniques, visual metaphors, and interactive
elements to convey important messages such as when cavity was demonstrated
as a monster, however eliminated into a small problem. This approach not only
engaged the target audience of children but also sparked the curiosity and
interest of viewers, making oral health a more approachable and enjoyable

Communication played a vital role throughout the process of creating a cartoon

for oral health, especially considering my ability to engage in deep and
meaningful inquiry for a variety of purposes and audiences. My mentor being a
dental hygienist further enhanced my communication skills and the effectiveness
of the project. By engaging in deep and meaningful inquiry, I actively sought their
expertise and guidance. Through open and effective communication, I gained
insights into oral health practices about cavities, current research, and relevant
educational approaches. This collaboration enabled me to create a cartoon that
was informed, accurate, and aligned with professional standards. My ability to
engage in deep and meaningful inquiry for various purposes and audiences
allowed me to adapt the cartoon's content to different viewers. I recognized that
the needs and understanding of children regarding oral health differ from those
of adults, for instance when I had to change the verbiage for children to
understand what I am talking about. By utilizing effective communication
techniques, I ensured that the cartoon's messages were age-appropriate,
engaging, and easily comprehensible for the target audience.

Personal and cultural identity were demonstrated while creating a cartoon about
oral health through my understanding of how my values shape my choices. My
personal and cultural identity influenced my decision to prioritize representation
and inclusivity in the cartoon. Recognizing the importance of diverse perspectives,
I ensured that the characters, storylines, and messages reflected a variety of
cultural backgrounds, promoting inclusivity and allowing children from different
genders to see themselves represented. My personal and cultural identity also
shaped my choices regarding the content and messaging of the cartoon. By
understanding how from childhood I valued different aspects of dentistry, such as
the importance of oral health and its impact on overall well-being, I made
intentional decisions to incorporate these values into the cartoon, which when I
decided to talk about cavities. By drawing on your own experiences, cultural
background, and values, I was able to infuse the cartoon with elements that
resonated with your intended audience, because when I was young, I was very
scared of cavities, to be honest. This authenticity helped establish a connection
between the viewers and the content, enhancing the impact of the cartoon and
its ability to influence children's understanding and behavior regarding oral

Critical thinking was shown throughout creating a cartoon about oral health for
children using a drawing program on the computer. Adapting to the new
environment of the drawing program required critical thinking skills. As I
navigated through the software, I had to analyze its features and functionalities,
evaluate different tools and techniques, and make informed decisions about
which ones to use to bring your cartoon to life. My ability to learn and adapt to
the pristine environment demonstrated critical thinking in action. The statement
"I can assess my progress" is intricately linked to critical thinking. As I created the
cartoon, I continuously evaluated and reflected on my work, for example the
scene where toothbrush was brushing teeth, I spent the most time, which is
about 25 days to accomplish. I assessed the effectiveness of the visuals, the clarity
of the messages, and the overall impact on the target audience. By critically
analyzing my progress, I identified areas for improvement and refinement, making
necessary adjustments to enhance the quality and effectiveness of the cartoon.
Critical thinking also played a role in assessing and incorporating feedback
received from others, which is my mentor and my friends and family. As I shared
my work with peers, mentors, or potential viewers, I actively sought constructive
criticism and perspectives. I critically evaluated the feedback, considering its
relevance and aligning it with my vision and goals. This process allowed me to
refine my work, incorporating valuable insights and improving the overall quality
of the cartoon, which is its content about cavities.
¨ What impact if any did your Capstone project have?

A Capstone project contributed to my own professional growth by providing

hands-on experience and exposure to real-world challenges such as drawing a
cartoon every day damaging my eye side and arm movement. It offered an
opportunity to work independently, manage a project from start to finish, and
hone important skills such as project management, problem-solving, and
communication. These experiences can be valuable in future endeavors and
enhance the professional portfolio.

Successfully completing a Capstone project also installed a sense of

accomplishment and boost my confidence in abilities offering, drawing, and
editing. It validates skills and knowledge, demonstrating capacity to tackle
complex tasks and produce high-quality work. During the creation of cartoon, I
got the opportunity to be involved in interaction with professionals, experts, or
mentors in the dentistry clinic. This presented opportunities for building
connections within the industry. Collaborating with others and seeking guidance
from experienced individuals provide valuable insights, feedback, and potential
future opportunities for me, which I find super important.

