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Group Statement

GST Reg no. 10-787-882

Southern Cross Medical Care Society

Level 1, Te Kupenga
155 Fanshawe Street, Auckland 1010
Mark Donaldson - CONFIDENTIAL Private Bag 99934, Newmarket, Auckland 1149
New Zealand Community Trust - Monthly
PO Box 10857
The Terrace
Wellington 6143

Statement date 31 December 2021

Group code NCX0006MSF

Please pay $6,307.57

Date Reference Type Debit Credit Balance
Opening balance $5,905.60
18/12/2021 132530140 ADJ $152.75 $6,058.35

18/12/2021 132609769 INV $5,732.06 $11,790.41

30/12/2021 109226499 Cash Trsf $5,482.84 $6,307.57

Please pay $6,307.57

For billing enquiries call our Premium and Policy Services team on 0800 888 079 or email

Extra information
If you would like to make payment by direct credit, our bank account details are:
Southern Cross Medical Care Society
12 3110 0014108 04
Please ensure the payee particulars field (details which appear on our statement) has your group code. Please continue to
provide remittance advice details with your payment, you can email this to or
upload to Work Scheme Gateway.
If you have sorted this out already, thank you and please disregard this notice.

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