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AN Series DC Magnetic Brake

Type : TB - AN 001



TEL : +82-31-498-9270-4
FAX : +82-31-498-92

Data No. : TH -AN 03-01

We would like to express our thanks to you at this time for choosing our AN series DC
Magnetic Brake for your purpose.
AN series DC Magnetic Brake is major part of mechanical facilities.
Please read this users' instruction manual carefully before use and handle correctly so that DC
Magnetic Brake can be fully functioning.
Please keep this users' instruction well because this manual provides guideline for daily
preservation and check, and still more is necessary for repair work when machine is out of
[S olicitation to mechanical maker]
• Please make this manual fully informed to end users who use this product in the end.
• In case when the product is delivered to customers as assembly following completion of
assembling test of machine and brake, please install fixing devices necessary for transportation
in order to prevent the unstableness when hoisting the product. Unless fixing devices are
installed, personal injury might happen.

• Illustrations described in this manual are shown without product's cover or protection material
for safety in order to explain the details. Therefore the cover or protection material should be
placed in original location according to the rules of operation requirement without fail when
operating this product, and the operation should be performed this manual.
• As drawings and pictures included in this manual are representative examples, the delivered
product sometime may not be same as the one shown in the manual.
• This manual can be revised because of the product improvement or change of spec. and for
the sake of convenience in using the manual itself. In this case, only the revision number(01)
of the reference number(TH-AN03-01) located at right bottom of page cover is changed and
revised accordingly.
• When ordering manual due to damage or loss, please contact to us.
• When the nameplate of the product is scratched or damaged, please contact to us.
• Please be fully acknowledged that any modification or change by customers would be beyond
our limit of our guarantee.

Besides carefully reading this manual for securing the safety, please strictly follow the law,
regulation and standard related to industrial safety at the country and province where this brake
is used.
STANDARD : Japanese Electrical Industrial Association : JEM 1240, JEM 1321, JEM 1021,
JEM 1029

A b o u t W a s t e D is p o s a l
• When scrapping the lining, dispose it as specific industrial waste.
• When scrapping the brake(excluding lining), dispose it as general industrial waste.

• Read carefully this manual and all other annexed documents before use(installation, operation,
maintenance, etc), and then use this product correctly. Also use after learning and having full
knowledge ofthe machine, safetyinformation, and all other precaution items. After reading,
please keep it without fail at the place.
• In this manual, "Danger" and "Caution" are described as signs of precaution.
: The occasions where personal death or heavy injury might be caused because
of occurrence of dangerous situation if handled incorrectly.

! C A U T IO N : T he occasions where heavy personal damage or light injury, or only property

damage might be caused because of occurrence of dangerous situation if
handled incorrectly.
Even if matters of 「CAUTION」are occured, heavier damage or injury can be resulted.

[ IM P O R T A N T ] : Even if this indication is not pertinent to「Danger」or「Caution」, this

precaution is noted at points where users should observe by all means.
[G E N E R A L ]

• Do not use at explosive atmosphere (dangerous place).
Use at such environment can cause injury, fire, etc.
• Only qualified persons or persons of having specific knowledge of the product are
recommended to perform transportation, installation, wiring, operation, adjustment,
maintenance, and check of the product. Electric shock, injury ,fire can be caused.
• Do not modify the product in any case.
Electric shock, injury, fire and other damage can be caused.

• Do not use the product beyond the specified range of use described in this manual.
Electric shock, injury, fire and other damage can be caused.


• When relocating the product by forklift, be careful enough to prevent the hazard of
drop and turning upside down.
Injury can be caused.
• Make sure the weight of brake by checking the nameplate, packing list, outline
drawing, catalog, before up the brake so that the brake weighing more than rated load of
hoist shall not b elifted.
Breakdown or drop of hoist hole, damage due to turning upside-down, or other damage can be

• When performing hoisting work, use lifting hole. Injury can be caused.
• Avoid hoisting up the whole part of machine by use of lifting hole after the brake is
installed at the machine. Injury can be caused.
• When transporting the brake(transport to the installation point or to the customer
location), make sure whether fixing device for transport is firmly affixed to it.
Hoisting work becomes unstable and injury can be caused.

[D IS M A N T L E M E N T O F P A C K IN G ]

· • Dismantle the packing after ensuring surrounding conditions.
Injury can be caused.
• Confirm whether the product received corresponds to the ordered one by checking
the nameplate, order sheet, and other lists. Installation of different product may cause injury
or breakdown.
• Make sure whether there is any part damaged during the transportation. Do not use
the brake that has been damaged. Injury or breakdown can be caused.

[ IN S T A L L A T IO N ]

• Do not install the brake at such places as ceiling, wall, and inclined.
Normal operation is not possible and injury can be caused.


• Check the indicator to ensure that the maximum stroke is certainly not exceed.
Normal operation is not possible and injury can be caused.
• Do not use at places where water drops or oil drops are splashed around the brake
drum and magnetic part of the product.
Normal operation is not possible and injury can be caused.
• Foundation of the machine has to be constructed strong enough to allow the weight
of brake and repulsive power created during braking action. Injury can be caused.
• Do not place any inflammables around the brake in any case.
Fire can be caused.
• Install safety belt if the product is installed at such places where there is any
possibility to be accessed by persons who have no professional knowledge. Injury can be caused.
• Do not install and operate the brake if it is damaged.
Electric shock, injury, fire, and other damage can be caused.

[W IR IN G ]

• Perform the wiring work by qualified person or man of professional knowledge.
Electric shock or fire can be caused.
• Perform wiring work after power switch is turned off and "No Energizing" sign is
posted. If different product is installed, injury or breakdown can be caused.
• Earth terminal should be firmly grounded according to industrial electrical standard
and regulation of internal wiring. Electric shock can be caused.
• Do not operate with the terminal box cover open and reinstall the terminal box
cover to original condition. Electric shock can be caused.

• Perform the wiring installation according to industrial electrical standard and
regulation of internal wiring. Electric shock, fire, injury can be caused.
• Voltage variation shall preferably be limited within the range of between 110% and
85% of rated voltage. Damage by burning may cause ignition or abnormality of operation, and
also can cause electric shock, fire, injury, etc.
• Do not install protection devices(leakage circuit breaker, etc) at brake. Remove them
all if installed. Electric shock and ignition due to damage by burning can be caused.

