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Int. J. Fuzzy Syst.

(2017) 19(3):751–775
DOI 10.1007/s40815-016-0183-z

Fuzzy Climate Decision Support Systems for Tomatoes in High

Shaista Habib1 • Muhammad Akram2 • Ather Ashraf1

Received: 7 September 2015 / Revised: 16 March 2016 / Accepted: 17 March 2016 / Published online: 20 April 2016
 Taiwan Fuzzy Systems Association and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2016

Abstract This paper presents a novel climate decision results in MATLAB. Our generated results are very much
support system for tomatoes in high tunnels using fuzzy precise and satisfied the desired range of outputs.
logic and adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system. Three
climate decision support systems are developed for high Keywords High tunnel  Fuzzy logic  Adaptive neuro-
tunnels using fuzzy logic. First climate decision support fuzzy inference system (ANFIS)  Air quality index  Time
system takes five inputs—temperature, relative humidity, complexity of algorithm  Particle swarm optimization
solar radiations, wind velocity, and weather condition— (PSO)
and controls four outputs—tunnel’s temperature, tunnel’s
humidity, fan speed, and shading. Second climate decision Mathematics Subject Classification 94D05
support system takes three inputs—temperature, solar
radiations, and weather condition—and controls artificial
sunlight. Third climate decision support system takes air 1 Introduction
quality index and controls air purification. We develop and
implement the two main algorithms for climate control Vegetables are essential for a healthy diet. Due to lack of
systems, one algorithm is for fuzzy logic climate decision advancement in production technology for vegetables, their
support system, and other one is for neuro-fuzzy climate yield is not adequate. Further, a limited amount of veg-
control system. We compute time complexity of both etables can be stored in cold storage infrastructure.
algorithms. We use software MATLAB for showing Greenhouse or high tunnels are needed to grow veg-
average error between calculated and targeted outputs. We etable in unfavorable weather conditions. Climate control
also perform optimization of fuzzy membership functions inside high tunnels is a well-known problem which poses a
using particle swarm optimization method and evaluate its challenge to vegetable growth. Environmental conditions
inside high tunnels should be automated in order not only
to facilitate vegetable production but also to reduce human
effort. One of the best techniques is fuzzy logic control
& Muhammad Akram systems for this purpose, because fuzzy control systems are capable of making human akin decisions and control real-
Shaista Habib time applications. The notion of fuzzy sets was introduced by Zadeh [1] as a method of representing uncertainty and
Ather Ashraf vagueness. Since then, the theory of fuzzy sets has become a vigorous area of research in different disciplines,
1 including medical and life sciences, management sciences,
Punjab University College of Information Technology,
University of the Punjab, Old Campus, Lahore 54000, social sciences, engineering, statistics, graph theory, arti-
Pakistan ficial intelligence, signal processing, multiagent systems,
Department of Mathematics, University of the Punjab, New pattern recognition, robotics, computer networks, expert
Campus, Lahore, Pakistan systems, decision making, and automate theory [2]. There

752 International Journal of Fuzzy Systems, Vol. 19, No. 3, June 2017

are many extensions of fuzzy set theory including type-II Ashraf et al. [17] used fuzzy controller to develop the
fuzzy and intuitionistic fuzzy set theory. Type-II fuzzy set spatial surfaces which explain the use of fertilizer in the
theory is applicable when boundaries of membership spatial domain. Later, they [18] enhanced their work by
functions cannot not be clearly defined, whereas intu- using type-II fuzzy controller to remove the uncertainty in
itionistic fuzzy set theory can be used when fuzziness in defining the membership function. In 2014, Akram et al.
some degree of non-membership is found. This paper uses [19] have shown the use of intuitionistic fuzzy digraphs in
fuzzy set theory as a problem-solving technique intelligent system. They have shown few systems where
Several fuzzy models have been proposed in literature they have successfully used it.
(see [3–25]). In 2007, Sriraman and Mayorga [7] auto- Environmental condition of greenhouse depends upon
mated climate of greenhouse using fuzzy logic program- several major factors. In literature, many fuzzy and neuro-
ming, and monitored thermal system, humidification fuzzy control systems for greenhouse climate control,
system, shading system, and CO2 generation system. In which takes into account a few parameters and controls few
2007, Candido et al. [8] introduced an embedded real-time parameters. Also, mostly papers are taken small range of
control system for managing climate of poly tunnel units. input and output memberships. For example, if input
This controller takes into account temperature, humidity, membership function is in error between desired and
wind velocity, and rainfall. Java was used for implemen- observed input and it ranges from -20 to ?20, then in case
tation. In 2009, Javadikia et al. [9] proposed two green- of tomatoes, the optimal temperature range should be
house climate control systems. One control system was 27–29 C. If the external temperature is 50 C, the error
fuzzy logic controller, and the other was on/off controller. exceeds form 20. Such factors have not yet been handled.
This system takes set point from users and controlled Each vegetable needs its own optimal climate conditions.
actuator model. The inputs of greenhouse climate control Therefore, it is very challenging to make generic fuzzy
systems were temperature, humidity, and light intensity, climate system that suit all vegetables in all regions of the
and controls were heater, fan, cooler, and spray. In 2011, world, because each region has its own environmental
Dhamakale and Patil [10] implemented micro-controller conditions, and fuzzy rules need to be changed dynamically
for climate control in greenhouse using fuzzy logic depending upon the type of vegetable. Air quality is
approach. The inputs of this micro-controller were tem- another factor that can affect crop production. If the air
perature and humidity, and output was exhaust fan. In quality index (AQI) value is high, it means the pollutant’s
2011, Chen et al. [11] proposed a model-free coordination concentration in air is high. AQI shows the concentration
control approach for greenhouse environmental factors of ozone, PM2:5 ; PM10 ; CO, and SO2 in air. These factors
based on Q-learning. The coordination control policy found greatly affect vegetables. Their adverse effects are dis-
through systematic interaction with the dynamic environ- cussed in [26]. In order to render the air quality feasible for
ment for achieving optimal control of greenhouse climate crop production, an air purifier is required. This factor was
with the control cost constraints. The inputs of the pro- missing in previous fuzzy climate control systems.
posed system were temperature, moisture, CO2, and light, This paper targets all these issues and controls all main
and controls were fan, sodium lamp, spray, sunshade net, factors of climate that can directly affects tomatoes.
ventilation window, and CO2. In 2012, Feki [12] proposed Tomato is a warm-weather vegetable and cannot grow
thermal control of a greenhouse by varying ventilation rate during winters without provision of a controlled climate.
using fuzzy parallel distribution compensation with a RST Our control systems take six inputs and six outputs. Inputs
regulation in each rule and controls greenhouse tempera- are temperature, relative humidity, solar radiations, wind
ture. In 2013, Guerbaoui [13] presented implementation of velocity, weather condition, and AQI, and outputs are
a fuzzy logic-based controls placed to regulate climate tunnel’s temperature, humidity, fan speed, shading, air
parameters of greenhouse using LabView software. The purifier, and artificial sun light. The proposed system is the
inputs for this controller were rain, temperature, and most suited for South Asia in relation to growth of
humidity, and controls were heating fan, opening, pump, tomatoes.
and solenoid. In 2015, Azaza et al. [14] proposed fuzzy Our paper is divided into the following sections: In Sect.
decoupling control of greenhouse climate. This paper 2, we present comprehensive review of elementary con-
described the decoupling effect of temperature and cepts. In Sect. 3, we propose model of fuzzy climate
humidity. This controller was based on a validating control system. In Sect. 4, we describe design and working
greenhouse physical model which was based on evaluating of fuzzy climate control system. In Sect. 5, we discuss
the correlation of both parameters. In 2014, Habib and neuro-fuzzy climate control system. In Sect. 6, we present
Akram [16] implemented neuro-fuzzy control for heater results of our proposed system. Finally, Sect. 7 is on con-
fans using two different neuro-fuzzy models. In 2014, clusions and future research directions.

