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There will be two papers in the subject: 3. Basic Concepts
Paper I - Theory: 3 hours ……70 marks (i) Individual and Society.
Paper II- Practical Work ……30 marks Understanding the role of an individual and
his relation to society.
PAPER - I (THEORY) – 70 Marks Definition of Society; characteristics of
Society – to be explained in detail.
1. Origin and Development of Sociology and Discuss the definition, characteristics,
Anthropology problems and differences between Rural and
(i) Emergence of Sociology as a Discipline. Urban Society.
(ii) Socialization – Man as a Social Animal.
Discuss the definition, origin and growth of
Human being as a rational and social partner
the discipline briefly. in environmental actions.
Define the nature and scope of Sociology. Definition and characteristics of
(ii) Classical Thinkers and Theories. Contribution socialization; primary and secondary
agencies of socialization (family, school,
of the Classical Thinkers on the basis of their
society, peer group, media, religion).
Definition of natural selection, social
Discuss the contribution of the following on selection and heredity.
the basis of the given theories: Nature vs. nurture – to be discussed briefly
• Auguste Comte – Positivism; (Explain man as a social being, using the
examples of the feral cases of Amla and
• Max Weber - Interpretive Sociology Kamala. Documentaries on Genie and Anna
(bureaucracy, types of authority); may be shown as resource material).
• Karl Marx - Conflict Theory (class and (iii) Culture
class struggle). Notion and attributes of culture.
(iii) Sociology and other Social Sciences. Definition and characteristics of culture;
An understanding of the interrelationship brief explanation of the features of norms,
between Sociology and other Social Sciences folkways, mores, customs, values. Definitions
only of material and non-material culture,
Relationship between Sociology and other culture lag and culture conflict.
Social Sciences (similarities and differences)
A brief look at some past traditions and
- Political Science, Economics, Anthropology customs which reflect a close understanding
History, Psychology, Philosophy. of material and non-material culture e.g.
johads, farmers crops and growing season in
2. Research Methodology complete harmony with the local
Importance of research methodology in environment and seasons, etc.
Sociology and Anthropology. 4. Social Structure
Definition and importance of social research.
Tools of data collection (primary and (i) Social groups
secondary): A brief idea of research tools used – Definition and features of Community and
Association, differences between Community
questionnaire, interview, observation,
and Association; definition and features of
documentary research. Definition, merits and Primary Groups and Secondary Groups,
demerits of the above. differences between Primary Groups and
(ISC Revised Syllabus 2024)
Secondary Groups; definition and features of PAPER II (PROJECT WORK) – 30 MARKS
Organized and Unorganized groups (public,
mobs, crowd and crowd behaviour), To do justice to the basic structural principles and
differences between Organized and theoretical orientation of the discipline, empirical and
Unorganized groups; definition only of the ethnographic substantiation is essential. In keeping
Reference group, In-group, Out-group. with the significance of doing practical work and
gaining a hands-on understanding of various social
(ii) Status and Role
issues, candidates are expected to undertake two
Definition of status; types of status - ascribed studies. Topics for the studies should be chosen from
and achieved: definition, features and within the overall syllabus as there is ample scope for
differences between the two; determinants of diversity.
Definition of role, role conflict and role Candidates will be expected to have completed two
stereotype. studies from any chapter covered in Theory.
Assessment for each study will be as detailed below:
The above to be explained with the help of
examples with special reference to the Mark allocation per study [15 marks] will be as
Looking Glass Self Theory by C.H. Cooley follows:
(definition and brief explanation through one
example). Statement of the purpose 1 mark
(iii) Social processes. Overall format 1 mark
Co-operation, competition and conflict – Hypothesis 1 mark
their definitions, characteristics and Choice of technique 1 mark
differences. Detailed procedure 4 marks
5. Social Problems Limitation 1 mark
Overpopulation (with focus on poverty, Conclusion 2 marks
unemployment, illiteracy), Child Labour, Viva-voce based on the study 4 marks
Juvenile Delinquency, Problems of the Aged and
Problems of the Differently Abled (social and TOTAL 15 Marks
cultural attitude and built environment).
List of suggested studies for Project Work:
All the above social problems to be discussed in
detail highlighting their causes and remedial 1. The problem of Child Labour in India.
measures. 2. Children and beggary.
Additionally, problems of the aged and problems 3. Poverty and Crime.
of the differently abled to be discussed with 4. The Population explosion and its impact on urban
reference to social, cultural environment and the
infrastructure - attitudes, special requirements
e.g. ramps, signage. 5. The changing nature of culture and tradition.
6. Indian Sociologists 6. Cultural fusion and Gen-X.
Contribution of the Indian Thinkers in the field of 7. The Urban family, the role of Voluntary
Sociology: Irawati Karve, G.S. Ghurye, M.N. Associations or The Urban Neighbourhood.
Srinivas. 8. Rural society in India or The Village in India (an
The following contributions of each of the example can be taken and elaborated upon), for
thinkers are to be discussed: e.g. Anna Hazare’s village Ralegan Siddhi).
G.S. Ghurye – Theories of Origin of the Caste 9. Biographical sketch of one of the thinkers –
system; Weber, Comte, Srinivas, Ghurye, etc.
Irawati Karve – Kinship and the family; 10. Slums in the urban neighbourhood.
M.N. Srinivas – The Concept of Brahminization 11. Problems of the aged in India.
and Sankritization.
12. Problems of the differently abled in India

