Lab 4a

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FRS301 - LAB 4A

Quách Hoàng Nam - SE161409 - IA1705

Start Your Machine

Launch your Windows machine. If necessary, log in as Administrator with the password P@ssw0rd

Reducing the Available RAM

This step is not strictly necessary, but it will make the later steps faster if you make the RAM image
Click Start, "Command Prompt". In the Command Prompt window, execute this command:
bcdedit /copy {current} /d "Low-Memory"
This makes a new boot entry labeled "Low-Memory".
The GUID of the new menu entry appears--it's a long series of random numbers in curly braces, as
shown below.
Right-click on the GUID and click Mark.
Carefully drag the cursor to highlight the GUID, as shown below. Then press the Enter key to copy it to
the clipboard.

In the Command Prompt window, execute this command, pasting in your correct GUID, which will be
different from mine:
bcdedit /set {f8ad3fac-fe82-11ed-bc15-000c29f89bbd} truncatememory 0x20000000
You should see a message saying "The operation completed successfully."
In the Command Prompt window, execute this command:
You should see a third "Windows Boot Loader" item with the "truncatememory" parameter set, as
shown below:
Restart the computer. A boot menu offers you two choices. Press the down-arrow key on the keyboard
to select "Low-Memory", as shown below. Then press the Enter key to boot.
Log in as Administrator with the password P@ssw0rd

Creating Evidence
Do these tasks to create evidence in RAM:
With Google open, search for "fake credit card numbers". Open one of the pages it finds. It should
show several credit card numbers, as shown below.
Copy the numbers from the Web page into a Notepad file. Leave the Notepad file open.
Open a second Notepad window and type in your own email address. Don't close Notepad or
save the file.
Open a Command Prompt window and execute the commands below. In the second command, replace
the string "YOUR-NAME" with your own name, without any spaces.
net user waldo Apple123 /add
net user QUACHHOANGNAM SuperSecret! /add

These commands create two new user accounts with the passwords "Apple123" and "SuperSecret!".

Acquiring a RAM Image with FTK Imager

An "AccessData FTK imager" window opens. From the menu bar, click File, "Capture
Memory...", as shown below:
In the "Memory Capture" box, click the Browse button. Click Desktop and click OK.
In the "Memory Capture" box, click the "Capture Memory" button.
You should see a box saying "Memory capture finished successfully", as shown below:

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