S. Habib et al.: Fuzzy Climate Decision Support Systems for Tomatoes in High Tunnels 753

2 Preliminaries (i) Min operation rule of fuzzy implication [Mam-

dani]. It interprets the fuzzy implication as the
This section presents a review of some elementary con- minimum operation:
cepts whose understanding is essential for this paper. Z
R¼AB¼ lA ðxÞ ^ lB ðyÞ=ðx; yÞ:
Definition 1 [1]: A fuzzy set A, defines over universe X, XY
is a function defined as follows: (ii) Product operation rule of fuzzy implication [Lar-
A : X ! U; sen]. It implements the implication by the product
x ! lx ; operation:
where x 2 X; U ¼ ½0; 1 is a unit interval and lx 2 U is the R¼AB¼ lA ðxÞ:lB ðyÞ=ðx; yÞ:
membership grade of element x in the fuzzy set A.
Definition 2 [27] Fuzzy logic is an approach to com-
puting based on ‘‘degrees of truth’’ rather than the usual • Each vegetable needs a specific environmental condi-
‘‘true or false’’ (1 or 0) boolean logic on which the modern tion at which it can give maximum quality oriented
computer is based. production. These climate conditions vary from veg-
etable to vegetable. Table 1 shows optimal temperature
Definition 3 [27] An fuzzy number is a fuzzy set which
for different vegetables [28, 29].
complies with the following conditions:
• Air quality also affects on vegetables. According to
(i) a fuzzy subset of the real line, [30], the AQI should be less than 100. The total range
(ii) normal, that is, there is some x0 2 R such that of AQI is 0–500, and each sub range is represented by
lðx0 Þ ¼ 1; different colors including green, yellow, orange, red,
(iii) convex for the membership function lðxÞ; that is, purple, and maroon. An air purifier needs to be used
lðmx1 þ ð1  mÞx2 Þ  minðlðx1 Þ; for every x1 ; x2 when the AQI reaches levels higher than these values.
2 R; m 2 ½0; 1: AQI is based on ozone, PM2:5 ; PM10 ; CO, and SO2.
We can calculate the AQI by pollutant concentration of
Definition 4 [27] A triangular fuzzy number is repre- data as follows [30]:
sented by three points A ¼ ða1 ; a2 ; a3 Þ; and the membership IHi  ILo
function is given by Ip ¼ ðCp  BPLo Þ þ ILo ; ð1Þ
8 x  a1
> for x 2 ½a1 ; a2 ; where Ip is the index of pollutant p, Cp the rounded
< a2  a1
lA ðxÞ ¼ a 3  x concentration of pollutant p, BPHi the breakpoint that is
> for x 2 ½a2 ; a3 ;
: a3  a2 greater than or equal to Cp ; BPLo the breakpoint that is
0 otherwise: less than or equal to Cp ; IHi the AQI value corre-
Definition 5 [27]: A trapezoidal fuzzy number is repre- sponding to BPHi , and ILo is the AQI value corre-
sented by four points A ¼ ða1 ; a2 ; a3 ; a4 Þ; and its mem- sponding to BPLo :
bership function is given by • Table 2 shows the desire values of outputs for tomatoes
8 x  a1 [28–31].
> for x 2 ½a1 ; a2 ; • Table 3 shows the measuring units of inputs and
< a2  a1
1 for x 2 ½a2 ; a3 ; outputs and their ranges.
lA ðxÞ ¼ a4  x
> for x 2 ½a3 ; a4 ;
: a4  a3 Table 1 Optimal temperature for vegetables
0 otherwise:
S. no. Vegetables Temperature (C)
Definition 6 [27] A fuzzy rule is of the form
1 Cucumber 18–24
R : If x is A; then y is B or R: A ! B;
2 Capsicum 21–24
where A and B are linguistic values defined by fuzzy sets 3 Tomatoes 21–29
on universe of discourse X and Y, respectively. The rule is 4 Sweet pepper 21–24
also called a ‘‘fuzzy implication.’’ There are two well- 5 Bitter gourds 21–29
known fuzzy implication functions:

754 International Journal of Fuzzy Systems, Vol. 19, No. 3, June 2017

Table 2 Optimal climate Variable Unit Range

condition for tomatoes
Temperature C 27–29 daytime and 17–22 nighttime
Relative humidity % 70–90 daytime and 65–75 nighttime
Solar radiations kWh/m2 per day 5.5–7.2
Air quality index lg/m3 0–100

Table 3 Measuring unit and range of each variable [30, 32–34] negative sign just shows that how much relative
humidity should be reduced. A humidifier can be used
Variable Unit Range
to increase humidity, and a dehumidifier can be used to
Temperature C -25 to 53 the extent to which relative humidity should be
Humidity % 0–100 reduced. Conversely, if the relative humidity is less
Solar radiations kWh/m2 per day 2–9 than the desired range, a humidifier should be activated
Wind velocity km/h 0–80 to maintain the humidity range. But, if the humidity is
Weather condition None 0–12 within desired values than open some percentage of
Air quality index lg/m3 0–500 shades and deactivates this part of first control system,
Fan speed % 0–100 it will save energy of the control system. The third
Shading % 0–100 output variable of our first fuzzy climate controller is
Air purifier lg/m3 0–300 fan speed. This control system part will be activated
Artificial sun light kWh/m2 per day 0–9 when humidity or temperature is excessive or if the
ventilation is inadequate. The fourth output of first
fuzzy climate control system is shading. The percent-
age/level of shade that needs to be employed depends
on several factors. The first factor is related to the
3 Block Diagram of Fuzzy Climate Control positive value of temperature but does not exceed
System acceptable levels; in other words, it is not too hot. The
second factor is related to humidity: humidity lies
There are three climate control systems for high tunnels: within the prescribed limit. However, the shades need
1. The first fuzzy climate control system takes five inputs: to be completely closed if the temperature drops too
temperature, relative humidity, solar radiations, wind much or gets excessively high or other weather
velocity and weather condition, and controls take four conditions are not favorable. In such situations, the
output variables: tunnel’s temperature, tunnel’s humid- shades need to be completely closed so that the heater
ity, fan speed and shading. The tunnel’s temperature is or conditioning system can be activated; consequently,
the first output of first fuzzy climate control system maximum energy will be consumed. On the other
which needs to be controlled in order to get quality hand, if the shades are opened by even a small
oriented tomato yield. In such a situation, the internal percentage, then the heating or conditioning system
tunnel’s temperature can be adjusted by either using a will work for a longer time which will ultimately result
heater if the temperature is below 27 C or using a in energy wastage.
cooling system if the temperature is above 29 C. If the 2. The second control system is based on temperature,
external temperature is within 27–29 C, then no need solar radiation, and weather conditions in order to
to switch on this part of control system. The heating or control artificial sunlight. The fifth output variable is
cooling system only needs to be activated if the artificial sun light. Sun light is very important for the
temperature exceeds or drops down from the desired process of photosynthesis. We can use bulbs to
range, i.e., 27–29 C. The second output of first fuzzy artificially provide sun light if the weather conditions
climate control system is the tunnel’s humidity. The are not favorable. There are several fluorescent bulbs
relative humidity should be within 70–90 %. If it which are available in the market for this purpose.
exceeds the desired range, then the relative humidity 3. The third control system relies on the AQI and controls
needs to be reduced, which is represented by a negative the air purifier.
sign; however, humidity cannot be negative. The A block diagram of the system is shown in Fig. 1.

S. Habib et al.: Fuzzy Climate Decision Support Systems for Tomatoes in High Tunnels 755

Fuzzy Climate Control System for Tomatoes in High Tunnel

Fuzzy Climate Control System 1

Tunnel’s Tempearture
Rule Base

Tunnel’s Humidity
Inference Defuzzifiers
Fan Speed

Relative Humidity


Fuzzy Climate Control System 2

Solar Radiations

Rule Base

Wind Velocity

Inference Defuzzifier Artificial Sunlight

Fuzzifiers Engine
Weather Condition

Fuzzy Climate Control System 3

Rule Base

Inference Air Purifier

Air Quality Index Fuzzifier Defuzzifier

Fig. 1 Fuzzy climate control system for tomatoes in high tunnels

4 Simplified Design and Working of Fuzzy In order to simplify, the triangular membership function
Climate Control System has been employed. The design work uses four triangular
membership functions equally determined over a scale
There are three major units of fuzzy control system : range of -25 to 53 C for the temperature input, these are
termed cold [-25 to 0], cool [-25 to 25], warm [0–50],
1. Fuzzifier,
and hot [25–53]. There are three membership functions of
2. Inference engine, and
relative humidity: dry [0–50], medium [0–100], and humid
3. Defuzzifier.

756 International Journal of Fuzzy Systems, Vol. 19, No. 3, June 2017

[50–100]. For solar radiations, membership functions are low

average high

low [2–5.5], medium [2–9], and high [5.5–9]. The mem-

bership functions of wind velocity are low [0–50], medium 0.8

Degree of membership
[0–100], and high [50–100]. For weather condition, mem- 0.6
bership functions are snow [0–3], rainy [0–6], cloudy
[3–9], and sunny [6–12]. The membership functions of
AQI are green [0–100], yellow [0–200], orange [100–300], 0.2

red [200–400], purple [300–500], and maroon [400–500].

