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Introduction to Scrum

Course Introduction
• If you want to learn more, please visit to take
one of our PeopleCert Scrum Master certification courses:
o Scrum Master I
o Scrum Master II

• Scrum is a framework for agile development

o Agile Development is a group of software development methodologies based
on iterative development, where requirements and solutions evolve through
collaboration between self-organizing, cross-functional teams

• Scrum is the world’s most popular for agile framework

• Scrum can be scaled up, or scaled down

-1- © 2021 v1.0
Dion Training Solutions, LLC is an Accredited Training Organization for the PeopleCert Scrum Master® certification exams.
PeopleCert Scrum Master® is a registered trademark of PeopleCert, used under permission of PeopleCert.
The PeopleCert Scrum logo™ is a trade mark of PeopleCert, used under permission of PeopleCert. All rights reserved.
Introduction to Scrum

• Scrum is a framework where people can address complex adaptive problems
while productively and creatively delivering high-value products

The word “framework” means that much is not specified and must be devised by
those using the framework.

I equate Scrum to the game of chess. You can read the official rulebook for chess.
The moves, players, sequences, scoring, etc. are all specified. Learn them.

Then you can play chess.

~Ken Schwaber

-2- © 2021 v1.0
Dion Training Solutions, LLC is an Accredited Training Organization for the PeopleCert Scrum Master® certification exams.
PeopleCert Scrum Master® is a registered trademark of PeopleCert, used under permission of PeopleCert.
The PeopleCert Scrum logo™ is a trade mark of PeopleCert, used under permission of PeopleCert. All rights reserved.
Introduction to Scrum


• The successful use of Scrum depends on people becoming more proficient in

living these five values. People personally commit to achieving the goals of the
Scrum team, The Scrum team members have the courage to do the right thing
and work on tough problems. Everyone focuses on the work of the sprint and
goals of the scrum team. The scrum team and its stakeholders agree to be open
about all the work and the challenges with performing the work. Scrum team
members respect each other to be capable, independent people.

-3- © 2021 v1.0
Dion Training Solutions, LLC is an Accredited Training Organization for the PeopleCert Scrum Master® certification exams.
PeopleCert Scrum Master® is a registered trademark of PeopleCert, used under permission of PeopleCert.
The PeopleCert Scrum logo™ is a trade mark of PeopleCert, used under permission of PeopleCert. All rights reserved.
Introduction to Scrum

• Team-based approach to project work that allows a product development
process to benefit from iterative self-reflection

• Helps the team learn how to estimate own ability to address unfamiliar tasks

• Provides metrics on team effectiveness from all throughout the project

• Encourages dialog about the features to be implemented

• Supports a rapid response to changing market conditions in a sustainable manner

• Where do we use Scrum?

o Research and identify viable markets, technologies, and product
o Develop products and enhancements
o Release products and enhancements more frequently
o Develop and sustain cloud and other operational environments for product
o Sustain and renew products

-4- © 2021 v1.0
Dion Training Solutions, LLC is an Accredited Training Organization for the PeopleCert Scrum Master® certification exams.
PeopleCert Scrum Master® is a registered trademark of PeopleCert, used under permission of PeopleCert.
The PeopleCert Scrum logo™ is a trade mark of PeopleCert, used under permission of PeopleCert. All rights reserved.
Introduction to Scrum

• 3 Roles
o A set of responsibilities, activities, and authorities granted to a person or a
§ Product owner
§ Scrum master
§ Development team

• 7 Events
o Prescribed events used in Scrum to create regularity and minimize the
need for meetings not defined within Scrum

• 4 Artifacts
o Provide key information that the Scrum team and key stakeholders need to
know to understand the products being developed, as well as the planned
and completed project activities
o Artifacts maximize the transparency of key information for everybody’s
§ Product backlog
§ Sprint backlog
§ Potentially shippable products
§ Information radiators

• 13 Rules
o Bind together the roles, events, and artifacts governing the relationships
and interactions between them

-5- © 2021 v1.0
Dion Training Solutions, LLC is an Accredited Training Organization for the PeopleCert Scrum Master® certification exams.
PeopleCert Scrum Master® is a registered trademark of PeopleCert, used under permission of PeopleCert.
The PeopleCert Scrum logo™ is a trade mark of PeopleCert, used under permission of PeopleCert. All rights reserved.
Introduction to Scrum

• Empirical Process Control
o Work needs to be transparent and visible, and actual work results are the
only true measure of progress
§ Fact-based
§ Experience-based
§ Evidence-based

• Empiricism
o Knowledge comes from experience and making decisions based on what is

• Principles that are incorporated into all the roles, events, and artifacts
o Adaptation
§ Improvements and changes are made quickly to minimize problems
o Transparency
§ Everyone involved in an Agile project has open access it information
creating a trust enriched environment
o Inspection
§ Monitoring and evaluation of product and process to ensure that the
project conforms to established requirements

