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The Ascendant
The Rising Sign
Rajas Bhava
direction: East

(Not discussed in the lecture) Marka House: death inflecting

house. 2nd house can cause death because if we do not have the
recourses to feed ourselves then we die. It's that simple.

Karaka: Sun (karka is the graha that is the enjoyment of the


Directional Strength of Jupiter and Mercury (Why?)

1st of the Dharma houses along with Kendra and Trikona.

The first house is the most important house of astrology. It's the
platform of your birth, the ground you were born on. It's the anchor
of the ship which holds all your karmas. The ascendant shows the
circumstances the soul is here to experience from each department
of life. As we discussed there are 12 departments (houses); your
entire life will only revolve around these 12 departments and
nothing more. All the little details of your daily life can be seen
through the bhavas.

I have made extensive videos on youtube on houses. Just in 2017-

2018 I made video on all 12 houses and showing everything they
represent which you can watch under the title "Understanding 1st
house in astrology" etc, all the way to 12th house.

The lagna shows why you're born and what is the "purpose" of
your birth, what is the agenda of the soul. We will learn about
purpose of birth in ascendant lesson.

The Lagna doesn't describe the native's physical features all the
way as you may think. The physical features of the person are seen
from Lagna, Sun, Moon, Mars, sign of Aries and 7th house of D9
Navamsa chart for the skin complexion.


In the classics like Phaldeepika it's said that when Moon at birth is
in the sign of Gemini the native will have black eyes, curly hair
with high nose. It also said if Aries Lagna is rising the nave will
have round eyes and weak knees.

I have found all of these to be correct in people's chart. It's

amazing how knowing simple quotes from classical books are still
timeliness with very little mortification.

The 1st house shows us the height, strength of the body, strength of
prana in the native. If the 1st house falls weak then native is prone
to all kinds of sickness, or even physical miss-alignment like
missing limbs, LLD (Leg Length Disorder), quadriplegic,
paralyzed etc. 1st house just like Aries is head and brain.
1st house also shows the native's character, personality, but the
personality of all natives are complex. In the morning one may act
like Aries, by dinner time they are acting like Pisces. Do not rely
on "personality" of someone in Vedic Astrology because we are all
12 zodiac signs in 24 hour period which you now know with
HORA system.

The little specific details character of the native is seen by Lagna

degrees (Nakshatra), Sun, Moon, Atmakaraka (Planet with the
highest degree which we will get into later) and the period the
person is in which will be a temporary veil in front of them know
as Maghadasha shows how one will act.

1st house is FAME because it's you, everyone gets to see you.
When 1st lord is activated or is strong in the birth chart a person
gets fame.

Truly the lagna simply shows the purpose of birth. When I get into
ascendants I will discuss this.
Dhana Bava
Rajas Bhava
direction North East

Karaka: Jupiter
First of Artha Bhava

Like the 1st house 2nd house is fame because its your face. When
you get fame you don't get recognized by your feet or hand, you
get recognized by your face.

The second house is the house of resources of all kinds. It's not just
the house of wealth and physical money, or gold, it's the house of
"recourses", anything that we need in this life to survive comes
from the 2nd house: like food, clothing, shelter, knowledge,
language, basic skills, communication. Why communication? who
first taught us to talk? mother, father, legal guardian, ants, uncles,
then perhaps siblings; so 2nd house is the recourse of our ability to
learn communication to survive, thus it shows our speech pattern.
Do we have sweet speech, do we course a lot, do we speak loud,
soft, aggressive, are we intense when we speak. It also shows our
throat via which food travels. The type of food we like is seen from
2nd house (veg, non veg, vegan) the taste as in spicy, sweet, bitter,
sour is seen from the planets and nakshatras.

It's everything we are depended on. This is why it's known as

Dhana bava. "Dhana" means wealth of recourse.

Second house like the sign of Taurus shows our face features, right
eyes, eye brose, nose, lips, jaw line.

Since this is the house of wealth it shows money, locker, storage,

gems, jewelry and gold. In modern day where do we keep our
money? banks, correct? so 2nd house also shows banks or banking
jobs. It's the house of earnings, making money and storing money.
It shows how much space do we have to hold our wealth. Do we
have a 4 x 4 space to hold whatever we will earn? or is it a 400 x
400 space which that of Jay Z, Amitabh Bachchan, Jeff Bezos

2nd house is known as the time period when we are toddlers,

getting to know our surroundings, family, cousins, copying them,
learning from them and being nourished with food.