[A D J U S T M E N T ]

• Indicator and braking torque are calibrated before shipping. Do not change the
preadjuste d setting without pe rm ission. Normal operation may not be possible and injury can be caused.
• Adjust the stroke within the standard range of indicator.
Normal operation may not be possible and injury can be caused.
• Do not unfasten the lock nut of each adjustment bolt in any case.
The nut may be loosened due to vibration and normal operation may not be possible.


• Operate after making sure whether there is any paint or moisture that causes
dewdrops on shoe contact surface of the brake drum.
Normal operation may not be possible and injury can be caused.
• Perform test run of new product lining about 10-20 times without load, and use
while readjusting the stroke.
Normal operation may not be possible and injury can be caused.
• Make sure whether the emergency stop device maintains normal function.

Injury can be caused.
• Never come close to or touch rotating machine(brake drum, etc) during operation.
Injury due to body part being rolled into the machine can be caused.
• Turn off unnecessary power switch during power failure.
Injury can be caused if the power comes back and machine starts automatically.

• Do not use the brake in excess of standard range of specification.
Electric shock, injury, breakdown can be caused.
• Temperature of brake and brake drum goes up very high during operation in some
cases. Be careful so as not for hands or body part to be touched on machine.
Physical damage by burn can be caused.
• Stop operation immediately if any abnormality happens.
Electric shock, injury, fire etc can be caused. Also, examine the cause of abnormality,
and solve the problem according to Article 11 of manual, 'the cause of abnormality
and measures to be taken thereof.'


• Do not change the built-in lining material. Use good quality lining material of our
Normal operation may not be possible and injury can be caused.
• If any abnormal conditions on brake drum surface(heat spot, thermal crack, etc)
happen, examine the cause immediately, and solve the problem, and exchange the brake
drum according to Article 11 of this manual, 'the cause of abnormality and measures to be
taken thereof.' Injury can be caused.
• Lifting lug and transport device that are used to keep holding the load should be
placed on the ground when the brake is to be opened. Injury can be caused.
* Heat Spot : A phenomenon that spot is created due to heat of drum surface.
* Thermal Clack : A phenomenon that drum surface is gnawed due to the friction
between lining and drum.

• Conduct daily, monthly, and yearly routine check according to Table 9.1 of this
manual 「D aily, M onthly, Y early C heck P oint」.
Normal operation may not be possible and injury can be caused.
• Do not touch brake because the electromagnet of brake becomes high temperature
in some cases.
Physical damage by burn can be caused.
• Please remove certainly if there comes alien substance between armature and yoke
that makes impossible.
Normal operation may not be possible and injury can be caused.
• Please remove certainly if air breathing hole is blocked, because braking yoke of
brake may be fallen and may be delayed braking action.
Normal operation may not be possible and injury can be caused.
• Stroke shall be used within range of indicator standard.
Normal operation may not be possible and injury can be caused.

[D IS M A N T L E IN G • A S S E M B L IN G ]

• Dismantleing and assembling must be performed at professional workshop.
Injury can be caused.

[ T R A N S P O R T A T I O N IN S T A L L A T IO N ]

• When transporting the brake, please must be checked at professional workshop.
Normal operation may not be possible and injury can be caused.
• Please must be checked not move when transporting the brake.
If the hoisting work of brake becomes unstable, injury can be caused.


1. C heck point when the articles arrived

2. T ransportation Instruction
3. P reservation Instruction

4. C haracteristic, M ovement and S tructure of brake

4.1 C haracteristic
4.2 M ovement
4.3 S tructure

5. Installation
5.1 E stablishment basis
5.2 E stablishment points
5.3 R elease method of brake

6. Adjustment before use

6.1 Adjustment of stroke
6.2 C ontrol gap of lining between right and left
6.3 C ontrol gap of lining between top and bottom
6.4 Adjustment of braking torque

7. W iring
8. T est run check and operation point
8.1 C heck before test run
8.2 O perationinstruction

9. P reservation
9.1 Adjustment stroke
9.2 Lining exchange
9.3 W ear of joint pin and pin hole
9.4 E xchange of seal cover
9.5 E xchange of electron coil

10. O verhaul
11. O ccurrence of trouble and remedy
12. S pare parts

1 . C h e c k p o in t w h e n t h e a r t ic le s a r r iv e d

• Dismantle the packing after ensuring surrounding conditions when the packing
Injury can be caused.
• Confirm whether the product received corresponds to the ordered one by checking
the nameplate(P ic. 1.1), order sheet, and other lists.
Installation of different product may cause injury and breakdown.
• Make sure whether there is any part damaged during the transportation. Do not use
the brake that has been damaged.
Injury or breakdown can be caused.

If you have any questions and more information, please contact to us at anytime.


P icture 1.1 P osition of nameplate

2 . T r a n s p o r t a t io n I n s t r u c t io n

• When relocating the product by forklift, be careful enough to prevent the hazard of
drop and turning upside down.
Injury can be caused.
• Make sure the weight of brake by checking the nameplate, packing list, putline
drawing, catalog, before up the brake so that the brake weighing more than rated
load of hoist shall not be lifted. Breakdown or drop of hoist bolt, damage due to
turning upside-down, or other damage can be caused.
• W hen performing hoisting work, use lifting hole.
Injury can be caused.
• Avoid hoisting up the whole part of machine by use of lifting hole after the brake is
installed at the machine.
Injury can be caused.


P icture 2.1 P osition for hoisting hole

3 . P r e s e r v a t io n In s t r u c t io n
In state that the packing is damaged, brake does not keep temporarily or long term.
Brake place of keeping wants to consider and decides following points.
* Not exist windy and rainy, moisture place
* Oilless place
* Not exist noxious gas and liquid place
* Ambient temperature : 0℃~40℃ place
* Not exist vibration place

4 . C h a r a c t e r is t ic , M o v e m e n t a n d S t r u c t u r e o f b r a k e
4.1 C haracteristic
1) No oil supply
Oilless supply bush does not need grease oil supply because was assembled to each
joint pin.
2) A coil head isolation
A coil swap is easy to the structure which the coil is separated from a braking situation
with a coil head.
4.2 M ovement
1) Opening Movement
In electron coil electric current if pass electron coil holding pushing spring force of braking
spring being done armature by yoke inhale. As a result, open brake lining from brake
2) Braking Movement
If shut off electric current in electron coil, electromagnet acts as stroke by braking spring
force. Is delivered to brake post and armature as this action pushes Rod.
So, strong brake force is happened as lining is compressed to brake drum pushing brake

4.3 S tructure
Brake post and armature had placed on lower frame right and left are linked simple and strong
structure by upper 1 ROD.

