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Progressive Age Vocabulary

# Term Definitions Picture Letter

1. Jim Crow Laws 1. any state law discriminating against black persons Q
especially those aimed at keeping African-Americans from
2. Examples were literacy tests, grandfather clause, poll taxes
2. Australian Ballot/ Secret 1. a ballot containing the names of all the candidates for public J
Ballot office, handed to the voter at the polling station to be
marked in secret: so called because it originated in
3. Direct Primary 1. a primary in which members of a party nominate its A
candidates by direct vote rather than a small group of
special interests choosing the nominee
4. Muckraker 1. A person who searches for and exposes real or alleged O
corruption, scandal, or the like, especially in politics
5. Grange 1. a campaign for state control of railroads and grain L
elevators, especially in the north central states, carried on
during the 1870s by members of the Patrons of Husbandry-
a farmers' organization that had been formed for social and
cultural purposes.
6. Progressive 1. favoring or advocating progress, change, improvement, or K
reform, as opposed to wishing to maintain things as they
are, especially in political matters:
7. Settlement House 1. an establishment in an underprivileged area providing social M
services to local residents
8. Inflation/deflation 1. a persistent, substantial rise in the general level of prices G
related to an increase in the volume of money and resulting
in the loss of value of currency
2. a fall in the general price level or a contraction of credit and
available money
9. Initiative 1. a procedure by which a specified number of voters may C
propose a statute, constitutional amendment, or ordinance,
and compel a popular vote on its adoption.
2. the general right or ability to present a new bill or measure,
as in a legislature
10. Interstate Commerce Act 1. a United States federal law that was designed to regulate N
the railroad industry, particularly its monopolistic practices
2. the first federal law to regulate private industry in the United
11. Temperance 1. habitual moderation in the indulgence of a natural appetite P
or passion, especially in the use of alcoholic liquors
2. total abstinence from alcoholic liquors
12. Sherman Anti-Trust act 1. an act of Congress (1890) prohibiting any contract, H
conspiracy, or combination of business interests in restraint
of foreign or interstate trade
13. Trust/Antitrust 1. opposing or intended to restrain trusts, monopolies, or other I
large combinations of business and capital, especially with
a view to maintaining and promoting competition
2. an agreement of businesses to work together to control
prices and supply of a particular product or service
14. Federal Reserve Act 1. an Act of Congress that created and established the
Federal Reserve System, the central banking system of the F
United States, and which created the authority to issue
Federal Reserve Notes (now commonly known as the U.S.
Dollar) and Federal Reserve Bank Notes as legal tender.
15. Overproduction 1. excessive production E
2. production in excess of need or stipulated amount.
16. Supply and demand 1. the relation between these two factors determines the price D
of a commodity. This relationship is thought to be the
driving force in a free market. As demand for an item
increases, prices rise. When manufacturers respond to the
price increase by producing a larger supply of that item, this
increases competition and drives the price down.
17. Referendum 1. the principle or practice of referring measures proposed or B
passed by a legislative body, head of state, etc., to the vote
of the electorate for approval or rejection.

Directions: 1st match the pictures to the characteristics by placing the correct letter under the picture
column. 2nd match the terms display by the teacher to the characteristics by writing the word under the
term column.

Based on the vocabulary words and the definitions, predict the ESPN issues of Progressive Era.

Economic  Social  Political  Nature 

  Supply and Demand  Temperance  Direct Primary  

 Overproduction Settlement House Referendum

Inflation/deflation Jim Crow Laws Initiative

Federal Reserve Act Muckraker Sherman Anti-Trust Act

 Interstate Commerce Act Progressive Grange

Australian Ballot/secret ballot Trust/antitrust

Word Bank
direct primary trust/antitrust muckraker

referendum Sherman Anti-Trust Act temperance

initiative Australian ballot/secret ballot Jim Crow Laws

supply and demand progressive

overproduction Grange

Federal Reserve Act Settlement House

inflation/deflation Interstate Commerce Act

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