• Inspection needs to be balanced and done at appropriate times

-6- © 2021 v1.0
Dion Training Solutions, LLC is an Accredited Training Organization for the PeopleCert Scrum Master® certification exams.
PeopleCert Scrum Master® is a registered trademark of PeopleCert, used under permission of PeopleCert.
The PeopleCert Scrum logo™ is a trade mark of PeopleCert, used under permission of PeopleCert. All rights reserved.
Introduction to Scrum


• Timeboxing is a time management technique where an activity is allocated a fixed

period of time
o The Scrum Master is the one responsible for these timeboxes
o Keep a timebox of no more than one month
o Partial work is not considered a done item

-7- © 2021 v1.0
Dion Training Solutions, LLC is an Accredited Training Organization for the PeopleCert Scrum Master® certification exams.
PeopleCert Scrum Master® is a registered trademark of PeopleCert, used under permission of PeopleCert.
The PeopleCert Scrum logo™ is a trade mark of PeopleCert, used under permission of PeopleCert. All rights reserved.
Introduction to Scrum

• Sprint Planning
o Conducted at the beginning of a sprint as part of the sprint backlog
creation process
§ Objective definition
§ Task estimation
o Work to be performed in the sprint is planned at the sprint planning
o Only the development team will be responsible for the output of the sprint
o Time-boxed event of 2 hours per week of the sprint (4 hours for a 2-week

• Inputs:
o Release Backlog
o Product Backlog
o Projected Capacity
o Definition of Done

• Outputs:
o Sprint Backlog
o Sprint Goal

• Participants
o Scrum Master
o Product Owner
o Development Team

• Objective Definition
o A review of potential product backlog items for the sprint
o The development team asks clarifying questions
o Select a sprint goal

• Task Estimation
o The development team decides how the work will be built
o Decompose the product backlog items into work tasks and estimate these

• What can be delivered in the increment resulting from the upcoming sprint?

-8- © 2021 v1.0
Dion Training Solutions, LLC is an Accredited Training Organization for the PeopleCert Scrum Master® certification exams.
PeopleCert Scrum Master® is a registered trademark of PeopleCert, used under permission of PeopleCert.
The PeopleCert Scrum logo™ is a trade mark of PeopleCert, used under permission of PeopleCert. All rights reserved.
Introduction to Scrum

• How will the team achieve the work needed to deliver the increment?

1. Make sure the product backlog is well groomed

2. Help the team understand what must be done
3. Clarify requirements and answer questions

• The product owner should not tell the development team how much work should
be pulled into the sprint, or identify tasks on their behalf

-9- © 2021 v1.0
Dion Training Solutions, LLC is an Accredited Training Organization for the PeopleCert Scrum Master® certification exams.
PeopleCert Scrum Master® is a registered trademark of PeopleCert, used under permission of PeopleCert.
The PeopleCert Scrum logo™ is a trade mark of PeopleCert, used under permission of PeopleCert. All rights reserved.
Introduction to Scrum

• Inputs
o The Sprint backlog
o The Sprint goal

• Outputs
o A potentially shippable product increment

• Standard Workday Sustainable Pace (Time-Box)

• Participants:
o Scrum Master
o Development Team

1. Working dynamically as a cohesive team to identify and plan Tasks visibly using
the Scrum Board

2. To manage flow visibly by moving tasks appropriately from To Do, In Progress,

and Done columns of the Sprint Board

3. To visibly monitor progress and performance as a team using a burn-down chart

- 10 - © 2021 v1.0
Dion Training Solutions, LLC is an Accredited Training Organization for the PeopleCert Scrum Master® certification exams.
PeopleCert Scrum Master® is a registered trademark of PeopleCert, used under permission of PeopleCert.
The PeopleCert Scrum logo™ is a trade mark of PeopleCert, used under permission of PeopleCert. All rights reserved.
Introduction to Scrum

• Daily Scrum is a synchronization, inspection, and adaptive planning activity that
optimizes team collaboration and performance
o Transparency
o Inspection
o Adaptation

• The development team plans work for the next 24 hours and inspects progress
toward the sprint goal

• A time-boxed event of 15 minutes (maximum) each day

• Participants
o Scrum Master
o Development Team

• Answers questions
o What did we accomplish yesterday?
o What will we accomplish today?
o What obstacles do we need to remove?
o What is my confidence, on a scale of 1 to 10, that the team will accomplish
the goal of this sprint?