The outputs are defined through first-order Sugeno method. 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Wind velocity
The membership plots for inputs are shown in Figs. 2, 3, 4,
5, 6, and 7. Fig. 5 Membership functions plot for wind velocity

4.1 Fuzzification

A fuzzification is a process of converting crisp input values 1

snow rainy cloudy sunny

into fuzzy values. Each input variable passes through the


Degree of membership
1 0.6
cold cool warm
0.8 0.4
Degree of membership

0.6 0.2

0.4 0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Weather condition

Fig. 6 Membership functions plot for weather condition
−20 −10 0 10 20 30 40 50

Fig. 2 Membership functions plot for temperature

green yellow orange red purple maroon

1 0.8
dry humid
Degree of membership

0.8 0.6
Degree of membership

0.6 0.4

0.4 0.2

0.2 0
0 100 200 300 400 500
Air Quality Index (AQI)
0 20 40 60 80 100
Humidity Fig. 7 Membership functions plot for AQI

Fig. 3 Membership functions plot for relative humidity

fuzzifier, which determines the degree of membership
low average
according to the input values. The membership functions
for temperature are defined as follows:
0.8 8
Degree of membership

<0  x
; if x 2 ½25; 0;
coldðxÞ ¼ 25
0; otherwise:
> x  0
0.2 >
> ; if x 2 ½0; 25;
< 25
0 warmðxÞ ¼ 50  x
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 >
> ; if x 2 ½25; 50;
Solar Radiations > 25
0; otherwise:
Fig. 4 Membership functions plot for solar radiations

S. Habib et al.: Fuzzy Climate Decision Support Systems for Tomatoes in High Tunnels 757

8 8
> x þ 25 <3  x
> ; if x 2 ½25; 0; ; if x 2 ½0; 3;
< 25 snowðxÞ ¼ 3
coolðxÞ ¼ 25  x 0; otherwise:
> ; if x 2 ½0; 25; 8
> 25
> > x3
: >
> ; if x 2 ½3; 6;
0; otherwise: >
< 3
< x  25 cloudyðxÞ ¼ 9  x
; if x 2 ½25; 53; >
> ; if x 2 ½6; 9;
hotðxÞ ¼ 28 >
: : 3
0; otherwise: 0; otherwise:
> x0
The membership functions for relative humidity are >
> ; if x 2 ½0; 3;
8 < 3
< 50  x rainyðxÞ ¼ 6  x
; if x 2 ½0; 50; >
> ; if x 2 ½3; 6;
dryðxÞ ¼ >
50 : 3
0; otherwise: 0; otherwise:
8 8
< x  50 >
> x6
; if x 2 ½50; 100; >
> ; if x 2 ½6; 9;
humidðxÞ ¼ 50 < 3
: sunnyðxÞ ¼ 12  x
0; otherwise: > ; if x 2 ½9; 12;
8 >
> x0
if x 2 ½0; 50; : 3
> ; 0; otherwise:
< 50
mediumðxÞ ¼ 100  x The membership functions for AQI are
> ; if x 2 ½50; 100;
> 8
: 50
< 100  x
0; otherwise: ; if x 2 ½0; 100;
greenðxÞ ¼ 100
The membership functions for solar radiations are :
0; otherwise:
8 8
> x  100
< 5:5  x >
> ; if x 2 ½100; 200;
; if x 2 ½2; 5:5; < 100
lowðxÞ ¼ 3:5
: orangeðxÞ ¼ 300  x
0; otherwise: > ; if x 2 ½200; 300;
8 >
< x  5:5 : 100
; if x 2 ½5:5; 9; 0; otherwise:
highðxÞ ¼ 3:5 8
: >
> x0
0; otherwise: >
> ; if x 2 ½0; 100;
8 < 100
> x2 yellowðxÞ ¼ 200  x
> ; if x 2 ½2; 5:5; > ; if x 2 ½100; 200;
< 3:5 >
averageðxÞ ¼ 9  x : 100
> ; if x 2 ½5:5; 9; 0; otherwise:
> 8
: 3:5
> >
> x  200
0; otherwise: >
> ; if x 2 ½200; 300;
< 100
The membership functions for wind velocity are redðxÞ ¼ 400  x
> ; if x 2 ½300; 400;
8 : 100
< 40  x 0; otherwise:
; if x 2 ½0; 40; 8
lowðxÞ ¼ 40 x  300
: >
> ; if x 2 ½300; 400;
0; otherwise: >
8 < 100
< x  40 purpleðxÞ ¼ 500  x
; if x 2 ½40; 80; >
> ; if x 2 ½400; 500;
highðxÞ ¼ 40 > 100
: :
0; otherwise: 0; otherwise:
8 8
> x0 < x  400
> ; if x 2 ½0; 40; ; if x 2 ½400; 500;
< 40 maroonðxÞ ¼ 100
averageðxÞ ¼ 80  x 0; otherwise:
> ; if x 2 ½40; 80;
: 40
We now consider an example of first control system. Let
0; otherwise:
inputs values be 39, 35, 6.5, 44, 9.5, and 190 for temper-
The membership functions for weather condition are ature, relative humidity, solar radiations, wind velocity,

758 International Journal of Fuzzy Systems, Vol. 19, No. 3, June 2017

weather condition, and AQI, respectively. When these k cloudyÞTHENðtunnel0 stemperature ¼ hot;humidity
input values pass through the fuzzifier, the following lin- ¼ medium;fanspeed ¼ off ; shading ¼ closeÞ:
guistic values are obtained: 3: IFðtemperature ¼ cold; relativehumidity ¼ humid;
solarradiation ¼ low k average; windvelocity ¼ low
temperatureð39Þ ¼ fcold; cool; warm; hotg
  k average k high; weathercondition ¼ snow k rainy
50  39 39  25 k cloudyÞTHENðtunnel0 stemperature ¼ hot;
¼ 0; 0; ;
25 28 humidity ¼ dry; fanspeed ¼ low; shading ¼ closeÞ:
¼ f0; 0; 0:44; 0:50g; 4: IFðtemperature ¼ cool; relativehumidity ¼ dry;
relativehumidityð35Þ ¼ fdry; medium; humidg solarradiation ¼ low k average k high; windvelocity
  ¼ low k average k high; weathercondition ¼ snow k
50  35 35  0
¼ ; ;0 rainyÞTHENðtunnel0 stemperature ¼ warm;
50 50
humidity ¼ humid; fanspeed ¼ off ; shading ¼ closeÞ:
¼ f0:30; 0:70; 0g; 5: IFðtemperature ¼ cool; relativehumidity ¼ dry;
solarradiationsð6:5Þ ¼ flow; average; highg solarradiation ¼ low k average; windvelocity ¼ low
9  6:5 6:5  5:5 k average k high; weathercondition ¼ cloudyÞ
¼ 0; ; THENðtunnel0 stemperature ¼ warm; humidity ¼
3:5 3:5
humid; fanspeed ¼ off ; shading ¼ smallÞ:
¼ f0; 0:71; 0:29g;
6: IFðtemperature ¼ cool; relativehumidity ¼ dry;
windvelocityð44Þ ¼ flow; average; highg
  solarradiation ¼ low k average k high; windvelocity
80  44 44  40 ¼ low k average k high; weathercondition ¼ cloudy
¼ 0; ;
40 40 k sunnyÞTHENðtunnel0 stemperature ¼ warm;
¼ f0; 0:90; 0:05g; humidity ¼ humid; fanspeed ¼ off ; shading ¼
weatherconditionð9:5Þ ¼ fsnow; rainy; cloudy; sunnyg mediumÞ:
  7: IFðtemperature ¼ cool; relativehumidity ¼ dry;
12  9:5
¼ 0; 0; 0; solarradiation ¼ high; windvelocity ¼ low k
3 average k high; weathercondition ¼ sunnyÞTHEN
¼ f0; 0; 0; 0:83g; ðtunnel0 stemperature ¼ warm; humidity ¼ humid;
AQIð190Þ ¼ fgreen; yellow; orange; red; purple; maroong fanspeed ¼ off ; shading ¼ fullÞ:
  8: IFðtemperature ¼ cool; relativehumidity ¼ medium;
200  190 190  100
¼ 0; ; ; 0; 0; 0 solarradiation ¼ low k average k high;
100 100
windvelocity ¼ low k average k high;
¼ f0; 0:10; 0:90; 0; 0; 0g:
weathercondition ¼ snow k rainyÞTHEN
ðtunnel0 stemperature ¼ warm; humidity ¼ medium;
fanspeed ¼ off ; shading ¼ closeÞ:
4.2 Rules for First Fuzzy Climate Control System
9: IFðtemperature ¼ cool; relativehumidity ¼ medium;
solarradiation ¼ low k average; windvelocity ¼ low
A fuzzy logic rule is defined as conditional statement in IF-
k average k high; weathercondition ¼ cloudyÞ
THEN form. There are total 432 rules in our first fuzzy
THENðtunnel0 stemperature ¼ warm; humidity ¼
control system. There are 351 feasible rules out of 432. For
medium; fanspeed ¼ off ; shading ¼ smallÞ:
instance, if the weather condition is snow, then solar
10: IFðtemperature ¼ cool; relativehumidity ¼ medium;
radiation cannot be high. We now write these feasible rules
solarradiation ¼ low k average k high; windvelocity
in comprehensive form as follows:
¼ low k average k high; weathercondition ¼ sunny
1: IFðtemperature ¼ cold; relativehumidity ¼ dry; k cloudyÞTHENðtunnel0 stemperature ¼ warm;
solarradiation ¼ low k average; windvelocity ¼ low humidity ¼ medium; fanspeed ¼ off ; shading ¼
k average k high; weathercondition ¼ snow k rainy mediumÞ:
k cloudyÞTHENðtunnel0 stemperature ¼ hot; 11: IFðtemperature ¼ cool; relativehumidity ¼ medium;
humidity ¼ humid; fanspeed ¼ off ; shading ¼ closeÞ: solarradiation ¼ high; windvelocity ¼ low k
2: IFðtemperature ¼ cold; relativehumidity ¼ medium; average k high; weathercondition ¼ sunnyÞTHEN
solarradiation ¼ low k average; windvelocity ¼ low ðtunnel0 stemperature ¼ warm; humidity ¼ medium;
k average k high; weathercondition ¼ snow k rainy fanspeed ¼ off ; shading ¼ fullÞ:

S. Habib et al.: Fuzzy Climate Decision Support Systems for Tomatoes in High Tunnels 759

12: IFðtemperature ¼ cool; relativehumidity ¼ humid; 22: IFðtemperature ¼ warm;relativehumidity ¼ medium;

solarradiation ¼ low k average k high; windvelocity solarradiation ¼ low k average k high;windvelocity ¼
¼ low k average k high; weathercondition ¼ snow k low k average k high;weathercondition ¼ sunnyÞ
rainyÞTHENðtunnel0 stemperature ¼ warm; THENðtunnel0 stemperature ¼ cool;humidity ¼
humidity ¼ dry; fanspeed ¼ low; shading ¼ closeÞ: medium;fanspeed ¼ medium;shading ¼ mediumÞ:
13: IFðtemperature ¼ cool; relativehumidity ¼ humid; 23: IFðtemperature ¼ warm;relativehumidity ¼ medium;
solarradiation ¼ low k average; windvelocity ¼ low solarradiation ¼ high;windvelocity ¼ low k average k
k average k high; weathercondition ¼ cloudyÞ high;weathercondition ¼ sunnyÞTHEN
THENðtunnel0 stemperature ¼ warm; humidity ¼ ðtunnel0 stemperature ¼ cool;humidity ¼ medium;
dry; fanspeed ¼ low; shading ¼ smallÞ: fanspeed ¼ small;shading ¼ mediumÞ:
14: IFðtemperature ¼ cool; relativehumidity ¼ humid; 24: IFðtemperature ¼ warm; relativehumidity ¼ humid;
solarradiation ¼ low k average k high; windvelocity solarradiation ¼ low k average k high; windvelocity
¼ low k average k high; weathercondition ¼ sunny ¼ low k average k high; weathercondition ¼ snow k
k cloudyÞTHENðtunnel0 stemperature ¼ warm; rainyÞTHENðtunnel0 stemperature ¼ cool;
humidity ¼ dry; fanspeed ¼ low; shading ¼ mediumÞ: humidity ¼ dry; fanspeed ¼ medium; shading ¼
15: IFðtemperature ¼ cool; relativehumidity ¼ humid; closeÞ:
solarradiation ¼ high; windvelocity ¼ low k 25: IFðtemperature ¼ warm; relativehumidity ¼ humid;
average k high; weathercondition ¼ sunnyÞTHEN solarradiation ¼ low k average k high;
ðtunnel0 stemperature ¼ warm; humidity ¼ dry; windvelocity ¼ low k average k high;
fanspeed ¼ low; shading ¼ fullÞ weathercondition ¼ snow k rainyÞTHEN
16: IFðtemperature ¼ warm; relativehumidity ¼ dry; ðtunnel0 stemperature ¼ cool; humidity ¼ dry;
solarradiation ¼ low k average k high; windvelocity fanspeed ¼ medium; shading ¼ closeÞ:
¼ low k average k high; weathercondition ¼ snow k 26: IFðtemperature ¼ warm; relativehumidity ¼ humid;
rainyÞTHENðtunnel0 stemperature ¼ cool; humidity solarradiation ¼ low k average; windvelocity ¼ low
¼ humid; fanspeed ¼ medium; shading ¼ closeÞ: k average k high; weathercondition ¼ cloudyÞ
17: IFðtemperature ¼ warm; relativehumidity ¼ dry; THENðtunnel0 stemperature ¼ cool; humidity ¼ dry;
solarradiation ¼ low k average; windvelocity ¼ low fanspeed ¼ medium; shading ¼ fullÞ:
k average k high; weathercondition ¼ cloudyÞ 27: IFðtemperature ¼ warm; relativehumidity ¼ humid;
THENðtunnel0 stemperature ¼ cool; humidity ¼ solarradiation ¼ low k average k high; windvelocity
humid; fanspeed ¼ medium; shading ¼ fullÞ: ¼ low k average k high; weathercondition ¼ sunnyÞ
18: IFðtemperature ¼ warm; relativehumidity ¼ dry; THENðtunnel0 stemperature ¼ cool; humidity ¼ dry;
solarradiation ¼ low k average k high; windvelocity fanspeed ¼ medium; shading ¼ mediumÞ:
¼ low k average k high; weathercondition ¼ sunnyÞ 28: IFðtemperature ¼ warm; relativehumidity ¼ humid;
THENðtunnel0 stemperature ¼ cool; humidity ¼ solarradiation ¼ high; windvelocity ¼ low k
humid; fanspeed ¼ medium; shading ¼ mediumÞ: average k high; weathercondition ¼ sunnyÞTHEN
19: IFðtemperature ¼ warm; relativehumidity ¼ dry; ðtunnel0 stemperature ¼ cool; humidity ¼ dry;
solarradiation ¼ high; windvelocity ¼ low k fanspeed ¼ medium; shading ¼ smallÞ:
average k high; weathercondition ¼ sunnyÞTHEN 29: IFðtemperature ¼ hot; relativehumidity ¼ dry;
ðtunnel0 stemperature ¼ cool; humidity ¼ humid; solarradiation ¼ low k average k high;
fanspeed ¼ medium; shading ¼ smallÞ: windvelocity ¼ low k average k high;
20: IFðtemperature ¼ warm;relativehumidity ¼ medium; weathercondition ¼ sunny k rainyÞTHEN
solarradiation ¼ low k average k high;windvelocity ¼ ðtunnel0 stemperature ¼ cold; humidity ¼ humid;
low k average k high;weathercondition ¼ snow k fanspeed ¼ high; shading ¼ closeÞ:
rainyÞTHENðtunnel0 stemperature ¼ cool;humidity ¼ 30: IFðtemperature ¼ hot; relativehumidity ¼ dry;
medium;fanspeed ¼ medium;shading ¼ closeÞ: solarradiation ¼ low k average k high; windvelocity
21: IFðtemperature ¼ warm;relativehumidity ¼ medium; ¼ low k average k high; weathercondition ¼
solarradiation ¼ low k average k high;windvelocity ¼ cloudyÞTHENðtunnel0 stemperature ¼ cold;
low k average k high;weathercondition ¼ snow k humidity ¼ humid; fanspeed ¼ high; shading ¼
rainyÞTHENðtunnel0 stemperature ¼ cool;humidity ¼ smallÞ:
medium;fanspeed ¼ medium;shading ¼ closeÞ:

