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clear all ;

N = input ( 'Enter The Number Of Array Elements : ' ) ;

lambda = input ( 'Enter The Value Of Lambda (c/f) : ' ) ;
B = (2*pi/lambda);
for I = 1 : N
Current = I
Cm(I) = input ( 'Enter the Magnitude of the Current in Amperes : ' ) ;
Cp(I) = input ( 'Enter the Phase of the Current : ' ) ;
K = input ( 'Enter the Position of Element on X-axis : ' ) ;
C(I) = Cm(I) * exp(1j * B * sin(Cp(I)*pi/180));
%Plot of The Output Polar
u = 0:0.01:2*pi ; %0<u<2*pi
H = 0;
for I = 1 : N
H = H + ( C(I) .* exp ( -1j * ( I-1 ) * K * sin (u) ) ) ;
F = abs(H);
figure ( 1 ) , polar ( u , F ) ;

Faz:0 lamda:0.25 Faz:0 lamda:0.5

Faz:0 lamda:1

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