IPBOD Ranjan and Sunita

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Submitted By Sunitha & Ranjan

Behavioral Analysis
Communication topic: open defecation (Discussed by Sunitha and Ranjan)
Ranjan: Today we are going to discussion about open defecation and toilet,
R: I am going to choose open defecation, it depending upon context such as rural and tribal
people they are going to outside for defecation. Because they prefer to be like that, It’s good
for them.
( nurturing parent)
Adult: during my FWS1 I have seen most of the villagers wish to go ODF, I also exposed this
with villagers
Sunitha: because of this so many people facing health issue and another thing also they have
to consider that also.
Nurturing Parent
Critical parent: people should not go due to this they might face diarrhea.
R: so, in my opinion like that its health issue but you know they having some happiness
Critical parent
Natural child: I didn’t face any health issue, I felt very happy.
S: then we can’t against government, Modi is always giving speech about swatch Bharath,
because of so many people are facing infection, chronic diseases, malaria, dengue, due to
mesquites based on that they are facing so many issues, we have concern about that also,
Adaptive child
Adult: correct, how you are telling you might stayed few days only, no once else share Easley
about health issue.
R: in my opinion like open defecation mean open defecation they are vulnerable to health
problem but they what can we do, for them water facilities should be their, without water how
they will use that toilet, ok they having water facilities their, but they need infrastructure with
that financial things also need, how we can overcome that for that they have to go open
defecation, for me its necessary not in like.
Critical parent: we should see what people needs not what we want
S : ok I will accept that but its not a necessary, it’s a they don’t have any other way to over
come that one, this is not a necessary my point of view because of they don’t have any
opportunity like financial support, they don’t aware about what are the diseases they are
facing for that only they want to ODF, that’s also good some persons are its natural , yah it is
ok, but due that so many people are died, mainly girls, women, during pregnancy, period
how they will over come that, if they get infection means they cant get any child its more
infected to major women and girls also
Critical parent
Adoptive child: ok, I wish to take survey among the women who are stayed in the village,
because women are facing many health issues but they are not sharing among us.
R: ODF they preferred to go because having no facilities because of lack of this supposed to
out side we cant stop them suddenly, its depends up on them how they are going to be its may
be useful, because they have some social thing also life Padman movie they try to making
toilet, but the social thing is that laxmi in my home so I can’t able to make toilet in my home
that things also there that also we have include
Adoptive child
Adult: what kind of berries are there for women? we can refer movies which is giving current
situation of rural context.
S: my point of view its superstitions only, means one incident I have to share in our area
ODF is there in that one pregnant lady when she went ODF there only delivered what they
will do if child will be die and she can’t over come that, she cant tell others also, she cant
shout also, how they rescued from that
Critical parent
Nurturing parent: most of women facing infection during menstrual time, mental disturbance,
still now they are not aware of that.
R: As your view of point there is no opinion for that, there is no answer, but they have to be
careful, their health issue and they have to be aware if that is not there, we can’t do anything
it’s there is social thing and depending upon the thoughts of the people.
Critical parent
Adult: its practiced by their ancestors, its became habitual for them, they have pre cautions.
S: we can’t control anything, we can’t refuse to go anywhere, its natural process only at can
construct and all for women safety purpose.
Adoptive child
Natural child: have you followed all your old practices. We can adopt present Era.
R: you know nah that the govt already provided toilet and all but still now they are not using.
Because of having some issue, issue means they are not that much aware of that, for that we
can do some awareness camp, then for hygiene, but in my opinion open defecation practices,
their its habitual, we cannot change in a certain point of time, that is my point.
Nurturing parent
Adult: what kind of initiative can be done for that ?
Areas Ranjan kara Sunitha
Words  Should - CP  Should - CP
 Must - CP  Must - CP
 Good - NP  Good - NP
 Nice - NP  Nice - NP
 How - A  How - A
 Quantity- A  Quantity- A
 Practical - A  Practical - A
 Want – A  Want – A
 Fun - NC  Correct – A
 Wish - AC

Voice  Comforting -NP  Comforting -NP

 Concern - NP  Concern - NP
 Even – A  Even – A
 Free – NC  Free – NC
 Energetic – NC  Energetic – NC
 Placating -AC  Placating -AC
 Critical-CP
 Demanding-CP

Gestures Pointing fingers-CP Pointing fingers-CP

Open Arms-NP Open Arms-NP
Thoughtful-A Thoughtful-A

Expressions Accepting-NP Accepting-NP

Smiling-NP Smiling-NP

Posture Shoulders Up-CP Shoulders Up-CP

Hands On Hips-CP

Attitude Judgmental-CP Judgmental-CP

Moralistic- CP Moralistic- CP
Understanding-NP Understanding-NP
Interested-A Caring-NP
Curious-NC Interested-A
Fun Loving-NC

Behaviors Ranjan Sunita
Critical Parent 6 7
Nurturing Parent 8 9
Adult 7 8
Natural Child 5 3
Adaptive Child 1 2

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