CH1 5

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 Big data 

 Resulted due to the immense amount of data that is becoming available each
Ex: Walmart collects multi-terabytes of new data every day → added to its
petabytes of historical data 
 a collection of large and complex datasets from different sources that are difficult
to process using traditional data management and processing applications
 It can also be seen as a large amount of either organized or unorganized data
that is analyzed to make an informed decision/ evaluation 
 At least 4 characteristics/ dimensions: 
1. Variety 
 Many different forms of data based on data source (phone, video,
text, retail scanners, google searches, gov. doc,etc)
 It can be: 
Structured in databases or Excel sheets 
Unstructured writing & photography 
2. Velocity 
 Speed w/ which the data is available and in which it can be
 It is important in ensuring data is current and updated in real-time 
3. Veracity 
 Has to do w/ data quality, correctness, accuracy  
 Data lacking veracity may be imprecise, unrepresentative,
 “Garbage in, garbage out”
4. Volume 
 Deals w/ the ever increasing size of the data and databases 
 BD produces vast amounts of data
business analytics the application of processes and techniques that transform raw data into
meaningful information to improve decision-making
 Bc BD sources are too large/ complex, new ¿? Have arisen that cannot be
answered w/ traditional analysis methods 
 new methodologies and processing techniques have been developed→
new era in decision making (bussiness analytic period: convert data into
actionable insight for more timely and accurate decision-making. AKA
data analytics )

 Busi. analytics adds value to data 

 Data mining: extract data → transform data → load data → manage data →
make data accessible to busi analysts

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