760 International Journal of Fuzzy Systems, Vol. 19, No. 3, June 2017

31: IFðtemperature ¼ hot; relativehumidity ¼ medium; 4.3 Rules for Second Fuzzy Climate Control System
solarradiation ¼ low k average k high;
windvelocity ¼ low k average k high; There are total 48 rules of the second fuzzy climate control
weathercondition ¼ sunny k rainyÞTHEN system. We present these rules in comprehensive form as
ðtunnel0 stemperature ¼ cold; humidity ¼ medium; follows:
fanspeed ¼ high; shading ¼ closeÞ:
32: IFðtemperature ¼ hot; relativehumidity ¼ medium; 1: IFðtemperature ¼ cold k cool; solarradiation ¼ low k
solarradiation ¼ low k average k high; average k high; weathercondition ¼ snow k rainy k
windvelocity ¼ low k average k high; cloudyÞTHENðartificialsunlight ¼ highÞ:
weathercondition ¼ cloudyÞTHEN 2: IFðtemperature ¼ cool k warm; solarradiation ¼ low
ðtunnel0 stemperature ¼ cold; humidity ¼ medium; k average k high; weathercondition ¼ snow k rainy k
fanspeed ¼ high; shading ¼ smallÞ: cloudyÞTHENðartificialsunlight ¼ averageÞ:
33: IFðtemperature ¼ hot; relativehumidity ¼ high; 3: IFðtemperature ¼ warm k hot; solarradiation ¼ low k
solarradiation ¼ low k average k high; average k high; weathercondition ¼ rainy k cloudyÞ
windvelocity ¼ low k average k high; THENðartificialsunlight ¼ smallÞ:
weathercondition ¼ sunny k rainyÞTHEN 4: IFðtemperature ¼ cool k warm k hot; solarradiation
ðtunnel0 stemperature ¼ cold; humidity ¼ dry; ¼ low k average k high; weathercondition ¼ cloudy k
fanspeed ¼ high; shading ¼ closeÞ: sunnyÞTHENðartificialsunlight ¼ zeroÞ:
34: IFðtemperature ¼ hot; relativehumidity ¼ high; By routine computations, we obtain the following output
solarradiation ¼ low k average k high; values of inference engine:
windvelocity ¼ low k average k high; R32 ¼ 0:44 ^ 0:71 ^ 0:83 ¼ 0:44;
weathercondition ¼ cloudyÞTHEN
R36 ¼ 0:44 ^ 0:29 ^ 0:83 ¼ 0:29;
ðtunnel0 stemperature ¼ cold; humidity ¼ dry;
fanspeed ¼ high; shading ¼ smallÞ: R44 ¼ 0:50 ^ 0:71 ^ 0:83 ¼ 0:50;
The notation k stands for ‘OR.’ By routine computations, R48 ¼ 0:50 ^ 0:29 ^ 0:83 ¼ 0:29:
we obtain the following outputs of inference engine:
4.4 Rules for Third Fuzzy Climate Control System
R236 ¼ 0:44 ^ 0:30 ^ 0:71 ^ 0:90 ^ 0:83 ¼ 0:30;
The rules for the third fuzzy climate control system are as
R240 ¼ 0:44 ^ 0:30 ^ 0:71 ^ 0:05 ^ 0:83 ¼ 0:05; follows:
R248 ¼ 0:44 ^ 0:30 ^ 0:29 ^ 0:90 ^ 0:83 ¼ 0:29;
1: IFðAQI ¼ greenÞTHENðairpurification ¼ zeroÞ:
R252 ¼ 0:44 ^ 0:30 ^ 0:29 ^ 0:05 ^ 0:83 ¼ 0:05; 2: IFðAQI ¼ yellowÞTHENðairpurification ¼ smallÞ:
R272 ¼ 0:44 ^ 0:70 ^ 0:71 ^ 0:90 ^ 0:83 ¼ 0:44; 3: IFðAQI ¼ orangeÞTHENðairpurification ¼ mediumÞ:
R276 ¼ 0:44 ^ 0:70 ^ 0:71 ^ 0:05 ^ 0:83 ¼ 0:05; 4: IFðAQI¼redÞTHENðairpurification¼abovemediumÞ:
R284 ¼ 0:44 ^ 0:70 ^ 0:29 ^ 0:90 ^ 0:83 ¼ 0:29; 5: IFðAQI ¼ purpleÞTHENðairpurification ¼ fullÞ:
6: IFðAQI ¼ maroonÞTHENðairpurification ¼ fullÞ:
R288 ¼ 0:44 ^ 0:70 ^ 0:29 ^ 0:05 ^ 0:83 ¼ 0:05;
R344 ¼ 0:50 ^ 0:30 ^ 0:71 ^ 0:90 ^ 0:83 ¼ 0:30; Rule 2 and rule 3 will be fired in our example. Thus, rule 2
and rule 3 give firing strengths of 0.1 and 0.9, respectively.
R348 ¼ 0:50 ^ 0:30 ^ 0:71 ^ 0:05 ^ 0:83 ¼ 0:05;
R356 ¼ 0:50 ^ 0:30 ^ 0:29 ^ 0:90 ^ 0:83 ¼ 0:29; 4.5 Defuzzification
R360 ¼ 0:50 ^ 0:30 ^ 0:29 ^ 0:05 ^ 0:83 ¼ 0:05;
R380 ¼ 0:50 ^ 0:70 ^ 0:71 ^ 0:90 ^ 0:83 ¼ 0:50; A defuzzification is a method that converts fuzzy values
into crisp values [35]. We applied the first-order Sugeno
R384 ¼ 0:50 ^ 0:70 ^ 0:71 ^ 0:05 ^ 0:83 ¼ 0:05;
defuzzification method [36], which gives the constant value
R392 ¼ 0:50 ^ 0:70 ^ 0:29 ^ 0:90 ^ 0:83 ¼ 0:29; of each output membership function as shown in Table 4.
R396 ¼ 0:50 ^ 0:70 ^ 0:29 ^ 0:05 ^ 0:83 ¼ 0:05: Thus, the output values after defuzzification are

S. Habib et al.: Fuzzy Climate Decision Support Systems for Tomatoes in High Tunnels 761

Table 4 Output membership Output variable Membership function Constant value

functions and constant values
Tunnel’s temperature cold, cool, warm hot -25, 0, 29, 53
Tunnel’s humidity dry, medium, humid -20, 30, 80
Fan speed off, low medium, high 0, 25, 50, 75
Shading close, small, medium, full 0, 25, 75, 100
Artificial sunlight zero, small, average, high 0, 2.5, 4.5, 6.5
Air purifier zero, small, medium, above medium, full 0, 25, 50, 75, 100

Tunnel’s temp ¼ 12:3; Tunnel’s humidity ¼ 45;

4.6 Algorithm 1 for Three Fuzzy Climate Control
Fan speed ¼ 63:3; Shading ¼ 28:4;
Artificial sunlight ¼ 0; Air purifier ¼ 48:
It is easy to see that our results are very much precise and The algorithm for proposed fuzzy climate controllers is the
lie in the desired range. following:
Algorithm A: First fuzzy climate controller

(01). Begin
(02). FIS:=Create fuzzy inference system
(03). temperature, relative humidity, solar radiations, wind velocity,weather condition:=Read each sensor
(04). temp[i]=Fuzzification(temperature)
(05). relative humidity[i]=Fuzzification(relative humidity)
(06). solar[i]=Fuzzification(solar radiations)
(07). wind[i]=Fuzzification(wind velocity)
(08). weather[i]=Fuzzification(weather condition)
(09). S[i], R[i],ruleSum=InferenceEngine(temp[i],relative humidity[i],solar[i],wind[i],weather[i])
(10). tunnelTemp,tunnelHum,fanspeed,shading=Defuzzification(S[i],R[i],ruleSum)
(11). End

Algorithm B: Second fuzzy climate controller

(12). Begin
(13). FIS:=Create fuzzy inference system
(14). temperature, solar radiations, weather condition:=Read each sensor
(15). temp[i]=Fuzzification(temperature)
(16). solar[i]=Fuzzification(solar radiations)
(17). weather[i]=Fuzzification(weather condition)
(18). S[i], R[i], ruleSum=InferenceEngine(temp[i], solar[i],weather[i])
(19). artificial sunlight=Defuzzification(S[i],R[i],ruleSum)
(20). End

762 International Journal of Fuzzy Systems, Vol. 19, No. 3, June 2017

Algorithm C: Third fuzzy climate controller algorithm takes ð1Þ time. In line (ii), FOR loop takes
(21). Begin ðrÞ time, where ‘r’ is the total number of output mem-
(22). FIS:=Create fuzzy inference system bership functions. Line (iii) takes ðr  1Þ time. Lines
(23). air quality index:=Read each sensor (iv)–(vi) take ð1Þ: Therefore, the net time complexity of
(24). aqi[i]=Fuzzification(air quality index)
defuzzification algorithm is ðrÞ time. Lines 1–3 of
(25). S[i], R[i], ruleSum=InferenceEngine(aqi[i])
Algorithm (A) take ð1Þ time. Lines 4–8 take ðmÞ time.
(26). air purifier=Defuzzification(S[i],R[i],ruleSum)
(27). End
Line 9 takes ðnÞ time. Line 10 takes ðrÞ time. Line 11
takes ð1Þ time. The running time of Algorithm (A) is
Fuzzifiaction ðm þ n þ rÞ: Lines 12–14 of Algorithm (B) take ð1Þ:
Line 15–17 take ðmÞ time. Line 18 takes ðnÞ time.
(i). Begin
(ii). for(i=1 to no. of membership functions)
Line 19 takes ðrÞ time. Line 20 takes ð1Þ time. The
(iii). input[i]=degree of membership of ith membership function
running time of Algorithm (B) is ðm þ n þ rÞ: Lines 21–
(iv). end for 23 of Algorithm (C) take ð1Þ time. Line 24 takes ðmÞ
(v). End time. Line 25 takes ðnÞ time. Line 26 takes ðrÞ time.
Line 27 takes ð1Þ time. The running time of Algorithm
Inference Engine
(C) is ðm þ n þ rÞ: Hence, the running time of Algo-
(i). Begin rithm 1 is ðm þ n þ rÞ:
(ii). for(i=1 to no. of rules)
(iii). R[i]=take min of degree of membership of inputs
(iv). if(R[i] not equal to 0) 5 Climate Control System Using ANFIS
(v). S[i]=determine output membership value
(vi). ruleSum= ruleSum+R[i] A neuro-fuzzy system is a fuzzy system that uses a learning
(vii). end if
algorithm derived from or inspired by neural network
(viii). end for
theory to determine its parameters (fuzzy sets and fuzzy
(ix). End
rules) by processing data samples [37]. There are several
Defuzzification neuro-fuzzy models which have been proposed by
researchers [38–41]. Many control systems have been
(i). Begin
developed using neuro-fuzzy models [42, 43]. In this sec-
(ii). for(i=1 to S.length)
(iii). sum=R[i]*S[i]+sum
tion, we apply ANFIS model for controlling climate within
(iv). end for tunnels. The block diagram of our system based on ANFIS
(v). output=sum/ruleSum is shown in Fig. 8, and general structure of ANFIS model is
(vi). End shown in Fig. 9.
There are five layers in ANFIS. We explain the working
of each layer with a numerical example.
4.7 Running Time of Algorithm 1 Layer 1 In layer 1, each node is equal to a fuzzy set, and
output of a node in the respective fuzzy set is equal to
Section 4.6 shows steps for the estimation of the running the input variable membership grade. We consider the
time (i.e., complexity) of the Algorithm 1 of our fuzzy same input values as the fuzzy control system, and the
climate control systems. In order to calculate the running first layer output is given as follows:
time of Algorithm 1, we divide it into further three algo-
rithms: Algorithm (A), Algorithm (B), and Algorithm (C). O11 ¼ 0:00; O110 ¼ 0:29;
Line (i) of fuzzification in algorithm takes constant time. In O12 ¼ 0:00; O111 ¼ 0:00;
line (ii), FOR loop takes ðmÞ time, where ‘m’ is the total O13 ¼ 0:44; O112 ¼ 0:90;
number of input membership functions. Line (iii) takes
O14 ¼ 0:50; O13 ¼ 0:05;
ðm  1Þ time. Lines (iv)–(v) take ð1Þ time. Therefore,
running time of the fuzzification in the algorithm is ðmÞ: O15 ¼ 0:30; O114 ¼ 0:00;
Line (i) of inference engine in algorithm takes ð1Þ time. O16 ¼ 0:70; O115 ¼ 0:00;
In line (ii), FOR loop takes ðnÞ time, where ‘n’ is the
O17 ¼ 0:00; O116 ¼ 0:00;
total number of rules. Lines (iii)–(vii) take ðn  1Þ time.
Lines (viii)–(ix) take ð1Þ: Therefore, running time of O18 ¼ 0:00; O117 ¼ 0:83:
inference process is ðnÞ: Line (i) of defuzzification in O19 ¼ 0:71;

