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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Division of Romblon


Long Beach, San Agustin, Romblon
Lesson Plan in Mathematics Grade 8
November , 2022
A. Content Standard: The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts of factors of polynomials,
rational algebraic expressions, linear equations and inequalities in two variables and linear functions.

B. Performance Standard: The learner is able to formulate real-life problems involving factors of
polynomials, rational algebraic expressions, linear equations and inequalities in two variables, systems
of linear equations and inequalities in two variables and linear functions, and solve these problems
accurately using a variety of strategies.

At the end of discussion, the students should be able to attain the following:
1. Name the coordinates of the points;
2. Plots a point on the coordinate plane given an ordered pair; and
3. Appreciates the practical uses of plotting points on the coordinate plane.

Plotting of Points on the Coordinate Plane



Procedure (Experiential Learning – 4As) Target

1. Prayer During this part, classroom
2. Greetings management was done. The teacher
will remind the students to follow the
minimum safety health protocols
throughout the class to prevent the
spread of Covid-19.
3.Review Indicator 9
Using “Taxonomy Building”, have the learners write the terms the In this part of the lesson, the teacher
related to their previous lesson on “Illustrating the Rectangular Coordinate acknowledged the rights of IP’s in
Plane”: education. The teacher will tell cultural
backgrounds of IPs and remind them to
respects their rights and belief.

A. Activity 1: “Lets’s See Romblon”

a. Conduct a preliminary activity entitled “Let’s See Romblon”. Show Indicator 1
the following pictures of the tourist attractions or landmarks in the The teacher integrates the lesson in
province of Romblon. English 4 to help the learners deepen
their vocabulary which is necessary on
the development of the new lesson.

Indicator 6:
The students will be challenged to
think proactively. In this activity,
teacher ensures that the learners will
participate and cooperate actively on
the class. The vocabulary activity help
the students to think harder and deeper.

b. Ask the learners to name the tourist attraction or landmark being shown.
c. Let the learners identify the location where it is found.
d. Ask the learners what they have learned in the activity. Indicator 5:
The teacher encourages the learners to
speak and also remind everyone to
respect and help each other rather than
criticize fellow learners who are
having a hard time giving the
antonyms and synonyms of the words.

Indicator 8
In this activity, learners with disability
can be assisted by their pair in
answering the activity. Learners who
can’t understand the words will be
guided by their pair with minimum
health protocols to prevent Covid-19.

B. Analysis Indicator 2:
UNLOCKING OF DIFFICULTIES The teacher will use Mother tongue or
Tagalog as language of instructions to
Give the definition of the word “plot” in Mathematics: better understand what to do. In this
plot (used as a verb) way, it help students who are
– to draw on a graph or map struggling in understanding the lesson.
– to place a point on a coordinate plane by using - and –coordinates

1. Relate the activity on naming the tourist attraction or landmark and its Indicator 1
location to point plotted on a coordinate plane and its location. Here, the teacher integrates adding of
numbers which the teacher targeted
2. Show the figure below. Tell the class that every point corresponds to knowledge of content within the
only one ordered pair of numbers. Emphasize that every ordered pair curriculum.
has coordinates, and these coordinates are used in determining the
location of the point.
Indicator 7
The activity that the teacher provided
here will ensure that students will work
productively on their own. It will
ensure if they understood the
instructions given by the teacher.
Afterwards students will check their
own work after the allotted time to
avoid contact with others. The teacher
will remind them to be honest in
checking their own work.

Using real objects (colored chips) as

learning resources can stimulate
students’ interest, curiosity, and
DISCUSSION 1: participation during the teaching
Discuss how to name the coordinates of the points plotted on the coordinate learning process. Besides that, it can
plane. help to make conducive atmosphere in
the class.
Discuss how to plot the points whose coordinates are given. Indicator 5
1. ( 4, 2 ) 4. ( 2, -3 ) From time to time, the teacher will
2. ( -4, 3 ) 5. ( 0, 5 ) assist learners who are having a hard
3. ( -1, -5) 6. ( 6, 0 ) time answering the activity. Through
this, learner’s needs met.

Indicator 6
The teacher will ensure the learners to
participate and cooperate actively on
C. Abstraction the class. The questions help the
Using the template given for making metacognition statements, have the students to think harder and deeper to
learners tell how to plot a point on the coordinate plane. better understand in building new
concepts of the lesson.

Indicator 7
D. Application When playing games, students will
Activity : “Onward Together We Go!” become more engaged in learning,
1.Tell the class that a group will be working on any of these three tasks: taught content is reinforced and class
a. Identify the coordinates of the point plotted on the map where the positivity is increased. In this way, the
barangay is located. urged of excitement can be seen on the
b. Name the barangay where the point whose coordinates on the map are learners.
given is found.
c. Name the barangay where the point whose location is being described
is plotted.

2.Divide the class into seven (7) groups where each group is composed of six
(6) members. Give a name for each group using a mathematics-related term,
word, or symbol. Then, assign each group with one of the three (3) tasks

3.Have the groups with the same task exchange their answer sheets for
checking. Present the correct answers.

4.Have each of the seven (7) groups present their scores.

5.Ask the learners what difficulty or problem they have encountered in doing
the activity. Share to them how these problems are properly addressed.

IV. EVALUATION KRA 1, Objective 2

A. Find the coordinates of the plotted point. According to Schleicher, PISA aligned
B. Graph the point whose coordinates are given. test helps the learners to think
1. ( 3,0 ) 4. ( 6, -3 ) creatively where the skills of the
2. ( -2, 5 ) 5. ( 0, 3 ) learners is honed.
3. ( -3, -1 ) 6. ( -7, 0 )
Indicator 3:
There will be 2 options here in
checking the papers of students.1.) If
there is still time, checking will be
done by the whole class through
exchanging papers. 2.) Checking will
be done by the teacher if there is not
enough time. In this way, the teacher
will provide feedback on the
performance of pupils. The teacher
will give accurate constructivist
feedback on everyone depending on
their achievements.

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