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Making Note
Describe an item of clothing you like to wear
Pair of jeans
Present Tense + Past Tense
Designer brand trendy

Describe a vehicle that you would like to own:

Conditional sentence … I would/ could
A luxury millionaire

Membuat Cerita
Describe a sport that you like playing or watching
You should say
What the sport is
How often you play/watch it
Why you like it
Whether it is popular in your country

Kita mulai dengan “What the sport is” untuk memulai bercerita.

“I guess I could begin by saying something about what the sport is, and I think I would have to choose football.
Most people know that football is …”

Yang kedua adalah “How often you play/watch it”.

“Going on to my next point which is how often I play it, I really need to add that if I have enough time I usually play
it about twice a week. In fact …”

Yang ketiga adalah “Why you like it”.

“And now with reference to why I like it, the point I want to make here is that …”

Yang terakhir adalah “Whether it is popular in your country”

“And so finally then, If I have time, in answer to the question of whether it is popular in my country, really I should
mention that …”.

Struktur untuk menjawab tes berbicara bagian kedua tanpa jawaban inti adalah:
“I guess I could begin by saying something about what the sport is, and I think I would have to choose …
Going on to my next point which is how often I play it, I really need to add that …
And now with reference to why I like it, the point I want to make here is that …
And finally then, if I have time, in answer to the question of whether it is popular in my country, really I should
mention that …”

Cerita Utuh

Describe a famous person you would like to meet.

You should say
Who the person is
Why he is/she is famous
Why you would like to meet this celebrity
What you would like to do if you met this person

“I guess I could begin by saying that something about who this person is, and I think I would have to choose the
multi-talented celebrity Agnes Mo from Indonesia.

Going on to my next point which is why she is famous, I really need to add that she is a renowned Indonesian
singer as well as a successful actress. In fact she is probably the first Indonesian singer to achieve some
international music award in the USA and collaborate with some well-known singers in the USA.

And now with reference to why I would like to meet this celebrity, the point I want to make here is that I have
always been a big fan of her since I was little child and she became a host for a music program on TV station in
Indonesia. If I had the chance to meet one of my childhood idols, it would be a dream come true.

Finally then, If I have time, in answer to the question of what I would like to do if I met her really I should mention
that I would probably ask her to teach me a few special singing techniques and I would possibly invite her out for
dinner at a classy restaurant or something like that.”

Frase Pembuka + poin pertama kartu topik

Ok then, I guess I could start off by answering who the person is …

Alright then, in response to the first question of who the person is …
So to begin with, in replay to initial point of who the person is …
Ok, I’ll start the ball rolling by touching on the matter of who the person is …
Right then, I’d like to get cracking by pointing out who the person is …
So I suppose I should commence with the first aspect which is who the person is …
Initially then, I’d like to get started by looking at who the person is …
So, to start with I’ll talk about who the person is …
So I guess I could kick off by stating who the person is …
Ok so my first point here would obviously be who the person is …

Sebelum menambahkan jawaban inti, kita perlu menambahkan frasa pengantar diantaranya:

… and I think I would have to choose …

… and I’d probably select …
… and I’d have to go for …
… and my choice is going to be …
… and the one I’d pick is …

Kalimat pembuka akan seperti:

“Ok, I’ll start the ball rolling by touching on matter of who the person is, and I’d have to go for Agnes

Kita bisa mengembangkan kalimat pembuka pertama dengan frasa pemnghubung sederhana:

Because, for the reason that, actually, who is, which is, where, in fact, although, particularly, especially,

“Ok, I’ll start the ball rolling by touching on the matter of who the person is, and I’d have to go for Agnes
Mo for the reason that …

Frasa pembuka kedua + poin kedua kartu topik.

Going on to my next point which is why she is famous …

Continuing then with the next point of why she is famous …
Now with regard to the next question of why she is famous …
Next then in response to the point of why she is famous …
Now on the subject of why she is famous …
Now concerning the matter of why she is famous …

Sebelum menjelaskan poin kedua kita bisa menambahkan frasa penghubung (seperti poin pertama

… and what I’d like to add here is that …

… and what I need to emphasize here is that …
… and what I ough to stress here is that …
… and the thing that needs to be highlighted here is that …
… and what I have to mention here is that …

Perhatikan bahwa semua frasa penghubung di atas berakhit dengan “that” yang berarti bahwa akan
memudahkan untuk membuat kalimat kompleks.

Kalimat pembuka poin kedua akan seperti:

“Now concerning the matter of why she is famous, the thing that needs to be highlighted here is that she
is a multi-talented international singer.”

Kita masih bisa mengembangkan kalimat poin kedua ini dengan frasa penghubung dan menambahkan
satu atau dua kalimat.

Frasa pembuka ketiga + poin ketiga kartu topik.

Progressing to the subject of why I would like to meet this celebrity …

Moving onto the business of why I would like to meet this celebrity …
Drawing attention to the matter of why I would like to meet this celebrity …
Proceeding with the issue of why I would like to meet this celebrity …
Moving forward onto the area of why I would like to meet this celebrity …

Kemudian tambahkan frasa penghubung:

I would like to explain that …

You really have to understand that …
I suppose I should underline the fact that …
So the third point could be …
“Moving onto the business of why I would like to meet this celebrity, the chief explanation would most
likely be that I would probably ask her to teach me a few special vocal techniques.”

Dari sini kita bisa menambahkan informasi detail untuk mengembangkan kalimat menjadi cerita yang
lebih panjang. (Give reasons, details, explanations, etc)

Frasa pembuka keempat + poin keempat kartu topik.

Jika waktu masih tersedia maka kita bisa melanjutkan dengan poin keempat.

Finally then, if there’s time, I could deal with the last question of …
The end with, If I still have time, I could take care of the final question of …
As a final point, if time permits, I’d like to bring in the point of …
To cut a long story short, as my very last point, with reference to the question of …

Describe a sports star who is famous in your country

You should say:
Who the person in
Why he/she is famous
What is the special about him/her
Whether you would like to meet this person

Describe a singer or a musician that you admire

You should say:
Who the person is
What type of music songs he/she plays
Why you admire this person
Whether this person is popular in your country

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