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CS 135 Fall 2020

Becker, Clarke, Hackman, Holtby, Lank, Morland, Nijjar, Watson

Assessment: Final Exam

Due: December 17th, 12:30PM EST
Language level: Intermediate Student With Lambda
Files to submit:

• Read these instructions carefully. There are important differences from the assignments.
• We have designed this assessment so that a typical CS 135 student can receive a passing grade
in two hours and thirty minutes under normal exam conditions. We are giving students the
flexibility to complete it as they see fit over a 24-hour period because we know that people
are working in different time zones and under different circumstances. The assessment is
due at 12:30pm on December 17th, i.e. just after noon in the Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
time zone (UTC-5) on December 17th. It is your responsibility to complete the assessment
and submit it by then. Make sure that you allow for unexpected technical problems and other
local issues that might cause delays or submission difficulties.
• As usual, submit early and often. Submissions are on Markus.
• Consult the OFFICIAL Final Exam post on Piazza for the answers to frequently asked
questions. Check there before you ask a question. While you may ask questions by private
posts in Piazza, we will only provide corrections and necessary clarifications. We will also
respond in the official Final Exam post so that all students can see responses.
• Your solutions must be entirely your own work. You must not discuss any aspect of this
assessment with anyone other than a CS135 instructor or staff member. Other than Piazza
private posts, do not post in any venue about this assessment. You may use course materials
for reference (for example: assignments, lectures, Piazza posts, tutorial videos, DrRacket help
desk) but do not "research" answers elsewhere on the Internet.
• This assessment covers concepts from the entire course.
• It is very important that your function names match ours. Use the basic tests to be sure.
In most cases, solutions that do not pass the basic tests will not receive any correctness marks.
The order and meaning of the parameters are carefully specified in each question.
• Follow the style guide. You are not required to provide purposes for your functions. Main
functions and helper functions require contracts and requirements. None of your code
(except templates) should have black highlighting, but helper functions do not require further
examples or tests. Tests and examples for main functions will be specified on a question-by-
question basis. You may always submit full design recipes if you wish.
• Your code will not be tested on Big-O efficiency, but code with exponential blow-up will
receive a low correctness mark. You must avoid this issue.

CS 135 — Fall 2020 Final Exam 1

• To avoid the dreaded GRacket format error, do not copy and paste examples and tests from
your Dr Racket interactions window. If you run into this error anyways, see the Dr Racket
page on the course website.
• The only built-in functions and special forms you may use are listed below. If a built-in
function or special form is not in the following list, you may not use it.
* + - ... / < <= = > >= abs add1 and append boolean? build-list ceiling
char=? char? check-error check-expect check-within cond cons cons?
define define-struct eighth else empty? equal? error even? exp expt
fifth filter first floor foldl foldr fourth integer? lambda length
list list->string list? local map max member? min negative? not
number->string number? odd? or positive? quicksort quotient remainder
rest second seventh sixth sqr sqrt string->list string-append
string-downcase string-length string-upcase string<=? string<?
string=? string>=? string>? string? sub1 substring symbol=? symbol?
third zero?

CS 135 — Fall 2020 Final Exam 2

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