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Use Case Diagram of Aloha Thrift Application

submitted to fulfill the task of

System Analysis and Design

Dosen Pengampu :
Riska Dhenabayu S.E., M.M

Disusun Oleh :
Silviana Mar'atu Shalikhah 21081494005
Lirameira Latifah 21081494008
Silvika Rina Fatin Serzya 21081494012
Zidan Sundavalensa Rahmani 21081494053


We have two main actors: "User" and "System." The "User" represents individuals
who use the thrifting application to browse, search, add items to their cart, and
make purchases. The "System" is responsible for managing the application,
including adding and removing products, updating product information, managing
user accounts, and viewing and updating orders.
The use cases listed under each actor represent the various functionalities of the
thrifting application. Here's a brief description of each use case:

For the "User":

● Register: Allows users to create a new account in the thrifting application.
● Login: Allows users to authenticate themselves and access their accounts.
● Browse Items: Enables users to view available items for sale.
● Search Items: Allows users to search for specific items based on their
● Add to Cart: Allows users to add items to their shopping cart.
● Checkout: Enables users to proceed with the purchase of the items in their

For the "System":

● Add Product: Allows the system to add new products to the thrifting
● Remove Product: Enables the system to remove products from the
● Update Product: Allows the system to modify product information such as
price, description, etc.
● Manage Users: Enables the system to manage user accounts, including
adding, removing, or modifying user information.
● View Orders: Allows the system to view the list of orders placed by users.
● Update Order: Enables the system to update the status or details of an
These use cases represent the primary interactions between the actors and the
thrifting application. Keep in mind that this is just an example, and depending on
the specific requirements of your thrifting application, you may need to modify or
add additional use cases to capture all the desired functionalities.

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