P icture 4.1 Assembly of D C M agnetic Brake

5. Installation


• Please do not use in of explosive atmosphere(hazard location).

Injury and fire can be caused.
• Do not install direct current DC Magnetic Brake in celling or wall and inclined place
because it is form that is placed in high position.
Normal operation may not be possible and injury can be caused.
Install the surface for establishment to be horizontal ity certainly.

• Please do not use in place that droplet or oil dripping bounds for brake drum and
electromagnet part.
Normal operation may not be possible and injury can be caused.
• Please make combustibles not put absolutely around brake.
Fire can be caused
• Please establish safety belt in the establishment place in case of possible approach
-ing non-expert. Injury can be caused.
• Indicator and retarding torque(braking spring length) were controlled when we made
forwarding. P lease do not make alternation by controlling at randum.
P lease avoid controlling by changing at randum.
Normal operation may not be possible and injury can be caused.

Please decide for installation place

considering following.
INDICATOR • Place without droplet, oil dripping to
brake drum
• Place without droplet, oil dripping for
electromagnet segment
• Place with possible space for control
SPRING • Place with ambient temperature of
-10~+40℃(in case of standard)
• Place without volatile gas and
particulate matter

F igure 5.1 P ositions of indicator and braking spring

5 .1 E s t a b lis h m e n t B a s is
• Establishment basis shallstructured by considering weight and reaction of breaking
of brake.
Injury can be caused.
Also, make establishment surface horizontal enough using cross level gauge.

5 .2 E s t a b lis h m e n t P o in t s


• When establishes, confirm indicator and check not to be exceeded maximum stroke
(picture A) when driving.

P icture A. Brake O pen P icture B. Brake braking (G ood)

P icture C . Brake braking P icture D . Brake braking

(S ituation to need adjustment) (action disable situation)

P lease install by points in case establish brake after establish electric motor.
(refer P icture 5.2, Table 5.1)

P icture 5.2 N ame of each part related with install

# E stablishment order
1) Make brake in open state. (It is open state when delivery.)
Open brake fixing manual opening bolt by wrench until does not move more.
(refer detailed item 5.3 clauses in page 19)

[IM P O R T AN T ]
When delivery, it is manual opened state controlled maximum stroke. Even if stroke is opened
to maximum, it is possible to establish in a drum as it is.
In case of establish stroke not so big, please control gradually stroke little by little adjusting
nut until lining and a drum are contacted little.

2) Please establish in position to establish brake. In this case, if brake drum and lining is not
contacted, control by top and bottom control interval adjusting bolt.

3) Decide brake establishment position roughly.

First, open manual opening bolt and brake in brake stating.
Fix manual opening bolt again and make brake in open state.

4) Adjust brake drum's top and bottom center with brake.

Please measure center-line etc and tightens liner and control by 0.5mm within.


Tightens liner and control by

0.5mm within

P icture 5.4 Top and bottom center-line control point

5) Decide brake's axis position.

P icture 5.5 P osition of brake's axis

6) Please confirm parallelism of lining and brake drum.
In this case, when it is more than error(α) 0.4mm of Figure 1, please re-adjust in order 5).

a b

Allowable Error

a - c : 0.4

b - d : 0.4

c d

P icture 5.6 P arallelism error of lining and brake drum

7) Tighten lightly installation bolt.

8) Loosen opening release bolt and does in braking state.

9) Adjust brake drum's right and left center with brake.

To adjust Frame's position by ±2mm within so that center of brake's and center-line of brake
drum may conform.


P icture 5.7 P oints of R ight and left center adjustment

10) Tighten hold-down bolt strongly and finishes installation.

To execute Clause 6 [Adjustment of before use ]

5.3 R elease method of Brake

• Please do not, repeat do not, unscrew the adjusting bolts of the locknuts.

It may be caused injury and improper operation by the bolts become loose due to the irregular


There are two types of the brake release methods, by manually and by using electronic coils.

In the event that you want to release it manually, then unscrew the release bolt with a spanner
wrench until it touchs on the armature and won't be turned [Picture refer to 5.8(a)]. At this time of the
brake release, it is placed into the same condition when an electric current is turned on.

Insure the apex of bolt placed inside of the manual release device when the brake is applied, and
make sure the locknut is fixed.

[IM P O R T AN T ] If the fastening force of the locknut is week, it may cause the manual releasing
bolt moves towards the armature thus causing the brake released due to the vibration while
operating. In addition, unless the manual releasing bolt unscrewed, the brake will not function.



(a) Shows the state manually released (b) Shows the state after clearing manual
releasing bolt

P icture 5.8 M anual releasing bolt details

6. Adjustment before use
Please conduct adjustment of each part of brake according to Article 6.1~6.3 before its use.


• Indicator and braking torque have been calibrated before shipping. Do not use adjust

the setting without permission.

Normal operation may not be possible and injury can be caused.

• Adjust the stroke within the standard range of indicator.

• Tighten the lock nut of each adjusted bolt after adjustment. (Be careful so as for the

adjusted bolt not to be run together with nut).

Normal operation may not be possible if the nut is loosened due to vibration, and

injury can be caused.

• Check the indicator when adjusting the stroke, and maintain the mode of operation

to be kept within the range of the maximum stroke(picture A).

Normal operation may not be possible and injury can be caused.

P icture B. Brake braking

P icture A. Brake braking (G ood) (action disable situation)

[IM P O R T AN T ] W hile maintaining the stroke to be big under manual releasing condition, please
surely make the stroke to be small by use of stroke adjustment nut until lining and
drum are lightly engaged each other before unfastening the manual releasing bolt.
Thereafter, unfasten the manual releasing bolt and perform stroke adjustment under
braking condition.

(1) S troke E xplanation

Indeed, in other words, distance between yoke and armature when braking for stroke and center of
electromagnetic, it is electromagnet gap.
Please use brake certainly in standard range of indicator. If use beside this range, there occurs
following breakdown.

* W hen use by low limit stroke(minimum stroke) :

It becomes attrition rotational state by decreasing windage of lining and drum.
* W hen use more than upper limit stroke(maximum stroke) :
Impact(shock) is big when braking and life-time of brake becomes short and retarding torque is
been less because flexibility of braking spring is cut or there is occasion that does not become
opening of brake.

(2) E xplanation for Indicator

Electromagnet gap surroundings has covered with seal cover, it is difficult to confirm stroke directly
in state of installed brake.
By the way, it may be available designing brake by controlling stroke.


