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Public institution of higher education based
on Queretaro since 2011.
In 2013, it adopted the BIS model
(Bilingual, International y Sustainable).
The BIS modality as we know it today, is
structured around three guiding axes:
Bilingualism, Internationalization, and
Sustainability. All three components provide
a new methodology of certain expectations
like innovation, higher learning, and other
formation skills and knowledges. Therefore,
this has an impact on the students to
become more independent and competitive
so that these students can participate in
different programs, foreign exchanges, and
meet the demands of a globalized
international market.
Competences model
This models characterizes for offering

Knowledges + abilities + Skills + Attitudes = Competences

- Students will develop competencies to be able to have a good
performance abroad.
-Some students will go abroad
- or they’ll have foreing professors
Education for Sustainability propose to impulse a solidary
education that contributes an appropriate perception of state of
the world.
- Generate attitudes and responsible compromises
- to prepare citizens for fundamental decisions taking
- for a plural cultural development, socially fair and ecologically
1 University produces all of its own energy.

2 Reforestation events

Community outreach

Themed gardens with native flora


Water collection
Replantation of trees
Permanent Garbage separation campaign
Monarch Project.
Awarded Innovation and Leadership in
Sustainability from the Government.
- Inclusive
- sign language classes
The University is the second public
institution in the country that offers support
services to students with disabilities
(auditory, visual and physical).

Offers an inclusive early college program

in partnership with areas high schools for
students with disabilities.
- Spanish- English
- Immersion course. intensive
- reinforce the second language throughout the year
- a third language (French or German)
At UPSRJ,we use the CEFR as a framework of reference to
measure the level of linguistic competence students possess.

At the end of immersion course, students are usually required to

pass the ITEP core exam with a level of A2. This allows them to
enroll into the first cycle of their majors.
In order to graduate, students are required to pass the ITEP plus
exam with a leel of at least B2.
The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages:
Learning, Teaching, Assessment, abbreviated in English as
CEFR or CEF or CEFRL, is a guideline used to describe
achievements of learners of foreign languages across Europe
and, increasingly, in other countries.
To pass immersion, students need an A2:
Can understand sentences and frequently used expressions
related to areas of most immediate relevance (e.g. very basic
personal and family information, shopping, local geography,
employment). Can communicate in simple and routine tasks
requiring a simple and direct exchange of information on
familiar and routine matters. Can describe in simple terms
aspects of his/her background, immediate environment and
matters in areas of immediate need.
Most of our students are somewhere
around B1 level of competence:
Can understand the main points of clear standard input on
familiar matters regularly encountered in work, school, leisure,
Can deal with most situations likely to arise whilst travelling
Can produce simple connected text on topics which are familiar
or of personal interest.
Can describe experiences and events, dreams, hopes and
ambitions and briefly give reasons and explanations for
opinions and plans.
Out main goal is to help students reach
Can understand the main ideas of complex text on both concrete
and abstract topics, including technical discussions in his/her field
of specialization.

Can interact with a degree of fluency and spontaneity that makes

regular interaction with native speakers quite possible without
strain for either party.

Can produce clear, detailed text on a wide range of subjects and

explain a viewpoint on a topical issue giving the advantages and
disadvantages of various options.
iTEP, or International Test of English Proficiency, is an English
assessment test designed to be more convenient,
comprehensive, and affordable for students and administrators
alike. It can be taken on-demand over 90 minutes at secure test
centers all over the world. In addition to iTEP’s detailed score
report, administrators can access speaking and writing
samples to get a more complete picture.
There are 3 types of iTEP exams
iTEP Academic is used for admissions by colleges and universities all over
the United States. Intensive English programs or IEPs often use the test
for placement. It can even be taken at home in these cases. iTEP scores
match up to CEFR levels and can easily be compared to other tests.

iTEP SLATE (Secondary Level Assessment Test of English) is specially

designed for young learners and used by boarding schools and private
high schools. In fact, iTEP SLATE is the most widely available and
technologically advanced English test made for this market.

ITEP Business tests a speaker’s fluency in workplace English. It is used

by large and small companies for hiring decisions, promotions, and
progress monitoring.

At UPSRJ the students present the Academic test

iTEP Academic: Features content, settings, and vocabulary

typically found at educational institutions.

o iTEP Academic Core assesses Reading, Listening, and

Grammar skills. The exam is 50 minutes in length, with an additional
10 minutes given to pre-test preparation.
o iTEP Academic-Plus assesses Reading, Listening, Grammar,
Writing, and Speaking skills. The exam is 80 minutes in length, with
an additional 10 minutes given to pre-test preparation.
• Students will take an ITEP exam at the end of each year.


Students Students should Students should Students must

should achieve B1 achieve a level achieve a B2
achieve an A2 level in the B1 in the level or higher in
level in the receptive skills receptive and the receptive
receptive skills productive skills and productive
Students must have a B2 level or higher in order to get their degree
Clases de


Diferentes humano
Monitoreo de
niveles de los Docentes Material

-Examen de -Capacitaciones -Proyectos

colocación -Trabajo en -Libro
- Reagrupación
-Divididos por equipo -Booklets
bloques y
● The focus of this term is prepare students to use English for
communicative purpose.
● Students will develop the 4 language skills (reading, listening,
speaking and writing) to a basic level.
The structure of the language is practiced through these four
● The objective of the course is to take the students’
competencies in the language to an A2 CEFR level.
● Students take 6 hours of English lessons Monday to Friday for
12 weeks, making a total of 360 hours.
• Each day is divided into 3 sessions. Two of the sessions are
used to develop the 4 language skills, and one to studying the
structure of language. Some of the sessions are dedicated to
take mock certification exams to practice specific strategies
that will help the students when taking the iTEP.
One day a week is devoted to work on a collaborative project
where students analyze and discuss different topics related to
the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals.
There are three terms throughout the year
January- April
May- August
September- December

All careers last nine terms

1st, 2nd, and 3rd
The objective of the first year is to consolidate the basic
structures and functions of the language.
There is an emphasis on the acquisition of culture,
language and the development of the receptive skills.

At the end of the 3rd term, the students should certify the
B1 CEFR level in the receptive skills.
The First year is usually in the
morning shift.

Students take 2 hours of

English lessons, Monday to
Friday for 12 weeks, making a
total of 120 hours.
4th, 5th, and 6th
The objective of the second year is to prepare students to
use English for academic purposes.

There is an emphasis on the acquisition of vocabulary that

would help the students to fulfill their needs in an
academic environment.

At the end of the 6th term, students should achieve the B1

CEFR level in both the receptive and productive skills.
The Second year is usually in
the afternoon shift.

Students take 2 hours of

English lessons, Monday to
Thursday for 12 weeks,
making a total of 96 hours.
7th, 8th, and 9th
The objective of the third year is to prepare students to
take an English Language Certification Exam.

There is an emphasis on the acquisition of specific skills

related to language certifications.

At the end of the 9th term, students must achieve the B2

CEFR level in both the receptive and productive skills.
The Third year is usually in the
afternoon shift.

Students take 2 hours of

English lessons, Monday to
Friday for 12 weeks, making a
total of 120 hours.

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