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Violent issues costa rica

The trigger for many of the crimes that happen in Costa Rica are organize crime,
poverty, temptation and even social pressure. Annoyingly many kids that are born
in poverty or live in a very low life neighborhood are pressure to be criminals to be
part of the mob and have the protection of their neighborhood but there´s people
that are always criticizing or judging them just because of where they live. People
used to say that only a couple of districts of Costa Rica were dangerous overall our
whole country it´s getting more violent and the mortality is increasing. Honestly is
very sad that kids that grow in let´s say Hatillo or León 13 know that they are in
danger in their own homes. Hopefully that will change one day.
Costa Rica registered 8344 burglaries in 2022, 1552 more than the year before.
People tend to run errands in the day given the fact that they feel safer, the
statistics say that the safety in the day is about 35% above the safety at night.
People would go to their homes before 6pm because they don’t feel safe when the
sun is down or is hiding. Back in the days people used to allow their children to play
outside and go for a walk now because of the crimes they don’t trust them even at
the corner, if they go outside to play, they go with and adult and even there some
people that now carry defense weapons because they tend to feel safer that way
and if you make a study it will tell you that the population that carry pepper spar,
taser gun, self-defense keychain, etc.. The most are women because if for man is
dangerous, for women is deadly.
These crimes have psychological damage in the victims they suffer from ptsd
afterwards physically and psychologically. It´s understandably it is known that
people tend to have some damage after a traumatic event. Regrettably by the
economy that our country has the situation might not get better and we have to
admit we don’t know how to use money ticos are always spending money in
unnecessary things that they don’t even have the money to pay that’s why if they
stay like this they will stay facing debts.
I feel like the economic losses or premature deaths are the biggest consequences
of this violent environment and if it was in my hands I´ll make more job
opportunities by hiring more people to actually repair the roads or work in the
labor so they don’t fall in the crimes of necessity and I would make the
punishments harder because the law is always letting people get away with violent
crimes or giving them very short sentences.

Seguridad al caminar solo durante el día

68.27 Alto
Seguridad al caminar solo durante la noche
33.78 Bajo
Costa Rica registró ocho mil 344 asaltos en 2022, mil 552 más que un año antes, en
una demostración más de la violencia existente hoy en esta nación
centroamericana, otrora considerado un sitio muy pacífico.

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