P icture A. W hen open brake O pen

P icture C . Brake braking

P icture B. Brake braking (G ood)
(S ituation to need adjustment)

Picture 6.1 Adjustment of Indicator

6.1 Adjustment of S troke
• Please tighten the locknuts of each adjustment volt in order not to become loose.
It may be caused improper operation by the bolts become loose due to the irregular
(1) Unscrew the manual releasing bolt and place the brake in an applied condition.
(2) Unscrew the lock volt and place the tie rod nut adjustable.
(3) Loose the No.1 and No.2 nuts of the locknut at the same time using a spanner wrench. A lock
washer is inserted in the stroke adjustment nut between the two nuts. W hen loosing the nuts, it is
easier to disassemble them if giving a little stroke.
[Picture refer to 6.2(b)]
(4) With watching the readings of the indicator by rotating the adjustment nut, adjust the stroke as
※ When the specified tightening torque is not achieved at lining, then an adjustment is to be made
at the location shown in Picture 6.2(c).
※ When the tightening torque is achieved at the time of operation, then an adjustment is to be
made as necessary at the location shown is Picture 6.2(d).


NUT 2)

(a) N ut to be worked by a spanner wrench (b) N ut to be used for stroke adjustment

P icture C . Brake braking

P icture B. Brake braking (G ood)
(S ituation to need adjustment)
(c) Location of indicator to be placed (d) Location of indicator to be placed
when no tightening torque is achieved when the tightening torque is achieved

P icture 6.2 Adjustment of stroke checklist

[IM P O R T AN T ] After completing the adjustment, please tighten the lock bolt of stroke nuts by
primary loosing prevention. T hen tighten the locknut strongly enough by tightening N o.1 and
N o.2 at the same time using a spanner wrench. P lease tighten strongly with the condition of
lock nut. O therwise, the nuts could be loosen and caused for an accident.

6.2 C ontrol gap of lining between right and left

Installed brake becomes open state after touching armature by turning manual opening bolt to
armature direction. This time, control windage(more than 0.3mm) of both of lining and drum
by right and left windage adjusting bolt to be same.
[IMPORTANT] Please confirm by thickness gauge whether niche of lining and brake drum
becomes more than 0.3mm. Take care so that do not pass over more than maximum 0.7mm.
[BAD N E S S ] [G O O D ]

P icture 6.3 C ontrol gap of lining between right and left

6.3 C ontrol gap of lining between top and bottom

When make brake as open state by turning manual opening bolt, control gap(over0.3mm) between top
and bottom of both linings and drum by gap between top and bottom control bolt to be equal.
[BAD N E S S ] [G O O D ]

P icture 6.4 C ontrol gap of lining between top and bottom

[IM P O R T AN T ] * P lease confirm by thickness gauge if top and bottom niche of lining and brake
drum becomes more than 0.3mm.

* After complete adjustment, please fix hardly the head of manual opening bolt until inserting
into manual opening device by turning lock-nut(refer article 5.3). If locknut conclusion power is
weak,manual opening bolt may move be armature side by vibration while driving ant it may
cause brake opening.

6.4 Adjustment of braking torque

• Braking torque was calibrated before shipping. Do not change the pre-adjusted setting

without permission. Normal operation may not be possible and injury can be caused.

[IMPORTANT] * Braking torque was calibrated before shipping. Do not adjust the setting unless
otherwise necessary.
* In case of changing the braking torque, adjust it within the range between the
maximum and minimum number specified in the nameplate(picture 6.5). Operating beyond
the range of adjustment torque can cause the loss of electromagnetic attraction or inability
of braking.
* Once adjustment is finished, turn the front end of manual releasing bolt until it is pushed to
inside of manual releasing device, and then firmly fix it with lock nut. If such tightening is weak,
manual releasing bolt gets loose and unexpected accident may happen.

# Adjustment sequence of braking torque(refer T able 6.1)

(1) Make sure whether the length of brake spring(L size**) is the same setting size of nameplate
when unfastening the manual releasing bolt and putting the brake on braking condition.

(2) Adjust the brake spring length so as to be within the range of ±1mm of setting size by use of
brake torque adjustment bolt of both side, in case both are same size. In this case, adjust
the braking spring length toward the location of L size(center of brake spring when viewed from
front side of brake) of picture 6.6 without fail.



[Note] If brake spring length (L size) is set longer, the brake torque becomes smaller.
If the brake spring length(L size) is set shorter, the brake torque become bigger.

P icture 6.6 Adjustment of brake torque

[IM P O R T AN T ] S etting fixs hard by lock nut certainly if finish. Accident that braking torque
adjustment bolt does not think untying if this conclusion is weak may happen.

* Indicator's b point of L dimension is base line and dimension of agreeing occasion(Minimum Stroke)
in braking state.

[Brake braking (G ood)]

7 . W ir in g

• Proceed with the electric wiring only after switch off of the power and placing a sign of
"D o not power" in the place. It may be caused electric shock.
• Let the wiring, repairing and inspection done by a professional person.
An electric shock or fire could result.
• Interlink terminal for ground connection according to electrical device standard and
interior wiring regulation.
It may be caused electric shock.
• Please do not drive in state that open cover of the terminal box. After work, cover of
the terminal box in original state establish.
It may be caused electric shock.

• Proceed with the electric wiring work in compliance with the pertinent Electrical
Hardware Standard and Interior Electric Wiring Regulations. It may be caused electric
shock, fire, injury, etc.
• Allow for the voltage variation to remain within the range of 110% through 85% at the
rated voltage. Otherwise, it may become ignitable and cause improper operation and electric
shock, fire, injury owing to the possible burning out.
• Protector(Earth leakage breaker, etc) should not establish in brake. Established places
An electric shock or fire can be caused owing to the possible burning out.
With opening the cover of the terminal box, connect the electronic coil terminal to the power
source terminal as shown in Picture 7.1. The power cable inlet hole is of a conduit thread type
(In the even that the size of screw not specified, PF 3/4 is normally applied as a standard.)

[Definition of the instrument code]

SR : Direct Resistor TR : TRANS BRAKE : Electronic coil for brake

DR : Discharge Resistor DI : DIODE T : TIMER
R 1: Direct Resistor TNR : M : MAGNET CONTACTOR

P icture 7.1 E lectronic coil terminal and power source terminal connection diagram

[IMPORTANT] When wiring, please take care following points.
* It is that is rapidly whether brake's capacity agrees with capacity of Direct Resistor,
Discharge Resistor and Magnetic Contactor B for injection of brake electron coil.
* Please confirm setup time of electron time relay.
. TB - AN 132 ~ 200 : 0.5 sec.
TB - AN 225 ~ 250 : 0.7 sec.
TB - AN 280 ~ 527 : 1.0 sec.
* All, cable used to wire to big electric wire size than that when uses commonness 600V
polyvinyl chloride wire captire cable, confirm that do brake's electric current and does
allowable current.
* Protective tube used flexible so that terminal box at brake action may not move.
* Body shall be worked ground connection according to electrical installation technology
Earth terminal used terminal box internal earth terminal.
* Please close cover of terminal box certainly after work.

