Exploring The Impact of Social Media On Mental Health of Adolescents

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Social media has become on integral part of our daily lives, especially for teenagers. While it can be
great tool for communication and self-expression, It can also have negative effects on Mental health.
This questionnaire aims to gather information about how social media affects the mental health of a
adolescents both positively and negatively. Your participation in this study will contribute better
This questionnaire is used to help the researches collect informations in order to complete the study
of Exploring the Impact of Social Media on Mental Health of Adolescents. Please answer all the
questions by providing appropriate information the data will utmost confidentially
Note: Write YES or NO
1. Do you use any social media platforms?
2. Do you that social media has positive impact on your mental health
3. Have you ever experience negative emotion (e.g sadness or anger)
4. Do you feel that social media has negative on your self-esteem?
5. Have you ever receive negative comments or feedback on social media that affected your self-
6. Have you ever compared your looks to others on social media and felt dissatisfied or insecure?
7. Have you ever diagnosed with mental health condition because of social media
8. Have you ever compared yourself to others on social media and felt inferior or inadequate?
9. Have you posted yourself and felt judged?
10. Have you ever taken a break on social media to improve your mental health?
Note: Write A if you agree or write D if you Dissagree
1. Social media has a negative impact on the mental health of adolescents.
2. Social media is a major contributor to the rise in mental health issues among adolescents.
3. Social media use should be limited for adolescents in order to protect their mental health.
4. Social media can have both positive and negative effects on the mental health of adolescents.
5. The benefits of social media outweigh the potential negative impact on the mental health of
6. "Social media use is not a significant factor in the mental health of adolescents.
7. Adolescents who use social media responsibly are not at risk for mental health issues.
8. Parents and caregivers should monitor the social media use of adolescents to prevent negative
impacts on their mental health.
9. Social media companies have a responsibility to address the potential negative impact of their
platforms on adolescent mental health.
10. Adolescents should be educated on how to use social media in a way that promotes positive
mental health.

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