(ISC Revised Syllabus 2024)
The topics that have been outlined for Practical Work Technique: Students need to identify whom they
are based on the syllabus. are going to study and then gather their data
The project topics are diverse and at the same time − by observing the daily routine of the
there are common themes running through some of child/children and recording this; and
them. As this is so, it is possible to club some topics − by creating a questionnaire to interview them
in terms of the methodology that can be used to carry for preparing a case history.
out the research as has been done below. The student needs to ask questions about:
The nature of the topics that have been chosen can  the age (remember many will lie about their
also be separated into two categories. Some topics age as they know it is illegal to work)
are theory based and so the methodology will largely  family background (members in the family
be second hand information gathering from already /caste/class/ and religion)
available material, while there are also ethnographic  level of education and whether they would
topics for which students can go and do first hand like to go to school
field studies.  whether they are migrants and why they have
Some topics combine theory (second hand data) with migrated
the empirical (first hand data). It may be interesting  the economic position of the family and why
if teachers guide students towards doing one study of they work/and who all in the family work
each kind. This way a student will have some  what they earn
knowledge of both the theoretical as well as  how they spend their free time
ethnographic character of social facts.  what would they like to do if they did not
Guidelines for completing some of the studies for have to work
Practical Work are listed below. This may be used as  how aware are they about the government
a reference for conducting studies on other listed law against child labour.
topics. Students can classify the data gathered also in
1. The problem of Child Labour in India (S. No. terms of the differences between girls and boys
1 - List of suggested assignments for Practical as this will give an idea of gender discrimination
Work) existing in the sample.
2. Children and Beggary (S. No. 2 - List of The data gathered can be supported with a photo
suggested assignments for Practical Work) essay of the child /children studied and their
living conditions/work place, etc.
The methodology and the analysis is the same for
Interpretation: An analysis of the data gathered
the above two topics.
is important and does not have to be complicated.
Aim: To study the social position of children in Students should be asked to do a critical
India. examination of the data they gather by
Data: The data available here is both secondary contrasting what they find from their study with
and empirical. the government laws, which can be found on the
Methodology: Students should first identify the
sample they are going to study. To do this, Students should be asked to look for information
students must first seek out places where they can on industries where child labour is used.
find children below the age of 15 years, engaged For example:
in doing work. These can be: their − The firecracker industry in Sivakasi,
neighbourhoods, on way to school or near school,
construction sites, roadside eateries, in homes,
− Aligarh lock industry,
working in factories /repair shops, on street − Firozabad bangle workers,
corner shops, children begging in the streets (or − Carpet makers in Benaras,
at religious places), at traffic lights, at railway − Mine workers in Manipur,
stations, etc.
− Football makers in UP.

