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ZHERWIN O. Learning
Teacher Mathematics

MARCH 29, 2023

GRADE 1 TO 12 Teaching 3rd Quarter
Date and Wednesday Quarter
11:40 – 12:30


A. Content Standards The learners will be able to demonstrate understanding of key concepts of
combinatorics and probability

B. Performance The student is able to use precise counting technique and probability in
Standards formulating conclusions and making decisions

C. Learning At the end of the period, 75% of the students with 80% proficiency will be able
Competencies/ to:
1. identify probability problems whether they are mutually exclusive events, non-
mutually exclusive events, dependent events, or independent events;

2. solve problems involving probability of union and intersection of two events.

D. Strategies to Use Math Breaker Map (MBM)


Solves Problems Involving Probability – Union and Intersection of Events



References Math Time Volume XXI No. 3, 2018 Edition

Learners’ Module Mathematics 10, YouTube video: WOW Math

Other Learning
Power point presentation, Visual Aids,


A. Reviewing Previous REVIEW: “What is the Origin of Probability? ” (power point presentation)
Lesson or Presenting New

1. A measure of how likely an event will happen PROBABILITY

2. The occurrence of one event does not affect

the occurrence of the other event. INDEPENDENT EVENT

3. The set of all possible outcomes of an

Experiment. SAMPLE SPACE

4. Events that cannot occur at the same time are

called ______ _____ events MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE

5. Given set A {1,3,5,7,8 } and set B {2, 4, 6, 8 }

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8 is called the ______. INTERSECTION

6. An event whose result affects the result of the

other event. DEPENDENT EVENT

Valuing: Gambling

In some Mathematics textbooks, well known mathematicians Pierre-Simon

Laplace (1749-1827) and Andrey Kolmogorov (1933) were some of the known
Mathematicians that are credited for the theories on probability that we are still
applying today. But what is the true origin of probability?

B. Establishing a Purpose
Identify and solve problems on probability.
for the Lesson

Recall on the following.

MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE EVENTS are events that cannot occur in the same
trial of an experiment.
NON-MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE EVENTS are events that can happen at the
same trial of an experiment.

DEPENDENT EVENTS the result of one event affects the result of the other
INDEPENDENT EVENTS the occurrence of one event does not affect the
occurrence of the other event

Activity #1
Identify each probability problem if they are mutually exclusive events, non-
mutually exclusive, events, dependent events, or independent events.

1. A card is chosen at random from a deck of 52 cards. Without replacing it a

second card is chosen. What is the probability that the 1st card is a King and the

2nd is an ace? DEPENDENT EVENT

2. Mario has 45 red, 12 blue, and 24 green chips inside a box, what is the
probability of Mario randomly selecting a red or a blue chip? MUTUALLY

3. In a group of PBA fans, 5 likes the ginebra team and 4 likes the alaska team
and 2 likes both team. If one will be selected to watch a live game. What the
probability that a randomly seleced fan likes ginebra or likes alaska ? NON-

4. A class is composed of 10 boys and 15 girls. If two presenters are to be chosen

in succession for a program. What is the probability that the 1st chosen is a boy

and the 2nd is a girl? DEPENDENT EVENT

5. A box contains balls numbered 1 to 9, If three are taken one at a time without
replacement, find the probability that the numbers are odd – even – odd order.

6. A magazine has 14 pages, you open a random page. What is the probability
that the page is 3 or 7? MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE EVENT

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Developing Mastery Discuss on how to answer probability problems with “Math Breaker Map”
(Leads To Formative
Assessment 3)

Illustrative examles.

1. A card is chosen at random from a deck of 52 cards. Without replacing it a

second card is chosen. What is the probability that the 1 st card is a King and the
2nd is an ace?

2. In a group of PBA fans, 5 likes the ginebra team and 4 likes the alaska team
and 2 likes both team. If one will be selected to watch a live game. What the
probability that a randomly seleced fan likes ginebra or likes alaska ?


1. Two groups will be given the same problem.

2. Each group must work with their members using

The Math Breaker Map.

3. The finished work will be posted on the bord

Q1. A car rental agency has 10 yellow cars 5 white cars, 8 red cars, and 7
green cars Tristan rented a car but returned it because the windshield is
broken, and gets another car. What is the probability that Tristan was given a
white car then a red car?

Q2. In a conference hall , there are 211 participants. Ninety of them likes
robotics , 101 of them likes programming and 36 of them neither likes
robotics or programing. What is the probability that a randomly selected
participant likes either robotics or programing?

Finding practical Probability theory is a fundamental concept in many fields, including

applications of concepts and statistics, engineering, finance, physics, and more..
skills in daily living
1. insurance 4. Stock Market

2. Sports betting 5. Medicine

3. Quality control 6. Science

F.Making Generalization MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE EVENTS are events that cannot occur in the same
and Abstractions about the trial of an experiment.

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P ( A ∪ B ) =P ( A )+ P ( B )

NON-MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE EVENTS are events that can happen at the

same trial of an experiment.

P ( A ∪ B ) =P ( A )+ P ( B )−¿ P(A ∩ B)

DEPENDENT EVENTS the result of one event affects the result of the other

P ( A∧B )=P ( A ) x P ( B )

INDEPENDENT EVENTS the occurrence of one event does not affect the
occurrence of the other event.

P ( A ∪ B ) =P ( A ) x P ( B/ A )
Evaluating Learning Answer the following.

A. A box contains 20 chips numbered 1-20. One chip is drawn randomly at a

time, what is the probability that it is a 7 or a multiple of 3?

1. The probability problem is,

a. Mutually exclusive c. Dependent event

b. Non-mutually exclusive d. Independent event

2. Which formula will you use?

a. P(A U B) = P(A) + P(B) c. P(A U B) = P(A) x P(B)

b. P(A U B) = P(A) + P(B)- P(A Ո B) d. P(A U B) = P(A) x P(B/A)

3. Your answer to the problem.

a. P(A U B) = 3/20 c. P(A U B) = 7/20

b. P(A U B) = 5/20 d. P(A U B) = 2/20

B. There are 30 students in a class, 12 are boys 15 are girls and 3 belonged to the
LGBTQ community. If 3 students are needed to represent their class for a contest.
If all of them were given an equal chance to represent their class what will the
probability that a girl a boy, and a LGBTQ member will be chosen in

4. The probability problem is,

a. Mutually exclusive c. Dependent event

b. Non-mutually exclusive d. Independent event

5. Which formula will you use?

a. P(A U B) = P(A) + P(B) c. P(A U B) = P(A) x P(B)

b. P(A U B) = P(A) + P(B)- P(A Ո B) d. P(A U B) = P(A) x P(B/A)

6. Your answer to the problem.

a. P(A U B) = 9/406 c. P(A U B) = 30/87

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b. P(A U B) = 10/406 d. P(A U B) = 540/30


SECTION Excellence Industry Diligence Patience Generosity

A. No. of learners who

earned at least 80%
in the evaluation

B. No of learners who
require additional
activities for

Prepared by: Checked by: APPROVED BY:




Head Teacher VI Filipino Dept., Concurrent
Head of Math Dept.

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