Even though I did not mention my mentor a lot in the Capstone Updates, I was
still shadowing people in the clinic and during those times the questions arose, to
which I was able to find answers quickly, which contributed to the cartoon about
oral health overall. My mentor was someone who provided essential feedback
and set me up for the right path. The process of conceptualizing and executing a
Capstone project made me reflect on career goals and aspirations of putting time
and effort into one aspect. Overall, completing a Capstone project was personally
fulfilling for me.

¨ Thinking about the whole process and your finished product, what are you
most proud of?

Simply to be proud of it means that I have finished it. Due to being a perfectionist,
I have redone the same frame couple of times, I have used different tools just to
ensure it is finished in a good quality. The ultimate measure of success for a
dental hygiene cartoon would be its positive impact on children's oral health. Iff
my cartoon inspires children to adopt good dental hygiene habits, motivates them
to take care of their teeth, and encourages them to visit the dentist regularly, it
would be a significant achievement not only for me, however for themselves as

Another aspect I am proud of is my script, which was engaging and entertaining

for the children and my own mentor. By the end of my finished work, I was able
to share this cartoon and get a feedback from my mentor, where she mentioned
if I spent so much on the movie related to teeth, it is a sign of pursuing this career
and my interest. She also has a child, and the way she showed it to her daughter,
which was very entertaining for her, reinforced my efforts. Children often respond
well to content that is engaging and entertaining. If the dental hygiene cartoon
manages to capture the attention of its young audience and hold their interest
throughout, that would be a notable accomplishment for me. By incorporating
captivating visuals, relatable characters, and a compelling storyline, my cartoon
can make learning about oral health a fun and enjoyable experience.

¨ What was a difficulty you encountered and how did you solve the problem?

One difficulty encountered while creating a cartoon was the physical strain
caused by extended hours of working on the computer and the potential impact
on eye health. The excessive screen time and repetitive movements while
drawing can lead to eye strain, fatigue, and discomfort in the arm and hand.
Recognizing the importance of taking breaks to prevent physical strain, I
incorporated regular intervals during my “work” sessions. These breaks allow me
to rest my eyes, stretch my muscles, and relax my arm. By stepping away from the
computer and engaging in different activities such as cleaning an apartment, I
provided my eyes and body with much-needed relief, reducing the risk of strain
and fatigue.I also ensured that your workspace was set up ergonomically to
minimize physical strain. Adjusting the height of the chair, maintaining good
posture, and positioning the computer monitor at eye level helped alleviate strain
on your neck, back, and eyes. Additionally, using an ergonomic mouse or stylus
and maintaining a comfortable grip helped reduce stress on my arm and hand
muscles. To prevent overexertion and excessive screen time, I developed a
schedule that balanced my creative work with sufficient rest and recovery
periods, which is every day for about 2 hours was spent on the project, and
Saturday, Sunday is the “rest days”. By allocating specific time slots for drawing,
taking breaks, and engaging in other activities, I ensured a healthier and more
sustainable approach to the creative process.

¨ What is one thing about your finished project you wish you could change?

If I were to reflect on my finished Capstone Project, one thing I might wish to

change is starting the project earlier. This is because starting late can limit the
amount of time available for research, exploration, and iteration, potentially
impacting the overall quality and depth of the project, and I have started early
March. Starting earlier would have allowed me to conduct more comprehensive
research on the chosen topic. It takes time to gather and analyze a wide range of
sources, delve into different perspectives, and explore various methodologies. A
longer research phase would have provided a stronger foundation for critical
analysis and a deeper understanding of the subject matter. Beginning the project
earlier would have afforded more time for iteration and refinement. Iteration is
crucial for incorporating feedback, testing ideas, and making improvements based
on critical thinking and analysis. With a longer timeline, I could have engaged in
multiple cycles of iteration, leading to a more polished and impactful outcome.
Beginning the project early would have provided a buffer for unforeseen
challenges or roadblocks that may arise during the project, which is again time to
draw was minimal. These challenges could include technical difficulties, limited
access to resources, or unexpected delays in data collection. Having additional
time would have allowed for effective problem-solving and mitigating potential
setbacks. A longer project timeline enables more extensive reflection and
revision. Taking the time to critically reflect on the project's progress and
outcomes can lead to valuable insights and improvements. Additional revision
cycles would have allowed me to fine-tune my arguments, strengthen the
structure, and ensure greater coherence in the final project.
¨ What advice would you give to a student who will be completing their
Capstone Project next year?

