Solutionary Project Research Log 2 Scholar

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Research Log #2 - Solutionary Project 2022

Date: 14 February 2023

Name: Kyana Gaviola
Essential Question: How is mental health significant to the impact it has on people’s daily lives?

Three Points to Prove: #1: Mental health can lead to harmful behaviors.

#2: Mental health affects people’s physical health.

#3: Adolescents experience more mental health problems than any other age

Point that this Source Proves: #2 Mental health affects people’s physical health

Excerpts (These should provide insight into the Point to Prove)

“Mental health and physical health are fundamentally linked. People living with a serious mental illness
are at higher risk of experiencing a wide range of chronic physical conditions. Conversely, people living
with chronic physical health conditions experience depression and anxiety at twice the rate of the
general population.” (CMHA, 2008).
According to the Canadian Mental Health Association in Ontario (2008), they reported that “Co-existing
mental and physical conditions can diminish quality of life and lead to longer illness duration and worse
health outcomes”.

The article explains how “Mental illness can impact social and cognitive function and decrease energy
levels, which can negatively impact the adoption of healthy behaviors”. This is important because the
relationship between physical and mental health are directly correlated with people physical, social, and
mental interactions (CMHA, 2008).

Analysis (How does this source support the Point to Prove?):

There is a direct link between mental health and physical health. People who suffer from
underlying physical conditions tend to experience mental problems like anxiety and depression. Whereas
people dealing with mental conditions have a greater chance of developing serious physical problems.
Understanding the relationship between mind and body is essential in developing strategies to combat the
incidence of co-existing conditions and aid people struggling with mental and chronic physical
Physiological and emotional changes have an impact on both the body and mind. Anybody
battling with mental illnesses undergoes physical symptoms caused by their condition(s) and treatment.
Hormonal imbalances and sleep patterns can be affected by mental diseases, and many psychiatric drugs
can have adverse effects like weight gain and irregular heartbeats. As a result of these symptoms, there is
an increased vulnerability to a number of physical conditions results.
Every person deals with mental health and the effects of it differently. According to the Canadian
Mental Health Association, how a person experiences their mental illnesses can determine the
“susceptibility of developing poor physical health”. In comparison to people who don’t experience any
form of mental problems, Canadian people who have reported symptoms of depression, experience
The relationship between physical and mental health has a high correlation. People with long-
term physical condition(s) are more likely to experience a mental health disorder, where depression and
anxiety are the most common mental health issues that people tend to suffer with.
Genetics, poor diet, low motivation levels, and insufficient access to healthcare are just a few reasons
people’s mental health might decline.
Mental health and mental illness are not interchangeable. The two terms are completely different. Mental
health involves emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It affects how people think, act, and feel
towards situations.

Work Cited (correct MLA format):

O'Loughlin, Rachel et al. “The relationship between physical and mental health multimorbidity and
children's health-related quality of life.” Quality of life research : an international journal of quality of
life aspects of treatment, care and rehabilitation vol. 31,7 (2022): 2119-2131. doi:10.1007/s11136-022-

This is a reputable and reliable article because it was published by PudMed Central under the National
Library of Medicine. The Canadian Mental Health Association which works closely with all levels of
their organization to promote and ensure national access to mental health services and promote
eliminating inequities in mental health.

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