Unit 1

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Unit 1

)Page 6, exercise C(
1- The Doctor applied an antiseptic solution to the wound.
.Studying biochemistry is crucial for becoming medically educated -2
Fortunately, the condition of the patient can be determined without -3
The imbalance of the PH of the blood causes numerous issues within -4
.the body
Urinary incontinence is a common issue among the elderly, which -5
.usually leads to them wearing adult diapers
Heart arrhythmia is a condition in which the patient exhibits an -6
.irregular heartbeat pattern
The heart muscle can be damaged by substance abuse and heavy -7
.alcohol use, which may cause the heart to malfunction
Microbiology is the study of microorganisms, simple life-forms that -8
.are too small to be studied with the naked eye
.Ali had dental surgery as an outpatient last week -9
.The child was two weeks premature -10
.Unknowingly, Khalid had transmitted coronavirus to his parents -11
Using the ultrasound, the Doctor showed Sara a picture of her -12
.unborn child
.The fetus is an unborn child that is developing within the womb -13

Aseel Ahmed Alghamdi

)Page 7, exercise D(

Analysis of the patient's condition revealed that she has a case of -1

.The cardiologist diagnosed Omar with Arrythmia -2
The coronavirus epidemic caused a huge financial crash in most of -3
.the world's countries
A functional heart pumps about 5 liters of blood per minute( at rest) -4
.Smoking is very harmful for the lungs -5
.The Surgeon identified the incision sites and began the operation -6
The patient showed great improvement regarding his physical -7
The anesthesia care team brought an end to the patient's lucidity -8
.moments before the surgery
The mechanisms of the nervous system are some of the most -9
.complicated subjects in the study of medicine
10- To get a full picture regarding the patient's condition, we must
examine his medical records.
11- Heart palpitations can be a symptom of a more serious heart
12- Ahmed studied medicine for 7 years and earned a medical degree.
He is a certified physician.
13- The physiology of the human heart is very complex.
14- You shouldn't try to cure a diseased person if you're not a medical
15- Insulin regulates the level of sugar in blood.
16- The skin is the first line of resistance against invaders such as
17- Shortness of breath could be caused by permanent damage to the
lungs from smoking.
18- Radiologists specialize in diagnosing and treating patients using
medical imaging procedures (such as MRI)
(Page 7, exercise E)

1- The lens is a disk that focuses light rays that enter the eye through
the pupil.
2- The eye is covered in a mucous membrane that covers the eye and
eyelids called conjunctiva.
3- The cornea is the transparent part of the eye that allows the light to
enter inside.
4- No wonder Mohammed was hospitalized for a long time. He broke
his femur. that's the longest bone in the body.
5-The synovial membrane secretes synovial fluid into the joint cavity.
6- The joints in the knees and elbows would deteriorate rapidly without
the synovial fluid.
7- The patella is located anterior to the knee joint, it's also known as
the kneecap in general English.
8- The cartilage is a shock absorbing connective tissue that helps in
reducing the friction between bones.
9- The tibia is one of the two bones beneath the knee in the human
body, with it's top connecting to the knee and its bottom connecting to
the ankle joint.
10- The blood is carried away from the heart to the rest of the body
through the aorta.
11- The pulmonary artery carries deoxygenated blood from the right
side of the heart to the lungs in order to oxygenate it.
12-The ventricular septum is a muscular wall separating the right and
left ventricles of the heart.
13- As the heart muscles contract and relax, the valves open and shut
dictating the flow of blood. The pulmonary valve is located between the
right ventricle and the pulmonary artery.
14- The tricuspid valve is located between the right atrium and the right
15- The mitral valve is located between the left atrium and the left
16- The aortic valve is located between the left ventricle and the aorta.
17- The right atrium receives deoxygenated blood from the body and
then moves it to the right ventricle.
18- The right ventricle receives blood that is low in oxygen and then
pump it to the lung to oxygenate it.
19-The left atrium receives oxygenated blood from the lungs and
pushes it into the left ventricle.
20- The left ventricle is contracts to force oxygenated blood to be
distributed to the entire body.
(Page 8, 1.2 listening)

Exercise A:
1- At its core, medicine is the study of healing. Whether it be healing
adults, children, the elderly or even animals.
2- The importance of medicine, the social aspect of being a medical
practitioner (dealing with patients for example).

Exercise B:
a (X)
b (X)

c (✓)
d (X)

Exercise C:
1- Human anatomy, Physiology, Pharmacology, Biochemistry and
Exercise D:
1- Scan: the way a person looks around quickly for something or for
reading quickly, looking for certain information.
Cell: refers to small room such as a prison cell.
2-Scan: the use of ultrasound to provide a visual display of the internal
organs and other body structures.
Exercise E:
1- Cells and single cell organisms.
Exercise F:
The part of medicine which looks at the structure of the body.
(Page 9, 1.3 extending skills)

Exercise A:
1: An illness. – 2: A disease. – 3: A patients heartbeat pattern. –
4: A condition. – 5: safety regulations. – 6: surgery. – 7: Medication. –
8: Injections. – 9: The results of a scan.

Exercise B:
1: answer
2: solution
4: disadvantages
5: contrast
6: effect
7: events
8: process
9: supporting information
Exercise C:

1: flowchart.
2: tree diagram.
3: two columns.
4: table.
5: headings and notes.
6: timeline.
7: spidergram.

Exercise D:
1: flowchart – stages of a process.
2: tree diagram – classification and definition.
3: two columns – comparison and contrast.
4: table – classification and definition.
5: headings and notes – theories and opinions then supporting
6: timeline – sequence of events.
7: spidergram – cause and effect.
(Page 10, 1.4 extending skills)

Exercise A:
1: A medical team preforming a laser surgery .
2: A medical practitioner handling a scalpel.
3: A doctor pouring antiseptic solution on a piece of cotton .
4: a doctor administering a shot of vaccine.
5: people swimming around stagnant water.

Exercise B:
a: A diagram depicting the Thyroid gland and the trachea.
b: A diagram depicting Brain activity.
c: The structural formula for a chemical.

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