S. Habib et al.: Fuzzy Climate Decision Support Systems for Tomatoes in High Tunnels 763

Layer 1 Layer 2 Layer 3

ANFIS 1 Tunnel’s Temperature

External Temperature

ANFIS 2 Tunnel’s Humidity

External Humidity

Solar Radiations ANFIS 3 Fan Speed

Wind Velocity
ANFIS 4 Shading

Weather Condition
Air Purifier
Air Quality Index

ANFIS 6 Artificial Sun Light

Fig. 8 Block diagram of climate control system based on ANFIS

Layer 1 Layer 2 Layer 3 Layer 4 Layer 5


Input 1

N f1
A2 Output


Prod N f2

Input 2


Fig. 9 General ANFIS structure

Layer 2 In layer 2, firing strength of each rule is where node number i ¼ 1; 2; 3; . . .; and lAi ðxÞ is the
calculated using the following mathematical expression: degree of belonging of x in Ai fuzzy set, and lBi ðyÞ is the
degree of belonging of y in fuzzy set of Bi : The outputs
O2i ¼ xi ¼ lAi ðxÞ:lBi ðyÞ; ð2Þ
of the triggered rules are given as follows:

764 International Journal of Fuzzy Systems, Vol. 19, No. 3, June 2017

O2236 ¼ 0:44 ^ 0:30 ^ 0:71 ^ 0:90 ^ 0:83 ¼ 0:30; Layer 5 Layer 5 sums up all of the values coming from
previous layer using mathematical expression:
O2240 ¼ 0:44 ^ 0:30 ^ 0:71 ^ 0:05 ^ 0:83 ¼ 0:05;
O2248 ¼ 0:44 ^ 0:30 ^ 0:29 ^ 0:90 ^ 0:83 ¼ 0:29; O51 ¼ R xni fi : ð5Þ
O2252 ¼ 0:44 ^ 0:30 ^ 0:29 ^ 0:05 ^ 0:83 ¼ 0:05;
In short, the first layer of ANFIS model performs
O2272 ¼ 0:44 ^ 0:70 ^ 0:71 ^ 0:90 ^ 0:83 ¼ 0:44; fuzzification, the second layer performs fuzzy rules, the
O2276 ¼ 0:44 ^ 0:70 ^ 0:71 ^ 0:05 ^ 0:83 ¼ 0:05; third layer normalizes rules strengths, the fourth layer
O2284 ¼ 0:44 ^ 0:70 ^ 0:29 ^ 0:90 ^ 0:83 ¼ 0:29; performs defuzzification, and the fifth layer adds up all
incoming signals to give the final output. After forward
O2288 ¼ 0:44 ^ 0:70 ^ 0:29 ^ 0:05 ^ 0:83 ¼ 0:05; pass, we calculate error. In order to reduce this error, we
O2344 ¼ 0:50 ^ 0:30 ^ 0:71 ^ 0:90 ^ 0:83 ¼ 0:30; use back-propagation with gradient, and local parame-
O2348 ¼ 0:50 ^ 0:30 ^ 0:71 ^ 0:05 ^ 0:83 ¼ 0:05; ters are updated by the method of gradient decent [43].
The instantaneous gradient descent training rule updates
O2356 ¼ 0:50 ^ 0:30 ^ 0:29 ^ 0:90 ^ 0:83 ¼ 0:29;
the parameters. For the neuro-fuzzy system to an alone
O2360 ¼ 0:50 ^ 0:30 ^ 0:29 ^ 0:05 ^ 0:83 ¼ 0:05; output y, we have
O2380 ¼ 0:50 ^ 0:70 ^ 0:71 ^ 0:90 ^ 0:83 ¼ 0:50; h oE
aij ðt þ 1Þ ¼ aij ðtÞ  ; ð6Þ
O2384 ¼ 0:50 ^ 0:70 ^ 0:71 ^ 0:05 ^ 0:83 ¼ 0:05; p oaij
O2392 ¼ 0:50 ^ 0:70 ^ 0:29 ^ 0:90 ^ 0:83 ¼ 0:29; where h is the training rate of ai and p is number of data
O2396 ¼ 0:50 ^ 0:70 ^ 0:29 ^ 0:05 ^ 0:83 ¼ 0:05: of x (or yd ).
The following procedure is employed to update param-
Layer 3 Layer 3 normalizes firing strength of each rule eters of input membership functions [43, 44].
using mathematical expression:
oE oE oy oyi owi og
¼ ; ð7Þ
xi oai oy oyi owi og oai
O3i ¼ xni ¼ ; ð3Þ
Rni¼1 xi 1
E ¼ ðy  ydÞ ; ð8Þ
where i ¼ 1; 2; 3; . . . 2

O3236 ¼ 0:096774194; O3348 ¼ 0:016129032; dij ¼ aij ðt þ 1Þ  E: ð9Þ

O3240 ¼ 0:016129032; O3356 ¼ 0:093548387; In our example, the final tunnel’s temperature output is
O3248 ¼ 0:093548387; O3360 ¼ 0:016129032; 13:2979: But, our desired range is 12 to -10. We
now need to adjust weights, and back-propagate error to
O3252 ¼ 0:016129032; O3380 ¼ 0:161290323;
get output within desired range. dij is error of ith node on
O3272 ¼ 0:141935484; O3384 ¼ 0:016129032; jth layer. Assume that, learning rate is 0.9. There are a
O3276 ¼ 0:016129032; O3392 ¼ 0:093548387; total of 78 data points in temperature, when back-prop-
O3284 ¼ 0:093548387; O3396 ¼ 0:016129032: agating divide output with 78 to keep weights in 0–1
range. From layer 5 to layer 4, we obtain the following
O3288 ¼ 0:016129032; error:
O3344 ¼ 0:096774194;
E ¼ 0:5ð0:153846154 þ 0:170485543Þ
Layer 4 Layer 4 performs defuzzification using Sugeno ¼ 0:008319694:
[36]: For tunnel’s temperature, the updated weights are
O41 ¼ 0:170485543  0:9  0:008319694 ¼ 0:162997818;
O4i ¼ xni fi ¼ xni ðpi x þ qi x þ ri Þ; ð4Þ
O42 ¼ 0  0:9  0:008319694 ¼ 0:007487725:
where i ¼ 1; 2; . . . Thus, the output of layer 4 is d41 ¼ 0:008319694  0:162997818 ¼ 0:001356092;
O41 ¼ 0; O42 ¼ 13:2979; O43 ¼ 0; O44 ¼ 0: d42 ¼ 0:008319694  0:007487725 ¼ 6:22956E05:

S. Habib et al.: Fuzzy Climate Decision Support Systems for Tomatoes in High Tunnels 765

Table 5 Training dataset

Temperature Relative Solar Wind Weather AQI Tunnel’s Tunnel’s Fan Shading Air Artificial sun
humidity rad. vel. condition temp. humidity speed purifier light

53 0 9 0 9 150 -25 13 0 0 100 0

50 10 8 10 9 150 -22 80 0 0 100 0
48 20 7 20 12 180 -20 85 0 10 130 0
38 30 7 30 11 170 -10 70 0 15 120 0
34 40 4 40 3 190 -6 75 0 20 140 2.5
29 50 4 50 2 210 -1 32 0 25 160 2.5
23 60 6 60 10 205 5 35 0 30 155 0
18 70 5 70 9 200 10 36 0 40 150 1
13 80 5 80 8 160 15 22 0 50 110 1
11 90 4 90 6 170 17 20 0 60 120 2.5
6 100 3 100 4 180 22 26 0 50 130 2.5
0 100 3 100 3 190 28 80 50 40 140 3.5
-4 75 3 25 2 200 32 80 60 30 150 3.5
-12 70 3 30 5 190 40 20 70 20 140 3.5
-14 85 2 30 5 180 42 54 80 10 130 4.5
-17 80 2 10 1 170 45 55 90 0 120 4.5
-25 95 0 2 0 170 53 57 100 0 120 6.5