8 . T e s t r u n c h e c k a n d o p e r a t io n p o in t
8.1 C heck before test run


• Operate after making sure whether there is any paint or moisture that causes dewdrops
on shoe contact surface of the brake drum.
Normal operation may not be possible and injury can be caused.
• Perform test run of new product lining about 10-20 times without load and use it while
readjusting the stroke.
Normal operation may not be possible and injury can be caused.

[IMPORTANT] Check the following items before test run.

* Whether the voltage of electric source is appropriate.

* Whether setting of electromagnetic time relay for holding current is correct.
* Whether wiring is properly connected.
* Whether the gap between brake drum and lining is normal.(one side gap to be
more than 0.3mm)
* Whether adjustment of stroke is proper.
* Whether braking spring length is set to the specified length.
* Whether front end of manual releasing bolt is placed inside of manual releasing
device and is tightened with lock nut.
* Whether lining is properly installed.
* Whether shoe face of brake drum is cleaned.
Cleanse the paint if there is any on it by thinner or equivalent.
* Completely remove the moisture of brake drum and lining surface if there is any
wetting effect.
* Whether screw of each part and lock nut are tightened.
* Whether the brake is operated softly when current the electromagnetic coil
under the condition that the brake drum is stopped.

Make sure without fail the followings after completion of test run.

* Whether the brake is fully functioning.

* Whether each part is performed normally when operating starts.
* Perform test run without load about 10-20 times and readjust the stroke because
new product lining is partly engaged at initial stage of use.

8.2 O peration Instruction


• Check if the emergency stopping device works properly.

It may be caused injury.
• Be careful not to contact and touch any rotating items(Such as brake drum, etc).
There are risks of an entwine and getting injury.
• In the event of power failure, switch off of all the power switches.
There is a risk of getting injury with starting the operation automatically when the
power supply has resumed.


• At the time of a brake selection, chose one among the items specified.
It may be caused electric shock, injury and damage.
• The brake and brake drums are normally in the state of high temperature during
operation. Therefore, be careful not to get touch or contact with them by your hand or body
regions. It may be caused burn.
• In the event of occuring any abnormal operation symptom, then stop its operation
immediately. It may be caused electric shock, fire and injury.
Further, check and determine the possible cause of the problem and take necessary
remedy action following the Clause 11 of the handling guidelines entitled
「Possible cause of problems occurring and their remedies.」

In case of operating an electronic brake of an instrument which is in use of an electric braking system
in parallel, then read the relevant specification of the brakes you have selected carefully so that you
can operate the instrument correctly. When you happen to operate an electronic brake that is beyond
the specified ranges of the pertinent specification, then you should take a special care not to damage
the lining and brake drums. For an initial inspection of the specified machine by the governing
regulation, it is essential to carry out an operational test as appropriate.

Terminology of specification about electromagnetic brake is explained as follows.

(1) R ated Torque

Rated torque represents by running friction torque just before stoppage. Braking torque represents
by multipliction of friction coefficient, braking surface pressure and braking radius. Friction
coefficient changes according to variation degree by lining material, relative velocity, braking
surface pressure and braking surface temperature, and is occasionally different from the type and
condition of those changes. Therefore, braking torque value can not be uniformly defined in detail.
Whereas, running friction torque at neighboring point of low speed(just before stoppage), where
most practical and technically safe value is existent, is defined as rated braking torque.
(2) Time R ating(C ontinuous)
Continuous flow of electric current based on specified condition can be possible.

(3) O peration Frequency

Operation frequency represents by the available ON and OFF frequency based on specifid condition
according to electromagnetic thermal capacity.

(4) D uty C ycle

Duty cycle means time of electric current flow. (ex, time rate of electric current flow per hour is
calculated as follows.))
T ime rate of electric flow(% ) = Time of electric current flow(s)×100/3600(s)

(5) Allowable V oltage V ariation

Allowable voltage variation is within the range of 110%-85% of rated voltage. When used within
this range, there is no practical problem. If used in excess of 110% of rated voltage, there is
every probability that whole part of coil might be burned, and if lower than 85%, brake may probably
begin to work during motor operation. Even if the voltage variation comes along as transient
phenomenon, there may be some difficulties when voltage variation is continuously allowed
for normal operation. When operated at voltage exceeding 100% of the rated voltage as normal
condition, lifetime of the electromagnetic coil might be shortened even if the brake is within the range
of rated operation frequency and duty cycle. Also when used below 100% of rated voltage, instant
voltage dip of lower than 85% might be experienced during the motor startup.

Table 8.1 R ange of voltage variation

Range of voltage variation

Rated Voltage
(Rated voltage 110%~85%)

DC 100V DC 110 ~ 85V

DC 200V DC 220 ~ 170V

9. P reservation


• When abnormality on brake drum surface (Heat Spot), and (Thermal Clack) are
occurred, examine the cause immediately and solve the problem, and exchange the
brake drum according to Article 11 of this manual [the cause of abnormality and measures
to be taken thereof]. Injury can be caused.
• Lifting lug and transport device that are used to keep holding the load should be
placed on the ground before the brake is to be opened.
Injury can be caused.

• Conduct daily, monthly, and yearly routine check according to Table 9.1 of this manual,
「Daily • Monthly • Yearly check point」.
Normal operation maynot be possible and injury can be caused.
• Do not touch brake because there are some occasions where the electromagnet of
brake becomes high temperature.
Damage by burn can be caused.
• Dismantling and assembling must be performed at professional workshop.
Electric shock, injury, fire, etc can be caused.

Adjustment and check of each part in accordance with the daily checking is necessary
after the brake starts to operate. Major checking points are described in the work list,
Table 9.1. Please perform the works according to the main point of checking & operation.

Also perform exchange work according to Article 9.5 of this manual when electromagnetic
coil is replaced due to revision of specification and accident, and other reasons.