• Daily scrum requirements

o All team members are required to attend (online or physically)
o The meeting should be held in the same place at the same time
o The Scrum Master teaches the development team to keep the daily Scrum
within the 15-min time-box
o Any impediments raised during the meeting are recorded and team moves
o Anyone with the knowledge or skills to discuss potential solutions to the
impediments waits until after the meeting to “take it offline”

- 11 - © 2021 v1.0
Dion Training Solutions, LLC is an Accredited Training Organization for the PeopleCert Scrum Master® certification exams.
PeopleCert Scrum Master® is a registered trademark of PeopleCert, used under permission of PeopleCert.
The PeopleCert Scrum logo™ is a trade mark of PeopleCert, used under permission of PeopleCert. All rights reserved.
Introduction to Scrum

• Sprint Review offers stakeholders an opportunity to review the progress made on
the project to date and provides them a venue to give direction or guidance to the

• Inputs
o Sprint backlog
o Sprint goal
o Potentially shippable product increment

• Outputs
o Groomed product backlog
o Updated release plan

• Time-boxed event of 1 hour per week of the sprint (2 hours for a 2-week sprint)

• Participants
o Scrum Master
o Product Owner
o Development Team
o Internal Stakeholders
o External Stakeholders

• “This meeting at the end of each and every sprint ensures that the stakeholders
have a fantastic forum for delivering feedback directly to the Product Owner with
the development team listening in,” wrote Mark C. Layton.

• Purpose of the Sprint Review

o Build and maintain trust with the stakeholders and customers
o Make project course corrections in near-real time
o Identify risks and issues
o Gather feedback

• What happens during a Sprint Review

o Convene and lead the review
o Review the sprint backlog
o The development team demonstrates completed PBIs
o Review the release and product backlog

- 12 - © 2021 v1.0
Dion Training Solutions, LLC is an Accredited Training Organization for the PeopleCert Scrum Master® certification exams.
PeopleCert Scrum Master® is a registered trademark of PeopleCert, used under permission of PeopleCert.
The PeopleCert Scrum logo™ is a trade mark of PeopleCert, used under permission of PeopleCert. All rights reserved.
Introduction to Scrum

o Collaborate on what should be done next

• The development team discusses what went well during the sprint, what problems
it ran into, and how those problems were solved

• The development team demonstrates the work that it has “done” and answers
questions about the increment

• The Product Owner discusses the product backlog as it stands. He or she

projects a likely target and delivery dates based on progress to date (if needed)

• The Product Owner explains what product backlog items have been “done” and
what has not been “done”

• The Scrum Master acts as a facilitator and ensures that the event takes place and
that attendees understand its purpose

• The Scrum Master teaches everyone involved to keep it within the time-box

• The entire group collaborates on what to do next, so that the sprint review
provides valuable input to subsequent sprint planning
o A review of how the marketplace or potential use of the product might have
changed what is the most valuable thing to do next
o A review of the timeline, budget, potential capabilities, and marketplace for
the next anticipated releases of functionality or capability of the product

- 13 - © 2021 v1.0
Dion Training Solutions, LLC is an Accredited Training Organization for the PeopleCert Scrum Master® certification exams.
PeopleCert Scrum Master® is a registered trademark of PeopleCert, used under permission of PeopleCert.
The PeopleCert Scrum logo™ is a trade mark of PeopleCert, used under permission of PeopleCert. All rights reserved.
Introduction to Scrum

• Sprint Retrospective is an opportunity for the Scrum team to discuss what’s
working and what’s not working, and agree on changes to try and improve

• Time-boxed event of 0.75 hour per week of the sprint (1.5 hours for a 2-week

• Participants
o Scrum Master
o Product Owner
o Development Team

• Focus of the sprint retrospective

o People and relationships
o Scrum processes and techniques
o Supporting Scrum tools
o Definition of done (quality)

• Questions asked during the sprint retrospective

o What is working and we won’t change?
o What is not working and we want to stop or change?
o What is new or innovative that we can be doing?

• Inputs
o Objective data
o Subjective data
o Insight backlog

• Outputs
o Improvement actions
o Insight backlog
o Improved team dynamics

• Scrum Masters responsibility during a Sprint Retrospective

o Ensures that the meeting is positive and productive
o Teaches all to keep it within the time-box
o Participates as a peer team member in the meeting
o Encourages the Scrum team to improve within the Scrum process
framework, its development process, and practices to make it more
- 14 - © 2021 v1.0
Dion Training Solutions, LLC is an Accredited Training Organization for the PeopleCert Scrum Master® certification exams.
PeopleCert Scrum Master® is a registered trademark of PeopleCert, used under permission of PeopleCert.
The PeopleCert Scrum logo™ is a trade mark of PeopleCert, used under permission of PeopleCert. All rights reserved.
Introduction to Scrum

effective and enjoyable for the next sprint

• The entire Scrum team collaborates on ways to increase product quality by

improving work processes, or adapting the definition of “done”, and identifying
improvements that it will be implemented in the next sprint

- 15 - © 2021 v1.0
Dion Training Solutions, LLC is an Accredited Training Organization for the PeopleCert Scrum Master® certification exams.
PeopleCert Scrum Master® is a registered trademark of PeopleCert, used under permission of PeopleCert.
The PeopleCert Scrum logo™ is a trade mark of PeopleCert, used under permission of PeopleCert. All rights reserved.

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