From layer 4 to layer 2, updated weights are d21 ¼ 0:440056066  6:22956E05 ¼ 2:74135E05;
O2236 ¼ 0:3  0:9  6:22956E05 ¼ 0:300056066: d22 ¼ 0:498779517  0:001356092 ¼ 0:000676391:
From layer 2 to layer 1, updated weights are
O2240 ¼ 0:050056066; O2276 ¼ 0:050056066;
O13 ¼ 0:440024672; O110 ¼ 0:289391248;
O2248 ¼ 0:290056066; O2284 ¼ 0:290056066;
O14 ¼ 0:499391248; O112 ¼ 0:900024672;
O2252 ¼ 0:050056066; O2288 ¼ 0:050056066:
O15 ¼ 0:300024672; O13 ¼ 0:049391248;
O2272 ¼ 0:440056066:
O16 ¼ 0:699391248; O117 ¼ 0:82941592:
Now, O19 ¼ 0:710024672:
O2344 ¼ 0:3  0:9  0:001356092 ¼ 0:298779517:
If the forward pass is again executed, the obtained
Similarly, temperature for the tunnel would be 13:28993999: In
the specified example, the third iteration gives resultant
O2348 ¼ 0:048779517; O2384 ¼ 0:048779517;
tunnel’s temperature 13:28206012; and further error
O2356 ¼ 0:288779517; O2392 ¼ 0:288779517; reduction is not possible. Some training data are pre-
O2360 ¼ 0:048779517; O2396 ¼ 0:048779517: sented in Table 5, and the ANFIS model is generated
O2380 ¼ 0:498779517: from it and uses different parameter optimization
methods, i.e., back-propagation, hybrid learning, and
According to the first 8 rules, tunnel’s temperature PSO to optimize fuzzy membership functions. PSO
should be cool, and according to the last 8 rules, tem- method is based on population-based search algorithms,
perature should be cold. We take maximum out of first 8 which updates the population of individuals by applying
rules and then multiply it with its error. Similarly, we some kind of operators according to fitness information
take maximum out of last 8 rules and then multiply it obtained from environment so that the individuals of the
with its error: population can be expected to move toward better

766 International Journal of Fuzzy Systems, Vol. 19, No. 3, June 2017

Table 6 Average error for fuzzy climate control systems

Input vector Calculated output Difference

(temperature, rel. (tunnel’s jdesired  outputj

humidity, solar temperature, rel.
radiations, wind humidity, solar
velocity, weather radiations)
(51, 3, 8, 0, 11.5) (-25, 77, 0) (1, 0, 0.8)
(49, 12, 7.5, 12, 11) (-23.9, 68, 0) (1.9, 0, 0.3)
(46, 18, 7.25, 19, 10.5) (-20.6, 62, 0) (1.6, 0, 0.05)
(41, 25, 7, 28, 10) (-15.3, 55, 0) (1.3, 0, 0)
(39, 35, 6.5, 44, 9.5) (-13.3, 45, 0) (1.3, 0, 0)
(26, 47, 6, 49, 9) (-0.897, 33, 0) (1.897, 0, 0)
(22, 60, 5.5, 58, 10) (3.48, 20, 0) (1.52, 0, 0)
(16, 73, 5, 72, 4) (10.4, 7, 2.16) (1.4, 0, 0)
(12, 89, 5, 83, 4) (15.1, -9, 2.45) (0, 0, 0.25)
(11, 91, 4, 97, 7) (16.2, -11, 1.11) (0, 0, 0.39)
Fig. 10 Flow chart of the PSO algorithm
(5, 100, 3, 100, 4) (23.2, -20, 2.97) (0, 0, 0)
(0, 100, 3, 85, 3) (29, -20, 4.5) (0, 0, 0)
solution areas [45]. Figure 10 represents the complete (-5, 77, 3, 26, 3) (33.8, 3, 4.5) (0, 0, 0)
procedure of PSO method. (-11, 69, 3, 26, 2) (39.6, 11, 4.5) (0, 0, 0)
(-15, 88, 2, 21, 2) (43.4, -8,4.5) (0, 0, 0)
(-18, 86, 2, 10, 1) (46.3, -6, 4.5) (0, 0, 0)
(-24, 100, 2, 2, 0) (52, -20, 4.5) (0, 0, 0)
5.1 Algorithm 2 for Neuro-Fuzzy Climate Control
Average error (0.70, 0, 0.11)

ANFIS:=Create adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system
do // for each training sample
for( i=1 to number of inputs)
inputi [i]=Fuzzification(input i)
end for
R[i], S[i]=InferenceEngine(input1 [1],...,input n[i])
N[i], S[i]=Normalization(R[i], S[i])
output=sum of all defuzzified values
compute error=desired-output // backward pass
compute δwi,j for all weights from output to hidden layers, and update its weights
compute δwi,j for all weights from first hidden layer to input layer, and update its weights
until all training samples classified correctly or maximum error reduced

5.2 Running Time of Algorithm 2

where ‘p’ is the total number of training samples. In line 4,
Section 5.2 shows steps for the estimation of the running FOR loop takes ðpqÞ time, where ‘q’ is the total number
time (i.e., complexity) of Algorithm 2 for neuro-fuzzy of inputs. Line 5 takes ðpqmÞ time. Line 6 takes ðpÞ
climate control systems. Lines 1–2 in Algorithm 2 take time. Lines 7–8 take ðpnÞ time. Line 9 takes ðprÞ time.
ð1Þ time. In line 3, DO UNTIL loop takes ðpÞ time, Lines 10–11 take ðpÞ time. The running time of lines 12–

S. Habib et al.: Fuzzy Climate Decision Support Systems for Tomatoes in High Tunnels 767

13 depend upon the type of learning algorithm. Line 14

takesðpÞ: Line 15 takes ð1Þ time. Therefore, the run-
ning time of forward pass in Algorithm 2 is
ðpðqm þ n þ rÞÞ:

6 Experimental Results

The control system is based on a real-time data acquisition,

calculation of climate control, and controlling outputs.
Experiments are given to prove the performance of pro-
posed climate control systems and calculate average error
against some testing dataset. Table 5 shows some testing
Fig. 13 Difference between calculated and desired solar radiations
data. Table 6 shows the average error between MATLAB
generated and desired values for fuzzy climate control
Figures 11, 12, and 13 show the benchmarks of tunnel’s
temperature, relative humidity, and solar radiations. Table 7 shows average error between MATLAB gen-
erated and desired values for neuro-fuzzy climate control
systems. Table 7 shows the average error of temperature,
humidity, and solar radiations using different FIS tech-
niques, i.e., grid partitioning and sub. clustering. In this
table, the first column represents inputs, and the second,
forth, sixth, and eighth columns represent results obtained
from grid partitioning and back-propagation learning (B.P),
grid partitioning and hybrid learning (hyb.), clustering and
back-propagation, and clustering and hybrid learning,
respectively. The third, fifth, seventh, and ninth columns
represent the difference between MATLAB generated and
desired output of tunnel’s temperature, tunnel’s humidity,
and solar radiations.
Figures 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, and
25 demonstrate the error between desired and ANFIS
Fig. 11 Difference between calculated and desired tunnel’s generated output using testing dataset. Figures 26, 27,
temperature 28, 29, 30, and 31 show the results generated using PSO

7 Conclusion and Future Work

Most of the traditional methods for formal modeling, rea-

soning, and computing are crisp and precise. But real-life
data are not always crisp, and all descriptions cannot be
always expressed or measured precisely. Zadeh proposed
new models known as fuzzy set theory and fuzzy logic,
which dealt with such type of real-life data. The genuine
necessity of such models stems from the fuzziness of the
natural phenomena. Fuzzy sets and fuzzy logic have been
applied in a wide variety of fields, including computer
Fig. 12 Difference between calculated and desired relative humidity science, medical and life sciences, management sciences,


Table 7 Average error for ANFIS based climate control systems
(Temperature, Grid partitioning, Difference Grid partitioning, Difference Sub. clustering, Difference Sub. clustering, Difference
humidity, back-propagation hybrid back-propagation hybrid
sol. rad., wind vel.,
weather cond.)