Body parts: Same as Taurus

Bhratru Bhava
Rajas Bhava
Direction: North
Karaka: Mars
First of Upachaya House (Houses which grow better with time)
1st of Kama Houses, 1st of Trik house

This is the house of our communication. This house shows us what

do we communicate about in our lives. It's not about sweet speech
or hard curse words it's about what are the words about most of the
time? (it does show harsh speech in horary astrology or when
relating to the things of the 3rd house like siblings) you can study
the 3rd house to see the communicative interest of a person, the
books one read, the type of writing one wants to do. It's also the
house of dramatic arts, acting, painting, arts, sculpting, sowing;
since this is the original house of Gemini it also shows lots of
quick travels, city travels, social media, but before social media
you had neighbors and friends to talk to. 3rd house is also house
like msn, tmz, espn, yahoo news etc.., this is the house of 'He said
she said', what the word is in the building or in colony.

3rd house represent sports, athletics and movement of the body

because most of the time we play sports as kids with our siblings
and friends, thus it's a house of our siblings, more so "younger"
siblings. 3rd house is the house of efforts as sports, arts, acting
requires "effort" to achieve success in it.

3rd house is the house of television, whatever show, movie or even

online show you like watching can be seen from the 3rd house and
it's condition. Do you like watching horror movies, action movies,
comedy, which one speaks to you the most the 3rd house shows.
This is also the house of false ego, this is where we are very
Mercurian like, I know this, I can do this, I can beat this, I don't
need your help or guidance. We rebel against the true wisdom.
This is the house of our rebellious teenage.

Body parts: Same as Gemini

Suhrda Bava (Sukh sathna)
Sattawic bhava
Karaka: Moon (overall) Venus (vehicles) Mars (Land)
Direction: True North
Directional Strength of Moon and Venus (why?)
First of Moksha House and 2nd Kendra house

The MOST important pillar of your life. 1st, 4th, 7th and 10th
house in Vedic Astrology are known as the pillars that makes you
you, out of this 4th is the most important as it's the 1st pillar known
as (Kendra) since mother is the pillar of most people's lives.

Just by seeing the karaka ruler of this house we can know what the
house is about. It's the house about HOUSE we live in, It's our
dwelling with roof; because a house makes us feel safe and secure
from the wilderness of the outside world. Who makes us feel the
safest the most cozy house we first knew? the womb of our
mother, the cradle of our mother. This the house of our mother or
motherly figure. Whomever gives us the nourishment of a mother
becomes our 4th house.

Knowing 4th house shows our home, house/dewlling, where is the

house build on? it's build on the land. The barren land and the
structure upon it is Mars. Some South Indian pool of thought is
that Saturn as well is barren land and since Mars is engineering the
house is the engineering marvel upon the land. Saturn is also
"construction" and this is why we hire contractors to work on our
new or old home.

This is the house where Guru resides. Why? 1. our first guru in this
world is our mother most of the time, it's a learning we receive
inside a "dwelling", as so back thousands of years ago once you
went to the gurukul the Guru became your new parent, he was the
father and mother, since you learned in the gurukul which was
your second home the 4th house has been given the significance of
entering a university or college to study. 4th house isn't the house
of education, it's the house that shows will someone have the luck
to enter into a University like setting to learn. One can be
intelligent but they may not have the luck to have proper

4th house is known as the house of happiness, mental peace,

comforts and fixed assets; this is where Venus comes into play as
Venus is the karaka of cars or any type of vehicle, luxury which
brings us comfort as in AC, Heating in winter, name brand cars,
sofas, bed, lighting system in the house but when we speak of
happiness and mental peace both Moon and Venus play a part. You
can't have peace of mind if your entire home is cluttered and you
can't have mental peace if you have a neat and clean home but
fights and arguments in the home.
2nd house shows our early childhood, 4th house shows our time
period spent with mother but most importantly 4th house is the
house we establish after marriage. When we learn about marriage
timing in this course the 4th house plays crucial role.