(ISC Revised Syllabus 2024)
This information and the government For example:
legislations are easily available on the − they can do a case study of the broken-down
Internet. state of the roads,
This will help them understand and analyse the − collapse of the transport system,
problem they have chosen to study. − the non-availability of water in their
They should: neighbourhoods,
(i) Examine why children are in these jobs/ − the power cuts,
positions; − the rise of prices
(ii) Examine failure of the family and so the need − growth of the neighbourhood slum
for children to work;
Technique: Students will have to gather first
(iii) Examine failure of the government to provide hand material from around their neighbourhoods:
for such families; − by observing how things have collapsed or
(iv) Examine how these children fail to be changed and record these
educated and whether boys are more − by interviewing residents in the area chosen
educated than girls; and ask them their opinion of the changes
(v) Examine the role of urban society in creating and what should be done to improve the
the need for such child labour (for example situation
the employment of young girls to take care of − by talking to local administrators like a
children in many urban households); councillor about why things have collapsed
(vi) Identify how there is gender discrimination Students can also take two neighbouring areas
in terms of the kind of work boys and girls which seem different and compare the two areas.
do; Interpretation: The data gathered needs to be
(vii) Examine if there is a pattern in the migration, analysed by examining how:
i.e., whether they come from the same (i) Civic agencies have failed to provide basic
region, caste class and religion and how this amenities;
can be related to the poor conditions of life (ii) Examine how residents feel they can
where they are originally from. contribute to improving the conditions;
Conclusion (iii) They can also study the impact of migration
on the urban areas leading to the rise of
− Problems faced in data gathering and
slums because the population explosion is
analyses to be mentioned.
largely due to migration to the city;
− In conclusion, compare the situation of these (iv) Data will show why people migrate to the
children to their own urban advantaged city;
upbringing and do a critique of the local
(v) An interesting connection between the rural
government as well as a critical self-analysis.
and urban areas can be drawn by looking at
3. The Population Explosion and its Impact on slums, and the nature of occupations found
Urban Society (S. No. 4 - List of suggested there.
assignments for Practical Work)
4. Biographical Sketches of one of the Thinkers -
Aim: To examine the relationship between urban Weber, Comte, Srinivas, Ghurye, etc. (S. No. 9
expansion and the collapse of the urban society. - List of suggested assignments for Practical
This collapse is reflected not only in a breakdown Work)
of law and order but also in the breakdown of Aim: To present a simple overview of the
urban infrastructure; and it leads to the growth of thinkers and their primary contribution and see
slums. how students are able to apply practically what
Data: Students can study a particular aspect of they have studied in class theoretically.
the collapse of the infrastructure.

(ISC Revised Syllabus 2024)
Data: Students must first choose a thinker they GUIDELINES FOR TEACHERS:
like. 1. It must be emphasized that the process of doing
Students will have to use secondary sources and the project is as important as the final project.
what they have learnt in class to gather 2. Once the project/projects are chosen, there
information. Other secondary source materials should be a process of brainstorming to
available in the library should be used, such as encourage students to prepare a draft/structure for
encyclopaedias. Information is also available on the project before embarking on research.
the internet. 3. During the brainstorming/discussion, the teacher
Interpretation: From the available material, the should discuss the assessment criteria with the
student should: students.
− Present a brief biographical history of the 4. The teacher should discuss the draft with the
thinker student with regard to the central question and
− Discuss major theoretical contributions of the the type of sources to be used.
thinker 5. The students should be guided on doing the
− Take an example to discuss the empirical research and looking at different types of
application of anyone of the theoretical ideas evidence.
attributed to the thinker. 6. Books and suitable reference material could be
suggested by the teachers and made available to
For example, a student could do a sketch of
Durkheim and his study of religion and then take
the example of tribal religion to explain the 7. Internet sites could be suggested, but care must
concept of totems and clans. Or Marx’s concept be taken in selecting, using and citing these sites.
of the rise of communism can be discussed with 8. Students must be cautioned against plagiarism
the help of examples. and be penalized for the same.
9. Marks must be awarded for content and
originality and not for decorative elements and
10. Projects must be the original work of the student.

(ISC Revised Syllabus 2024)

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