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Honorable judges and respectful audiences,

Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa baarakatuh.

Firstly, I would like to thank Allah SWT for all the blessing, and may salawat and salam
may always be given to our Prophet Muhammad SAW.
Ladies and Gentlemen. To give a little background of myself, my name is ….. and I’m currently
studying in ….th grade in Kafila International Islamic School in East Jakarta and I hope that
you’re feeling as amazing as I am right now

Good evening everyone,

I am excited to be here today to talk about something that has been a passion of
mine for as long as I can remember: baking. From the humble beginnings of making
cookies with my mother to exploring different flavors and techniques, baking has
always been a source of joy and creativity for me.

As a junior high school student who loves baking and often helps my mom make
cakes, I have always been interested in the economics of the food industry. Recently,
I had the opportunity to interview a cake maker to learn more about the art of
baking, and it was during this interview that I realized the challenges faced by home
industries due to the constant increase in the prices of cake ingredients, particularly
during special occasions such as Ramadan, Idul Fitri, and Christmas. As we all know,
traditional dishes such as ta'jil and Eid dishes are an essential part of Ramadan and
Eid celebrations. Unfortunately, the high demand for these dishes, coupled with the
limited supply of ingredients, leads to a significant price hike.

To understand the root of the problem, I did some research by scrolling a food
consultant social media account and found that there are several ways to tackle this
issue. One approach is to lower profits slightly. This means that suppliers and
vendors can reduce their profit margins to make the products more affordable for
customers. While this may not be an ideal solution for businesses, it can help to
alleviate the burden on consumers who may struggle to afford these festive treats.

Another approach is to reduce product specifications. For instance, vendors can

consider reducing the size of the product being sold or substitute some ingredients
with more affordable alternatives. While this may affect the taste and quality of the
product, it can help to bring down the cost, making it more accessible to the masses.

Replacing suppliers who provide lower prices than the previous supplier is also a
viable solution. This may require more effort and time for vendors, but it can lead to
significant cost savings, which can be passed on to customers. To have a deeper
grasp of this, few days ago, I did buy some ingredients from different shops near my
house, and found that the same ingredient may have different prices. This made me
open some online marketplaces and got the same trends.

To my opinion, these solutions are not just limited to the food industry but can be
applied to various other industries. Small changes can be made to products without
compromising too much on the quality, making them more affordable and accessible
to everyone.

As an example, I would like to share a personal story with you. My mom and I were
baking a cake for a family gathering, and we realized that we did not have enough
eggs. We had to substitute them with applesauce, which changed the texture of the
cake slightly. Although the texture was different, it still tasted great, and we received
many compliments from our guests. This shows that small changes can be made to
recipes without compromising too much on taste and quality.
As my passion for baking has grown, so has my interest in the economic aspects of
the food industry. I have come to realize that entrepreneurship plays a crucial role in
this industry, particularly for small businesses. My passion for baking has given me
the inspiration to start my own home-based baking business in the future. I believe
that with the knowledge and skills I have acquired, I can create unique and delicious
products that are affordable and accessible to everyone.

Starting a business requires more than just passion and creativity; it also requires a
solid foundation of entrepreneurship knowledge. That is why I have been researching
and learning as much as I can about the industry, from marketing strategies to
financial planning. I am determined to build a successful business that not only
provides delicious treats but also contributes positively to the community.

I am grateful for the opportunity to share my passion for baking and the economic
aspects of the food industry with you all today. I hope that my experiences and
insights have been informative and inspiring. Remember that small changes can lead
to significant impacts, and that entrepreneurship plays a vital role in the food
industry. Thank you for listening.

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