Action Pla1

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Below are the action plans i intend to bring into place if the opportunity is given:


1 ERCS MORDENIZATION OF modernization of revenue
REVENUE COLLECTION IN administration attempts to improve
EBONYI STATE tax efficiency and tax fairness as
pillars to support revenue collection
in ebonyi state. by developing
sophisticated data-tracking systems
to detect delinquency, under-
payments, fraud and corruption as
well as develop incentives to
encourage compliance. amongst
these, provide fewer forms that are
easier to complete, penalty rebates,
discounts, faster repayment
processing, and longer filing
2 EBNOW TRANSFORMING focuses on efficiency, equity and
RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN transparency of services by reducing
EBONYI CITIZENS AND the burden of physical visits to
PUBLIC SERVICE separate agencies, providing ready
access to information, diminishing
the discretion of officials, curtailing
leakages and corruption in services

3 EPDEM CREATING AN AVENUE FOR this platform allows the citizens of

Ebonyi People ALL CITIZENS HOME AND IN ebonyi state constituents throughout
DIASPORA TO PARTICIPATE the world to participate in town hall
Democracy IN THE STATE AFFAIRS discussions remotely and
asynchronously in order to make
citizen participation more
convenient and thus bringing the
people more closer together.

4 NA’ELE DIGITALIZING THE ALL this system will be used to combat

SEEING EYE OF THE STATE crime digitally by monitoring
CAPITAL activities of those in the main town
and traffic offenders in the city
center by capturing them via cctv
that operates 24hours and also for
issueing tickets for wrong parking

5 E-WISH GRANT A WISH BOXES this would be a portal where citizens

log in their wishes online and the
governor picks just one after proper
investigation to grant either
monthly,quarterly,bi-annually or
6 E-NOW PROVIDE FEEDBACK IN Believing that it would be helpful to
REALTIME report or bring to the notice of the
governor some issues in real-time
thus creating a transparent level
checkmate amongst workers.
7 ECRIS EBONYI CRIME This would be a system for keeping
REGISTRATION SYSTEM FOR record for crime offenders because it
EBONYI INTERNAL is believed that every crime has a
SECURITY pattern.

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