Body parts: Same as Cancer

Putra/Vidya Bava
Sattwic bhava
Karaka: Jupiter
Direction: North
Second of Dharma houses and 2nd of Trikon house

This is the house of our intellect, the house that shows our learning
interests via which we become scholars. It shows the line of
subject we pick in life or trade we learn, this is not just the subjects
you pick in college or universities, it can be anything that gives
you knowledge which sticks to you for life from engineering,
medicine to astronomy and astrology. If 4th house shows our entry
into a University then 5th house shows the subject we pick to study
in that University. The 1st form of traditional learning were
mantras, and slokas, when 5th house is very strong the person has
no issues memorizing mantras of their own divinity.

Since Jupiter is the karaka of 5th house Jupiter also represents

children thus it's the house of children. The condition of the 5th
house in someone's birth chart will show whether this person will
have children or not and if they will have happiness or sorrow from
birth of children. K.N. Rao spoken about this many times where he
told someone not to have children yet they had children because he
knew this person would not live a happy life if children came; after
many many years when he met this person again he was living in a
nursing home type facility fighting a court case against his own
children for his assets.

Just because one has promise of children doesn't mean it's the
greatest thing to have, then again if we are to have children who
will become our enemies, perhaps it's a karmic debt we are to pay
so we can clear it off on our books.

Children are fun living, joyful, creative when young and carefree;
thus this house also shows sports, fun, romance, creativity in our
own life and it's the stage of life where we perform this is why this
house shows cinema and stage performance.

Jupiter being a guide, guru and a general infuses quality to take

over things and 5th house is known as the house of politics
(Original house of SUN) speculative gains because it comes from
creative play not a fixed rate weekly paycheck. Speculative gains
are like stock market, sports betting, crypto currency.

Body parts: Same as Leo

Shatru bhava
Tamas bhava
Karaka: Mars
Direction: West
2nd of Upachaya House
2nd of Artha houses, 2nd of trik house and 1st of Dushtana

6th house is the house where Mars thrive. This is the house where
we go to war, to battle, to face enemy and competition. This is the
house of fight, whether we fight an enemy, disease, debts or our
own personal battles. The battle field isn't necessarily a ground of
war, but it can also be the our daily fight we live in the 21st or
22nd century, the daily grind of dealing with the world, office, co-
workers, credit card payments, debt payments, doctor bills,
keeping accounts of our finances. All the things we DON'T want to
do reside in the 6th house. This is why it's a dushtana house (house
of karmic debt) what needs to be paid, must be paid. No one
escapes this house. Out of all the dushtana houses 6th stores the
most pending karma. Due to this pending karma 6th house also
shows untimely exit from this world.

What other places and reasons do we fight besides war? the legal
battles from divorce to litigation. Anything that drains your energy
in a battle is 6th house.

On the other hand this can be a house where we find our nutrition,
work out, detoxification. Only when we lose battles, wars and
battles of life do we grow as person. "I have failed over and over
again in my life, and that is why I succeed" Michael Jordan.

Sixth house is the original house of Mercury (Virgo) who is a

thinker, since Mars becomes the karaka of 6th house foundation
with the house built by Mercury it shows us strategic planning, the
strategy we use to win battles of life.

There are also spiritual battles and service in life. One must have
the discipline of Mars and intelligence of Mercury to achieve
success. You can't expect a flower out of nowhere, flower is
simply the byproduct of seed, soil, fertilizer, water, sunlight
coming together ~ Sadhguru, same way enlightenment is the
discipline of daily routines, practice of yoga, meditation and diet.
6th house becomes extremely important to achieve any goal
whether material or spiritual, physical or mental.

6th house is also the house of non-profit organization where we

give our selfless service without expecting too much in return; this
is the house of our karmic debt, no one said you are going to get a
paycheck after paying such debt. Most if not all who are involved
in red cross, green peace, NGO or non-profit organization are
simply trying to pay their past debts off (You do not become a
millionaire) by working at red cross.
The flipside of 6th house also shows company of everyone and
anyone whether it's on the streets or slums, you run into normal
people, sickly people, fighters, protectors or criminals. Remember

Body parts: Same as Virgo

PART 1 of this house lessons is only up to the 6th house because

houses 1-6 is the house of our young adulthood. 5th house is the
house of your education up to bachelor degree, what do most do
after getting their college degree? they go into the real world and
get a job, fight, struggle and try to beat competition.

7-12 is the house of our adult, middle age and old age which is
covered in part 2.

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