Since Capstone is very demanding, you must be prepared for it. Select a Capstone
Project topic that genuinely interests you and aligns with your passions. When
you are genuinely engaged with the subject matter, it becomes easier to maintain
motivation, sustain curiosity, and demonstrate a deep level of critical thinking
throughout the project. Even if you think it will not benefit in the future, it does
not matter if you do what you like! Clearly articulate the goals and objectives of
your Capstone Project. Establishing a clear direction will help you stay focused
and provide a framework for critical analysis and decision-making. Regularly
revisit and reassess these goals to ensure your project stays on track and evolves
in response to new insights and discoveries. Embrace a diverse range of
perspectives and viewpoints related to your Capstone Project such as discussions
with your friends or even the teacher since she was teaching the subject for a
while and has a wide experience on this topic. Seek out alternative viewpoints
and challenge your own assumptions. By considering multiple perspectives, you
can engage in critical thinking that considers different contexts, experiences, and
opinions. This will enrich your understanding and help you develop a well-
rounded and informed project. Encountering challenges is a natural part of any
Capstone Project. Embrace creative problem-solving approaches by thinking
outside the box, considering alternative solutions, and experimenting with
innovative ideas. Apply critical thinking skills to analyze the problems, evaluate
potential solutions, and choose the most effective course of action and remember
– stay on the right path, you can do it!

¨ What source from your research helped you the most? (or least?).

One source that significantly helped me during my research for the Capstone
Project was the diverse range of experiences shared by people on platforms like
YouTube. While traditional academic sources provide valuable scholarly insights,
the firsthand experiences shared by individuals on platforms like YouTube offered
a unique and relatable perspective. The experiences shared on YouTube allowed
me to connect with real people who had encountered similar situations or
challenges related to my Capstone Project. Their authenticity and relatability
made the information more tangible and applicable to real-life scenarios. By
hearing their stories, I gained a deeper understanding of the practical implications
and impacts of the topic I was researching. One of them helped to confidently use
program “Krita”. As was already mentioned I am someone who comprehends
better information through listening. YouTube videos often combine visual and
audio elements, enhancing the learning experience. These multimedia formats
allowed me to engage with the content more dynamically and effectively. Seeing
and hearing individuals share their experiences added depth and nuance to the
information, enabling me to absorb the material in a more immersive and
memorable way. YouTube content is often more up-to-date and reflective of
current trends and discussions. This timeliness was particularly beneficial for
staying informed about emerging topics or ongoing debates related to my
Capstone Project. It allowed me to incorporate the most recent experiences and
perspectives into my research, ensuring the relevance and applicability of my

¨ What is one thing about your approach to your project that you wish you
could change? Why?

By being hard on myself, I have subjected myself to unnecessary stress, self-

doubt, and negative self-talk. This could have have hampered my creativity,
hindered my critical thinking, and impeded my overall enjoyment of the project.
By cultivating self-compassion and adopting a more supportive mindset, I could
have fostered a healthier and more positive approach, allowing for greater
resilience and a more productive mindset. Consequently, being hard on myself
can sometimes lead to a hypercritical viewpoint, where even minor setbacks or
imperfections are magnified. This can cloud judgment and hinder the ability to
objectively assess progress and make informed decisions. By adopting a more
balanced perspective, I could have recognized my achievements, acknowledged
areas for growth, and made constructive adjustments without excessive self-
criticism. The pressure and self-criticism associated with being hard on us can lead
to burnout and decreased productivity. Negative self-talk can drain energy,
demotivate, and create unnecessary barriers to progress. By adopting a more self-
compassionate approach, I could have maintained a healthier work-life balance,
replenished my energy levels, and maximized my productivity, resulting in a more
efficient and rewarding experience overall. If I had changed my approach by being
less hard on myself during the Capstone Project, I could have cultivated self-
compassion, gained a more balanced perspective, embraced risk-taking and
exploration, increased productivity and efficiency, and fostered enhanced
learning and growth. These changes would have created a more positive and
supportive environment, promoted a healthier mindset and allowing for greater
engagement with critical thinking and creativity throughout the project, which
could be another advice I would give future students.

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