[IMPORTANT] Timing of exchange of dry metal and damper cover that are used for brake
is as follows.
* Dry metal : Exchange after 1 million times of brake operation frequency
* Damper cover : Exchange after 2~3 years
* Seal cover : Exchange after 2~3 years

Conduct overhaul when dry metal is exchanged.(refer to Article 10)

T able 9.1 D aily, M onthly and Y early Inspection C hecklist

Inspection Items Daily Monthly Yearly Inspection & Troubleshooting Technique Ref. No.

* Confirm location of indicator

Clause 9.1
Stroke Adjustment ○ * Check the extent of gap in between up and
down, and left and light of the lining and the
Clause 6.2
Clause 6.3
brake drum respectively.

Lining Thickness ○ * Replace the lining with new one when it's
thickness has worn away to 3mm.
Clause 9.2

* Brow away oil remain on the surface.

Brake Drum Surface ○ * In the event that a damage or similar

abnormal condition discovered, then locate

the cause of the problemand repair it.

Brake operating * Does the brake work smoothly ?

condition of ○ If not, check to locate the cause of the -
Engage/Disengage problem and repair it.

Screws on each
component loosen
○ * Are the screws not in loose, cracked or
damaged ?

* Hasn't the lining badly worn out and thus the

Installation of lining
brake pad
○ lining brake pad won't contact to the brake Clause 9.2
drum ?

Connecting pins
worn out
○ * The connecting pins have worn and torn out
and thus remain in loose condition ?
Clause 9.3

Seal cover damaged

and covered by oil
○ * Any damage discovered from the Seal cover ?
* Does the oil remain ?

Clause 9.4

Air draining hole

○ * Is the air draining hole not blocked ?
If it is, then blow dust out from the hole.

9.1 Adjustment S troke

• Stroke shall be used within range of indicator standard.
Normal operation may not be possible and injury can be caused.
Quantity of abrasion of lining differs according to working conditions, braking withdrawal and
natural material of lining etc. Therefore, it is very important that know xisting wear condition in
daily check. Also, when inspect setting of stroke, check certainly gap of top and bottom and
right and left behaving of lining and brake drum.(refer Article 6.2 and 6.3)

[IM P O R T AN T ] (1) If wear degree of lining is greatened, stroke is greatened. So, if sucking force
of electromagnet becomes low, there maybe occurred unexpected accident.
Please adjust in state of (b) certainly according to picture 9.1(a).

(2) Please adjust gradually stroke by stroke adjusting nut until contact lightly in lining
and a drum certainly before releasing manual opening bolt in case of making greatly
stroke in state of manual opening. Please adjust stroke when do in braking state
after releasing manual opening bolt.

P icture A. Brake O pen P icture B. Brake braking (G ood)

P icture C . Brake braking P icture D . Brake braking

(S ituation to need adjustment) (action disable situation)

P icture 9.1 Adjustment S troke

9.2 Lining E xchange

• Please avoid changing lining quality of the material. Please use lining specified by our
company. (W hen use products of other company, inquire to our company.)
Normal operation may not be possible and injury can be caused.


• When exchange lining confirm indicator and avoid the shape exceeding maximum
stroke(picture A) when do operation. Normal operation may not be possible and injury can be
In case of working over maximum stroke(picture B), opens seal cover certainly and
confirm damper cover and damper spring whether did not rush into electromagnet gap
surface(picture C).

P icture B. Brake braking

P icture A. Brake braking (G ood) (action disable situation)

Please exchange lining according to following points if thickness becomes 3mm because it is
consumer parts.

[IM P O R T AN T ] In case exchange lining, exchange by new lining enlarge stroke adjusting nut after open
manually and remove worn lining. At this time, please avoid releasing manual opening bolt until state

of enlarging stroke, adjustment stroke in braking state releasing manual bolt and control certainly

gradually stroke by stroke with adjusting nut until lining and drum contact lightly.

# Lining removal order
(1) Open brake manually.
(2) Dismantle keeping plate of lining.
(3) Lining is removed simply toward electric motion axis direction moving lining up to upper
direction according to brake drum.





P icture 9.2 N ame of each part related lining exchange

# Lining exchange order
(1) Turn stroke adjusting nut and enlarge space of lining and a drum.
(2) Exchange lining in state of picture 9.3.
(3) Turn stroke adjusting nut until lining and a drum are contacted lightly.
(4) Fix lock nut controlling head of manual open bolt inserting toward inside of manual opening
device.[refer picture 5.8(b) in page 19]
(5) Please adjust space between lining and brake drum according to clause 6 [adjusted before use],
space between up and bottom and stroke.

P icture 9.3 P oints of lining exchange

[IM P O R T AN T ] Do trial operation after exchange lining. Confirm certainly following items.
* Is brake displaying function enough ?
* For new lining, do stroke readjustment after road test by no-load 10-20 times
because of use early part wear.
9.3 W ear of joint pin and pin hole

If pin hole with joint pin is been worn away, space of brake drum and lining is not existed so that
sometimes needs to control stroke. In this case needs to be exchanged dry metal of pin groove.
Also, when exchange joint pin, there needs to be exchanged pin in case there are abnormalities
of wear of pin and rust etc. (refer Article 10, "Over Hole").

9.4 E xchange of S eal C over

• Please remove certainly if there comes alien substance between armature and yoke that
makes impossible.
Normal operation may not be possible and injury can be caused.
• Please remove certainly if air breathing hole is blocked, because braking yoke of brake
maybe fallen and maybe delayed braking action.
Normal operation may not be possible and injury can be caused.

If seal cover is damaged, dust may come inside electromagnet that prohibits normal absorption,
and there is worry to happen unexpected accident.

# E xchange order of seal cover

(1) Remove binding wire for fixing seal cover.

(2) Release stroke adjusting nut and enlarges stroke as long as possible.
(3) Dismantle seal cover in space of armature and yoke.
(4) Clean inside with air or clean dust cloth in space of armature and yoke.
(5) Blow air on air breathing hole and gets rid of dust.
(6) Install new seal cover inserting on space of armature and yoke.
This time, certainly insert inboard on armature groove and yoke groove to set projection for
position decision inside seal cover.
(7) Adjust gradually stroke by stroke adjustment nut until drum and lining contact lightly.
(8) Fix seal cover in binding wire.
This time, please confirm and fix whether seal cover came certainly into the yoke and
armature groove.

9.5 E xchange of electron coil

Standard electron coil apply F Class insulation and fixs in resin. (Apply H Class according to

When exchange electron coil, you shall be followed in below instruction.

1) Open the terminal box cover, and take off

inner connecting terminal.