(51, 3, 8, 0, 11.5) (-24, 78.8, 0.03) (0, 0, 0.03) (-31.7, 57.2, 0.05) (7.7, 9.8, 0.05) (-24, 74.2, 0.38) (0, 0, 0.38) (-24.6, 75.3, 0.10) (0.6, 0, 0.10)
(49, 12, 7.5, 12, 11) (-21.5, 67.3, 0.033) (0, 0, 0.033) (-23.2, 59.7, 0.0539) (1.2, 0, 0.0539) (-21.9, 65.4, 0.495) (0, 0, 0.495) (-22, 65.7, 0.162) (0, 0, 0.162)
(46, 18, 7.3, 19, 10.5) (-20.3, 61.1, 0.0344) (1.3, 0, 0) (-17.3, 55.8, 0.0482) (0, 0, 0) (-19.2, 58.6, 0.707) (0.2, 0, 0.507) (-19.1, 58.6, 0.291) (0.1, 0, 0.091)
(41, 25, 7, 3, 10) (-13.3, 54.4, 0.0301) (0, 0, 0) (-10.7, 47.2, 0.0254) (2.3, 0, 0) (-14.1, 52, 0.882) (0.1, 0, 0.682) (-13.4, 52, 0.401) (0, 0, 0.201)
(39, 35, 6.5, 44, 9.5) (-4.06, 29.9, 0.108) (5.94, 0, 1.692) (-3.87, 41, 0.116) (7.13, 0, 1.684) (-8.43, 52.6, 0.982) (1.43, 0, 0.818) (-6.04, 52.9, 0.438) (3.6, 0, 1.362)
(26, 47, 6, 49, 9) (-2.6, 24.1, 0.472) (1.6, 0, 1.328) (6.41, 22.9, 0.428) (3.41, 0.1, 1.372) (1.91, 33.7, 1.03) (0, 0, 0.77) (2.89, 33.7, 0.543) (0, 0, 1.257)
(22, 60, 5.5, 58, 10) (4.78, 19.5, 0.0166) (1.78, 0, 0) (6.22, 19.5, 0.0493) (0, 0, 0) (5.43, 18.6, 0.298) (0, 0, 0) (5.14, 18.8, 0.294) (0, 0, 0)
(16, 73, 5, 72, 4) (11.4, -0.2, 3.05) (0, 0, 0.85) (11.2, 21.5, 2.71) (0, 4.5, 0.51) (10.3, 1.61, 4.21) (1.3, 0, 2.01) (12.5, 2.57, 3.91) (0, 0, 1.71)
(12, 89, 5, 83, 4) (17.4, -0.256, 3) (0.4, 0, 0.8) (16, -1.71, 2.5) (0, 0, 0.3) (13.8, -18.8, 3.41) (2.8, 0, 1.21) (14.3, -11.8, 3.95) (0.7, 0, 1.75)
(11, 91, 4, 97, 7) (15, -13.8, 1.37) (1, 0, 0.43) (18.7, -16.1, 1.45) (0.7, 0, 0.35) (17.7, -7.2, 1.31) (0, 0, 0.49) (18.6, -8.99, 1.39) (0, 0, 0.41)
(5, 100, 3, 100, 4) (23.6, -20, 3) (0, 0, 0) (23.5, -20.9, 3.01) (0, 0, 0) (22.2, -20.2, 2.98) (0, 0, 0) (23.1, -19.6, 2.98) (0, 0, 0)
(0, 100, 3, 85, 3) (33.9, -12, 3) (4.9, 0, 0) (31.9, -15.4, 3) (2.9, 0, 0) (27, -20.6, 3) (0, 0, 0) (26.3, -17.1, 3) (0.7, 0, 0)
(-5, 77, 3, 26, 3) (34.2, 5.12, 3) (0.2, 0, 0) (37.2, 6.37, 3.04) (3.2, 0, 0) (35.1, 4.92, 3.05) (1.1, 0, 0) (34, 3.5, 2.96) (0, 0, 0)
(-11, 69, 3, 26, 2) (33.6, 9.76, 3.02) (4.4, 0, 0) (33.1, 6.39, 3.1) (4.9, 0, 0) (29.5, 31.1, 3.15) (8.5, 10.1, 0) (33, 16.3, 3.12) (5, 0, 0)
(-15, 88, 2, 21, 2) (37.2, -4.13, 3.91) (4.8, 0, 0) (40.1, -3.85, 3.94) (1.9, 0, 0) (40.6, 5.57, 3.9) (1.4, 3.57, 0) (43.3, -1.58, 3.72) (0, 0, 0.08)
(-18, 86, 2, 10, 1) (50.5, -1.37, 4.07) (5.5, 0, 0) (48.3, -1.6, 4.06) (1.3, 0, 0) (49, -4.06, 4.14) (2, 0, 0) (48.6, -4.13, 4.25) (1.6, 0, 0)
(-24, 100, 0, 2, 0) (53, -15, 5.86) (0, 0, 0) (56, -17.2, 5.86) (3, 0, 0) (49, -15.9, 5.76) (2, 0, 0.04) (55.1, -15.6, 5.76) (0, 0, 0.04)
Average error (1.87, 0, 0.30) Average error (2.33, 0.05, 0.25) Average error (1.23, 0.80, 0.44) Average error (0.72, 0, 0.42)
International Journal of Fuzzy Systems, Vol. 19, No. 3, June 2017
S. Habib et al.: Fuzzy Climate Decision Support Systems for Tomatoes in High Tunnels 769

Fig. 14 Error plot between testing dataset of tunnel’s temperature Fig. 17 Error plot between testing dataset of tunnel’s temperature
and ANFIS output generated using grid partition and back-propaga- and ANFIS output generated using clustering and hybrid learning
tion learning

Fig. 18 Error plot between testing dataset of tunnel’s humidity and

Fig. 15 Error plot between testing dataset of tunnel’s temperature ANFIS output generated using grid partition and back-propagation
and ANFIS output generated using grid partition and hybrid learning learning

Fig. 16 Error plot between testing dataset of tunnel’s temperature

and ANFIS output generated using clustering and back-propagation Fig. 19 Error plot between testing dataset of tunnel’s humidity and
learning ANFIS output generated using grid partition and hybrid learning

social sciences, engineering, and theoretical mathematics. decision support systems for tomatoes using artificial
We have applied the concepts of fuzzy sets and fuzzy logic intelligence techniques. We have developed and imple-
in our research article. We have presented climate control mented three climate controllers. We have designed and

770 International Journal of Fuzzy Systems, Vol. 19, No. 3, June 2017

Fig. 20 Error plot between testing dataset of tunnel’s humidity and Fig. 23 Error plot between testing dataset of artificial sunlight and
ANFIS output generated using clustering and back-propagation ANFIS output generated using clustering and back-propagation
learning learning

Fig. 21 Error plot between testing dataset of tunnel’s humidity and Fig. 24 Error plot between testing dataset of artificial sunlight and
ANFIS output generated using clustering and hybrid learning ANFIS output generated using grid portioning and hybrid learning

Fig. 22 Error plot between testing dataset of artificial sunlight and

ANFIS output generated using grid partition and back-propagation Fig. 25 Error plot between testing dataset of artificial sunlight and
learning ANFIS output generated using clustering and hybrid learning

implemented adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system for tomatoes. We plan to extend our research work to (1)
climate too. Our results are quite precise and satisfied the implement our proposed system on Field Programmable
desired range of outputs. Our developed system is appli- Gate Array (FPGA)-based microelectronics chip and (2)
cable in greenhouses and high tunnel farms for growing use other optimization method in ANFIS to reduce error.

S. Habib et al.: Fuzzy Climate Decision Support Systems for Tomatoes in High Tunnels 771

Train Data



0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Sample Index

−14 MSE = 8.6775e−030, RMSE = 2.9458e−015 Error Mean = 1.4803e−016, Error St.D. = 3.0729e−015
x 10




0 2 4 6 8 10 12 −0.5 0 0.5 1
x 10

Fig. 26 Error between training data and PSO generated outputs for temperature

Test Data



1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
Sample Index

−14 MSE = 4.3545e−029, RMSE = 6.5989e−015 Error Mean = −3.5527e−016, Error St.D. = 7.3671e−015
x 10
1.5 2




−1 0
1 2 3 4 5 −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3
x 10

Fig. 27 Error between testing data and PSO generated outputs for temperature

772 International Journal of Fuzzy Systems, Vol. 19, No. 3, June 2017

Fig. 28 Error between training data and PSO generated outputs for humidity

Test Data



1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
Sample Index

−15MSE = 1.4203e−028, RMSE = 1.1918e−014 Error Mean = 1.0214e−014, Error St.D. = 6.8655e−015
x 10
20 2




−5 0
1 2 3 4 5 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 4
x 10

Fig. 29 Error between testing data and PSO generated outputs for humidity

S. Habib et al.: Fuzzy Climate Decision Support Systems for Tomatoes in High Tunnels 773

Train Data

0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Sample Index

−12MSE = 9.0638e−024, RMSE = 3.0106e−012 Error Mean = −4.6243e−014, Error St.D. = 3.1441e−012
x 10
10 8



−5 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 −1 −0.5 0 0.5 1
x 10

Fig. 30 Error between training data and PSO generated outputs for solar radiations

Test Data

1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
Sample Index

MSE = 0.3421, RMSE = 0.5849 Error Mean = 0.17367, Error St.D. = 0.62444
1.5 1




−0.5 0
1 2 3 4 5 −2 −1 0 1 2 3

Fig. 31 Error between testing data and PSO generated outputs for solar radiations

774 International Journal of Fuzzy Systems, Vol. 19, No. 3, June 2017

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(1995) International Journals including Mathematical Reviews (USA) and
Zentralblatt MATH (Germany). He is currently supervising several
M.Phil and PhD students.
Shaista Habib received her M.Sc (IT) degree from Punjab University
College of Information Technology (PUCIT) Lahore, Pakistan in Ather Ashraf received his MSc degrees in Computer Science and
2009, and MS degree in computer science from Govt. College Geographical Information system (GIS), MPhil degree in Computer
University, Lahore, Pakistan in 2012. She is currently a PhD scholar Science, and PhD degree in Computer Science. He is currently an
at PUCIT. Her research interests include fuzzy modeling with control Assistant Professor at Punjab University College of Information
applications. Technology (PUCIT) , Lahore. He is currently supervising M. Phil
and PhD students. He has also a wide experience of handling projects
Muhammad Akram received his MSc degrees in Mathematics and in the domain of Disaster risk reduction and management, Land
Computer Science, MPhil degree in (Computational) Mathematics, record system, Agriculture, Master planning, hydrology and
and PhD degree in (Fuzzy) Mathematics. He is currently a Professor transportation.
in the Department of Mathematics at the University of the Punjab,


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