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Lesson 9: Web Page Creation

Web Development
 The building and maintenance of websites.

 It is a work that involved collaborative effort among experts which we called as

Web Developers.
Front-end developer
• Content
• Design
• Behavior of the website
Back-end developer
• Servers
• Uses a database
 is an online website builder that gives the users the capacity to create a
professional website without having to know a line of code. It provides customize
website templates and a drag-and-drop interface that includes apps, graphics,
image galleries, fonts, vectors, animations and other options.
*Drag-and-Drop Interface- a pointing device gesture in which the user selects a virtual
object by “grabbing” it and dragging it to a different location or onto another virtual

How to Build a Website Using

STEP 1: Go to and click “Get Started”

STEP 2: Create a wix account and sign up.

STEP 3: Identify the website you are looking for and the skills that you have.

STEP 4: Use Wix Adi Create a Website for You and select Start Now
STEP 5: Add features.
STEP 6: Choose a template
STEP 7: Edit your website using Adi Editor
STEP 8: Make it look good in mobile
STEP 9: Choose a domain name
STEP 10: Publish your website

Other Ways to Create a Website

 Creating a Website Using Microsoft Word.

1. Open Microsoft Word

2. Type anything on the page like “Welcome to my Website”
3. Click on File > Save As > Browse

4. On the Save As dialog box, locate your activities folder and create a new folder
named “Sample Web Page”
5. Specify the file name “Sample Web Page”
6. On the Save As type, select “Web Page”
7. Click the Change Title button

8. Input the title “This is my sample web page using MS Word”, then click OK then Save
9. Check the files on your Sample Web Page folder. You will see a new folder
generated including your .htm or.html file

10. Open the Sample Web page.htm file and you will see that you just created page
using MS Word.

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