Take off Terminal Box

2) Take off the whole terminal.

Take off terminal

3) Please dismantle 6 pieces BOLT that is

supporting YOKE and POLE.(When

dismantlement work is not easy, if turn 1

among BOLT removed to HOLE for POLE

exclusion to TAP for POLE exclusion,

exclusion is available easily)

Remove of BOLT

4) Please extract POLE whole outside using

handle. (This time, please fall suddenly and

remove specially observation)

Remove of POLE

5) Please remove COIL BASE and BOLT that

is supporting POLE.

Remove of BOLT

6) Please remove COIL BASE and POLE.

Separate of COIL and POLE

10. O ver H aul

Proceed with an overhauling work at the time of the dry metal needs to be replaced(When the
number of the brake operation exceeds 1 million times).
We have described the details of the overhauling work requirements in our Table 10.1 as shown
T able 10.1 D etails of O verhauling W ork

Item Contents
* Check electrical characteristics of brake
Inspection * Check of individual parts * Check operating function of brake
* Measure insulation resistance
Parts to be * Dry Metal, Seal Cover, Lead
replaced Wire, Rubber bushing and other parts defective
* Disassembly * Cleaning * Replace Dry Metal
* Apply grease : Pin, Interior of dry metal, Interior of cushion
Work spring, Cross head and contacting area between
cross head and rolling washer
(Picture refer to 4.1)
* Check electrical characteristics of brakes
Final Inspection
* Check operating function of brakes

11. O ccurrence of trouble and remedy

• In case of an abnormal symptom occurring on the surface of brake drum(Forming Heat
Spots, Thermal Cracks, etc), check for determining the possible cause of problems
and take corrective action following the procedures described in Clause 11 (Possible
cause of problems occurring and their remedies).

In case of the problem occurring with the direct electronic brakes, find out the cause of the
deficiencies right away and take necessary corrective action.

T able 11. 1 C ause and treatment of occurring troubles (1)
Troubles Cause Checking Points Troubleshooting

Connection badness or disconnect of lead line Check by tester(in terminal box) Please amend badness place

Check through lead line whether check along lead line Please exchange by electron coil.
Electron coil is disconnected
whether electron coil is passed (refer Article 9.5)

* There is resist value of electron coil in table 7.1(29

* Check supply voltage if is multiplied
* Are you not using time more than proper form ?
* Is there put together for electromagnetic contactor
point of frugality resistor or mechanical badness ?
* Is setup time of relay suitable electron time of
Please take away finding burnout
frugality resistor ?
Electron coiling is burn cause of electron coil and exchange
AN 132 ~ AN 200 : 0.5s
by electron coil of spares
AN 225 ~ AN 150 : 0.7s
Even if electron AN 280 ~ AN 527 : 1.0s

coiling is
magnetized, brake
is not opened

Check position of indicator or wind-age of lining and Control stroke

Stroke of electromagnet is big.
brake drum. (refer Article 9.1)

Please control length of braking

Braking spring is strong. Measure length of braking spring
spring(refer Article 6.4)

Movement part of pin shoe has rust or stuck by Remove brake and release stroke control nut and Please unplug pin and clean
burnt checks motion of each link by hand moving part of shoe

Check by tester if terminal voltage of electron coil is Please supply power with normal
Letdown of supply power voltage
not away by 85% low of the rated voltage voltage

Check by tester if terminal voltage of electron coil is

Letdown of supply power voltage Please supply by normal voltage
not away by 85% low of the rated voltage

* There is resist value of electron coil in table 7.1

* Check supply voltage if is not multiplied
* Are not you using more than time, proper form ?
* Is there put together for electromagnetic contactor
point of frugality resistor or mechanical badness ?
* Is setup time relay suitable electron time of frugality
Please take away finding burnout
resistor ?
There occurs Electronic coil has burnt cause of electron coil and exchange
AN 132 ~ AN 200 : 0.5s
singularity braking by electron coil of spares
AN 225 ~ AN 150 : 0.7s
while electric motor
AN 280 ~ AN 527 : 1.0s

Please set proper value of electron

time relay.
Setup time badness for electron time relay of
Check set-up time of electron time relay AN 132 ~ AN 200 : 0.5s
frugality resistor
AN 225 ~ AN 150 : 0.7s
AN 280 ~ AN 527 : 1.0s

Check position of indicator or wind-age between lining Control stroke

Stroke of electromagnet is big
and brake drum (refer Article 9.1)
When act, sounds
loudly than previous
Replace damper cover
Damper cover may be damaged Confirm opening seal cover
(refer Article 9.4)

T able 11. 1 C ause and treatment of occurring troubles (2)

Troubles Cause Checking Points Troubleshooting

Check position of indicator or wind-age of Control stroke

Stroke of electromagnet is big
lining and brake drum (refer Article 9.1)

Control braking torque

Brake spring is strong Measure length of braking spring
(refer Article 6.4)

Movement part of pin shoe has rust Remove brake and release stroke control nut Please unplug pin and clean
or stuck by burnt and checks motion of each link by hand moving part of shoe

Opening action of brake is late. Check by tester if terminal voltage of

Please supply power with normal
Letdown of supply power voltage electron coil is not away by 85% low of the
rated voltage
There is abnormality in surrounding Make normal circuit
Check circuit composition
circuit of electronic coil (refer 27 page or Pic. 7.1)

Is resisting value of discharge Please exchange proper

Check resist value showing in nameplate
resistor suitable ? discharge resistor

Movement part of pin shoe has Remove brake and release stroke control Please unplug pin and clean
rust or stuck by burnt nut and checks motion of each link by hand moving part of shoe
Braking action of brake is late
Resisting value of discharge resistor Please exchange proper discharge
Check resist value showing in nameplate
is not suitable resistor

Movement part of pin shoe has rust Release stroke control nut and check motion of Please unplug pin and clean moving
or stuck by burnt each link by hand part os shoe

Contact surface of brake drum and

Check contact surface of brake drum and shoe Clean contact surface of shoe
shoe has rust or stuck by burnt

Please fix hardly by lock nut until

Manual opening bolt is contacted on forehead of manual opening bolt
Check manual opening bolt
armature entering inside manual opening
device(refer Picture 5.8(b) page 19)
Time(Braking time of brake) to stop is
long or braking torque is low. Parallelism of lining and brake drum Refer establishment order in page
Check parallelism of lining and brake drum
is error (7) 18 and control parallelism.

