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Feedback on language use

S-V agr.: subject-verb agreement

Art: article

Prep: preposition

PU: punctuation

Ref.: reference

SP: spelling

Reg: informal register

Struct./Syn.: structure / syntax

PAR: Parallelism

Conn. / Trans.: connector/transition signal

V.: Verb (forms, tenses, patterns)

Voc.: vocabulary

WF.: word form

WW.: wrong word

BW: better word

WO.: word order

Expr.: expression

Coll: collocation

Adj.: adjective

Adv.: adverb

Det.: determiner

Gen.: genitive
N.: noun

Feedback on content and organization

( ) irrelevant words / ideas

--------: rephrase / unidiomatic

?: unclear

CS: concluding sentence

Dev.: development (supporting sentences, details, logical development of ideas)

TS: topic sentence ( controlling ideas missing or wrongly stated)

Common mistakes

Title: The title is centered and printed in bold type WITHOUT final stop. Do not underline titles. Do
not print titles in italics or between inverted commas. Preferably, use a phrase rather than a clause
or sentence.

Format: indentation, word count, margins, paragraphing

No use of content-specific vocabulary

Topic given used as topic sentence

Lack of focus

No supporting details.

No concluding sentence /paragraph

Shift in tense or subject

Register (short forms, informal vocabulary)

Sentence fragments

Unbalanced paragraphs

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