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Poics Wot eT Republicans to hold FBI Director Wray in contempt of Congress over Biden document Document allegedly describes a criminal scheme involving President Biden and a foreign national @ Pyrat seg Forhene More from Politics oS ‘eninge a a «=. ‘Comer threatens contempt proceedings over FBIs failure to deliver alleged Biden doc House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer is taking steps told FB Director Christopher Wray in contempt of Congress after the Bureau notified the panel wil not comply with ts subpoena related toa possible criminal scheme involving then Vice President Joe Biden ‘Comer, ky, ha subpoenaed the FB for adacument that allegedly describes a riminal scheme involving iden and a foreign national and relating to the exchange of money for polcy decisions. The document is an FBl-generated FD-1023 form. Federal Eurcsau of Investig zaon va) Omaha Division | ner cnc ot og. 16,202, nah, Nera AP Pre Comer first subpoenaed the document atl this month, The FBI didnot tun over and instead explained that t needed to protect the Bureau's confidential human source Program. FB CONTEMPT OF CONGRESS DEADLINE LOOMS AS COMER DEMANDS KEY BIDEN DOCUMENT ‘Comer set another deadline last week, giving Wray uti Tuesday, May 30 to tun over the document. After the deadline was set, Wray setup acall with Come fr Wednesday, May a However the FBI notified the panel t would not provide the document tothe committee by the Tuesday ateroon deadline. "Today, the FB! informed the Committee that will not provide the uncassiied documents subpoenaed by the Committee? Comer said Tuesday. "The FA's decision to stif-arm ‘Congress and hide this information from the American people is obstructionist and unacceptable” “While have a call scheduled with FB Director Wray tomorrow to discuss his response ‘further, the Committee has been clea init intent to protect Congrestonal oversight authorities and wil now be taking steps to hold the FBI Diretorn contempt of Congress for refusing to comply wit a lawful subpoena’ Comer said ‘COMER THREATENS TO HOLD FBI IN CONTEMPT OF CONGRESS IF IT FAILS TO. RELEASE KEY BIDEN DOCUMENT He added: ‘Americans deserve the truth and the Oversight Commitee will continue to ‘demand traneparency from ths nation’s chief law enforcement agency” Jame Come Repblan ton Kerk ncaa he Haus Oe and ecahny {pmb ny ‘Te documents being sought after a whistleblower approsched Comer and Sen, Chuck Grassley, Rows, alleging that the FBI and the Justice Department were in possession of It and that it would reveal'a precise description of how te alleged criminal scheme was employed ae well ae ts purpose” ‘Comer attempted to “narron the breadth ofthe subpoena" in response to Fl staff ertcssms, the committee determined ‘edtional terms based on unclassified legally protected whistleblower dlsclosures that may be referenced in the FO-1023 form” The terme included "June 30, 2020" and “ve milion WHISTLEBLOWER ALLEGES FBI, DOJ HAVE DOCUMENT REVEALING CRIMINAL SCHEME INVOLVING BIDEN, FOREIGN NATIONAL ‘The back-andforth came after Comer and Sen, Chuck Grassley notified Wray and Attomey General Merck Garland this month about the "epally protected and highly credible unclassified whistleblower disclosures ‘Comer and Grassley sid that based on ‘the alleged specifiy within the document ‘would appear that the DOJ and the Fal have enough information to determine the uth and accuracy ofthe information contained within "The FBS mission sto protect the American people. Releasing confidential source Information could potentially jeopardize investigations and put lives at ak the FBI 8 statement. "The FBI remains committed to cooperating with Congress's oversight requests on tis matter and others as we always have: ‘The White House has maintained that business dealings and has continued to say that the president was never involved in them. Officials also say the president has never discussed investigations into members of his family withthe Justice Department resident never spoke to his son about his ro cor Cea Business Poy Tech cory

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