Abnormal heat genertaed in brake

Check assembling state of lining and shoe Exchange lining
drum and lining is changing

Capacity of brake is low Examine capacity of brake Please contact to us

Breathing hole for air was blocked Confirm opening cover Remove things to breath air

Measure terminal voltage of revolution speed by

Working and loading condition of measuring instrument when braking, and confirm Please use on condition that fits
brake are exceeding whether consisted condition is same with brake feeding quality of brake.
selection time.
Surface temperature of brake is high
in abnormal. When electric brake is using jointly,
(In occassion of surface temperature Check electric braking circuit.
electric brake becomes by abnormal Examine motor circuit.

of drum is over 160 ) situations
Examine braking capacity.

Stroke is low, and while drives, Check touching status of lining and brake drum Adjust brake
lining and brake drum are touching while drives. (refer Article 6)

T able 11. 1 C ause and treatment of occurring troubles (3)

Troubles Cause Checking Points Troubleshooting

Time, consist of use state more than Please drive on condition that fits
Check consist of use state whether is as nameplate
proper form feeding quality of brake

Temperature of electron coil is

high in abnormal Please do proper value of setup of

(in case of surface electron time relay.

Badness for setup time of electron time
temperature rising of yoke in Check setup time of electron time relay AN 132 ~ AN 200 : 0.5s
relay of frugality resistor
proper form is over about AN 225 ~ AN 150 : 0.7s

40 ℃) AN 280 ~ AN 527 : 1.0s

Ambient temperature is high in

if need to raise insulting classes of
abnormal Measure ambient temperature
(more than 40 ℃) electron coil, please contact to us

Abnormal heat generated in brake Exchange lining

Check assebbling state of liningand shoe
drum and lining is changing (refer Article 9.2)

Measure terminal voltage of revolution speed by

Working and loading condition of brake measuring instrument when braking, and confirm Please use on condition that fits
are exceeding whether consisted condition is same with brake feeding quality of brake
selection time.
Lining becomes abnormal
abrasion Check electric braking circuit.
When electric brake is using jointly, Measure terminal voltage of revolution speed by
electric brake becomes by abnormal measuring instrument when braking, and confirm Examine electric braking circuit
situations whether consisted condition is same with brake
selection time

Stroke is low, and while drives, lining Check touching status of lining and brake drum Adjust brake
and brake drum are touching while drives (refer Article 6)

There are flame, smoke, etc

Stroke is low, and while drives, lining Check touching status of lining and brake drum Adjust brake
between brake drum and lining
and brake drum are touching while drives (refer Article 6)
while driving

Abnormal heat generated in brake Exchange lining

Check assembling state of lining and shoe
drum and lining is changing (refer Article 9.2)

Measure terminal voltage of revolution speed by

Working and loading condition of brake measuring instrument when braking, and confirm Please use on condition that fits
There are violent flame,
are exceeding whether consisted condition is same with brake feeding quality of brake
smoke, etc between brake
selection time
drum and lining when braking
Check electric braking circuit.
When electric brake is using jointly, Measure terminal voltage of revolution speed by
electric brake becomes by abnormal measuring instrument when braking, and confirm Examine electric braking circuit.
situations whether consisted condition is same with brake
selection time

Badness of material harmony between

Surface of brake drum Exchange lining or brake drum with
lining and brake drum, material of Check material of lining or brake drum
becomes abrasion proper material
brake drum is unsuitable

Material of lining is not suitable Check material of lining Exchange lining with soft material

There are occurring hit spots Circumferential speed of brake drum is

When operation, check surrounding Set main speed under 30m/sec
on surface of brake drum fast

Electric brake that check driving points if it is using Please drive using electric brake
Approved energy of brake drum is big
electric brake effectively when use jointly effectively

T able 11. 1 C ause and treatment of occurring troubles (4)

Troubles Cause Checking Points Troubleshooting 리

Check by tester if terminal voltage of electron
Letdown of supply power
coil is not away by 85% low of the rated Supply normal power voltage
*There is resist value of electron coil in table
*Check supply voltage if is multiplied
*Are you not using time more than proper form
*Is there put together for electromagnetic
contactor point of frugality resistor or
mechanical badness ?
*Is setup time of relay suitable electron time of Please take away finding burnout
Electronic coil has burnt frugality resistor ? cause of electron coil and exchange
While driving
electric motor, AN 132 ~ AN 200 : 0.5s by electron coil of spares.
singularity AN 225 ~ AN 150 : 0.7s
There are occurring hit spots braking is AN 280 ~ AN 527 : 1.0s
on surface of brake occurring

Do setting value of electronic time

Setup time for electron time relay to be proper.
relay of frugality resistor is Check setup time of electronic time relay AN 132 ~ AN 200 : 0.5s
low AN 225 ~ AN 150 : 0.7s
AN 280 ~ AN 527 : 1.0s

Stroke is low, and lining and brake drum is Check contiguousness of lining and brake drum Adjust brake
touching while driving. while drive. (refer Article 6)

Unsuitable material of lining Check material of lining Exchange lining with soft material.

When use jointly electric brake, check driving

Operate using effectively for electric
Approved energy for brake drum is high points whether electric brake is using

Check by tester if terminal voltage of electron

Letdown of supply power
coil is not away by 85% low of the rated Supply power voltage in normal
*There is resist value of electron coil in table
*Check supply voltage if is multiflied
*Are you not using time more than proper form
*Is there put together for electronmagnetic
There are occurring thermal
contactor point of frugality resistor or mechanicl
crack on surface of brake
badness ?
Singularity *Is setup time of relay suitable electron time of Take away the burnt reason of
braking is Electronic coil has burnt frugality resistor ? electronic coil and exchange
occurring while AN 132 ~ AN 200 : 0.5s electronic coil of spare
driving electric AN 225 ~ AN 150 : 0.7s
motor AN 280 ~ AN 527 : 1.0s

Set electronic time relay as proper

Setup time for electron time value
relay of frugality resistor is Check setting time of electronic time relay AN 132 ~ AN 200 : 0.5s
bad. AN 225 ~ AN 150 : 0.7s
AN 280 ~ AN 527 : 1.0s


• Do not change the built-in lining material. Use good quality lining material of our firm.
Normal operation may not be possible and injury can be caused.

If you want to purchase for spare parts, please contact to us at anytime.

Spare parts for DC Magnetic Brake is prepared as shown below.

12. S pare P arts

Parts List
Lining(Table refer to 12.1)
Electron Coil
Seal Cover
Binding Wire
Rubber Bush

T able 12.1 D imension(mm) of lining

Table 12.1


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